#define YYCTYPE char #define YYCURSOR cursor #define YYLIMIT limit #define YYMARKER marker // This buffer must be as large as the largest YYFILL call YYCTYPE eofbuf[2]; #define YYFILL(n) { if(n == 2) { eofbuf[0] = *cursor; } eofbuf[n-1] = '\n'; cursor = eofbuf; limit = eofbuf + n - 1; sc_End = true; } //#define YYDEBUG(s,c) { Printf ("%d: %02x\n", s, c); } #define YYDEBUG(s,c) char *cursor = ScriptPtr; char *limit = ScriptEndPtr; std1: tok = YYCURSOR; std2: /*!re2c any = [\000-\377]; WSP = ([\000- ]\[\n]); NWS = (any\[\000- ]); D = [0-9]; TOK1 = [{}|=]; TOKC = [{}|=/`~!@#$%^&*()\[\]\\?\-=+;:<>,.]; STOP1 = (TOK1|["/;]); STOPC = (TOKC|["]); TOK2 = (NWS\STOP1); TOKC2 = (NWS\STOPC); */ if (!CMode) { /*!re2c "/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */ ("//"|";") (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++/Hexen comment */ WSP+ { goto std1; } /* whitespace */ "\n" { goto newline; } "\"" { goto string; } TOK1 { goto normal_token; } /* Regular tokens may contain /, but they must not contain comment starts */ TOK2* ([/] (TOK2\[*])+ [*]*)* [/]? { goto normal_token; } any { goto normal_token; } /* unknown character */ */ } else { /*!re2c "/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */ "//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */ WSP+ { goto std1; } /* whitespace */ "\n" { goto newline; } "\"" { goto string; } [-] { goto negative_check; } ((D+) | (D* [.] D+) | (D+ [.] D*)) { goto normal_token; } /* number */ "&&" { goto normal_token; } "==" { goto normal_token; } "||" { goto normal_token; } "<<" { goto normal_token; } ">>" { goto normal_token; } TOKC { goto normal_token; } TOKC2+ { goto normal_token; } any { goto normal_token; } /* unknown character */ */ } negative_check: if (YYCURSOR >= YYLIMIT) { goto normal_token; } if (*YYCURSOR >= '0' && *YYCURSOR <= '9') { goto std2; } if (*YYCURSOR != '.' || YYCURSOR+1 >= YYLIMIT) { goto normal_token; } if (*(YYCURSOR+1) >= '0' && *YYCURSOR <= '9') { goto std2; } goto normal_token; comment: /*!re2c "*/" { goto std1; } "\n" { if (YYCURSOR >= YYLIMIT) { ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr; return false; } sc_Line++; sc_Crossed = true; goto comment; } any { goto comment; } */ newline: if (YYCURSOR >= YYLIMIT) { ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr; return false; } sc_Line++; sc_Crossed = true; goto std1; normal_token: ScriptPtr = (YYCURSOR >= YYLIMIT) ? ScriptEndPtr : cursor; sc_StringLen = MIN (ScriptPtr - tok, MAX_STRING_SIZE-1); memcpy (sc_String, tok, sc_StringLen); sc_String[sc_StringLen] = '\0'; return true; string: if (YYLIMIT != ScriptEndPtr) { ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr; return false; } ScriptPtr = cursor; for (sc_StringLen = 0; cursor < YYLIMIT; ++cursor) { if (Escape && *cursor == '\\' && *(cursor + 1) == '"') { cursor++; } else if (*cursor == '"') { break; } if (*cursor == '\n') { sc_Line++; sc_Crossed = true; } if (sc_StringLen < MAX_STRING_SIZE-1) { sc_String[sc_StringLen++] = *cursor; } } ScriptPtr = cursor + 1; sc_String[sc_StringLen] = '\0'; return true;