// for flag changer functions. const FLAG_NO_CHANGE = -1; const MAXPLAYERS = 8; enum EStateUseFlags { SUF_ACTOR = 1, SUF_OVERLAY = 2, SUF_WEAPON = 4, SUF_ITEM = 8, }; // Flags for A_PainAttack enum EPainAttackFlags { PAF_NOSKULLATTACK = 1, PAF_AIMFACING = 2, PAF_NOTARGET = 4, }; // Flags for A_VileAttack enum EVileAttackFlags { VAF_DMGTYPEAPPLYTODIRECT = 1, }; // Flags for A_Saw enum ESawFlags { SF_NORANDOM = 1, SF_RANDOMLIGHTMISS = 2, SF_RANDOMLIGHTHIT = 4, SF_RANDOMLIGHTBOTH = 6, SF_NOUSEAMMOMISS = 8, SF_NOUSEAMMO = 16, SF_NOPULLIN = 32, SF_NOTURN = 64, SF_STEALARMOR = 128, }; // Flags for A_BFGSpray enum EBFGSprayFlags { BFGF_HURTSOURCE = 1, BFGF_MISSILEORIGIN = 2, }; // Flags for A_SpawnProjectile enum ECustomMissileFlags { CMF_AIMOFFSET = 1, CMF_AIMDIRECTION = 2, CMF_TRACKOWNER = 4, CMF_CHECKTARGETDEAD = 8, CMF_ABSOLUTEPITCH = 16, CMF_OFFSETPITCH = 32, CMF_SAVEPITCH = 64, CMF_ABSOLUTEANGLE = 128, CMF_BADPITCH = 256, // for compatibility handling only - avoid! }; // Flags for A_CustomBulletAttack enum ECustomBulletAttackFlags { CBAF_AIMFACING = 1, CBAF_NORANDOM = 2, CBAF_EXPLICITANGLE = 4, CBAF_NOPITCH = 8, CBAF_NORANDOMPUFFZ = 16, CBAF_PUFFTARGET = 32, CBAF_PUFFMASTER = 64, CBAF_PUFFTRACER = 128, }; // Flags for A_GunFlash enum EGunFlashFlags { GFF_NOEXTCHANGE = 1, }; // Flags for A_FireBullets enum EFireBulletsFlags { FBF_USEAMMO = 1, FBF_NORANDOM = 2, FBF_EXPLICITANGLE = 4, FBF_NOPITCH = 8, FBF_NOFLASH = 16, FBF_NORANDOMPUFFZ = 32, FBF_PUFFTARGET = 64, FBF_PUFFMASTER = 128, FBF_PUFFTRACER = 256, }; // Flags for A_SpawnItemEx enum ESpawnItemFlags { SXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION = 1 << 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION = 1 << 1, SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE = 1 << 2, SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM = 1 << 3, //Since "momentum" is declared to be deprecated in the expressions, for compatibility SXF_ABSOLUTEVELOCITY = 1 << 3, //purposes, this was made. It does the same thing though. Do not change the value. SXF_SETMASTER = 1 << 4, SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION = 1 << 5, SXF_TELEFRAG = 1 << 6, SXF_CLIENTSIDE = 1 << 7, // only used by Skulltag SXF_TRANSFERAMBUSHFLAG = 1 << 8, SXF_TRANSFERPITCH = 1 << 9, SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS = 1 << 10, SXF_USEBLOODCOLOR = 1 << 11, SXF_CLEARCALLERTID = 1 << 12, SXF_MULTIPLYSPEED = 1 << 13, SXF_TRANSFERSCALE = 1 << 14, SXF_TRANSFERSPECIAL = 1 << 15, SXF_CLEARCALLERSPECIAL = 1 << 16, SXF_TRANSFERSTENCILCOL = 1 << 17, SXF_TRANSFERALPHA = 1 << 18, SXF_TRANSFERRENDERSTYLE = 1 << 19, SXF_SETTARGET = 1 << 20, SXF_SETTRACER = 1 << 21, SXF_NOPOINTERS = 1 << 22, SXF_ORIGINATOR = 1 << 23, SXF_TRANSFERSPRITEFRAME = 1 << 24, SXF_TRANSFERROLL = 1 << 25, SXF_ISTARGET = 1 << 26, SXF_ISMASTER = 1 << 27, SXF_ISTRACER = 1 << 28, }; // Flags for A_Chase enum EChaseFlags { CHF_FASTCHASE = 1, CHF_NOPLAYACTIVE = 2, CHF_NIGHTMAREFAST = 4, CHF_RESURRECT = 8, CHF_DONTMOVE = 16, CHF_NORANDOMTURN = 32, CHF_NODIRECTIONTURN = 64, CHF_NOPOSTATTACKTURN = 128, CHF_STOPIFBLOCKED = 256, CHF_DONTTURN = CHF_NORANDOMTURN | CHF_NOPOSTATTACKTURN | CHF_STOPIFBLOCKED }; // Flags for A_LookEx enum ELookFlags { LOF_NOSIGHTCHECK = 1, LOF_NOSOUNDCHECK = 2, LOF_DONTCHASEGOAL = 4, LOF_NOSEESOUND = 8, LOF_FULLVOLSEESOUND = 16, LOF_NOJUMP = 32, }; // Flags for A_Respawn enum ERespawnFlags { RSF_FOG = 1, RSF_KEEPTARGET = 2, RSF_TELEFRAG = 4, }; // Flags for A_JumpIfTargetInLOS and A_JumpIfInTargetLOS enum EJumpFlags { JLOSF_PROJECTILE = 1, JLOSF_NOSIGHT = 1 << 1, JLOSF_CLOSENOFOV = 1 << 2, JLOSF_CLOSENOSIGHT = 1 << 3, JLOSF_CLOSENOJUMP = 1 << 4, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP = 1 << 5, JLOSF_CHECKMASTER = 1 << 6, JLOSF_TARGETLOS = 1 << 7, JLOSF_FLIPFOV = 1 << 8, JLOSF_ALLYNOJUMP = 1 << 9, JLOSF_COMBATANTONLY = 1 << 10, JLOSF_NOAUTOAIM = 1 << 11, JLOSF_CHECKTRACER = 1 << 12, }; // Flags for A_ChangeVelocity enum EChangeVelocityFlags { CVF_RELATIVE = 1, CVF_REPLACE = 2, }; // Flags for A_WeaponReady enum EWeaponReadyFlags { WRF_NOBOB = 1, WRF_NOSWITCH = 2, WRF_NOPRIMARY = 4, WRF_NOSECONDARY = 8, WRF_NOFIRE = WRF_NOPRIMARY | WRF_NOSECONDARY, WRF_ALLOWRELOAD = 16, WRF_ALLOWZOOM = 32, WRF_DISABLESWITCH = 64, WRF_ALLOWUSER1 = 128, WRF_ALLOWUSER2 = 256, WRF_ALLOWUSER3 = 512, WRF_ALLOWUSER4 = 1024, }; // Flags for A_SelectWeapon enum ESelectWeaponFlags { SWF_SELECTPRIORITY = 1, }; // Morph constants enum EMorphFlags { MRF_OLDEFFECTS = 0x00000000, MRF_ADDSTAMINA = 0x00000001, MRF_FULLHEALTH = 0x00000002, MRF_UNDOBYTOMEOFPOWER = 0x00000004, MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE = 0x00000008, MRF_FAILNOTELEFRAG = 0x00000010, MRF_FAILNOLAUGH = 0x00000020, MRF_WHENINVULNERABLE = 0x00000040, MRF_LOSEACTUALWEAPON = 0x00000080, MRF_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR = 0x00000100, MRF_UNDOBYDEATH = 0x00000200, MRF_UNDOBYDEATHFORCED = 0x00000400, MRF_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES = 0x00000800, MRF_UNDOBYTIMEOUT = 0x00001000, MRF_UNDOALWAYS = 0x00002000, MRF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION = 0x00004000, MRF_STANDARDUNDOING = MRF_UNDOBYTOMEOFPOWER | MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE | MRF_UNDOBYTIMEOUT, }; // Flags for A_RailAttack and A_CustomRailgun enum ERailFlags { RGF_SILENT = 1, RGF_NOPIERCING = 2, RGF_EXPLICITANGLE = 4, RGF_FULLBRIGHT = 8, RGF_CENTERZ = 16, RGF_NORANDOMPUFFZ = 32, }; // Flags for A_Mushroom enum EMushroomFlags { MSF_Standard = 0, MSF_Classic = 1, MSF_DontHurt = 2, }; // Flags for A_Explode enum EExplodeFlags { XF_HURTSOURCE = 1, XF_NOTMISSILE = 4, XF_EXPLICITDAMAGETYPE = 8, XF_NOSPLASH = 16, XF_THRUSTZ = 32, }; // Flags for A_RadiusThrust enum ERadiusThrustFlags { RTF_AFFECTSOURCE = 1, RTF_NOIMPACTDAMAGE = 2, RTF_NOTMISSILE = 4, RTF_THRUSTZ = 16, }; // Flags for A_RadiusDamageSelf enum ERadiusDamageSelfFlags { RDSF_BFGDAMAGE = 1, }; // Flags for A_Blast enum EBlastFlags { BF_USEAMMO = 1, BF_DONTWARN = 2, BF_AFFECTBOSSES = 4, BF_NOIMPACTDAMAGE = 8, }; // Flags for A_SeekerMissile enum ESeekerMissileFlags { SMF_LOOK = 1, SMF_PRECISE = 2, SMF_CURSPEED = 4, }; // Flags for A_CustomPunch enum ECustomPunchFlags { CPF_USEAMMO = 1, CPF_DAGGER = 2, CPF_PULLIN = 4, CPF_NORANDOMPUFFZ = 8, CPF_NOTURN = 16, CPF_STEALARMOR = 32, }; enum EFireCustomMissileFlags { FPF_AIMATANGLE = 1, FPF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION = 2, FPF_NOAUTOAIM = 4, }; // Flags for A_Teleport enum ETeleportFlags { TF_TELEFRAG = 0x00000001, // Allow telefrag in order to teleport. TF_RANDOMDECIDE = 0x00000002, // Randomly fail based on health. (A_Srcr2Decide) TF_FORCED = 0x00000004, // Forget what's in the way. TF_Telefrag takes precedence though. TF_KEEPVELOCITY = 0x00000008, // Preserve velocity. TF_KEEPANGLE = 0x00000010, // Keep angle. TF_USESPOTZ = 0x00000020, // Set the z to the spot's z, instead of the floor. TF_NOSRCFOG = 0x00000040, // Don't leave any fog behind when teleporting. TF_NODESTFOG = 0x00000080, // Don't spawn any fog at the arrival position. TF_USEACTORFOG = 0x00000100, // Use the actor's TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType fogs. TF_NOJUMP = 0x00000200, // Don't jump after teleporting. TF_OVERRIDE = 0x00000400, // Ignore NOTELEPORT. TF_SENSITIVEZ = 0x00000800, // Fail if the actor wouldn't fit in the position (for Z). TF_KEEPORIENTATION = TF_KEEPVELOCITY|TF_KEEPANGLE, TF_NOFOG = TF_NOSRCFOG|TF_NODESTFOG, }; // Flags for A_WolfAttack enum EWolfAttackFlags { WAF_NORANDOM = 1, WAF_USEPUFF = 2 }; // Flags for A_RadiusGive enum ERadiusGiveFlags { RGF_GIVESELF = 1, RGF_PLAYERS = 1 << 1, RGF_MONSTERS = 1 << 2, RGF_OBJECTS = 1 << 3, RGF_VOODOO = 1 << 4, RGF_CORPSES = 1 << 5, RGF_NOTARGET = 1 << 6, RGF_NOTRACER = 1 << 7, RGF_NOMASTER = 1 << 8, RGF_CUBE = 1 << 9, RGF_NOSIGHT = 1 << 10, RGF_MISSILES = 1 << 11, RGF_INCLUSIVE = 1 << 12, RGF_ITEMS = 1 << 13, RGF_KILLED = 1 << 14, RGF_EXFILTER = 1 << 15, RGF_EXSPECIES = 1 << 16, RGF_EITHER = 1 << 17, }; // Activation flags enum EActivationFlags { THINGSPEC_Default = 0, THINGSPEC_ThingActs = 1, THINGSPEC_ThingTargets = 2, THINGSPEC_TriggerTargets = 4, THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger = 8, THINGSPEC_MissileTrigger = 16, THINGSPEC_ClearSpecial = 32, THINGSPEC_NoDeathSpecial = 64, THINGSPEC_TriggerActs = 128, THINGSPEC_Activate = 1<<8, // The thing is activated when triggered THINGSPEC_Deactivate = 1<<9, // The thing is deactivated when triggered THINGSPEC_Switch = 1<<10, // The thing is alternatively activated and deactivated when triggered // Shorter aliases for same AF_Default = 0, AF_ThingActs = 1, AF_ThingTargets = 2, AF_TriggerTargets = 4, AF_MonsterTrigger = 8, AF_MissileTrigger = 16, AF_ClearSpecial = 32, AF_NoDeathSpecial = 64, AF_TriggerActs = 128, AF_Activate = 1<<8, // The thing is activated when triggered AF_Deactivate = 1<<9, // The thing is deactivated when triggered AF_Switch = 1<<10, // The thing is alternatively activated and deactivated when triggered }; // Flags for A_TakeInventory and A_TakeFromTarget enum ETakeFlags { TIF_NOTAKEINFINITE = 1 }; // constants for A_PlaySound enum ESoundFlags { CHAN_AUTO = 0, CHAN_WEAPON = 1, CHAN_VOICE = 2, CHAN_ITEM = 3, CHAN_BODY = 4, CHAN_5 = 5, CHAN_6 = 6, CHAN_7 = 7, // modifier flags CHAN_LISTENERZ = 8, CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL = 16, CHAN_UI = 32, CHAN_NOPAUSE = 64, CHAN_LOOP = 256, CHAN_PICKUP = (CHAN_ITEM|CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL), // Do not use this with A_StartSound! It would not do what is expected. CHAN_NOSTOP = 4096, CHAN_OVERLAP = 8192, // Same as above, with an F appended to allow better distinction of channel and channel flags. CHANF_DEFAULT = 0, // just to make the code look better and avoid literal 0's. CHANF_LISTENERZ = 8, CHANF_MAYBE_LOCAL = 16, CHANF_UI = 32, CHANF_NOPAUSE = 64, CHANF_LOOP = 256, CHANF_NOSTOP = 4096, CHANF_OVERLAP = 8192, CHANF_LOCAL = 16384, CHANF_LOOPING = CHANF_LOOP | CHANF_NOSTOP, // convenience value for replicating the old 'looping' boolean. }; // sound attenuation values const ATTN_NONE = 0; const ATTN_NORM = 1; const ATTN_IDLE = 1.001; const ATTN_STATIC = 3; // For SetPlayerProperty action special enum EPlayerProperties { PROP_FROZEN = 0, PROP_NOTARGET = 1, PROP_INSTANTWEAPONSWITCH = 2, PROP_FLY = 3, PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN = 4, PROP_INVULNERABILITY = 5, // (Deprecated) PROP_STRENGTH = 6, // (Deprecated) PROP_INVISIBILITY = 7, // (Deprecated) PROP_RADIATIONSUIT = 8, // (Deprecated) PROP_ALLMAP = 9, // (Deprecated) PROP_INFRARED = 10, // (Deprecated) PROP_WEAPONLEVEL2 = 11, // (Deprecated) PROP_FLIGHT = 12, // (Deprecated) PROP_SPEED = 15, // (Deprecated) PROP_BUDDHA = 16, } // Line_SetBlocking enum EBlockFlags { BLOCKF_CREATURES = 1, BLOCKF_MONSTERS = 2, BLOCKF_PLAYERS = 4, BLOCKF_FLOATERS = 8, BLOCKF_PROJECTILES = 16, BLOCKF_EVERYTHING = 32, BLOCKF_RAILING = 64, BLOCKF_USE = 128, }; // Pointer constants, bitfield-enabled enum EPointerFlags { AAPTR_DEFAULT = 0, AAPTR_NULL = 0x1, AAPTR_TARGET = 0x2, AAPTR_MASTER = 0x4, AAPTR_TRACER = 0x8, AAPTR_PLAYER_GETTARGET = 0x10, AAPTR_PLAYER_GETCONVERSATION = 0x20, AAPTR_PLAYER1 = 0x40, AAPTR_PLAYER2 = 0x80, AAPTR_PLAYER3 = 0x100, AAPTR_PLAYER4 = 0x200, AAPTR_PLAYER5 = 0x400, AAPTR_PLAYER6 = 0x800, AAPTR_PLAYER7 = 0x1000, AAPTR_PLAYER8 = 0x2000, AAPTR_FRIENDPLAYER = 0x4000, AAPTR_LINETARGET = 0x8000, }; // Pointer operation flags enum EPointerOperations { PTROP_UNSAFETARGET = 1, PTROP_UNSAFEMASTER = 2, PTROP_NOSAFEGUARDS = PTROP_UNSAFETARGET|PTROP_UNSAFEMASTER, }; // Flags for A_Warp enum EWarpFlags { WARPF_ABSOLUTEOFFSET = 0x1, WARPF_ABSOLUTEANGLE = 0x2, WARPF_USECALLERANGLE = 0x4, WARPF_NOCHECKPOSITION = 0x8, WARPF_INTERPOLATE = 0x10, WARPF_WARPINTERPOLATION = 0x20, WARPF_COPYINTERPOLATION = 0x40, WARPF_STOP = 0x80, WARPF_TOFLOOR = 0x100, WARPF_TESTONLY = 0x200, WAPRF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION = 0x400, WARPF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION = 0x400, WARPF_BOB = 0x800, WARPF_MOVEPTR = 0x1000, WARPF_USETID = 0x2000, WARPF_COPYVELOCITY = 0x4000, WARPF_COPYPITCH = 0x8000, }; // Flags for Actor.CheckMove() enum ECheckMoveFlags { PCM_DROPOFF = 1, PCM_NOACTORS = 1 << 1, PCM_NOLINES = 1 << 2, }; // flags for A_SetPitch/SetAngle/SetRoll enum EAngleFlags { SPF_FORCECLAMP = 1, SPF_INTERPOLATE = 2, }; // flags for A_CheckLOF enum ELOFFlags { CLOFF_NOAIM_VERT = 0x1, CLOFF_NOAIM_HORZ = 0x2, CLOFF_JUMPENEMY = 0x4, CLOFF_JUMPFRIEND = 0x8, CLOFF_JUMPOBJECT = 0x10, CLOFF_JUMPNONHOSTILE = 0x20, CLOFF_SKIPENEMY = 0x40, CLOFF_SKIPFRIEND = 0x80, CLOFF_SKIPOBJECT = 0x100, CLOFF_SKIPNONHOSTILE = 0x200, CLOFF_MUSTBESHOOTABLE = 0x400, CLOFF_SKIPTARGET = 0x800, CLOFF_ALLOWNULL = 0x1000, CLOFF_CHECKPARTIAL = 0x2000, CLOFF_MUSTBEGHOST = 0x4000, CLOFF_IGNOREGHOST = 0x8000, CLOFF_MUSTBESOLID = 0x10000, CLOFF_BEYONDTARGET = 0x20000, CLOFF_FROMBASE = 0x40000, CLOFF_MUL_HEIGHT = 0x80000, CLOFF_MUL_WIDTH = 0x100000, CLOFF_JUMP_ON_MISS = 0x200000, CLOFF_AIM_VERT_NOOFFSET = 0x400000, CLOFF_SETTARGET = 0x800000, CLOFF_SETMASTER = 0x1000000, CLOFF_SETTRACER = 0x2000000, CLOFF_SKIPOBSTACLES = CLOFF_SKIPENEMY|CLOFF_SKIPFRIEND|CLOFF_SKIPOBJECT|CLOFF_SKIPNONHOSTILE, CLOFF_NOAIM = CLOFF_NOAIM_VERT|CLOFF_NOAIM_HORZ }; // Flags for A_Kill (Master/Target/Tracer/Children/Siblings) series enum EKillFlags { KILS_FOILINVUL = 0x00000001, KILS_KILLMISSILES = 0x00000002, KILS_NOMONSTERS = 0x00000004, KILS_FOILBUDDHA = 0x00000008, KILS_EXFILTER = 0x00000010, KILS_EXSPECIES = 0x00000020, KILS_EITHER = 0x00000040, }; // Flags for A_Damage (Master/Target/Tracer/Children/Siblings/Self) series enum EDamageFlags { DMSS_FOILINVUL = 0x00000001, DMSS_AFFECTARMOR = 0x00000002, DMSS_KILL = 0x00000004, DMSS_NOFACTOR = 0x00000008, DMSS_FOILBUDDHA = 0x00000010, DMSS_NOPROTECT = 0x00000020, DMSS_EXFILTER = 0x00000040, DMSS_EXSPECIES = 0x00000080, DMSS_EITHER = 0x00000100, DMSS_INFLICTORDMGTYPE = 0x00000200, }; // Flags for A_AlertMonsters enum EAlertFlags { AMF_TARGETEMITTER = 1, AMF_TARGETNONPLAYER = 2, AMF_EMITFROMTARGET = 4, } // Flags for A_Remove* enum ERemoveFlags { RMVF_MISSILES = 0x00000001, RMVF_NOMONSTERS = 0x00000002, RMVF_MISC = 0x00000004, RMVF_EVERYTHING = 0x00000008, RMVF_EXFILTER = 0x00000010, RMVF_EXSPECIES = 0x00000020, RMVF_EITHER = 0x00000040, }; // Flags for A_Fade* enum EFadeFlags { FTF_REMOVE = 1 << 0, FTF_CLAMP = 1 << 1, }; // Flags for A_Face* enum EFaceFlags { FAF_BOTTOM = 1, FAF_MIDDLE = 2, FAF_TOP = 4, FAF_NODISTFACTOR = 8, }; // Flags for A_QuakeEx enum EQuakeFlags { QF_RELATIVE = 1, QF_SCALEDOWN = 1 << 1, QF_SCALEUP = 1 << 2, QF_MAX = 1 << 3, QF_FULLINTENSITY = 1 << 4, QF_WAVE = 1 << 5, }; // A_CheckProximity flags enum EProximityFlags { CPXF_ANCESTOR = 1, CPXF_LESSOREQUAL = 1 << 1, CPXF_NOZ = 1 << 2, CPXF_COUNTDEAD = 1 << 3, CPXF_DEADONLY = 1 << 4, CPXF_EXACT = 1 << 5, CPXF_SETTARGET = 1 << 6, CPXF_SETMASTER = 1 << 7, CPXF_SETTRACER = 1 << 8, CPXF_FARTHEST = 1 << 9, CPXF_CLOSEST = 1 << 10, CPXF_SETONPTR = 1 << 11, CPXF_CHECKSIGHT = 1 << 12, }; // Flags for A_CheckBlock // These flags only affect the calling actor('s pointer), not the ones being searched. enum ECheckBlockFlags { CBF_NOLINES = 1 << 0, //Don't check actors. CBF_SETTARGET = 1 << 1, //Sets the caller/pointer's target to the actor blocking it. Actors only. CBF_SETMASTER = 1 << 2, //^ but with master. CBF_SETTRACER = 1 << 3, //^ but with tracer. CBF_SETONPTR = 1 << 4, //Sets the pointer change on the actor doing the checking instead of self. CBF_DROPOFF = 1 << 5, //Check for dropoffs. CBF_NOACTORS = 1 << 6, //Don't check actors. CBF_ABSOLUTEPOS = 1 << 7, //Absolute position for offsets. CBF_ABSOLUTEANGLE = 1 << 8, //Absolute angle for offsets. }; enum EParticleFlags { SPF_FULLBRIGHT = 1, SPF_RELPOS = 1 << 1, SPF_RELVEL = 1 << 2, SPF_RELACCEL = 1 << 3, SPF_RELANG = 1 << 4, SPF_NOTIMEFREEZE = 1 << 5, SPF_RELATIVE = SPF_RELPOS|SPF_RELVEL|SPF_RELACCEL|SPF_RELANG }; //Flags for A_FaceMovementDirection enum EMovementFlags { FMDF_NOPITCH = 1 << 0, FMDF_INTERPOLATE = 1 << 1, FMDF_NOANGLE = 1 << 2, }; // Flags for GetZAt enum EZFlags { GZF_ABSOLUTEPOS = 1, // Use the absolute position instead of an offsetted one. GZF_ABSOLUTEANG = 1 << 1, // Don't add the actor's angle to the parameter. GZF_CEILING = 1 << 2, // Check the ceiling instead of the floor. GZF_3DRESTRICT = 1 << 3, // Ignore midtextures and 3D floors above the pointer's z. GZF_NOPORTALS = 1 << 4, // Don't pass through any portals. GZF_NO3DFLOOR = 1 << 5, // Pass all 3D floors. }; // Flags for A_WeaponOffset enum EWeaponOffsetFlags { WOF_KEEPX = 1, WOF_KEEPY = 1 << 1, WOF_ADD = 1 << 2, WOF_INTERPOLATE = 1 << 3, }; // Flags for psprite layers enum EPSpriteFlags { PSPF_ADDWEAPON = 1 << 0, PSPF_ADDBOB = 1 << 1, PSPF_POWDOUBLE = 1 << 2, PSPF_CVARFAST = 1 << 3, PSPF_ALPHA = 1 << 4, PSPF_RENDERSTYLE= 1 << 5, PSPF_FLIP = 1 << 6, PSPF_FORCEALPHA = 1 << 7, PSPF_FORCESTYLE = 1 << 8, PSPF_MIRROR = 1 << 9, PSPF_PLAYERTRANSLATED = 1 << 10 }; // Default psprite layers enum EPSPLayers { PSP_STRIFEHANDS = -1, PSP_WEAPON = 1, PSP_FLASH = 1000, }; enum EInputFlags { // These are the original inputs sent by the player. INPUT_OLDBUTTONS, INPUT_BUTTONS, INPUT_PITCH, INPUT_YAW, INPUT_ROLL, INPUT_FORWARDMOVE, INPUT_SIDEMOVE, INPUT_UPMOVE, // These are the inputs, as modified by P_PlayerThink(). // Most of the time, these will match the original inputs, but // they can be different if a player is frozen or using a // chainsaw. MODINPUT_OLDBUTTONS, MODINPUT_BUTTONS, MODINPUT_PITCH, MODINPUT_YAW, MODINPUT_ROLL, MODINPUT_FORWARDMOVE, MODINPUT_SIDEMOVE, MODINPUT_UPMOVE }; enum EButtons { BT_ATTACK = 1<<0, // Press "Fire". BT_USE = 1<<1, // Use button, to open doors, activate switches. BT_JUMP = 1<<2, BT_CROUCH = 1<<3, BT_TURN180 = 1<<4, BT_ALTATTACK = 1<<5, // Press your other "Fire". BT_RELOAD = 1<<6, // [XA] Reload key. Causes state jump in A_WeaponReady. BT_ZOOM = 1<<7, // [XA] Zoom key. Ditto. // The rest are all ignored by the play simulation and are for scripts. BT_SPEED = 1<<8, BT_STRAFE = 1<<9, BT_MOVERIGHT = 1<<10, BT_MOVELEFT = 1<<11, BT_BACK = 1<<12, BT_FORWARD = 1<<13, BT_RIGHT = 1<<14, BT_LEFT = 1<<15, BT_LOOKUP = 1<<16, BT_LOOKDOWN = 1<<17, BT_MOVEUP = 1<<18, BT_MOVEDOWN = 1<<19, BT_SHOWSCORES = 1<<20, BT_USER1 = 1<<21, BT_USER2 = 1<<22, BT_USER3 = 1<<23, BT_USER4 = 1<<24, }; // Flags for GetAngle enum EGetAngleFlags { GAF_RELATIVE = 1, GAF_SWITCH = 1 << 1, }; //Flags for A_CopySpriteFrame enum ECopySpriteFrameFlags { CPSF_NOSPRITE = 1, CPSF_NOFRAME = 1 << 1, }; //Flags for A_SetMaskRotation enum EMaskRotationFlags { VRF_NOANGLESTART = 1, VRF_NOANGLEEND = 1 << 1, VRF_NOPITCHSTART = 1 << 2, VRF_NOPITCHEND = 1 << 3, VRF_NOANGLE = VRF_NOANGLESTART|VRF_NOANGLEEND, VRF_NOPITCH = VRF_NOPITCHSTART|VRF_NOPITCHEND, }; enum ERenderStyle { STYLE_None, // Do not draw STYLE_Normal, // Normal; just copy the image to the screen STYLE_Fuzzy, // Draw silhouette using "fuzz" effect STYLE_SoulTrans, // Draw translucent with amount in r_transsouls STYLE_OptFuzzy, // Draw as fuzzy or translucent, based on user preference STYLE_Stencil, // Fill image interior with alphacolor STYLE_Translucent, // Draw translucent STYLE_Add, // Draw additive STYLE_Shaded, // Treat patch data as alpha values for alphacolor STYLE_TranslucentStencil, STYLE_Shadow, STYLE_Subtract, // Actually this is 'reverse subtract' but this is what normal people would expect by 'subtract'. STYLE_AddStencil, // Fill image interior with alphacolor STYLE_AddShaded, // Treat patch data as alpha values for alphacolor STYLE_Multiply, // Multiply source with destination (HW renderer only.) STYLE_InverseMultiply, // Multiply source with inverse of destination (HW renderer only.) STYLE_ColorBlend, // Use color intensity as transparency factor STYLE_Source, // No blending (only used internally) STYLE_ColorAdd, // Use color intensity as transparency factor and blend additively. }; // Type definition for the implicit 'callingstate' parameter that gets passed to action functions. enum EStateType { STATE_Actor, STATE_Psprite, STATE_StateChain, } struct FStateParamInfo { state mCallingState; /*EStateType*/int mStateType; int mPSPIndex; } // returned by AimLineAttack. struct FTranslatedLineTarget { Actor linetarget; double angleFromSource; double attackAngleFromSource; bool unlinked; // found by a trace that went through an unlinked portal. native void TraceBleed(int damage, Actor missile); } enum EAimFlags { ALF_FORCENOSMART = 1, ALF_CHECK3D = 2, ALF_CHECKNONSHOOTABLE = 4, ALF_CHECKCONVERSATION = 8, ALF_NOFRIENDS = 16, ALF_PORTALRESTRICT = 32, // only work through portals with a global offset (to be used for stuff that cannot remember the calculated FTranslatedLineTarget info) ALF_NOWEAPONCHECK = 64, // ignore NOAUTOAIM flag on a player's weapon. } enum ELineAttackFlags { LAF_ISMELEEATTACK = 1, LAF_NORANDOMPUFFZ = 1 << 1, LAF_NOIMPACTDECAL = 1 << 2, LAF_NOINTERACT = 1 << 3, LAF_TARGETISSOURCE = 1 << 4, LAF_OVERRIDEZ = 1 << 5, LAF_ABSOFFSET = 1 << 6, LAF_ABSPOSITION = 1 << 7, } enum ELineTraceFlags { TRF_ABSPOSITION = 1, TRF_ABSOFFSET = 2, TRF_THRUSPECIES = 4, TRF_THRUACTORS = 8, TRF_THRUBLOCK = 16, TRF_THRUHITSCAN = 32, TRF_NOSKY = 64, TRF_ALLACTORS = 128, TRF_SOLIDACTORS = 256, TRF_BLOCKUSE = 512, TRF_BLOCKSELF = 1024, } const DEFMELEERANGE = 64; const SAWRANGE = (64.+(1./65536.)); // use meleerange + 1 so the puff doesn't skip the flash (i.e. plays all states) const MISSILERANGE = (32*64); const PLAYERMISSILERANGE = 8192; // [RH] New MISSILERANGE for players enum ESightFlags { SF_IGNOREVISIBILITY=1, SF_SEEPASTSHOOTABLELINES=2, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING=4, SF_IGNOREWATERBOUNDARY=8 } enum EDmgFlags { DMG_NO_ARMOR = 1, DMG_INFLICTOR_IS_PUFF = 2, DMG_THRUSTLESS = 4, DMG_FORCED = 8, DMG_NO_FACTOR = 16, DMG_PLAYERATTACK = 32, DMG_FOILINVUL = 64, DMG_FOILBUDDHA = 128, DMG_NO_PROTECT = 256, DMG_USEANGLE = 512, DMG_NO_PAIN = 1024, DMG_EXPLOSION = 2048, DMG_NO_ENHANCE = 4096, } enum EReplace { NO_REPLACE = 0, ALLOW_REPLACE = 1 } // This translucency value produces the closest match to Heretic's TINTTAB. // ~40% of the value of the overlaid image shows through. const HR_SHADOW = (0x6800 / 65536.); // Hexen's TINTTAB is the same as Heretic's, just reversed. const HX_SHADOW = (0x9800 / 65536.); const HX_ALTSHADOW = (0x6800 / 65536.); enum EMapThingFlags { MTF_AMBUSH = 0x0008, // Thing is deaf MTF_DORMANT = 0x0010, // Thing is dormant (use Thing_Activate) MTF_SINGLE = 0x0100, // Thing appears in single-player games MTF_COOPERATIVE = 0x0200, // Thing appears in cooperative games MTF_DEATHMATCH = 0x0400, // Thing appears in deathmatch games MTF_SHADOW = 0x0800, MTF_ALTSHADOW = 0x1000, MTF_FRIENDLY = 0x2000, MTF_STANDSTILL = 0x4000, MTF_STRIFESOMETHING = 0x8000, MTF_SECRET = 0x080000, // Secret pickup MTF_NOINFIGHTING = 0x100000, MTF_NOCOUNT = 0x200000, // Removes COUNTKILL/COUNTITEM }; enum ESkillProperty { SKILLP_FastMonsters, SKILLP_Respawn, SKILLP_RespawnLimit, SKILLP_DisableCheats, SKILLP_AutoUseHealth, SKILLP_SpawnFilter, SKILLP_EasyBossBrain, SKILLP_ACSReturn, SKILLP_NoPain, SKILLP_EasyKey, SKILLP_SlowMonsters, SKILLP_Infight, SKILLP_PlayerRespawn, }; enum EFSkillProperty // floating point properties { SKILLP_AmmoFactor, SKILLP_DropAmmoFactor, SKILLP_ArmorFactor, SKILLP_HealthFactor, SKILLP_DamageFactor, SKILLP_Aggressiveness, SKILLP_MonsterHealth, SKILLP_FriendlyHealth, SKILLP_KickbackFactor, }; enum EWeaponPos { WEAPONBOTTOM = 128, WEAPONTOP = 32 } enum ETranslationTable { TRANSLATION_Invalid, TRANSLATION_Players, TRANSLATION_PlayersExtra, TRANSLATION_Standard, TRANSLATION_LevelScripted, TRANSLATION_Decals, TRANSLATION_PlayerCorpses, TRANSLATION_Decorate, TRANSLATION_Blood, TRANSLATION_RainPillar, TRANSLATION_Custom, }; enum EFindFloorCeiling { FFCF_ONLYSPAWNPOS = 1, FFCF_SAMESECTOR = 2, FFCF_ONLY3DFLOORS = 4, // includes 3D midtexes FFCF_3DRESTRICT = 8, // ignore 3D midtexes and floors whose floorz are above thing's z FFCF_NOPORTALS = 16, // ignore portals (considers them impassable.) FFCF_NOFLOOR = 32, FFCF_NOCEILING = 64, FFCF_RESTRICTEDPORTAL = 128, // current values in the iterator's return are through a restricted portal type (i.e. some features are blocked.) FFCF_NODROPOFF = 256, // Caller does not need a dropoff (saves some time when checking portals) }; enum ERaise { RF_TRANSFERFRIENDLINESS = 1, RF_NOCHECKPOSITION = 2 } enum eFogParm { FOGP_DENSITY = 0, FOGP_OUTSIDEDENSITY = 1, FOGP_SKYFOG = 2, } enum ETeleport { TELF_DESTFOG = 1, TELF_SOURCEFOG = 2, TELF_KEEPORIENTATION = 4, TELF_KEEPVELOCITY = 8, TELF_KEEPHEIGHT = 16, TELF_ROTATEBOOM = 32, TELF_ROTATEBOOMINVERSE = 64, }; enum EGameType { GAME_Any = 0, GAME_Doom = 1, GAME_Heretic = 2, GAME_Hexen = 4, GAME_Strife = 8, GAME_Chex = 16, //Chex is basically Doom, but we need to have a different set of actors. GAME_Raven = GAME_Heretic|GAME_Hexen, GAME_DoomChex = GAME_Doom|GAME_Chex, GAME_DoomStrifeChex = GAME_Doom|GAME_Strife|GAME_Chex } enum PaletteFlashFlags { PF_HEXENWEAPONS = 1, PF_POISON = 2, PF_ICE = 4, PF_HAZARD = 8, }; enum EGameState { GS_LEVEL, GS_INTERMISSION, GS_FINALE, GS_DEMOSCREEN, GS_FULLCONSOLE, GS_HIDECONSOLE, GS_STARTUP, GS_TITLELEVEL, } enum EGameAction { ga_nothing, ga_loadlevel, ga_newgame, ga_newgame2, ga_recordgame, ga_loadgame, ga_loadgamehidecon, ga_loadgameplaydemo, ga_autoloadgame, ga_savegame, ga_autosave, ga_playdemo, ga_completed, ga_slideshow, ga_worlddone, ga_screenshot, ga_togglemap, ga_fullconsole, }; enum EPuffFlags { PF_HITTHING = 1, PF_MELEERANGE = 2, PF_TEMPORARY = 4, PF_HITTHINGBLEED = 8, PF_NORANDOMZ = 16, PF_HITSKY = 32 }; enum EPlayerCheats { CF_NOCLIP = 1 << 0, // No clipping, walk through barriers. CF_GODMODE = 1 << 1, // No damage, no health loss. CF_NOVELOCITY = 1 << 2, // Not really a cheat, just a debug aid. CF_NOTARGET = 1 << 3, // [RH] Monsters don't target CF_FLY = 1 << 4, // [RH] Flying player CF_CHASECAM = 1 << 5, // [RH] Put camera behind player CF_FROZEN = 1 << 6, // [RH] Don't let the player move CF_REVERTPLEASE = 1 << 7, // [RH] Stick camera in player's head if (s)he moves CF_STEPLEFT = 1 << 9, // [RH] Play left footstep sound next time CF_FRIGHTENING = 1 << 10, // [RH] Scare monsters away CF_INSTANTWEAPSWITCH= 1 << 11, // [RH] Switch weapons instantly CF_TOTALLYFROZEN = 1 << 12, // [RH] All players can do is press +use CF_PREDICTING = 1 << 13, // [RH] Player movement is being predicted CF_INTERPVIEW = 1 << 14, // [RH] view was changed outside of input, so interpolate one frame CF_EXTREMELYDEAD = 1 << 22, // [RH] Reliably let the status bar know about extreme deaths. CF_BUDDHA2 = 1 << 24, // [MC] Absolute buddha. No voodoo can kill it either. CF_GODMODE2 = 1 << 25, // [MC] Absolute godmode. No voodoo can kill it either. CF_BUDDHA = 1 << 27, // [SP] Buddha mode - take damage, but don't die CF_NOCLIP2 = 1 << 30, // [RH] More Quake-like noclip // These flags no longer exist, but keep the names for some stray mod that might have used them. CF_DRAIN = 0, CF_HIGHJUMP = 0, CF_REFLECTION = 0, CF_PROSPERITY = 0, CF_DOUBLEFIRINGSPEED= 0, CF_INFINITEAMMO = 0, }; const TEXTCOLOR_BRICK = "\034A"; const TEXTCOLOR_TAN = "\034B"; const TEXTCOLOR_GRAY = "\034C"; const TEXTCOLOR_GREY = "\034C"; const TEXTCOLOR_GREEN = "\034D"; const TEXTCOLOR_BROWN = "\034E"; const TEXTCOLOR_GOLD = "\034F"; const TEXTCOLOR_RED = "\034G"; const TEXTCOLOR_BLUE = "\034H"; const TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE = "\034I"; const TEXTCOLOR_WHITE = "\034J"; const TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW = "\034K"; const TEXTCOLOR_UNTRANSLATED = "\034L"; const TEXTCOLOR_BLACK = "\034M"; const TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE = "\034N"; const TEXTCOLOR_CREAM = "\034O"; const TEXTCOLOR_OLIVE = "\034P"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKGREEN = "\034Q"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKRED = "\034R"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKBROWN = "\034S"; const TEXTCOLOR_PURPLE = "\034T"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKGRAY = "\034U"; const TEXTCOLOR_CYAN = "\034V"; const TEXTCOLOR_ICE = "\034W"; const TEXTCOLOR_FIRE = "\034X"; const TEXTCOLOR_SAPPHIRE = "\034Y"; const TEXTCOLOR_TEAL = "\034Z"; const TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL = "\034-"; const TEXTCOLOR_BOLD = "\034+"; const TEXTCOLOR_CHAT = "\034*"; const TEXTCOLOR_TEAMCHAT = "\034!"; enum EWeaponState { WF_WEAPONREADY = 1 << 0, // [RH] Weapon is in the ready state and can fire its primary attack WF_WEAPONBOBBING = 1 << 1, // [HW] Bob weapon while the player is moving WF_WEAPONREADYALT = 1 << 2, // Weapon can fire its secondary attack WF_WEAPONSWITCHOK = 1 << 3, // It is okay to switch away from this weapon WF_DISABLESWITCH = 1 << 4, // Disable weapon switching completely WF_WEAPONRELOADOK = 1 << 5, // [XA] Okay to reload this weapon. WF_WEAPONZOOMOK = 1 << 6, // [XA] Okay to use weapon zoom function. WF_REFIRESWITCHOK = 1 << 7, // Mirror WF_WEAPONSWITCHOK for A_ReFire WF_USER1OK = 1 << 8, // [MC] Allow pushing of custom state buttons 1-4 WF_USER2OK = 1 << 9, WF_USER3OK = 1 << 10, WF_USER4OK = 1 << 11, }; // these flags are for filtering actor visibility based on certain conditions of the renderer's feature support. // currently, no renderer supports every single one of these features. enum ActorRenderFeatureFlag { RFF_FLATSPRITES = 1<<0, // flat sprites RFF_MODELS = 1<<1, // 3d models RFF_SLOPE3DFLOORS = 1<<2, // sloped 3d floor support RFF_TILTPITCH = 1<<3, // full free-look RFF_ROLLSPRITES = 1<<4, // roll sprites RFF_UNCLIPPEDTEX = 1<<5, // midtex and sprite can render "into" flats and walls RFF_MATSHADER = 1<<6, // material shaders RFF_POSTSHADER = 1<<7, // post-process shaders (renderbuffers) RFF_BRIGHTMAP = 1<<8, // brightmaps RFF_COLORMAP = 1<<9, // custom colormaps (incl. ability to fullbright certain ranges, ala Strife) RFF_POLYGONAL = 1<<10, // uses polygons instead of wallscans/visplanes (i.e. softpoly and hardware opengl) RFF_TRUECOLOR = 1<<11, // renderer is currently truecolor RFF_VOXELS = 1<<12, // renderer is capable of voxels }; // Special activation types enum SPAC { SPAC_Cross = 1<<0, // when player crosses line SPAC_Use = 1<<1, // when player uses line SPAC_MCross = 1<<2, // when monster crosses line SPAC_Impact = 1<<3, // when projectile hits line SPAC_Push = 1<<4, // when player pushes line SPAC_PCross = 1<<5, // when projectile crosses line SPAC_UseThrough = 1<<6, // when player uses line (doesn't block) // SPAC_PTOUCH is mapped to SPAC_PCross|SPAC_Impact SPAC_AnyCross = 1<<7, // when anything without the MF2_TELEPORT flag crosses the line SPAC_MUse = 1<<8, // monsters can use SPAC_MPush = 1<<9, // monsters can push SPAC_UseBack = 1<<10, // Can be used from the backside SPAC_Damage = 1<<11, // [ZZ] when linedef receives damage SPAC_Death = 1<<12, // [ZZ] when linedef receives damage and has 0 health SPAC_PlayerActivate = (SPAC_Cross|SPAC_Use|SPAC_Impact|SPAC_Push|SPAC_AnyCross|SPAC_UseThrough|SPAC_UseBack), }; enum RadiusDamageFlags { RADF_HURTSOURCE = 1, RADF_NOIMPACTDAMAGE = 2, RADF_SOURCEISSPOT = 4, RADF_NODAMAGE = 8, RADF_THRUSTZ = 16, RADF_OLDRADIUSDAMAGE = 32 }; enum IntermissionSequenceType { FSTATE_EndingGame = 0, FSTATE_ChangingLevel = 1, FSTATE_InLevel = 2 }; enum Bobbing { Bob_Normal, Bob_Inverse, Bob_Alpha, Bob_InverseAlpha, Bob_Smooth, Bob_InverseSmooth }; enum EFinishLevelType { FINISH_SameHub, FINISH_NextHub, FINISH_NoHub }; enum EChangeLevelFlags { CHANGELEVEL_KEEPFACING = 1, CHANGELEVEL_RESETINVENTORY = 2, CHANGELEVEL_NOMONSTERS = 4, CHANGELEVEL_CHANGESKILL = 8, CHANGELEVEL_NOINTERMISSION = 16, CHANGELEVEL_RESETHEALTH = 32, CHANGELEVEL_PRERAISEWEAPON = 64, }; // [RH] Compatibility flags. enum ECompatFlags { COMPATF_SHORTTEX = 1 << 0, // Use Doom's shortest texture around behavior? COMPATF_STAIRINDEX = 1 << 1, // Don't fix loop index for stair building? COMPATF_LIMITPAIN = 1 << 2, // Pain elemental is limited to 20 lost souls? COMPATF_SILENTPICKUP = 1 << 3, // Pickups are only heard locally? COMPATF_NO_PASSMOBJ = 1 << 4, // Pretend every actor is infinitely tall? COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE = 1 << 5, // Limit actors to one sound at a time? COMPATF_WALLRUN = 1 << 6, // Enable buggier wall clipping so players can wallrun? COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS = 1 << 7, // Spawn dropped items directly on the floor? COMPATF_USEBLOCKING = 1 << 8, // Any special line can block a use line COMPATF_NODOORLIGHT = 1 << 9, // Don't do the BOOM local door light effect COMPATF_RAVENSCROLL = 1 << 10, // Raven's scrollers use their original carrying speed COMPATF_SOUNDTARGET = 1 << 11, // Use sector based sound target code. COMPATF_DEHHEALTH = 1 << 12, // Limit deh.MaxHealth to the health bonus (as in Doom2.exe) COMPATF_TRACE = 1 << 13, // Trace ignores lines with the same sector on both sides COMPATF_DROPOFF = 1 << 14, // Monsters cannot move when hanging over a dropoff COMPATF_BOOMSCROLL = 1 << 15, // Scrolling sectors are additive like in Boom COMPATF_INVISIBILITY = 1 << 16, // Monsters can see semi-invisible players COMPATF_SILENT_INSTANT_FLOORS = 1<<17, // Instantly moving floors are not silent COMPATF_SECTORSOUNDS = 1 << 18, // Sector sounds use original method for sound origin. COMPATF_MISSILECLIP = 1 << 19, // Use original Doom heights for clipping against projectiles COMPATF_CROSSDROPOFF = 1 << 20, // monsters can't be pushed over dropoffs COMPATF_ANYBOSSDEATH = 1 << 21, // [GZ] Any monster which calls BOSSDEATH counts for level specials COMPATF_MINOTAUR = 1 << 22, // Minotaur's floor flame is exploded immediately when feet are clipped COMPATF_MUSHROOM = 1 << 23, // Force original velocity calculations for A_Mushroom in Dehacked mods. COMPATF_MBFMONSTERMOVE = 1 << 24, // Monsters are affected by friction and pushers/pullers. COMPATF_CORPSEGIBS = 1 << 25, // Crushed monsters are turned into gibs, rather than replaced by gibs. COMPATF_NOBLOCKFRIENDS = 1 << 26, // Friendly monsters aren't blocked by monster-blocking lines. COMPATF_SPRITESORT = 1 << 27, // Invert sprite sorting order for sprites of equal distance COMPATF_HITSCAN = 1 << 28, // Hitscans use original blockmap anf hit check code. COMPATF_LIGHT = 1 << 29, // Find neighboring light level like Doom COMPATF_POLYOBJ = 1 << 30, // Draw polyobjects the old fashioned way COMPATF_MASKEDMIDTEX = 1 << 31, // Ignore compositing when drawing masked midtextures COMPATF2_BADANGLES = 1 << 0, // It is impossible to face directly NSEW. COMPATF2_FLOORMOVE = 1 << 1, // Use the same floor motion behavior as Doom. COMPATF2_SOUNDCUTOFF = 1 << 2, // Cut off sounds when an actor vanishes instead of making it owner-less COMPATF2_POINTONLINE = 1 << 3, // Use original but buggy P_PointOnLineSide() and P_PointOnDivlineSideCompat() COMPATF2_MULTIEXIT = 1 << 4, // Level exit can be triggered multiple times (required by Daedalus's travel tubes, thanks to a faulty script) COMPATF2_TELEPORT = 1 << 5, // Don't let indirect teleports trigger sector actions COMPATF2_PUSHWINDOW = 1 << 6, // Disable the window check in CheckForPushSpecial() COMPATF2_CHECKSWITCHRANGE = 1 << 7, // Enable buggy CheckSwitchRange behavior COMPATF2_EXPLODE1 = 1 << 8, // No vertical explosion thrust COMPATF2_EXPLODE2 = 1 << 9, // Use original explosion code throughout. COMPATF2_RAILING = 1 << 10, // Bugged Strife railings. }; enum EMonospacing { Mono_Off = 0, Mono_CellLeft = 1, Mono_CellCenter = 2, Mono_CellRight = 3 }; enum EPrintLevel { PRINT_LOW, // pickup messages PRINT_MEDIUM, // death messages PRINT_HIGH, // critical messages PRINT_CHAT, // chat messages PRINT_TEAMCHAT, // chat messages from a teammate PRINT_LOG, // only to logfile PRINT_BOLD = 200, // What Printf_Bold used PRINT_TYPES = 1023, // Bitmask. PRINT_NONOTIFY = 1024, // Flag - do not add to notify buffer PRINT_NOLOG = 2048, // Flag - do not print to log file };