#ifndef __SECTORE_H #define __SECTORE_H #define CenterSpot(sec) (vertex_t*)&(sec)->soundorg[0] #define _3DFLOORS // 3D floor flags. Most are the same as in Legacy but I added some for EDGE's and Vavoom's features as well. typedef enum { FF_EXISTS = 0x1, //MAKE SURE IT'S VALID FF_SOLID = 0x2, //Does it clip things? FF_RENDERSIDES = 0x4, //Render the sides? FF_RENDERPLANES = 0x8, //Render the floor/ceiling? FF_RENDERALL = 0xC, //Render everything? FF_SWIMMABLE = 0x10, //Can we swim? FF_NOSHADE = 0x20, //Does it mess with the lighting? FF_BOTHPLANES = 0x200, //Render both planes all the time? FF_TRANSLUCENT = 0x800, //See through! FF_FOG = 0x1000, //Fog "brush"? FF_INVERTPLANES = 0x2000, //Reverse the plane visibility rules? FF_ALLSIDES = 0x4000, //Render inside and outside sides? FF_INVERTSIDES = 0x8000, //Only render inside sides? FF_DOUBLESHADOW = 0x10000,//Make two lightlist entries to reset light? FF_UPPERTEXTURE = 0x20000, FF_LOWERTEXTURE = 0x40000, FF_THINFLOOR = 0x80000, // EDGE FF_SCROLLY = 0x100000, // EDGE - not yet implemented!!! FF_FIX = 0x200000, // use floor of model sector as floor and floor of real sector as ceiling FF_INVERTSECTOR = 0x400000, // swap meaning of sector planes FF_DYNAMIC = 0x800000, // created by partitioning another 3D-floor due to overlap FF_CLIPPED = 0x1000000, // split into several dynamic ffloors FF_SEETHROUGH = 0x2000000, FF_SHOOTTHROUGH = 0x4000000, FF_FADEWALLS = 0x8000000, // Applies real fog to walls and doesn't blend the view FF_ADDITIVETRANS = 0x10000000, // Render this floor with additive translucency FF_FLOOD = 0x20000000, // extends towards the next lowest flooding or solid 3D floor or the bottom of the sector FF_THISINSIDE = 0x40000000, // hack for software 3D with FF_BOTHPLANES } ffloortype_e; // This is for the purpose of Sector_SetContents: #ifdef _MSC_VER enum : unsigned int // MSVC is apparently the only compiler that supports this syntax #else enum #endif { VC_EMPTY = 0, // Here's the original values of the color shifts in Vavoom, and in ARGB: VC_WATER = 0x80825032, // 130, 80, 50, 128 -> (was 0x101080) VC_LAVA = 0x96FF5000, // 255, 80, 0, 150 -> 96.FF.50.00 (was 0xf0f010) VC_NUKAGE = 0x9632FF32, // 50, 255, 50, 150 -> 96.32.FF.32 (was 0x108010) VC_SLIME = 0x96001905, // 0, 25, 5, 150 -> (was 0x287020) VC_HELLSLIME = 0x96FF5000, // 255, 80, 0, 150 -> 96.FF.50.00 (wasn't covered) VC_BLOOD = 0x96A00A0A, // 160, 16, 16, 150 -> 96.A0.0A.0A (was 0x801010) VC_SLUDGE = 0x9680A080, // 128, 160, 128, 150 -> 96.80.A0.80 (wasn't covered) VC_HAZARD = 0x8080A080, // 128, 160, 128, 128 -> 80.80.A0.80 (wasn't covered) VC_BOOMWATER = 0x80004FA5, // Boom WATERMAP: -> 80.00.4F.A5 (wasn't covered) VC_ALPHAMASK = 0xFF000000, VC_COLORMASK = 0x00FFFFFF, }; #ifdef _3DFLOORS struct secplane_t; struct FDynamicColormap; struct F3DFloor { struct planeref { secplane_t * plane; const FTextureID * texture; const fixed_t * texheight; sector_t * model; int isceiling; int vindex; }; planeref bottom; planeref top; short *toplightlevel; fixed_t delta; int flags; line_t* master; sector_t * model; sector_t * target; int lastlight; int alpha; // kg3D - for software short *floorclip; short *ceilingclip; int validcount; FDynamicColormap *GetColormap(); void UpdateColormap(FDynamicColormap *&map); PalEntry GetBlend(); }; struct lightlist_t { secplane_t plane; short * p_lightlevel; FDynamicColormap * extra_colormap; PalEntry blend; int flags; F3DFloor* lightsource; F3DFloor* caster; }; class player_s; void P_PlayerOnSpecial3DFloor(player_t* player); void P_Get3DFloorAndCeiling(AActor * thing, sector_t * sector, fixed_t * floorz, fixed_t * ceilingz, int * floorpic); bool P_CheckFor3DFloorHit(AActor * mo); bool P_CheckFor3DCeilingHit(AActor * mo); void P_Recalculate3DFloors(sector_t *); void P_RecalculateAttached3DFloors(sector_t * sec); void P_RecalculateLights(sector_t *sector); void P_RecalculateAttachedLights(sector_t *sector); lightlist_t * P_GetPlaneLight(sector_t * , secplane_t * plane, bool underside); void P_Spawn3DFloors( void ); struct FLineOpening; void P_LineOpening_XFloors (FLineOpening &open, AActor * thing, const line_t *linedef, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t refx, fixed_t refy, bool restrict); secplane_t P_FindFloorPlane(sector_t * sector, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z); int P_Find3DFloor(sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, bool above, bool floor, fixed_t &cmpz); #else // Dummy definitions for disabled 3D floor code struct F3DFloor { int dummy; }; struct lightlist_t { int dummy; }; class player_s; inline void P_PlayerOnSpecial3DFloor(player_t* player) {} inline void P_Get3DFloorAndCeiling(AActor * thing, sector_t * sector, fixed_t * floorz, fixed_t * ceilingz, int * floorpic) {} inline bool P_CheckFor3DFloorHit(AActor * mo) { return false; } inline bool P_CheckFor3DCeilingHit(AActor * mo) { return false; } inline void P_Recalculate3DFloors(sector_t *) {} inline void P_RecalculateAttached3DFloors(sector_t * sec) {} inline lightlist_t * P_GetPlaneLight(sector_t * , secplane_t * plane, bool underside) { return NULL; } inline void P_Spawn3DFloors( void ) {} struct FLineOpening; inline void P_LineOpening_XFloors (FLineOpening &open, AActor * thing, const line_t *linedef, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t refx, fixed_t refy, bool restrict) {} //secplane_t P_FindFloorPlane(sector_t * sector, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z){return sector->floorplane;} #endif #endif