/* * libADLMIDI is a free MIDI to WAV conversion library with OPL3 emulation * * Original ADLMIDI code: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Joel Yliluoma * ADLMIDI Library API: Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Vitaly Novichkov * * Library is based on the ADLMIDI, a MIDI player for Linux and Windows with OPL3 emulation: * http://iki.fi/bisqwit/source/adlmidi.html * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "adlmidi_private.hpp" #ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER # ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MUS_SUPPORT # include "adlmidi_mus2mid.h" # endif//MUS # ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_XMI_SUPPORT # include "adlmidi_xmi2mid.h" # endif//XMI #endif //ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER uint64_t MIDIplay::ReadBEint(const void *buffer, size_t nbytes) { uint64_t result = 0; const unsigned char *data = reinterpret_cast(buffer); for(unsigned n = 0; n < nbytes; ++n) result = (result << 8) + data[n]; return result; } uint64_t MIDIplay::ReadLEint(const void *buffer, size_t nbytes) { uint64_t result = 0; const unsigned char *data = reinterpret_cast(buffer); for(unsigned n = 0; n < nbytes; ++n) result = result + static_cast(data[n] << (n * 8)); return result; } bool MIDIplay::LoadBank(const std::string &filename) { fileReader file; file.openFile(filename.c_str()); return LoadBank(file); } bool MIDIplay::LoadBank(const void *data, size_t size) { fileReader file; file.openData(data, size); return LoadBank(file); } /* WOPL-needed misc functions */ static uint16_t toUint16LE(const uint8_t *arr) { uint16_t num = arr[0]; num |= ((arr[1] << 8) & 0xFF00); return num; } static uint16_t toUint16BE(const uint8_t *arr) { uint16_t num = arr[1]; num |= ((arr[0] << 8) & 0xFF00); return num; } static int16_t toSint16BE(const uint8_t *arr) { int16_t num = *reinterpret_cast(&arr[0]); num *= 1 << 8; num |= arr[1]; return num; } static const char *wopl3_magic = "WOPL3-BANK\0"; static const uint16_t wopl_latest_version = 3; #define WOPL_INST_SIZE_V2 62 #define WOPL_INST_SIZE_V3 66 enum WOPL_InstrumentFlags { WOPL_Flags_NONE = 0, WOPL_Flag_Enable4OP = 0x01, WOPL_Flag_Pseudo4OP = 0x02 }; struct WOPL_Inst { bool fourOps; char padding[7]; struct adlinsdata adlins; struct adldata op[2]; uint16_t ms_sound_kon; uint16_t ms_sound_koff; }; static bool readInstrument(MIDIplay::fileReader &file, WOPL_Inst &ins, uint16_t &version, bool isPercussion = false) { uint8_t idata[WOPL_INST_SIZE_V3]; if(version >= 3) { if(file.read(idata, 1, WOPL_INST_SIZE_V3) != WOPL_INST_SIZE_V3) return false; } else { if(file.read(idata, 1, WOPL_INST_SIZE_V2) != WOPL_INST_SIZE_V2) return false; } //strncpy(ins.name, char_p(idata), 32); ins.op[0].finetune = (int8_t)toSint16BE(idata + 32); ins.op[1].finetune = (int8_t)toSint16BE(idata + 34); //ins.velocity_offset = int8_t(idata[36]); ins.adlins.voice2_fine_tune = 0.0; int8_t voice2_fine_tune = int8_t(idata[37]); if(voice2_fine_tune != 0) { if(voice2_fine_tune == 1) ins.adlins.voice2_fine_tune = 0.000025; else if(voice2_fine_tune == -1) ins.adlins.voice2_fine_tune = -0.000025; else ins.adlins.voice2_fine_tune = ((voice2_fine_tune * 15.625) / 1000.0); } ins.adlins.tone = isPercussion ? idata[38] : 0; uint8_t flags = idata[39]; ins.adlins.flags = (flags & WOPL_Flag_Enable4OP) && (flags & WOPL_Flag_Pseudo4OP) ? adlinsdata::Flag_Pseudo4op : 0; ins.fourOps = (flags & WOPL_Flag_Enable4OP) || (flags & WOPL_Flag_Pseudo4OP); ins.op[0].feedconn = (idata[40]); ins.op[1].feedconn = (idata[41]); for(size_t op = 0, slt = 0; op < 4; op++, slt++) { size_t off = 42 + size_t(op) * 5; // ins.setAVEKM(op, idata[off + 0]);//AVEKM // ins.setAtDec(op, idata[off + 2]);//AtDec // ins.setSusRel(op, idata[off + 3]);//SusRel // ins.setWaveForm(op, idata[off + 4]);//WaveForm // ins.setKSLL(op, idata[off + 1]);//KSLL ins.op[slt].carrier_E862 = ((static_cast(idata[off + 4]) << 24) & 0xFF000000) //WaveForm | ((static_cast(idata[off + 3]) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) //SusRel | ((static_cast(idata[off + 2]) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) //AtDec | ((static_cast(idata[off + 0]) << 0) & 0x000000FF); //AVEKM ins.op[slt].carrier_40 = idata[off + 1];//KSLL op++; off = 42 + size_t(op) * 5; ins.op[slt].modulator_E862 = ((static_cast(idata[off + 4]) << 24) & 0xFF000000) //WaveForm | ((static_cast(idata[off + 3]) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) //SusRel | ((static_cast(idata[off + 2]) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) //AtDec | ((static_cast(idata[off + 0]) << 0) & 0x000000FF); //AVEKM ins.op[slt].modulator_40 = idata[off + 1];//KSLL } if(version >= 3) { ins.ms_sound_kon = toUint16BE(idata + 62); ins.ms_sound_koff = toUint16BE(idata + 64); } else { ins.ms_sound_kon = 1000; ins.ms_sound_koff = 500; } return true; } bool MIDIplay::LoadBank(MIDIplay::fileReader &fr) { size_t fsize; ADL_UNUSED(fsize); if(!fr.isValid()) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Invalid data stream!"; return false; } char magic[32]; std::memset(magic, 0, 32); uint16_t version = 0; uint16_t count_melodic_banks = 1; uint16_t count_percusive_banks = 1; if(fr.read(magic, 1, 11) != 11) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Can't read magic number!"; return false; } if(std::strncmp(magic, wopl3_magic, 11) != 0) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Invalid magic number!"; return false; } uint8_t version_raw[2]; if(fr.read(version_raw, 1, 2) != 2) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Can't read version!"; return false; } version = toUint16LE(version_raw); if(version > wopl_latest_version) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Unsupported WOPL version!"; return false; } uint8_t head[6]; std::memset(head, 0, 6); if(fr.read(head, 1, 6) != 6) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Can't read header!"; return false; } count_melodic_banks = toUint16BE(head); count_percusive_banks = toUint16BE(head + 2); if((count_melodic_banks < 1) || (count_percusive_banks < 1)) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Too few banks in this file!"; return false; } /*UNUSED YET*/ bool default_deep_vibrato = ((head[4]>>0) & 0x01); bool default_deep_tremolo = ((head[4]>>1) & 0x01); //5'th byte reserved for Deep-Tremolo and Deep-Vibrato flags m_setup.HighTremoloMode = default_deep_tremolo; m_setup.HighVibratoMode = default_deep_vibrato; //6'th byte reserved for ADLMIDI's default volume model m_setup.VolumeModel = (int)head[5]; opl.dynamic_melodic_banks.clear(); opl.dynamic_percussion_banks.clear(); opl.setEmbeddedBank(m_setup.AdlBank); if(version >= 2)//Read bank meta-entries { for(uint16_t i = 0; i < count_melodic_banks; i++) { uint8_t bank_meta[34]; if(fr.read(bank_meta, 1, 34) != 34) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Fail to read melodic bank meta-data!"; return false; } uint16_t bank = uint16_t(bank_meta[33]) * 256 + uint16_t(bank_meta[32]); size_t offset = opl.dynamic_melodic_banks.size(); opl.dynamic_melodic_banks[bank] = offset; //strncpy(bankMeta.name, char_p(bank_meta), 32); } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < count_percusive_banks; i++) { uint8_t bank_meta[34]; if(fr.read(bank_meta, 1, 34) != 34) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Fail to read percussion bank meta-data!"; return false; } uint16_t bank = uint16_t(bank_meta[33]) * 256 + uint16_t(bank_meta[32]); size_t offset = opl.dynamic_percussion_banks.size(); opl.dynamic_percussion_banks[bank] = offset; //strncpy(bankMeta.name, char_p(bank_meta), 32); } } uint16_t total = 128 * count_melodic_banks; bool readPercussion = false; tryAgain: for(uint16_t i = 0; i < total; i++) { WOPL_Inst ins; std::memset(&ins, 0, sizeof(WOPL_Inst)); if(!readInstrument(fr, ins, version, readPercussion)) { opl.setEmbeddedBank(m_setup.AdlBank); errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Fail to read instrument!"; return false; } ins.adlins.ms_sound_kon = ins.ms_sound_kon; ins.adlins.ms_sound_koff = ins.ms_sound_koff; ins.adlins.adlno1 = static_cast(opl.dynamic_instruments.size() | opl.DynamicInstrumentTag); opl.dynamic_instruments.push_back(ins.op[0]); ins.adlins.adlno2 = ins.adlins.adlno1; if(ins.fourOps) { ins.adlins.adlno2 = static_cast(opl.dynamic_instruments.size() | opl.DynamicInstrumentTag); opl.dynamic_instruments.push_back(ins.op[1]); } opl.dynamic_metainstruments.push_back(ins.adlins); } if(!readPercussion) { total = 128 * count_percusive_banks; readPercussion = true; goto tryAgain; } opl.AdlBank = ~0u; // Use dynamic banks! //Percussion offset is count of instruments multipled to count of melodic banks opl.dynamic_percussion_offset = 128 * count_melodic_banks; applySetup(); return true; } #ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI(const std::string &filename) { fileReader file; file.openFile(filename.c_str()); if(!LoadMIDI(file)) return false; return true; } bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI(const void *data, size_t size) { fileReader file; file.openData(data, size); return LoadMIDI(file); } bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI(MIDIplay::fileReader &fr) { size_t fsize; ADL_UNUSED(fsize); //! Temp buffer for conversion AdlMIDI_CPtr cvt_buf; errorString.clear(); #ifdef DISABLE_EMBEDDED_BANKS if((opl.AdlBank != ~0u) || (opl.dynamic_metainstruments.size() < 256)) { errorStringOut = "Bank is not set! Please load any instruments bank by using of adl_openBankFile() or adl_openBankData() functions!"; return false; } #endif if(!fr.isValid()) { errorStringOut = "Invalid data stream!\n"; #ifndef _WIN32 errorStringOut += std::strerror(errno); #endif return false; } /**** Set all properties BEFORE starting of actial file reading! ****/ applySetup(); atEnd = false; loopStart = true; invalidLoop = false; bool is_GMF = false; // GMD/MUS files (ScummVM) //bool is_MUS = false; // MUS/DMX files (Doom) bool is_IMF = false; // IMF bool is_CMF = false; // Creative Music format (CMF/CTMF) bool is_RSXX = false; // RSXX, such as Cartooners const size_t HeaderSize = 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2; // 14 char HeaderBuf[HeaderSize] = ""; size_t DeltaTicks = 192, TrackCount = 1; riffskip: fsize = fr.read(HeaderBuf, 1, HeaderSize); if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "RIFF", 4) == 0) { fr.seek(6l, SEEK_CUR); goto riffskip; } if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "GMF\x1", 4) == 0) { // GMD/MUS files (ScummVM) fr.seek(7 - static_cast(HeaderSize), SEEK_CUR); is_GMF = true; } #ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MUS_SUPPORT else if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "MUS\x1A", 4) == 0) { // MUS/DMX files (Doom) fr.seek(0, SEEK_END); size_t mus_len = fr.tell(); fr.seek(0, SEEK_SET); uint8_t *mus = (uint8_t *)malloc(mus_len); if(!mus) { errorStringOut = "Out of memory!"; return false; } fr.read(mus, 1, mus_len); //Close source stream fr.close(); uint8_t *mid = NULL; uint32_t mid_len = 0; int m2mret = AdlMidi_mus2midi(mus, static_cast(mus_len), &mid, &mid_len, 0); if(mus) free(mus); if(m2mret < 0) { errorStringOut = "Invalid MUS/DMX data format!"; return false; } cvt_buf.reset(mid); //Open converted MIDI file fr.openData(mid, static_cast(mid_len)); //Re-Read header again! goto riffskip; } #endif //ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MUS_SUPPORT #ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_XMI_SUPPORT else if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "FORM", 4) == 0) { if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf + 8, "XDIR", 4) != 0) { fr.close(); errorStringOut = fr._fileName + ": Invalid format\n"; return false; } fr.seek(0, SEEK_END); size_t mus_len = fr.tell(); fr.seek(0, SEEK_SET); uint8_t *mus = (uint8_t*)malloc(mus_len); if(!mus) { errorStringOut = "Out of memory!"; return false; } fr.read(mus, 1, mus_len); //Close source stream fr.close(); uint8_t *mid = NULL; uint32_t mid_len = 0; int m2mret = AdlMidi_xmi2midi(mus, static_cast(mus_len), &mid, &mid_len, XMIDI_CONVERT_NOCONVERSION); if(mus) free(mus); if(m2mret < 0) { errorStringOut = "Invalid XMI data format!"; return false; } cvt_buf.reset(mid); //Open converted MIDI file fr.openData(mid, static_cast(mid_len)); //Re-Read header again! goto riffskip; } #endif //ADLMIDI_DISABLE_XMI_SUPPORT else if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "CTMF", 4) == 0) { opl.dynamic_instruments.clear(); opl.dynamic_metainstruments.clear(); // Creative Music Format (CMF). // When playing CTMF files, use the following commandline: // adlmidi song8.ctmf -p -v 1 1 0 // i.e. enable percussion mode, deeper vibrato, and use only 1 card. is_CMF = true; //unsigned version = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf+4, 2); uint64_t ins_start = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf + 6, 2); uint64_t mus_start = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf + 8, 2); //unsigned deltas = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf+10, 2); uint64_t ticks = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf + 12, 2); // Read title, author, remarks start offsets in file fr.read(HeaderBuf, 1, 6); //unsigned long notes_starts[3] = {ReadLEint(HeaderBuf+0,2),ReadLEint(HeaderBuf+0,4),ReadLEint(HeaderBuf+0,6)}; fr.seek(16, SEEK_CUR); // Skip the channels-in-use table fr.read(HeaderBuf, 1, 4); uint64_t ins_count = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf + 0, 2); //, basictempo = ReadLEint(HeaderBuf+2, 2); fr.seek(static_cast(ins_start), SEEK_SET); //std::printf("%u instruments\n", ins_count); for(unsigned i = 0; i < ins_count; ++i) { unsigned char InsData[16]; fr.read(InsData, 1, 16); /*std::printf("Ins %3u: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", i, InsData[0],InsData[1],InsData[2],InsData[3], InsData[4],InsData[5],InsData[6],InsData[7], InsData[8],InsData[9],InsData[10],InsData[11], InsData[12],InsData[13],InsData[14],InsData[15]);*/ struct adldata adl; struct adlinsdata adlins; adl.modulator_E862 = ((static_cast(InsData[8] & 0x07) << 24) & 0xFF000000) //WaveForm | ((static_cast(InsData[6]) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) //Sustain/Release | ((static_cast(InsData[4]) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) //Attack/Decay | ((static_cast(InsData[0]) << 0) & 0x000000FF); //MultKEVA adl.carrier_E862 = ((static_cast(InsData[9] & 0x07) << 24) & 0xFF000000) //WaveForm | ((static_cast(InsData[7]) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) //Sustain/Release | ((static_cast(InsData[5]) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) //Attack/Decay | ((static_cast(InsData[1]) << 0) & 0x000000FF); //MultKEVA adl.modulator_40 = InsData[2]; adl.carrier_40 = InsData[3]; adl.feedconn = InsData[10] & 0x0F; adl.finetune = 0; adlins.adlno1 = static_cast(opl.dynamic_instruments.size() | opl.DynamicInstrumentTag); adlins.adlno2 = adlins.adlno1; adlins.ms_sound_kon = 1000; adlins.ms_sound_koff = 500; adlins.tone = 0; adlins.flags = 0; adlins.voice2_fine_tune = 0.0; opl.dynamic_metainstruments.push_back(adlins); opl.dynamic_instruments.push_back(adl); } fr.seeku(mus_start, SEEK_SET); TrackCount = 1; DeltaTicks = (size_t)ticks; opl.AdlBank = ~0u; // Ignore AdlBank number, use dynamic banks instead //std::printf("CMF deltas %u ticks %u, basictempo = %u\n", deltas, ticks, basictempo); opl.LogarithmicVolumes = true; opl.AdlPercussionMode = true; opl.m_musicMode = OPL3::MODE_CMF; opl.m_volumeScale = OPL3::VOLUME_CMF; } else { // Try to identify RSXX format if(HeaderBuf[0] == 0x7D) { fr.seek(0x6D, SEEK_SET); fr.read(HeaderBuf, 6, 1); if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "rsxx}u", 6) == 0) { is_RSXX = true; fr.seek(0x7D, SEEK_SET); TrackCount = 1; DeltaTicks = 60; opl.LogarithmicVolumes = true; //opl.CartoonersVolumes = true; opl.m_musicMode = OPL3::MODE_RSXX; opl.m_volumeScale = OPL3::VOLUME_CMF; } } // Try parsing as an IMF file if(!is_RSXX) { do { uint8_t raw[4]; size_t end = static_cast(HeaderBuf[0]) + 256 * static_cast(HeaderBuf[1]); if(!end || (end & 3)) break; size_t backup_pos = fr.tell(); int64_t sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0; fr.seek(2, SEEK_SET); for(unsigned n = 0; n < 42; ++n) { if(fr.read(raw, 1, 4) != 4) break; int64_t value1 = raw[0]; value1 += raw[1] << 8; sum1 += value1; int64_t value2 = raw[2]; value2 += raw[3] << 8; sum2 += value2; } fr.seek(static_cast(backup_pos), SEEK_SET); if(sum1 > sum2) { is_IMF = true; DeltaTicks = 1; } } while(false); } if(!is_IMF && !is_RSXX) { if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "MThd\0\0\0\6", 8) != 0) { fr.close(); errorStringOut = fr._fileName + ": Invalid format, Header signature is unknown!\n"; return false; } /*size_t Fmt = ReadBEint(HeaderBuf + 8, 2);*/ TrackCount = (size_t)ReadBEint(HeaderBuf + 10, 2); DeltaTicks = (size_t)ReadBEint(HeaderBuf + 12, 2); } } TrackData.clear(); TrackData.resize(TrackCount, std::vector()); //CurrentPosition.track.clear(); //CurrentPosition.track.resize(TrackCount); InvDeltaTicks = fraction(1, 1000000l * static_cast(DeltaTicks)); //Tempo = 1000000l * InvDeltaTicks; Tempo = fraction(1, static_cast(DeltaTicks)); static const unsigned char EndTag[4] = {0xFF, 0x2F, 0x00, 0x00}; size_t totalGotten = 0; for(size_t tk = 0; tk < TrackCount; ++tk) { // Read track header size_t TrackLength; if(is_IMF) { //std::fprintf(stderr, "Reading IMF file...\n"); size_t end = static_cast(HeaderBuf[0]) + 256 * static_cast(HeaderBuf[1]); unsigned IMF_tempo = 1428; static const unsigned char imf_tempo[] = {0x0,//Zero delay! MidiEvent::T_SPECIAL, MidiEvent::ST_TEMPOCHANGE, 0x4, static_cast(IMF_tempo >> 24), static_cast(IMF_tempo >> 16), static_cast(IMF_tempo >> 8), static_cast(IMF_tempo) }; TrackData[tk].insert(TrackData[tk].end(), imf_tempo, imf_tempo + sizeof(imf_tempo)); TrackData[tk].push_back(0x00); fr.seek(2, SEEK_SET); while(fr.tell() < end && !fr.eof()) { uint8_t special_event_buf[5]; uint8_t raw[4]; special_event_buf[0] = MidiEvent::T_SPECIAL; special_event_buf[1] = MidiEvent::ST_RAWOPL; special_event_buf[2] = 0x02; if(fr.read(raw, 1, 4) != 4) break; special_event_buf[3] = raw[0]; // port index special_event_buf[4] = raw[1]; // port value uint32_t delay = static_cast(raw[2]); delay += 256 * static_cast(raw[3]); totalGotten += 4; //if(special_event_buf[3] <= 8) continue; //fprintf(stderr, "Put %02X <- %02X, plus %04X delay\n", special_event_buf[3],special_event_buf[4], delay); TrackData[tk].insert(TrackData[tk].end(), special_event_buf, special_event_buf + 5); //if(delay>>21) TrackData[tk].push_back( 0x80 | ((delay>>21) & 0x7F ) ); if(delay >> 14) TrackData[tk].push_back(0x80 | ((delay >> 14) & 0x7F)); if(delay >> 7) TrackData[tk].push_back(0x80 | ((delay >> 7) & 0x7F)); TrackData[tk].push_back(((delay >> 0) & 0x7F)); } TrackData[tk].insert(TrackData[tk].end(), EndTag + 0, EndTag + 4); //CurrentPosition.track[tk].delay = 0; //CurrentPosition.began = true; //std::fprintf(stderr, "Done reading IMF file\n"); opl.NumFourOps = 0; //Don't use 4-operator channels for IMF playing! opl.m_musicMode = OPL3::MODE_IMF; } else { // Take the rest of the file if(is_GMF || is_CMF || is_RSXX) { size_t pos = fr.tell(); fr.seek(0, SEEK_END); TrackLength = fr.tell() - pos; fr.seek(static_cast(pos), SEEK_SET); } //else if(is_MUS) // Read TrackLength from file position 4 //{ // size_t pos = fr.tell(); // fr.seek(4, SEEK_SET); // TrackLength = static_cast(fr.getc()); // TrackLength += static_cast(fr.getc() << 8); // fr.seek(static_cast(pos), SEEK_SET); //} else { fsize = fr.read(HeaderBuf, 1, 8); if(std::memcmp(HeaderBuf, "MTrk", 4) != 0) { fr.close(); errorStringOut = fr._fileName + ": Invalid format, MTrk signature is not found!\n"; return false; } TrackLength = (size_t)ReadBEint(HeaderBuf + 4, 4); } // Read track data TrackData[tk].resize(TrackLength); fsize = fr.read(&TrackData[tk][0], 1, TrackLength); totalGotten += fsize; if(is_GMF/*|| is_MUS*/) // Note: CMF does include the track end tag. TrackData[tk].insert(TrackData[tk].end(), EndTag + 0, EndTag + 4); if(is_RSXX)//Finalize raw track data with a zero TrackData[tk].push_back(0); //bool ok = false; //// Read next event time //uint64_t tkDelay = ReadVarLenEx(tk, ok); //if(ok) // CurrentPosition.track[tk].delay = tkDelay; //else //{ // std::stringstream msg; // msg << fr._fileName << ": invalid variable length in the track " << tk << "! (error code " << tkDelay << ")"; // ADLMIDI_ErrorString = msg.str(); // return false; //} } } for(size_t tk = 0; tk < TrackCount; ++tk) totalGotten += TrackData[tk].size(); if(totalGotten == 0) { errorStringOut = fr._fileName + ": Empty track data"; return false; } //Build new MIDI events table (ALPHA!!!) if(!buildTrackData()) { errorStringOut = fr._fileName + ": MIDI data parsing error has occouped!\n" + errorString; return false; } opl.Reset(m_setup.PCM_RATE); // Reset AdLib //opl.Reset(); // ...twice (just in case someone misprogrammed OPL3 previously) ch.clear(); ch.resize(opl.NumChannels); return true; } #endif //ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER