/* ** sbarinfo_commands.cpp ** ** This is an extension to the sbarinfo.cpp file. This contains all of the ** commands. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2008 Braden Obrzut ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ // [BL] Do note that this file is included by sbarinfo.cpp. This is done so // that all the code can be more or less in one spot. // // At the bottom of this file is a function that belongs to // SBarInfoCommandFlowControl which creates the instances of the following // classes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawImage : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandDrawImage(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script), translatable(false), type(NORMAL_IMAGE), image(-1), maxwidth(-1), maxheight(-1), spawnScaleX(1.0f), spawnScaleY(1.0f), flags(0), applyscale(false), offset(static_cast (TOP|LEFT)), texture(NULL), alpha(1.) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { if(flags & DI_ALTERNATEONFAIL) SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Draw(block, statusBar); if(texture == NULL) return; int w = maxwidth, h = maxheight; // We must calculate this per frame in order to prevent glitches with cl_capfps true. double frameAlpha = block->Alpha() * alpha; if(flags & DI_DRAWINBOX) { double scale1, scale2; scale1 = scale2 = 1.0f; double texwidth = (int) (texture->GetDisplayWidthDouble()*spawnScaleX); double texheight = (int) (texture->GetDisplayHeightDouble()*spawnScaleY); if (w != -1 && (wGetDisplayWidthDouble()*spawnScaleX); h=(int) (texture->GetDisplayHeightDouble()*spawnScaleY); } statusBar->DrawGraphic(texture, imgx, imgy, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), frameAlpha, block->FullScreenOffsets(), translatable, false, offset, false, w, h); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { bool parenthesized = false; bool getImage = true; if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { getImage = false; if(sc.Compare("playericon")) type = PLAYERICON; else if(sc.Compare("ammoicon1")) type = AMMO1; else if(sc.Compare("ammoicon2")) type = AMMO2; else if(sc.Compare("armoricon")) type = ARMOR; else if(sc.Compare("weaponicon")) type = WEAPONICON; else if(sc.Compare("sigil")) type = SIGIL; else if(sc.Compare("hexenarmor")) { parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("armor")) type = HEXENARMOR_ARMOR; else if(sc.Compare("shield")) type = HEXENARMOR_SHIELD; else if(sc.Compare("helm")) type = HEXENARMOR_HELM; else if(sc.Compare("amulet")) type = HEXENARMOR_AMULET; else { sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown armor type: '%s'", sc.String); type = HEXENARMOR_ARMOR; } sc.MustGetToken(','); getImage = true; } else if(sc.Compare("translatable")) { translatable = true; getImage = true; } else { type = INVENTORYICON; const PClass* item = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if(item == NULL || !item->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) //must be a kind of Inventory { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); } else { sprite = GetDefaultByType(item)->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon); } image = -1; } } if(getImage) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); image = script->newImage(sc.String); sprite.SetInvalid(); if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } sc.MustGetToken(','); GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, imgx, imgy); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { // Use none instead of topleft in case we decide we want to use // alignments to remove the offset from images. if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_None)) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("center")) offset = CENTER; else if(sc.Compare("centerbottom")) offset = static_cast (HMIDDLE|BOTTOM); else sc.ScriptError("'%s' is not a valid alignment.", sc.String); } } if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if((maxwidth = sc.Number) > 0) flags |= DI_DRAWINBOX; else maxwidth = -1; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if ((maxheight = sc.Number) > 0) flags |= DI_DRAWINBOX; else maxheight = -1; } if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("skipicon")) flags |= DI_SKIPICON; else if(sc.Compare("skipalticon")) flags |= DI_SKIPALTICON; else if(sc.Compare("skipspawn")) flags |= DI_SKIPSPAWN; else if(sc.Compare("skipready")) flags |= DI_SKIPREADY; else if(sc.Compare("alticonfirst")) flags |= DI_ALTICONFIRST; else if(sc.Compare("forcescale")) { if(flags & DI_DRAWINBOX) flags |= DI_FORCESCALE; } else if(sc.Compare("alternateonfail")) flags |= DI_ALTERNATEONFAIL; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|') && !sc.CheckToken(',')) break; } } if(flags & DI_ALTERNATEONFAIL) SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); else sc.MustGetToken(';'); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); texture = NULL; alpha = 1.; if (applyscale) { spawnScaleX = spawnScaleY = 1.0f; applyscale = false; } if(type == PLAYERICON) texture = TexMan.GetTexture(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->ScoreIcon, true); else if(type == AMMO1) { auto ammo = statusBar->ammo1; if(ammo != NULL) GetIcon(ammo); } else if(type == AMMO2) { auto ammo = statusBar->ammo2; if(ammo != NULL) GetIcon(ammo); } else if(type == ARMOR) { auto armor = statusBar->armor; if(armor != NULL && armor->IntVar(NAME_Amount) != 0) GetIcon(armor); } else if(type == WEAPONICON) { auto weapon = statusBar->CPlayer->ReadyWeapon; if(weapon != NULL) GetIcon(weapon); } else if(type == SIGIL) { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(NAME_Sigil); if (item != NULL) texture = TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true); } else if(type == HEXENARMOR_ARMOR || type == HEXENARMOR_SHIELD || type == HEXENARMOR_HELM || type == HEXENARMOR_AMULET) { int armorType = type - HEXENARMOR_ARMOR; auto harmor = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(NAME_HexenArmor); if (harmor != NULL) { double *Slots = (double*)harmor->ScriptVar(NAME_Slots, nullptr); double *SlotsIncrement = (double*)harmor->ScriptVar(NAME_SlotsIncrement, nullptr); if (Slots[armorType] > 0 && SlotsIncrement[armorType] > 0) { //combine the alpha values alpha *= MIN(1., Slots[armorType] / SlotsIncrement[armorType]); texture = statusBar->Images[image]; } else return; } } else if(type == INVENTORYICON) texture = TexMan.GetTexture(sprite, true); else if(type == SELECTEDINVENTORYICON && statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel != NULL) texture = TexMan.GetTexture(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true); else if(image >= 0) texture = statusBar->Images[image]; if (flags & DI_ALTERNATEONFAIL) { SetTruth(texture == NULL || !texture->isValid(), block, statusBar); } } protected: void GetIcon(AActor *item) { int apply; FTextureID icon = FSetTextureID(GetInventoryIcon(item, flags, &apply)); applyscale = !!apply; if (applyscale) { spawnScaleX = item->Scale.X; spawnScaleY = item->Scale.Y; } texture = TexMan.GetTexture(icon, true); } enum ImageType { PLAYERICON, AMMO1, AMMO2, ARMOR, WEAPONICON, SIGIL, HEXENARMOR_ARMOR, HEXENARMOR_SHIELD, HEXENARMOR_HELM, HEXENARMOR_AMULET, INVENTORYICON, WEAPONSLOT, SELECTEDINVENTORYICON, NORMAL_IMAGE }; bool translatable; ImageType type; int image; FTextureID sprite; int maxwidth; int maxheight; double spawnScaleX; double spawnScaleY; uint32_t flags; bool applyscale; //Set remotely from from GetInventoryIcon when selected sprite comes from Spawn state // I'm using imgx/imgy here so that I can inherit drawimage with drawnumber for some commands. SBarInfoCoordinate imgx; SBarInfoCoordinate imgy; Offset offset; FTexture *texture; double alpha; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawSwitchableImage : public CommandDrawImage { private: enum Operator { EQUAL, LESS, GREATER, LESSOREQUAL, GREATEROREQUAL, NOTEQUAL }; static void GetOperation(FScanner &sc, Operator &op, int &value) { if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Eq)) op = EQUAL; else if(sc.CheckToken('<')) op = LESS; else if(sc.CheckToken('>')) op = GREATER; else if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Leq)) op = LESSOREQUAL; else if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Geq)) op = GREATEROREQUAL; else if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Neq)) op = NOTEQUAL; else { // Default op = GREATER; value = 0; return; } sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); value = sc.Number; } static bool EvaluateOperation(const Operator &op, const int &value, const int &compare) { switch(op) { case EQUAL: return compare == value; case LESS: return compare < value; case GREATER: default: return compare > value; case LESSOREQUAL: return compare <= value; case GREATEROREQUAL: return compare >= value; case NOTEQUAL: return compare != value; } } // Key species are used to allow alternates for existing key slots. static FName LookupKeySpecies(int keynum) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClassActor::AllActorClasses.Size(); ++i) { PClassActor *cls = PClassActor::AllActorClasses[i]; if (cls->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Key)) { auto key = GetDefaultByType(cls); if (key->special1 == keynum) return cls->TypeName; } } return NAME_None; } public: CommandDrawSwitchableImage(SBarInfo *script) : CommandDrawImage(script), condition(INVENTORY), conditionAnd(false) { conditionalImage[0] = conditionalImage[1] = conditionalImage[2] = -1; conditionalValue[0] = conditionalValue[1] = 0; armorType[0] = armorType[1] = 0; } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.TokenType == TK_Identifier) { if(sc.Compare("weaponslot")) { condition = WEAPONSLOT; sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); conditionalValue[0] = sc.Number; } else if(sc.Compare("invulnerable")) { condition = INVULNERABILITY; } else if(sc.Compare("keyslot")) { condition = KEYSLOT; sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); conditionalValue[0] = sc.Number; keySpecies[0] = LookupKeySpecies(conditionalValue[0]); } else if(sc.Compare("armortype")) { condition = ARMORTYPE; sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); armorType[0] = FName(sc.String).GetIndex(); GetOperation(sc, conditionalOperator[0], conditionalValue[0]); } } if(condition == INVENTORY) { inventoryItem[0] = sc.String; const PClass* item = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if(item == NULL || !item->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) //must be a kind of Inventory { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); } GetOperation(sc, conditionalOperator[0], conditionalValue[0]); } if(sc.CheckToken(TK_AndAnd) && condition != INVULNERABILITY) { conditionAnd = true; if(condition == KEYSLOT || condition == WEAPONSLOT) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); conditionalValue[1] = sc.Number; if(condition == KEYSLOT) keySpecies[1] = LookupKeySpecies(conditionalValue[1]); } else if(condition == ARMORTYPE) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); armorType[1] = FName(sc.String).GetIndex(); GetOperation(sc, conditionalOperator[1], conditionalValue[1]); } else { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); inventoryItem[1] = sc.String; const PClass* item = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if(item == NULL || !item->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) //must be a kind of Inventory { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); } GetOperation(sc, conditionalOperator[1], conditionalValue[1]); } } // [BL] I have word that MSVC++ wants this static_cast ;) Shut up MSVC! for(unsigned int i = 0;i < (conditionAnd ? 3u : 1u);i++) { sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); conditionalImage[i] = script->newImage(sc.String); } sc.MustGetToken(','); CommandDrawImage::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { // DrawSwitchable image allows 2 or 4 images to be supplied. // drawAlt toggles these: // 1 = first image // 2 = second image // 3 = thrid image // 0 = last image int drawAlt = 0; if(condition == WEAPONSLOT) //weaponslots { drawAlt = 1; //draw off state until we know we have something. for (int i = 0; i < statusBar->CPlayer->weapons.SlotSize(conditionalValue[0]); i++) { PClassActor *weap = statusBar->CPlayer->weapons.GetWeapon(conditionalValue[0], i); if(weap == NULL) { continue; } else if(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(weap) != NULL) { drawAlt = 0; break; } } } else if(condition == INVULNERABILITY) { if(statusBar->CPlayer->cheats&(CF_GODMODE|CF_GODMODE2)) { drawAlt = 1; } } else if(condition == KEYSLOT) { bool found1 = false; bool found2 = false; drawAlt = 1; for(auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->Inventory;item != NULL;item = item->Inventory) { if(item->IsKindOf(NAME_Key)) { int keynum = item->special1; if(keynum) { if(keynum == conditionalValue[0]) found1 = true; if(conditionAnd && keynum == conditionalValue[1]) // two keys found2 = true; } else { FName species = item->GetSpecies(); if(species == keySpecies[0]) found1 = true; if(conditionAnd && species == keySpecies[1]) found2 = true; } } } if(conditionAnd) { if(found1 && found2) drawAlt = 0; else if(found1) drawAlt = 2; else if(found2) drawAlt = 3; } else { if(found1) drawAlt = 0; } } else if(condition == ARMORTYPE) { auto armor = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(NAME_BasicArmor); if(armor != NULL) { auto n = armor->NameVar(NAME_ArmorType).GetIndex(); bool matches1 = n == armorType[0] && EvaluateOperation(conditionalOperator[0], conditionalValue[0], armor->IntVar(NAME_Amount)); bool matches2 = n == armorType[1] && EvaluateOperation(conditionalOperator[1], conditionalValue[1], armor->IntVar(NAME_Amount)); drawAlt = 1; if(conditionAnd) { if(matches1 && matches2) drawAlt = 0; else if(matches2) drawAlt = 3; else if(matches1) drawAlt = 2; } else if(matches1) drawAlt = 0; } } else //check the inventory items and draw selected sprite { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(inventoryItem[0]); if(item == NULL || !EvaluateOperation(conditionalOperator[0], conditionalValue[0], item->IntVar(NAME_Amount))) drawAlt = 1; if(conditionAnd) { item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(inventoryItem[1]); bool secondCondition = item != NULL && EvaluateOperation(conditionalOperator[1], conditionalValue[1], item->IntVar(NAME_Amount)); if((item != NULL && secondCondition) && drawAlt == 0) //both { drawAlt = 0; } else if((item != NULL && secondCondition) && drawAlt == 1) //2nd { drawAlt = 3; } else if((item == NULL || !secondCondition) && drawAlt == 0) //1st { drawAlt = 2; } } } if(drawAlt != 0) //draw 'off' image { texture = statusBar->Images[conditionalImage[drawAlt-1]]; // Since we're not going to call our parent's tick() method, // be sure to set the alpha value properly. alpha = 1.; return; } CommandDrawImage::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); } private: enum Condition { WEAPONSLOT, INVULNERABILITY, KEYSLOT, ARMORTYPE, INVENTORY }; Condition condition; bool conditionAnd; int conditionalImage[3]; int conditionalValue[2]; Operator conditionalOperator[2]; FString inventoryItem[2]; int armorType[2]; FName keySpecies[2] = { NAME_None, NAME_None }; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawString : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawString(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), lineBreaks(false), breakWidth(320), shadow(false), shadowX(2), shadowY(2), spacing(0), font(NULL), translation(CR_UNTRANSLATED), cache(-1), strValue(CONSTANT), valueArgument(0), alignment(ALIGN_RIGHT) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { if(lineBreaks) { auto lines = V_BreakLines(font, breakWidth, str.GetChars()); for(unsigned i = 0; i < lines.Size();i++) { statusBar->DrawString(font, lines[i].Text, x, y+i*(font->GetHeight()+4), block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), translation, spacing, shadow, shadowX, shadowY); } } else statusBar->DrawString(font, str.GetChars(), x, y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), translation, spacing, shadow, shadowX, shadowY); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); font = V_GetFont(sc.String); if(font == NULL) { sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown font '%s'.", sc.String); font = SmallFont; } sc.MustGetToken(','); translation = GetTranslation(sc); sc.MustGetToken(','); ParseStringValue(sc); sc.MustGetToken(','); GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, startX, y); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) //spacing { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); spacing = sc.Number; if(sc.CheckToken(',')) //[KS] flags? flags! SIX FLAGS! { while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("alignment")) { sc.MustGetToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("right")) alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT; else if(sc.Compare("left")) alignment = ALIGN_LEFT; else if(sc.Compare("center")) alignment = ALIGN_CENTER; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown alignment '%s'.", sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("drawshadow")) { if(sc.CheckToken('(')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowX = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowY = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } shadow = true; } else if(sc.Compare("linebreaks")) { sc.MustGetToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); breakWidth = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); lineBreaks = true; } else sc.ScriptError("Unknown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|') && !sc.CheckToken(',')) break; } } } sc.MustGetToken(';'); RealignString(); } void ParseStringValue(FScanner &sc) { if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("levelname")) strValue = LEVELNAME; else if(sc.Compare("levellump")) strValue = LEVELLUMP; else if(sc.Compare("skillname")) strValue = SKILLNAME; else if(sc.Compare("playerclass")) strValue = PLAYERCLASS; else if(sc.Compare("playername")) strValue = PLAYERNAME; else if(sc.Compare("ammo1tag")) strValue = AMMO1TAG; else if(sc.Compare("ammo2tag")) strValue = AMMO2TAG; else if(sc.Compare("weapontag")) strValue = WEAPONTAG; else if(sc.Compare("inventorytag")) strValue = INVENTORYTAG; else if(sc.Compare("time")) strValue = TIME; else if(sc.Compare("logtext")) strValue = LOGTEXT; else if(sc.Compare("globalvar")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); strValue = GLOBALVAR; sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if(sc.Number < 0 || sc.Number >= NUM_GLOBALVARS) sc.ScriptError("Global variable number out of range: %d", sc.Number); valueArgument = sc.Number; if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("globalarray")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); strValue = GLOBALARRAY; sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if(sc.Number < 0 || sc.Number >= NUM_GLOBALVARS) sc.ScriptError("Global variable number out of range: %d", sc.Number); valueArgument = sc.Number; if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else sc.ScriptError("Unknown string '%s'.", sc.String); } else { strValue = CONSTANT; sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); if(sc.String[0] == '$') str = GStrings[sc.String+1]; else str = sc.String; } } void Reset() { switch(strValue) { case PLAYERCLASS: // userinfo changes before the actual class change. case SKILLNAME: // Although it's not possible for the skill level to change // midlevel, it is possible the level was restarted. cache = -1; break; default: break; } } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { switch(strValue) { case LEVELNAME: if(level.lumpnum != cache) { cache = level.lumpnum; str = level.LevelName; RealignString(); } break; case LEVELLUMP: if(level.lumpnum != cache) { cache = level.lumpnum; str = level.MapName; str.ToUpper(); RealignString(); } break; case SKILLNAME: if(level.lumpnum != cache) // Can only change skill between level. { cache = level.lumpnum; str = G_SkillName(); RealignString(); } break; case PLAYERCLASS: if(statusBar->CPlayer->userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum() != cache) { cache = statusBar->CPlayer->userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum(); str = GetPrintableDisplayName(statusBar->CPlayer->cls); RealignString(); } break; case AMMO1TAG: SetStringToTag(statusBar->ammo1); break; case AMMO2TAG: SetStringToTag(statusBar->ammo2); break; case WEAPONTAG: SetStringToTag(statusBar->CPlayer->ReadyWeapon); break; case INVENTORYTAG: SetStringToTag(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel); break; case PLAYERNAME: // Can't think of a good way to detect changes to this, so // I guess copying it every tick will have to do. str = statusBar->CPlayer->userinfo.GetName(); RealignString(); break; case GLOBALVAR: if(ACS_GlobalVars[valueArgument] != cache) { cache = ACS_GlobalVars[valueArgument]; str = FBehavior::StaticLookupString(ACS_GlobalVars[valueArgument]); RealignString(); } break; case GLOBALARRAY: if(ACS_GlobalArrays[valueArgument][consoleplayer] != cache) { cache = ACS_GlobalArrays[valueArgument][consoleplayer]; str = FBehavior::StaticLookupString(ACS_GlobalArrays[valueArgument][consoleplayer]); RealignString(); } break; case TIME: { int sec = Tics2Seconds(level.time); str.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60); break; } case LOGTEXT: str = statusBar->CPlayer->LogText; break; default: break; } } protected: enum StringAlignment { ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, }; void RealignString() { x = startX; switch (alignment) { case ALIGN_LEFT: break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: if(script->spacingCharacter == '\0') x -= static_cast (font->StringWidth(str)+(spacing * str.Len())); else //monospaced, so just multiplay the character size x -= static_cast ((font->GetCharWidth((unsigned char) script->spacingCharacter) + spacing) * str.Len()); break; case ALIGN_CENTER: if(script->spacingCharacter == '\0') x -= static_cast ((font->StringWidth(str)+(spacing * str.Len())) / 2); else x -= static_cast ((font->GetCharWidth((unsigned char) script->spacingCharacter) + spacing) * str.Len() / 2); break; } } enum StringValueType { LEVELNAME, LEVELLUMP, SKILLNAME, PLAYERCLASS, PLAYERNAME, AMMO1TAG, AMMO2TAG, WEAPONTAG, INVENTORYTAG, GLOBALVAR, GLOBALARRAY, TIME, LOGTEXT, CONSTANT }; bool lineBreaks; int breakWidth; bool shadow; int shadowX; int shadowY; int spacing; FFont *font; EColorRange translation; SBarInfoCoordinate startX; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; intptr_t cache; /// General purpose cache. StringValueType strValue; int valueArgument; FString str; StringAlignment alignment; private: void SetStringToTag(AActor *actor) { if (actor != NULL) { if ((intptr_t)actor->GetClass() != cache) { cache = (intptr_t)actor->GetClass(); str = actor->GetTag(); RealignString(); } } else { cache = -1; str = ""; } } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawNumber : public CommandDrawString { public: CommandDrawNumber(SBarInfo *script) : CommandDrawString(script), fillZeros(false), whenNotZero(false), dontCap(false), usePrefix(false), interpolationSpeed(0), drawValue(0), length(3), lowValue(-1), lowTranslation(CR_UNTRANSLATED), highValue(-1), highTranslation(CR_UNTRANSLATED), value(CONSTANT), inventoryItem(NULL), cvarName(nullptr) { } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); length = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); font = V_GetFont(sc.String); if(font == NULL) { sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown font '%s'.", sc.String); font = SmallFont; } sc.MustGetToken(','); normalTranslation = GetTranslation(sc); sc.MustGetToken(','); if(sc.CheckToken(TK_IntConst)) { value = CONSTANT; valueArgument = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); } else { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); value = INVENTORY; if(sc.TokenType == TK_Identifier) { if(sc.Compare("health")) value = HEALTH; else if(sc.Compare("armor")) value = ARMOR; else if(sc.Compare("ammo1")) value = AMMO1; else if(sc.Compare("ammo2")) value = AMMO2; else if(sc.Compare("ammo1capacity")) value = AMMO1CAPACITY; else if(sc.Compare("ammo2capacity")) value = AMMO2CAPACITY; else if(sc.Compare("score")) value = SCORE; else if(sc.Compare("ammo")) //request the next string to be an ammo type { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); value = AMMO; if(!parenthesized || !sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if(inventoryItem == NULL || !inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Ammo)) //must be a kind of ammo { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of ammo.", sc.String); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Ammo); } if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("ammocapacity")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); value = AMMOCAPACITY; if(!parenthesized || !sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if (inventoryItem == NULL || !inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Ammo)) //must be a kind of ammo { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of ammo.", sc.String); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Ammo); } if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("frags")) value = FRAGS; else if(sc.Compare("kills")) value = KILLS; else if(sc.Compare("monsters")) value = MONSTERS; else if(sc.Compare("items")) value = ITEMS; else if(sc.Compare("totalitems")) value = TOTALITEMS; else if(sc.Compare("secrets")) value = SECRETS; else if(sc.Compare("totalsecrets")) value = TOTALSECRETS; else if(sc.Compare("armorclass")) value = ARMORCLASS; else if(sc.Compare("savepercent")) value = SAVEPERCENT; else if(sc.Compare("airtime")) value = AIRTIME; else if(sc.Compare("accuracy")) value = ACCURACY; else if(sc.Compare("stamina")) value = STAMINA; else if(sc.Compare("keys")) value = KEYS; else if(sc.Compare("globalvar")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); value = GLOBALVAR; sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if(sc.Number < 0 || sc.Number >= NUM_GLOBALVARS) sc.ScriptError("Global variable number out of range: %d", sc.Number); valueArgument = sc.Number; if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("globalarray")) //acts like variable[playernumber()] { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); value = GLOBALARRAY; sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if(sc.Number < 0 || sc.Number >= NUM_GLOBALVARS) sc.ScriptError("Global variable number out of range: %d", sc.Number); valueArgument = sc.Number; if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("poweruptime")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); value = POWERUPTIME; if(!parenthesized || !sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if (inventoryItem == NULL || !inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_PowerupGiver)) { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of PowerupGiver.", sc.String); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_PowerupGiver); } if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if (sc.Compare("intcvar")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); value = INTCVAR; if (!parenthesized || !sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); cvarName = sc.String; // We have a name, but make sure it exists. If not, send notification so modders // are aware of the situation. FBaseCVar *CVar = FindCVar(cvarName, nullptr); if (CVar != nullptr) { ECVarType cvartype = CVar->GetRealType(); if (!(cvartype == CVAR_Bool || cvartype == CVAR_Int)) { sc.ScriptMessage("CVar '%s' is not an int or bool", cvarName.GetChars()); } } else { sc.ScriptMessage("CVar '%s' does not exist", cvarName.GetChars()); } if (parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } } if(value == INVENTORY) { inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if (inventoryItem == NULL || !inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Inventory); } } sc.MustGetToken(','); } while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("fillzeros")) fillZeros = true; else if(sc.Compare("whennotzero")) whenNotZero = true; else if(sc.Compare("dontcap")) dontCap = true; else if(sc.Compare("drawshadow")) { if(sc.CheckToken('(')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowX = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowY = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } shadow = true; } else if(sc.Compare("interpolate")) { sc.MustGetToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); interpolationSpeed = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("alignment")) { sc.MustGetToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("right")) alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT; else if(sc.Compare("left")) alignment = ALIGN_LEFT; else if(sc.Compare("center")) alignment = ALIGN_CENTER; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown alignment '%s'.", sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("prefix")) { usePrefix = true; sc.MustGetToken('('); ParseStringValue(sc); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); prefixPadding = sc.String; if(strValue == CommandDrawString::CONSTANT) { usePrefix = false; // Use prefix just determines if we tick the string. prefixPadding = str + prefixPadding; } sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else sc.ScriptError("Unknown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, startX, y); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { bool needsComma = false; if(sc.CheckToken(TK_IntConst)) //font spacing { spacing = sc.Number; needsComma = true; } if(!needsComma || sc.CheckToken(',')) //2nd coloring for "low-on" value { lowTranslation = GetTranslation(sc); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); lowValue = sc.Number; if(sc.CheckToken(',')) //3rd coloring for "high-on" value { highTranslation = GetTranslation(sc); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); highValue = sc.Number; } } } sc.MustGetToken(';'); if(value == HEALTH) interpolationSpeed = script->interpolateHealth ? script->interpolationSpeed : interpolationSpeed; else if(value == ARMOR) interpolationSpeed = script->interpolateArmor ? script->armorInterpolationSpeed : interpolationSpeed; } void Reset() { drawValue = 0; } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { if(usePrefix) { cache = -1; // Disable the cache since we are using the same variables. CommandDrawString::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); } int num = valueArgument; switch(value) { case HEALTH: num = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->health; if(script->lowerHealthCap && num < 0) //health shouldn't display negatives num = 0; if(script->interpolateHealth) interpolationSpeed = script->interpolationSpeed; break; case ARMOR: num = statusBar->armor != NULL ? statusBar->armor->IntVar(NAME_Amount) : 0; if(script->interpolateArmor) interpolationSpeed = script->armorInterpolationSpeed; break; case AMMO1: if(statusBar->ammo1 == NULL) //no ammo, do not draw { str = ""; return; } num = statusBar->ammocount1; break; case AMMO2: if(statusBar->ammo2 == NULL) //no ammo, do not draw { str = ""; return; } num = statusBar->ammocount2; break; case AMMO: { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(inventoryItem); if(item != NULL) num = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); else num = 0; break; } case AMMO1CAPACITY: if(statusBar->ammo1 == NULL) //no ammo, do not draw { str = ""; return; } else num = statusBar->ammo1->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); break; case AMMO2CAPACITY: if(statusBar->ammo2 == NULL) //no ammo, do not draw { str = ""; return; } else num = statusBar->ammo2->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); break; case AMMOCAPACITY: { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(inventoryItem); if(item != NULL) num = item->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); else num = GetDefaultByType(inventoryItem)->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); break; } case FRAGS: num = statusBar->CPlayer->fragcount; break; case KILLS: num = level.killed_monsters; break; case MONSTERS: num = level.total_monsters; break; case ITEMS: num = level.found_items; break; case TOTALITEMS: num = level.total_items; break; case SECRETS: num = level.found_secrets; break; case SCORE: num = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->Score; break; case TOTALSECRETS: num = level.total_secrets; break; case ARMORCLASS: case SAVEPERCENT: { double add = 0; auto harmor = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(NAME_HexenArmor); if(harmor != NULL) { double *Slots = (double*)harmor->ScriptVar(NAME_Slots, nullptr); add = Slots[0] + Slots[1] + Slots[2] + Slots[3] + Slots[4]; } //Hexen counts basic armor also so we should too. if(statusBar->armor != NULL) { add += statusBar->armor->FloatVar(NAME_SavePercent) * 100; } if(value == ARMORCLASS) add /= 5; num = int(add); break; } case GLOBALVAR: num = ACS_GlobalVars[valueArgument]; break; case GLOBALARRAY: num = ACS_GlobalArrays[valueArgument][consoleplayer]; break; case POWERUPTIME: { // num = statusBar.CPlayer.mo.GetEffectTicsForItem(inventoryItem) / TICRATE + 1; static VMFunction *func = nullptr; if (func == nullptr) PClass::FindFunction(&func, NAME_PlayerPawn, "GetEffectTicsForItem"); VMValue params[] = { statusBar->CPlayer->mo, inventoryItem }; int retv; VMReturn ret(&retv); VMCall(func, params, 2, &ret, 1); num = retv < 0? 0 : retv / TICRATE + 1; break; } case INVENTORY: { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(inventoryItem); if(item != NULL) num = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); else num = 0; break; } case AIRTIME: { if(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->waterlevel < 3) num = level.airsupply/TICRATE; else num = clamp((statusBar->CPlayer->air_finished - level.time + (TICRATE-1))/TICRATE, 0, INT_MAX); break; } case SELECTEDINVENTORY: if(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel != NULL) num = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel->IntVar(NAME_Amount); break; case ACCURACY: num = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->accuracy; break; case STAMINA: num = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->stamina; break; case KEYS: num = 0; for(auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->Inventory;item != NULL;item = item->Inventory) { if(item->IsKindOf(NAME_Key)) num++; } break; case INTCVAR: { FBaseCVar *CVar = GetCVar(statusBar->CPlayer->mo, cvarName); if (CVar != nullptr) { ECVarType cvartype = CVar->GetRealType(); if (cvartype == CVAR_Bool || cvartype == CVAR_Int) { num = CVar->GetGenericRep(CVAR_Int).Int; break; } } // Fallback in case of bad cvar/type. Unset can remove a cvar at will. num = 0; break; } default: break; } if(interpolationSpeed != 0 && (!hudChanged || level.time == 1)) { if(num < drawValue) drawValue -= clamp((drawValue - num) >> 2, 1, interpolationSpeed); else if(drawValue < num) drawValue += clamp((num - drawValue) >> 2, 1, interpolationSpeed); } else drawValue = num; if(whenNotZero && drawValue == 0) { str = ""; return; } translation = normalTranslation; if(lowValue != -1 && drawValue <= lowValue) //low translation = lowTranslation; else if(highValue != -1 && drawValue >= highValue) //high translation = highTranslation; bool useFillZeros = fillZeros; if(!dontCap) { // 10^9 is a largest we can hold in a 32-bit int. So if we go any larger we have to toss out the positions limit. int maxval = length <= 9 ? (int) ceil(pow(10., length))-1 : INT_MAX; if(!fillZeros || length == 1) drawValue = clamp(drawValue, -maxval, maxval); else //The community wanted negatives to take the last digit, but we can only do this if there is room drawValue = clamp(drawValue, length <= 9 ? (int) -(ceil(pow(10., length-1))-1) : INT_MIN, maxval); } else if(length <= 9) { int limit = (int) ceil(pow(10., length > 1 && drawValue < 0 ? length - 1 : length)); if(drawValue >= limit) useFillZeros = true; drawValue = drawValue%limit; } if(useFillZeros) str.Format("%s%s%0*d", usePrefix ? str.GetChars() : "", prefixPadding.GetChars(), drawValue < 0 ? length - 1 : length, drawValue); else str.Format("%s%s%d", usePrefix ? str.GetChars() : "", prefixPadding.GetChars(), drawValue); RealignString(); } protected: enum ValueType { HEALTH, ARMOR, AMMO1, AMMO2, AMMO, AMMO1CAPACITY, AMMO2CAPACITY, AMMOCAPACITY, FRAGS, INVENTORY, KILLS, MONSTERS, ITEMS, TOTALITEMS, SECRETS, TOTALSECRETS, ARMORCLASS, GLOBALVAR, GLOBALARRAY, POWERUPTIME, AIRTIME, SELECTEDINVENTORY, SCORE, SAVEPERCENT, ACCURACY, STAMINA, KEYS, INTCVAR, CONSTANT }; bool fillZeros; bool whenNotZero; bool dontCap; bool usePrefix; int interpolationSpeed; int drawValue; int length; int lowValue; EColorRange lowTranslation; int highValue; EColorRange highTranslation; EColorRange normalTranslation; ValueType value; PClassActor *inventoryItem; FString prefixPadding; FString cvarName; friend class CommandDrawInventoryBar; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawMugShot : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawMugShot(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), accuracy(5), stateFlags(FMugShot::STANDARD) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { FTexture *face = statusBar->wrapper->mugshot.GetFace(statusBar->CPlayer, defaultFace, accuracy, stateFlags); if (face != NULL) statusBar->DrawGraphic(face, x, y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) { defaultFace = sc.String; if(defaultFace.Len() > 3) sc.ScriptError("Default can not be longer than 3 characters."); sc.MustGetToken(','); } sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); //accuracy if(sc.Number < 1 || sc.Number > 9) sc.ScriptError("Expected a number between 1 and 9, got %d instead.", sc.Number); accuracy = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); while (sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if (sc.Compare("xdeathface")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::XDEATHFACE); else if (sc.Compare("animatedgodmode")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::ANIMATEDGODMODE); else if (sc.Compare("disablegrin")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::DISABLEGRIN); else if (sc.Compare("disableouch")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::DISABLEOUCH); else if (sc.Compare("disablepain")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::DISABLEPAIN); else if (sc.Compare("disablerampage")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::DISABLERAMPAGE); else if (sc.Compare("custom")) stateFlags = static_cast (stateFlags | FMugShot::CUSTOM); else sc.ScriptError("Unknown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if (!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, x, y); sc.MustGetToken(';'); } void Reset() { } protected: FString defaultFace; //Deprecated int accuracy; FMugShot::StateFlags stateFlags; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawSelectedInventory : public CommandDrawImage, private CommandDrawNumber { public: CommandDrawSelectedInventory(SBarInfo *script) : CommandDrawImage(script), CommandDrawNumber(script), alternateOnEmpty(false), artiflash(false), alwaysShowCounter(false), itemflash(false) { length = INT_MAX; // Counter size } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { if(alternateOnEmpty) SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Draw(block, statusBar); if(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel != NULL && !(level.flags & LEVEL_NOINVENTORYBAR)) { if(artiflash && statusBar->wrapper->artiflashTick) { statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[ARTIFLASH_OFFSET+(4- statusBar->wrapper->artiflashTick)], imgx, imgy, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), translatable, false, offset); } else { if(itemflash && statusBar->wrapper->itemflashFade != 0) { double flashAlpha = block->Alpha() * statusBar->wrapper->itemflashFade; statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgCURSOR], imgx-4, imgy+2, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), flashAlpha, block->FullScreenOffsets(), translatable, false, offset); } CommandDrawImage::Draw(block, statusBar); } if(alwaysShowCounter || statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel->IntVar(NAME_Amount) != 1) CommandDrawNumber::Draw(block, statusBar); } } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { type = SELECTEDINVENTORYICON; value = SELECTEDINVENTORY; while(true) //go until we get a font (non-flag) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); bool isFont = sc.TokenType != TK_Identifier; if(sc.TokenType == TK_Identifier) { if(sc.Compare("alternateonempty")) alternateOnEmpty = true; else if(sc.Compare("artiflash")) artiflash = true; else if(sc.Compare("alwaysshowcounter")) alwaysShowCounter = true; else if(sc.Compare("itemflash")) itemflash = true; else if(sc.Compare("center")) offset = CENTER; else if(sc.Compare("centerbottom")) offset = static_cast (HMIDDLE|BOTTOM); else if(sc.Compare("drawshadow")) { if(sc.CheckToken('(')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowX = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowY = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } shadow = true; } else isFont = true; } if(isFont) { font = V_GetFont(sc.String); if(font == NULL) { sc.ScriptMessage("Unknown font '%s'.", sc.String); font = SmallFont; } sc.MustGetToken(','); break; } if(!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } CommandDrawImage::GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, imgx, imgy); startX = imgx + 30; y = imgy + 24; normalTranslation = CR_GOLD; if(sc.CheckToken(',')) //more font information { CommandDrawNumber::GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, startX, y); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { normalTranslation = CommandDrawNumber::GetTranslation(sc); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); spacing = sc.Number; } } } if(alternateOnEmpty) SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); else sc.MustGetToken(';'); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); SetTruth(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel == NULL || (level.flags & LEVEL_NOINVENTORYBAR), block, statusBar); CommandDrawImage::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); CommandDrawNumber::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); } protected: bool alternateOnEmpty; bool artiflash; bool alwaysShowCounter; bool itemflash; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandGameMode : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandGameMode(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script), modes(static_cast (0)) { } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { static bool warnUnknown = true; do { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); int mode = sc.MatchString(modeNames); if(mode >= 0) modes |= static_cast (1<AmmoType(1) || statusBar->AmmoType(2), block, statusBar); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandUsesSecondaryAmmo : public CommandUsesAmmo { public: CommandUsesSecondaryAmmo(SBarInfo *script) : CommandUsesAmmo(script) { } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); SetTruth(statusBar->AmmoType(2) && statusBar->AmmoType(2) != statusBar->AmmoType(1), block, statusBar); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandInventoryBarNotVisible : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandInventoryBarNotVisible(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script) { } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); SetTruth(statusBar->CPlayer->inventorytics <= 0 || (level.flags & LEVEL_NOINVENTORYBAR), block, statusBar); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandAspectRatio : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandAspectRatio(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script), ratio(ASPECTRATIO_4_3) { } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); if(sc.Compare("4:3")) ratio = ASPECTRATIO_4_3; else if(sc.Compare("16:9")) ratio = ASPECTRATIO_16_9; else if(sc.Compare("16:10")) ratio = ASPECTRATIO_16_10; else if(sc.Compare("17:10")) ratio = ASPECTRATIO_17_10; else if(sc.Compare("5:4")) ratio = ASPECTRATIO_5_4; else sc.ScriptError("Unkown aspect ratio: %s", sc.String); // Make this ratio known and map to itself // In the future, should another aspect ratio get added, you'd want // to also make any wider ratio remap to this one if suitable. ratioMap[ratio] = ratio; SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); SetTruth(ratioMap[FindRatio()] == ratio, block, statusBar); } protected: enum Ratio { ASPECTRATIO_4_3 = 0, ASPECTRATIO_16_9 = 1, ASPECTRATIO_16_10 = 2, ASPECTRATIO_17_10 = 3, ASPECTRATIO_5_4 = 4 }; // Since the number of aspect ratios may change at any time, we should // track what aspect ratios the statusbar supports and use the widest // or tallest available ratio. static Ratio ratioMap[5]; Ratio ratio; private: int FindRatio() { float aspect = ActiveRatio(screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight()); static std::pair ratioTypes[] = { { 21 / 9.0f , ASPECTRATIO_16_9 }, { 16 / 9.0f , ASPECTRATIO_16_9 }, { 17 / 10.0f , ASPECTRATIO_17_10 }, { 16 / 10.0f , ASPECTRATIO_16_10 }, { 4 / 3.0f , ASPECTRATIO_4_3 }, { 5 / 4.0f , ASPECTRATIO_5_4 }, { 0.0f, 0 } }; int ratio = ratioTypes[0].second; float distance = fabs(ratioTypes[0].first - aspect); for (int i = 1; ratioTypes[i].first != 0.0f; i++) { float d = fabs(ratioTypes[i].first - aspect); if (d < distance) { ratio = ratioTypes[i].second; distance = d; } } return ratio; } }; CommandAspectRatio::Ratio CommandAspectRatio::ratioMap[5] = {ASPECTRATIO_4_3,ASPECTRATIO_16_9,ASPECTRATIO_16_10,ASPECTRATIO_16_10,ASPECTRATIO_5_4}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawShader : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawShader(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), vertical(false), reverse(false), width(1), height(1) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { statusBar->DrawGraphic(shaders[(vertical<<1) + reverse], x, y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, false, 0, true, width, height); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); width = sc.Number; if(sc.Number < 1) sc.ScriptError("Width must be greater than 1."); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); height = sc.Number; if(sc.Number < 1) sc.ScriptError("Height must be greater than 1."); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("vertical")) vertical = true; else if(!sc.Compare("horizontal")) sc.ScriptError("Unknown direction '%s'.", sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(!sc.Compare("reverse")) { sc.ScriptError("Exspected 'reverse', got '%s' instead.", sc.String); } reverse = true; sc.MustGetToken(','); } GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, x, y); sc.MustGetToken(';'); shaders[0] = TexMan.FindTexture("BarShaderHF"); shaders[1] = TexMan.FindTexture("BarShaderHR"); shaders[2] = TexMan.FindTexture("BarShaderVF"); shaders[3] = TexMan.FindTexture("BarShaderVR"); } protected: bool vertical; bool reverse; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; private: FTexture *shaders[4]; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawInventoryBar : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawInventoryBar(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), style(STYLE_Doom), size(7), alwaysShow(false), noArtibox(false), noArrows(false), alwaysShowCounter(false), translucent(false), vertical(false), shadow(false), shadowX(2), shadowY(2), counters(NULL), font(NULL), translation(CR_GOLD), fontSpacing(0) { } ~CommandDrawInventoryBar() { if(counters != NULL) { for(unsigned int i = 0;i < size;i++) delete counters[i]; delete[] counters; } } AActor *PrevInv(AActor *item) { AActor *retval = nullptr; IFVM(Inventory, PrevInv) { VMValue param = item; VMReturn ret((void**)&retval); VMCall(func, ¶m, 1, &ret, 1); } return retval; } AActor *NextInv(AActor *item) { AActor *retval = nullptr; IFVM(Inventory, NextInv) { VMValue param = item; VMReturn ret((void**)&retval); VMCall(func, ¶m, 1, &ret, 1); } return retval; } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { int spacing = GetCounterSpacing(statusBar); double bgalpha = block->Alpha(); if(translucent) bgalpha *= HX_SHADOW; AActor *item; unsigned int i = 0; // If the player has no artifacts, don't draw the bar statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvFirst = statusBar->wrapper->ValidateInvFirst(size); if(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvFirst != NULL || alwaysShow) { for(item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvFirst, i = 0; item != NULL && i < size; item = NextInv(item), ++i) { SBarInfoCoordinate rx = x + (!vertical ? i*spacing : 0); SBarInfoCoordinate ry = y + (vertical ? i*spacing : 0); if(!noArtibox) statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgARTIBOX], rx, ry, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), bgalpha, block->FullScreenOffsets()); if(style != STYLE_Strife) //Strife draws the cursor before the icons statusBar->DrawGraphic(TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true), rx - (style == STYLE_HexenStrict ? 2 : 0), ry - (style == STYLE_HexenStrict ? 1 : 0), block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, item->IntVar(NAME_Amount) <= 0); if(item == statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvSel) { if(style == STYLE_Heretic) statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgSELECTBOX], rx, ry+29, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); else if(style == STYLE_Hexen) statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgSELECTBOX], rx, ry-1, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); else if(style == STYLE_HexenStrict) statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgSELECTBOX], rx-1, ry-1, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); else if(style == STYLE_Strife) statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgCURSOR], rx-6, ry-2, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); else statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgSELECTBOX], rx, ry, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); } if(style == STYLE_Strife) statusBar->DrawGraphic(TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true), rx, ry, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, item->IntVar(NAME_Amount) <= 0); if(counters != NULL && (alwaysShowCounter || item->IntVar(NAME_Amount) != 1)) { counters[i]->valueArgument = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); counters[i]->Draw(block, statusBar); } } for (; i < size && !noArtibox; ++i) statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgARTIBOX], x + (!vertical ? (i*spacing) : 0), y + (vertical ? (i*spacing) : 0), block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), bgalpha, block->FullScreenOffsets()); // Is there something to the left? if (!noArrows && statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvFirst && PrevInv(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->InvFirst)) { int offset = (style != STYLE_Strife ? (style != STYLE_HexenStrict ? -12 : -10) : 14); int yOffset = style != STYLE_HexenStrict ? 0 : -1; statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgINVLFGEM1], x + (!vertical ? offset : yOffset), y + (vertical ? offset : yOffset), block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); } // Is there something to the right? if (!noArrows && item != NULL) { int offset = (style != STYLE_Strife ? (style != STYLE_HexenStrict ? size*31+2 : size*31) : size*35-4); int yOffset = style != STYLE_HexenStrict ? 0 : -1; statusBar->DrawGraphic(statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgINVRTGEM1], x + (!vertical ? offset : yOffset), y + (vertical ? offset : yOffset), block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); } } } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("Doom")) style = STYLE_Doom; else if(sc.Compare("Heretic")) style = STYLE_Heretic; else if(sc.Compare("Hexen")) style = STYLE_Hexen; else if(sc.Compare("HexenStrict")) style = STYLE_HexenStrict; else if(sc.Compare("Strife")) style = STYLE_Strife; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown style '%s'.", sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("alwaysshow")) alwaysShow = true; else if(sc.Compare("drawshadow")) { if(sc.CheckToken('(')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowX = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); shadowY = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } shadow = true; } else if(sc.Compare("noartibox")) noArtibox = true; else if(sc.Compare("noarrows")) noArrows = true; else if(sc.Compare("alwaysshowcounter")) alwaysShowCounter = true; else if(sc.Compare("translucent")) translucent = true; else if(sc.Compare("vertical")) vertical = true; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); size = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); font = V_GetFont(sc.String); if(font == NULL) { sc.ScriptError("Unknown font '%s'.", sc.String); font = SmallFont; } sc.MustGetToken(','); GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, x, y); counterX = x + 26; counterY = y + 22; if(sc.CheckToken(',')) //more font information { GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, counterX, counterY); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { translation = GetTranslation(sc); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); fontSpacing = sc.Number; } } } sc.MustGetToken(';'); } int GetCounterSpacing(const DSBarInfo *statusBar) const { FTexture *box = (style != STYLE_Strife) ? statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgARTIBOX] : statusBar->Images[statusBar->invBarOffset + imgCURSOR]; if (box == NULL) { // Don't crash without a graphic. return 32; } else { int spacing; if (!vertical) { spacing = box->GetDisplayWidth(); } else { spacing = box->GetDisplayHeight(); } return spacing + ((style != STYLE_Strife) ? 1 : -1); } } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { // Make the counters if need be. if(counters == NULL) { int spacing = GetCounterSpacing(statusBar); counters = new CommandDrawNumber*[size]; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < size;i++) { counters[i] = new CommandDrawNumber(script); counters[i]->startX = counterX + (!vertical ? spacing*i : 0); counters[i]->y = counterY + (vertical ? spacing*i : 0); counters[i]->normalTranslation = translation; counters[i]->font = font; counters[i]->spacing = fontSpacing; counters[i]->whenNotZero = !alwaysShowCounter; counters[i]->drawValue = counters[i]->value = CommandDrawNumber::CONSTANT; counters[i]->length = INT_MAX; counters[i]->shadow = shadow; counters[i]->shadowX = shadowX; counters[i]->shadowY = shadowY; } } for(unsigned int i = 0;i < size;i++) counters[i]->Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); } protected: enum Styles { STYLE_Doom, STYLE_Heretic, STYLE_Hexen, STYLE_HexenStrict, STYLE_Strife }; Styles style; unsigned int size; bool alwaysShow; bool noArtibox; bool noArrows; bool alwaysShowCounter; bool translucent; bool vertical; bool shadow; int shadowX; int shadowY; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; CommandDrawNumber* *counters; private: // This information will be transferred to counters as soon as possible. FFont *font; SBarInfoCoordinate counterX; SBarInfoCoordinate counterY; EColorRange translation; int fontSpacing; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawKeyBar : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawKeyBar(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), number(3), vertical(false), reverse(false), reverseRows(false), iconSize(-1), rowIconSize(-1), keyOffset(0), rowSize(0) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->Inventory; if(item == NULL) return; int slotOffset = 0; int rowOffset = 0; int rowWidth = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < number+keyOffset;i++) { while(!item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon).isValid() || !item->IsKindOf(NAME_Key)) { item = item->Inventory; if(item == NULL) return; } if(i >= keyOffset) //Should we start drawing? { if(!vertical) { statusBar->DrawGraphic(TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true), x+slotOffset, y+rowOffset, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); rowWidth = rowIconSize == -1 ? TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true)->GetDisplayHeight()+2 : rowIconSize; } else { statusBar->DrawGraphic(TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true), x+rowOffset, y+slotOffset, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); rowWidth = rowIconSize == -1 ? TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true)->GetDisplayWidth()+2 : rowIconSize; } // If cmd.special is -1 then the slot size is auto detected if(iconSize == -1) { if(!vertical) slotOffset += (reverse ? -1 : 1) * (TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true)->GetDisplayWidth() + 2); else slotOffset += (reverse ? -1 : 1) * (TexMan.GetTexture(item->TextureIDVar(NAME_Icon), true)->GetDisplayHeight() + 2); } else slotOffset += (reverse ? -iconSize : iconSize); if(rowSize > 0 && (i % rowSize == rowSize-1)) { if(reverseRows) rowOffset -= rowWidth; else rowOffset += rowWidth; rowWidth = 0; slotOffset = 0; } } item = item->Inventory; if(item == NULL) return; } } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); number = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("vertical")) vertical = true; else if(!sc.Compare("horizontal")) sc.ScriptError("Unknown direction '%s'.", sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("reverserows")) reverseRows = true; else if(sc.Compare("reverse")) reverse = true; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Auto)) iconSize = -1; else { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); iconSize = sc.Number; } sc.MustGetToken(','); GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, x, y); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { //key offset sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); keyOffset = sc.Number; if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { //max per row/column sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); rowSize = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); //row/column spacing (opposite of previous) if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Auto)) rowIconSize = -1; else { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); rowIconSize = sc.Number; } } } sc.MustGetToken(';'); } protected: unsigned int number; bool vertical; bool reverse; bool reverseRows; int iconSize; int rowIconSize; unsigned int keyOffset; unsigned int rowSize; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawBar : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawBar(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), border(0), horizontal(false), reverse(false), foreground(-1), background(-1), type(HEALTH), interpolationSpeed(0), drawValue(0), pixel(-1) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { if(foreground == -1 || statusBar->Images[foreground] == NULL) return; //don't draw anything. assert(statusBar->Images[foreground] != NULL); FTexture *fg = statusBar->Images[foreground]; FTexture *bg = (background != -1) ? statusBar->Images[background] : NULL; double value = drawValue; if(border != 0) { value = 1. - value; //invert since the new drawing method requires drawing the bg on the fg. //Draw the whole foreground statusBar->DrawGraphic(fg, this->x, this->y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); } else { // Draw background if (bg != NULL && bg->GetDisplayWidth() == fg->GetDisplayWidth() && bg->GetDisplayHeight() == fg->GetDisplayHeight()) statusBar->DrawGraphic(bg, this->x, this->y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); else statusBar->DrawGraphic(fg, this->x, this->y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, false, 0, false, -1, -1, nulclip, true); } // {cx, cy, cr, cb} double Clip[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int sizeOfImage = (horizontal ? fg->GetDisplayWidth()-border*2 : fg->GetDisplayHeight()-border*2); Clip[(!horizontal)|((horizontal ? !reverse : reverse)<<1)] = sizeOfImage - sizeOfImage *value; // Draw background if(border != 0) { for(unsigned int i = 0;i < 4;i++) Clip[i] += border; if (bg != NULL && bg->GetDisplayWidth() == fg->GetDisplayWidth() && bg->GetDisplayHeight() == fg->GetDisplayHeight()) statusBar->DrawGraphic(bg, this->x, this->y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, false, 0, false, -1, -1, Clip); else statusBar->DrawGraphic(fg, this->x, this->y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, false, 0, false, -1, -1, Clip, true); } else statusBar->DrawGraphic(fg, this->x, this->y, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), false, false, 0, false, -1, -1, Clip); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); foreground = script->newImage(sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); background = script->newImage(sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("health")) { type = HEALTH; ParseComparator(sc); } else if(sc.Compare("armor")) { type = ARMOR; ParseComparator(sc); } else if(sc.Compare("ammo1")) type = AMMO1; else if(sc.Compare("ammo2")) type = AMMO2; else if(sc.Compare("ammo")) //request the next string to be an ammo type { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); if(!parenthesized || !sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); type = AMMO; data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if (data.inventoryItem == NULL || !data.inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Ammo)) //must be a kind of ammo { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of ammo.", sc.String); data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Ammo); } if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("frags")) type = FRAGS; else if(sc.Compare("kills")) type = KILLS; else if(sc.Compare("items")) type = ITEMS; else if(sc.Compare("secrets")) type = SECRETS; else if(sc.Compare("airtime")) type = AIRTIME; else if(sc.Compare("savepercent")) type = SAVEPERCENT; else if(sc.Compare("poweruptime")) { bool parenthesized = sc.CheckToken('('); type = POWERUPTIME; if(!parenthesized || !sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if(data.inventoryItem == NULL || !data.inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_PowerupGiver)) { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of PowerupGiver.", sc.String); data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_PowerupGiver); } if(parenthesized) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else { type = INVENTORY; data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if(data.inventoryItem == NULL || !data.inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Inventory); } } sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("horizontal")) horizontal = true; else if(!sc.Compare("vertical")) sc.ScriptError("Unknown direction '%s'.", sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("reverse")) reverse = true; else if(sc.Compare("interpolate")) { sc.MustGetToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); interpolationSpeed = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else sc.ScriptError("Unkown flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, x, y); if(sc.CheckToken(',')) //border { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); border = sc.Number; // Flip the direction since it represents the area to clip if(border != 0) reverse = !reverse; } sc.MustGetToken(';'); if(type == HEALTH) interpolationSpeed = script->interpolateHealth ? script->interpolationSpeed : interpolationSpeed; else if(type == ARMOR) interpolationSpeed = script->interpolateArmor ? script->armorInterpolationSpeed : interpolationSpeed; } void Reset() { drawValue = 0; } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { double value = 0; int max = 0; switch(type) { case HEALTH: value = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->health; if(value < 0) //health shouldn't display negatives value = 0; if(data.useMaximumConstant) max = data.value; else if(data.inventoryItem != NULL) { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(data.inventoryItem); //max comparer if(item != NULL) max = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); else max = 0; } else //default to the class's health max = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->GetMaxHealth(true); break; case ARMOR: value = statusBar->armor != NULL ? statusBar->armor->IntVar(NAME_Amount) : 0; if(data.useMaximumConstant) max = data.value; else if(data.inventoryItem != NULL) { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(data.inventoryItem); if(item != NULL) max = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); else max = 0; } else max = 100; break; case AMMO1: value = statusBar->ammocount1; if(statusBar->ammo1 == NULL) //no ammo, draw as empty { value = 0; max = 1; } else max = statusBar->ammo1->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); break; case AMMO2: value = statusBar->ammocount2; if(statusBar->ammo2 == NULL) //no ammo, draw as empty { value = 0; max = 1; } else max = statusBar->ammo2->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); break; case AMMO: { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(data.inventoryItem); if(item != NULL) { value = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); max = item->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); } else value = 0; break; } case FRAGS: value = statusBar->CPlayer->fragcount; max = fraglimit; break; case KILLS: value = level.killed_monsters; max = level.total_monsters; break; case ITEMS: value = level.found_items; max = level.total_items; break; case SECRETS: value = level.found_secrets; max = level.total_secrets; break; case INVENTORY: { auto item = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(data.inventoryItem); if(item != NULL) { value = item->IntVar(NAME_Amount); max = item->IntVar(NAME_MaxAmount); } else value = 0; break; } case AIRTIME: value = clamp(statusBar->CPlayer->air_finished - level.time, 0, INT_MAX); max = level.airsupply; break; case POWERUPTIME: { // [value, max] = statusBar.CPlayer.mo.GetEffectTicsForItem(inventoryItem); // value++; max++; static VMFunction *func = nullptr; if (func == nullptr) PClass::FindFunction(&func, NAME_PlayerPawn, "GetEffectTicsForItem"); VMValue params[] = { statusBar->CPlayer->mo, data.inventoryItem }; VMReturn ret[2]; int ival; ret[0].IntAt(&ival); ret[1].IntAt(&max); VMCall(func, params, 2, ret, 2); value = ival + 1; max++; break; } case SAVEPERCENT: { double add = 0; auto harmor = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(NAME_HexenArmor); if (harmor != NULL) { double *Slots = (double*)harmor->ScriptVar(NAME_Slots, nullptr); add = Slots[0] + Slots[1] + Slots[2] + Slots[3] + Slots[4]; } //Hexen counts basic armor also so we should too. if(statusBar->armor != NULL) { add += statusBar->armor->FloatVar(NAME_SavePercent) * 100; } value = int(add); max = 100; break; } default: return; } if(max != 0 && value > 0) { value = MIN(value / max, 1.); } else value = 0; if(interpolationSpeed != 0 && (!hudChanged || level.time == 1)) { // [BL] Since we used a percentage (in order to get the most fluid animation) // we need to establish a cut off point so the last pixel won't hang as the animation slows if(pixel == -1 && statusBar->Images[foreground]) pixel = MAX(1 / 65536., 1./statusBar->Images[foreground]->GetDisplayWidth()); if(fabs(drawValue - value) < pixel) drawValue = value; else if (value < drawValue) drawValue -= clamp((drawValue - value) / 4, 1 / 65536., interpolationSpeed / 100.); else if (drawValue < value) drawValue += clamp((value - drawValue) / 4, 1 / 65536., interpolationSpeed / 100.); } else drawValue = value; } protected: void ParseComparator(FScanner &sc) { bool extendedSyntax = sc.CheckToken('('); if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier) || (extendedSyntax && sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst))) //comparing reference { data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if(data.inventoryItem == NULL || !data.inventoryItem->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) //must be a kind of inventory { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); data.inventoryItem = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Inventory); } } else if(extendedSyntax && sc.CheckToken(TK_IntConst)) { data.useMaximumConstant = true; data.value = sc.Number; } if(extendedSyntax) sc.MustGetToken(')'); } enum ValueType { HEALTH, ARMOR, AMMO1, AMMO2, AMMO, FRAGS, INVENTORY, KILLS, ITEMS, SECRETS, ARMORCLASS, POWERUPTIME, AIRTIME, SAVEPERCENT }; struct AdditionalData { public: AdditionalData() : useMaximumConstant(false) { inventoryItem = NULL; } bool useMaximumConstant; union { PClassActor *inventoryItem; int value; }; }; unsigned int border; bool horizontal; bool reverse; int foreground; int background; ValueType type; AdditionalData data; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; int interpolationSpeed; double drawValue; double pixel; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandIsSelected : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandIsSelected(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script) { weapon[0] = NULL; weapon[1] = NULL; } void ParseNegatable(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); for(int i = 0;i < 2;i++) { weapon[i] = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if(weapon[i] == NULL || !weapon[i]->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Weapon)) { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of weapon.", sc.String); weapon[i] = PClass::FindClass(NAME_Weapon); } if(sc.CheckToken(',')) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); } else break; } } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); if(statusBar->CPlayer->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { const PClass *readyWeapon = statusBar->CPlayer->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(); SetTruth(weapon[0] == readyWeapon || (weapon[1] && weapon[1] == readyWeapon), block, statusBar); } } protected: const PClass *weapon[2]; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandPlayerClass : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandPlayerClass(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script) { } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); do { bool foundClass = false; for(unsigned int c = 0;c < PlayerClasses.Size();c++) { if(stricmp(sc.String, PlayerClasses[c].Type->GetDisplayName()) == 0) { foundClass = true; classes.Push(PlayerClasses[c].Type); break; } } /* if(!foundClass) sc.ScriptError("Unkown PlayerClass '%s'.", sc.String); */ if(!sc.CheckToken(',')) break; } while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)); SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); if(statusBar->CPlayer->cls == NULL) return; //No class so we can not continue PClass *spawnClass = statusBar->CPlayer->cls; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < classes.Size();i++) { if(classes[i] == spawnClass) { SetTruth(true, block, statusBar); return; } } SetTruth(false, block, statusBar); } protected: TArray classes; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandPlayerType : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandPlayerType(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script) { } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); do { bool foundClass = false; const PClass *cls = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if (cls != NULL) { foundClass = true; classes.Push(cls); } /* if(!foundClass) sc.ScriptError("Unkown PlayerClass '%s'.", sc.String); */ if(!sc.CheckToken(',')) break; } while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier) || sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)); SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); if(statusBar->CPlayer->cls == NULL) return; //No class so we can not continue for(unsigned int i = 0;i < classes.Size();i++) { if (statusBar->CPlayer->cls->IsDescendantOf(classes[i])) { SetTruth(true, block, statusBar); return; } } SetTruth(false, block, statusBar); } protected: TArray classes; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandHasWeaponPiece : public SBarInfoCommandFlowControl { public: CommandHasWeaponPiece(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommandFlowControl(script), weapon(NULL), piece(1) { } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); weapon = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if (weapon == NULL || !weapon->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Weapon)) //must be a weapon { sc.ScriptMessage("%s is not a kind of weapon.", sc.String); weapon = PClass::FindClass(NAME_Weapon); } sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if(sc.Number < 1) sc.ScriptError("Weapon piece number can not be less than 1."); piece = sc.Number; SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); for(auto inv = statusBar->CPlayer->mo->Inventory;inv != NULL;inv=inv->Inventory) { auto hc = PClass::FindActor("WeaponHolder"); if(inv->IsKindOf(hc)) { if(inv->PointerVar("PieceWeapon") == weapon) { SetTruth(0 != (inv->IntVar("PieceMask") & (1 << (piece-1))), block, statusBar); return; } } } SetTruth(false, block, statusBar); } protected: const PClass *weapon; unsigned int piece; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandDrawGem : public SBarInfoCommand { public: CommandDrawGem(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoCommand(script), wiggle(false), translatable(false), armor(false), reverse(false), chain(-1), gem(-1), leftPadding(0), rightPadding(0), chainSize(1), interpolationSpeed(0), drawValue(0), goalValue(0), chainWiggle(0) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { FTexture *chainImg = statusBar->Images[chain]; FTexture *gemImg = statusBar->Images[gem]; if(chainImg == NULL) return; SBarInfoCoordinate drawY = y; if(wiggle && drawValue != goalValue) // Should only wiggle when the value doesn't equal what is being drawn. drawY += chainWiggle; int chainWidth = chainImg->GetDisplayWidth(); int offset = (int) (((double) (chainWidth-leftPadding-rightPadding)/100)*drawValue); statusBar->DrawGraphic(chainImg, x+(offset%chainSize), drawY, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets()); if(gemImg != NULL) statusBar->DrawGraphic(gemImg, x+leftPadding+offset, drawY, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha(), block->FullScreenOffsets(), translatable); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { while(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if(sc.Compare("wiggle")) wiggle = true; else if(sc.Compare("translatable")) translatable = true; else if(sc.Compare("armor")) armor = true; else if(sc.Compare("interpolate")) { sc.MustGetToken('('); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); interpolationSpeed = sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(')'); } else if(sc.Compare("reverse")) reverse = true; else sc.ScriptError("Unknown drawgem flag '%s'.", sc.String); if(!sc.CheckToken('|')) sc.MustGetToken(','); } sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); //chain chain = script->newImage(sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); //gem gem = script->newImage(sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(','); bool negative = sc.CheckToken('-'); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); leftPadding = (negative ? -1 : 1) * sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); negative = sc.CheckToken('-'); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); rightPadding = (negative ? -1 : 1) * sc.Number; sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); if(sc.Number < 0) sc.ScriptError("Chain size must be a positive number."); chainSize = sc.Number+1; sc.MustGetToken(','); GetCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, x, y); sc.MustGetToken(';'); if(!armor) interpolationSpeed = script->interpolateHealth ? script->interpolationSpeed : interpolationSpeed; else interpolationSpeed = script->interpolateArmor ? script->armorInterpolationSpeed : interpolationSpeed; } void Reset() { drawValue = 0; } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { goalValue = armor ? (statusBar->armor ? statusBar->armor->IntVar(NAME_Amount) : 0) : statusBar->CPlayer->mo->health; int max = armor ? 100 : statusBar->CPlayer->mo->GetMaxHealth(true); if(max != 0 && goalValue > 0) { goalValue = (goalValue*100)/max; if(goalValue > 100) goalValue = 100; } else goalValue = 0; goalValue = reverse ? 100 - goalValue : goalValue; if(interpolationSpeed != 0 && (!hudChanged || level.time == 1)) // At the start force an animation { if(goalValue < drawValue) drawValue -= clamp((drawValue - goalValue) >> 2, 1, interpolationSpeed); else if(drawValue < goalValue) drawValue += clamp((goalValue - drawValue) >> 2, 1, interpolationSpeed); } else drawValue = goalValue; if(wiggle && level.time & 1) chainWiggle = pr_chainwiggle() & 1; } protected: bool wiggle; bool translatable; bool armor; bool reverse; int chain; int gem; int leftPadding; int rightPadding; unsigned int chainSize; SBarInfoCoordinate x; SBarInfoCoordinate y; int interpolationSpeed; int drawValue; int goalValue; private: int chainWiggle; static FRandom pr_chainwiggle; }; FRandom CommandDrawGem::pr_chainwiggle; //use the same method of chain wiggling as heretic. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandWeaponAmmo : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandWeaponAmmo(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script), conditionAnd(false) { ammo[0] = NULL; ammo[1] = NULL; } void ParseNegatable(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); for(int i = 0;i < 2;i++) { ammo[i] = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if(ammo[i] == NULL || !ammo[i]->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Ammo)) //must be a kind of ammo { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of ammo.", sc.String); ammo[i] = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Ammo); } if(sc.CheckToken(TK_OrOr)) { conditionAnd = false; if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); } else if(sc.CheckToken(TK_AndAnd)) { conditionAnd = true; if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); } else break; } } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); if(statusBar->CPlayer->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { const PClass *AmmoType1 = statusBar->AmmoType(1); const PClass *AmmoType2 = statusBar->AmmoType(2); bool usesammo1 = (AmmoType1 != NULL); bool usesammo2 = (AmmoType2 != NULL); //if(!usesammo1 && !usesammo2) //if the weapon doesn't use ammo don't go though the trouble. //{ // SetTruth(false, block, statusBar); // return; //} //Or means only 1 ammo type needs to match and means both need to match. if(ammo[1] != NULL) { bool match1 = ((usesammo1 && (AmmoType1 == ammo[0] || AmmoType1 == ammo[1])) || !usesammo1); bool match2 = ((usesammo2 && (AmmoType2 == ammo[0] || AmmoType2 == ammo[1])) || !usesammo2); if((!conditionAnd && (match1 || match2)) || (conditionAnd && (match1 && match2))) { SetTruth(true, block, statusBar); return; } } else { if((usesammo1 && (AmmoType1 == ammo[0])) || (usesammo2 && (AmmoType2 == ammo[0]))) { SetTruth(true, block, statusBar); return; } } } SetTruth(false, block, statusBar); } protected: const PClass *ammo[2]; bool conditionAnd; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandInInventory : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandInInventory(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script), conditionAnd(false) { item[0] = item[1] = NULL; Amount[0] = Amount[1] = 0; } void ParseNegatable(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); for(int i = 0;i < 2;i++) { item[i] = PClass::FindActor(sc.String); if (item[i] == NULL || !item[i]->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Inventory)) //must be a kind of ammo { sc.ScriptMessage("'%s' is not a type of inventory item.", sc.String); item[i] = PClass::FindActor(NAME_Inventory); } if (sc.CheckToken(',')) { sc.MustGetNumber(); Amount[i] = sc.Number; } if(sc.CheckToken(TK_OrOr)) { conditionAnd = false; if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); } else if(sc.CheckToken(TK_AndAnd)) { conditionAnd = true; if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); } else break; } } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); AActor *invItem[2] = { statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(item[0]), statusBar->CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(item[1]) }; if (invItem[0] != NULL && Amount[0] > 0 && invItem[0]->IntVar(NAME_Amount) < Amount[0]) invItem[0] = NULL; if (invItem[1] != NULL && Amount[1] > 0 && invItem[1]->IntVar(NAME_Amount) < Amount[1]) invItem[1] = NULL; if (item[1]) { if (conditionAnd) SetTruth(invItem[0] && invItem[1], block, statusBar); else SetTruth(invItem[0] || invItem[1], block, statusBar); } else SetTruth(invItem[0] != NULL, block, statusBar); } protected: bool conditionAnd; PClassActor *item[2]; int Amount[2]; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandAlpha : public SBarInfoMainBlock { public: CommandAlpha(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoMainBlock(script) { } void Draw(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar) { forceScaled = block->ForceScaled(); fullScreenOffsets = block->FullScreenOffsets(); SBarInfoMainBlock::Draw(block, statusBar, block->XOffset(), block->YOffset(), block->Alpha()); } void Parse(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_FloatConst); alpha = sc.Float; // We don't want to allow all the options of a regular main block // so skip to the SBarInfoCommandFlowControl. SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::Parse(sc, fullScreenOffsets); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandIfHealth : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandIfHealth(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script), percentage(false) { } void ParseNegatable(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); percentage = sc.CheckToken('%'); hpAmount = sc.Number; } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); int phealth = percentage ? statusBar->CPlayer->mo->health * 100 / statusBar->CPlayer->mo->GetMaxHealth() : statusBar->CPlayer->mo->health; SetTruth(phealth >= hpAmount, block, statusBar); } protected: int hpAmount; bool percentage; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandIfInvulnerable : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandIfInvulnerable(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script) { } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); SetTruth((statusBar->CPlayer->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) || (statusBar->CPlayer->cheats & (CF_GODMODE | CF_GODMODE2)), block, statusBar); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandIfWaterLevel : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandIfWaterLevel(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script) { } void ParseNegatable(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); value = sc.Number; } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); SetTruth(statusBar->CPlayer->mo->waterlevel >= value, block, statusBar); } protected: int value; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CommandIfCVarInt : public SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl { public: CommandIfCVarInt(SBarInfo *script) : SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl(script), equalcomp(false) { } void ParseNegatable(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets) { if(!sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst)) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); } cvarname = sc.String; cvar = FindCVar(cvarname, nullptr); if (cvar != nullptr) { ECVarType cvartype = cvar->GetRealType(); if (cvartype == CVAR_Bool || cvartype == CVAR_Int) { sc.MustGetToken(','); sc.MustGetToken(TK_IntConst); value = sc.Number; if (sc.CheckToken(',')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); if(sc.Compare("equal")) { equalcomp = true; } } } else { sc.ScriptError("Type mismatch: console variable '%s' is not of type 'bool' or 'int'.", cvarname.GetChars()); } } else { sc.ScriptError("Unknown console variable '%s'.", cvarname.GetChars()); } } void Tick(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, const DSBarInfo *statusBar, bool hudChanged) { SBarInfoNegatableFlowControl::Tick(block, statusBar, hudChanged); bool result = false; cvar = GetCVar(statusBar->CPlayer->mo, cvarname); if (cvar != nullptr) { int cvarvalue = cvar->GetGenericRep(CVAR_Int).Int; result = equalcomp ? cvarvalue == value : cvarvalue >= value; } SetTruth(result, block, statusBar); } protected: FString cvarname; FBaseCVar *cvar; int value; bool equalcomp; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const char *SBarInfoCommandNames[] = { "drawimage", "drawnumber", "drawswitchableimage", "drawmugshot", "drawselectedinventory", "drawinventorybar", "drawbar", "drawgem", "drawshader", "drawstring", "drawkeybar", "gamemode", "playerclass", "playertype", "aspectratio", "isselected", "usesammo", "usessecondaryammo", "hasweaponpiece", "inventorybarnotvisible", "weaponammo", "ininventory", "alpha", "ifhealth", "ifinvulnerable", "ifwaterlevel", "ifcvarint", NULL }; enum SBarInfoCommands { SBARINFO_DRAWIMAGE, SBARINFO_DRAWNUMBER, SBARINFO_DRAWSWITCHABLEIMAGE, SBARINFO_DRAWMUGSHOT, SBARINFO_DRAWSELECTEDINVENTORY, SBARINFO_DRAWINVENTORYBAR, SBARINFO_DRAWBAR, SBARINFO_DRAWGEM, SBARINFO_DRAWSHADER, SBARINFO_DRAWSTRING, SBARINFO_DRAWKEYBAR, SBARINFO_GAMEMODE, SBARINFO_PLAYERCLASS, SBARINFO_PLAYERTYPE, SBARINFO_ASPECTRATIO, SBARINFO_ISSELECTED, SBARINFO_USESAMMO, SBARINFO_USESSECONDARYAMMO, SBARINFO_HASWEAPONPIECE, SBARINFO_INVENTORYBARNOTVISIBLE, SBARINFO_WEAPONAMMO, SBARINFO_ININVENTORY, SBARINFO_ALPHA, SBARINFO_IFHEALTH, SBARINFO_IFINVULNERABLE, SBARINFO_IFWATERLEVEL, SBARINFO_IFCVARINT, }; SBarInfoCommand *SBarInfoCommandFlowControl::NextCommand(FScanner &sc) { if(sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { switch(sc.MatchString(SBarInfoCommandNames)) { default: break; case SBARINFO_DRAWIMAGE: return new CommandDrawImage(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWSWITCHABLEIMAGE: return new CommandDrawSwitchableImage(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWSTRING: return new CommandDrawString(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWNUMBER: return new CommandDrawNumber(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWMUGSHOT: return new CommandDrawMugShot(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWSELECTEDINVENTORY: return static_cast (new CommandDrawSelectedInventory(script)); case SBARINFO_DRAWSHADER: return new CommandDrawShader(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWINVENTORYBAR: return new CommandDrawInventoryBar(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWKEYBAR: return new CommandDrawKeyBar(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWBAR: return new CommandDrawBar(script); case SBARINFO_DRAWGEM: return new CommandDrawGem(script); case SBARINFO_GAMEMODE: return new CommandGameMode(script); case SBARINFO_USESAMMO: return new CommandUsesAmmo(script); case SBARINFO_USESSECONDARYAMMO: return new CommandUsesSecondaryAmmo(script); case SBARINFO_INVENTORYBARNOTVISIBLE: return new CommandInventoryBarNotVisible(script); case SBARINFO_ASPECTRATIO: return new CommandAspectRatio(script); case SBARINFO_ISSELECTED: return new CommandIsSelected(script); case SBARINFO_PLAYERCLASS: return new CommandPlayerClass(script); case SBARINFO_PLAYERTYPE: return new CommandPlayerType(script); case SBARINFO_HASWEAPONPIECE: return new CommandHasWeaponPiece(script); case SBARINFO_WEAPONAMMO: return new CommandWeaponAmmo(script); case SBARINFO_ININVENTORY: return new CommandInInventory(script); case SBARINFO_ALPHA: return new CommandAlpha(script); case SBARINFO_IFHEALTH: return new CommandIfHealth(script); case SBARINFO_IFINVULNERABLE: return new CommandIfInvulnerable(script); case SBARINFO_IFWATERLEVEL: return new CommandIfWaterLevel(script); case SBARINFO_IFCVARINT: return new CommandIfCVarInt(script); } sc.ScriptError("Unknown command '%s'.\n", sc.String); return NULL; } sc.MustGetToken('}'); return NULL; }