// A bare-bones MAPINFO for Hexen.
include "mapinfo/common.txt"

// Most of the MAPINFO is still in hexen.wad.

	noloopfinalemusic = true
	titlepage = "TITLE"
	creditpage = "CREDIT"
	titlemusic = "HEXEN"
	titletime = 8
	advisorytime = 6
	pagetime = 5
	chatsound = "Chat"
	finalemusic = "hub"
	finaleflat = "-NOFLAT-"
	finalepage = "CREDIT"
	infopage = "HELP1", "HELP2", "CREDIT"
	quitsound = ""
	borderflat = "F_022"
	border = HereticBorder
	telefogheight = 32
	defkickback = 150
	skyflatname = "F_SKY"
	translator = "xlat/heretic.txt"	// not really correct but this was used before.
	defaultbloodcolor = "68 00 00"
	defaultbloodparticlecolor = "ff 00 00"
	backpacktype = "BagOfHolding"	// Hexen doesn't have a backpack so use Heretic's.
	statusbar = "sbarinfo/hexen.txt"
	intermissionmusic = "hub"
	intermissioncounter = false
	weaponslot = 1, "FWeapFist", "CWeapMace", "MWeapWand"
	weaponslot = 2, "FWeapAxe", "CWeapStaff", "MWeapFrost"
	weaponslot = 3, "FWeapHammer", "CWeapFlame", "MWeapLightning"
	weaponslot = 4, "FWeapQuietus", "CWeapWraithverge", "MWeapBloodscourge"
	dimcolor = "00 00 ff"
	dimamount = 0.2
	definventorymaxamount = 25
	defaultrespawntime = 12
	defaultdropstyle = 1
	pickupcolor = "d7 ba 45"
	quitmessages = "$*RAVENQUITMSG"
	menufontcolor_title = "UNTRANSLATED"
	menufontcolor_label = "RED"
	menufontcolor_value = "UNTRANSLATED"
	menufontcolor_action = "UNTRANSLATED"
	menufontcolor_header = "GOLD"
	menufontcolor_highlight = "YELLOW"
	menufontcolor_selection = "BRICK"
	menubackbutton = "M_BACK_X"
	PlayerClasses = "FighterPlayer", "ClericPlayer", "MagePlayer"
	nightmarefast = true
	pausesign = "PAUSED"
	gibfactor = 0.5
	cursorpic = "hexncurs"
	textscreenx = 10
	textscreeny = 5
	defaultendsequence = "Inter_Chess"
	maparrow = "maparrows/dagger.txt"
	statscreen_mapnamefont = "BigFont"
	statscreen_finishedfont = "SmallFont"
	statscreen_enteringfont = "SmallFont"

     5 = ZWingedStatue
     6 = ZRock1
     7 = ZRock2
     9 = ZRock3
    10 = CWeapStaff
    12 = FWeaponPiece1
    13 = FWeaponPiece2
    15 = ZRock4
    16 = FWeaponPiece3
    17 = ZChandelier
    18 = CWeaponPiece1
    19 = CWeaponPiece2
    20 = CWeaponPiece3
    21 = MWeaponPiece1
    22 = MWeaponPiece2
    23 = MWeaponPiece3
    24 = ZTreeDead
    25 = ZTree
    26 = ZTreeSwamp150
    27 = ZTreeSwamp120
    28 = ZStumpBurned
    29 = ZStumpBare
    30 = ArtiPork
    31 = Demon1
    32 = ArtiSuperHealth
    33 = ArtiTorch
    34 = Wraith
    36 = ArtiTeleport
    37 = ZStumpSwamp1
    38 = ZStumpSwamp2
    39 = ZShroomLarge1
    40 = ZShroomLarge2
    41 = ZShroomLarge3
    42 = ZShroomSmall1
    44 = ZShroomSmall2
    45 = ZShroomSmall3
    46 = ZShroomSmall4
    47 = ZShroomSmall5
    48 = ZStalagmitePillar
    49 = ZStalagmiteLarge
    50 = ZStalagmiteMedium
    51 = ZStalagmiteSmall
    52 = ZStalactiteLarge
    53 = MWeapFrost
    54 = ZWallTorch
    55 = ZWallTorchUnlit
    56 = ZStalactiteMedium
    57 = ZStalactiteSmall
    58 = ZMossCeiling1
    59 = ZMossCeiling2
    60 = ZSwampVine
    61 = ZCorpseKabob
    62 = ZCorpseSleeping
    63 = ZTombstoneRIP
    64 = ZTombstoneShane
    65 = ZTombstoneBigCross
    66 = ZTombstoneBrianR
    67 = ZTombstoneCrossCircle
    68 = ZTombstoneSmallCross
    69 = ZTombstoneBrianP
    71 = ZCorpseHanging
    72 = ZStatueGargoyleGreenTall
    73 = ZStatueGargoyleBlueTall
    74 = ZStatueGargoyleGreenShort
    76 = ZStatueGargoyleBlueShort
    77 = ZBannerTattered
    78 = ZTreeLarge1
    79 = ZTreeLarge2
    80 = ZTreeGnarled1
    81 = CrystalVial
    82 = ArtiHealth
    83 = ArtiFly
    84 = ArtiInvulnerability2
    86 = ArtiDarkServant
    87 = ZTreeGnarled2
    88 = ZLog
    89 = ZStalactiteIceLarge
    90 = ZStalactiteIceMedium
    91 = ZStalactiteIceSmall
    92 = ZStalactiteIceTiny
    93 = ZStalagmiteIceLarge
    94 = ZStalagmiteIceMedium
    95 = ZStalagmiteIceSmall
    96 = ZStalagmiteIceTiny
    97 = ZRockBrown1
    98 = ZRockBrown2
    99 = ZRockBlack
   100 = ZRubble1
   101 = ZRubble2
   102 = ZRubble3
   103 = ZVasePillar
   104 = Pottery1
   105 = Pottery2
   106 = Pottery3
   107 = Centaur
   108 = ZCorpseLynched
   109 = ZCorpseLynchedNoHeart
   110 = ZCorpseSitting
   111 = BloodPool
   112 = LittleFly
   113 = LeafSpawner
   114 = Bishop
   115 = CentaurLeader
   116 = ZTwinedTorch
   117 = ZTwinedTorchUnlit
   118 = Bridge
   119 = ZCandle
   120 = SerpentLeader
   121 = Serpent
   122 = Mana1
   123 = FWeapHammer
   124 = Mana2
   140 = TeleSmoke
   254 = Dragon
  1410 = SoundWindHexen
  3000 = "$PolyAnchor"
  3001 = "$PolySpawn"
  3002 = "$PolySpawnCrush"
  8000 = ArtiPoisonBag
  8002 = ArtiSpeedBoots
  8003 = ArtiBoostMana
  8004 = Mana3
  8005 = MeshArmor
  8006 = FalconShield
  8007 = PlatinumHelm
  8008 = AmuletOfWarding
  8009 = CWeapFlame
  8010 = FWeapAxe
  8020 = IceGuy
  8030 = KeySteel
  8031 = KeyCave
  8032 = KeyAxe
  8033 = KeyFire
  8034 = KeyEmerald
  8035 = KeyDungeon
  8036 = KeySilver
  8037 = KeyRusted
  8038 = KeyHorn
  8039 = KeySwamp
  8040 = MWeapLightning
  8041 = ArtiBoostArmor
  8042 = ZFireBull
  8043 = ZFireBullUnlit
  8044 = ZStatueGargoyleStripeTall
  8045 = ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedTall
  8046 = ZStatueGargoyleRedTall
  8047 = ZStatueGargoyleTanTall
  8048 = ZStatueGargoyleRustTall
  8049 = ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedShort
  8050 = ZStatueGargoyleRedShort
  8051 = ZStatueGargoyleTanShort
  8052 = ZStatueGargoyleRustShort
  8060 = FireThing
  8061 = BrassTorch
  8062 = TreeDestructible
  8063 = ZChandelierUnlit
  8064 = ZSuitOfArmor
  8065 = ZBell
  8066 = ZBlueCandle
  8067 = ZIronMaiden
  8068 = ZXmasTree
  8069 = ZCauldron
  8070 = ZCauldronUnlit
  8071 = ZChainBit32
  8072 = ZChainBit64
  8073 = ZChainEndHeart
  8074 = ZChainEndHook1
  8075 = ZChainEndHook2
  8076 = ZChainEndSpike
  8077 = ZChainEndSkull
  8080 = Demon2
  8100 = ZBarrel
  8101 = ZShrub1
  8102 = ZShrub2
  8103 = ZBucket
  8104 = ZPoisonShroom
  8200 = KeyCastle
  8500 = TableShit1
  8501 = TableShit2
  8502 = TableShit3
  8503 = TableShit4
  8504 = TableShit5
  8505 = TableShit6
  8506 = TableShit7
  8507 = TableShit8
  8508 = TableShit9
  8509 = TableShit10
  9002 = PuzzSkull
  9003 = PuzzGemBig
  9004 = PuzzGemRed
  9005 = PuzzGemGreen1
  9006 = PuzzGemBlue1
  9007 = PuzzBook1
  9008 = PuzzBook2
  9009 = PuzzGemGreen2
  9010 = PuzzGemBlue2
  9011 = ZWingedStatueNoSkull
  9012 = ZGemPedestal
  9014 = PuzzFlameMask
  9015 = PuzzFWeapon
  9016 = PuzzCWeapon
  9017 = PuzzMWeapon
  9018 = PuzzGear1
  9019 = PuzzGear2
  9020 = PuzzGear3
  9021 = PuzzGear4
  9100 = "$Player5Start"
  9101 = "$Player6Start"
  9102 = "$Player7Start"
  9103 = "$Player8Start"
 10000 = FogSpawner
 10001 = FogPatchSmall
 10002 = FogPatchMedium
 10003 = FogPatchLarge
 10011 = WraithBuried
 10030 = Ettin
 10040 = ArtiTeleportOther
 10060 = FireDemon
 10080 = Heresiarch
 10090 = ThrustFloorDown
 10091 = ThrustFloorUp
 10100 = FighterBoss
 10101 = ClericBoss
 10102 = MageBoss
 10110 = ArtiBlastRadius
 10120 = ArtiHealingRadius
 10200 = Korax
 10225 = BatSpawner
 10500 = FlameSmallTemp
 10501 = FlameSmall
 10502 = FlameLargeTemp
 10503 = FlameLarge

	1 = Centaur
	2 = CentaurLeader
	3 = Demon1
	4 = Ettin
	5 = FireDemon
	6 = Serpent
	7 = SerpentLeader
	8 = Wraith
	9 = WraithBuried
	10 = FireBall
	11 = Mana1
	12 = Mana2
	13 = ArtiSpeedBoots
	14 = ArtiPork
	15 = ArtiFly
	16 = ArtiDarkServant
	17 = ArtiTeleportOther
	18 = ArtiTeleport
	19 = Bishop
	20 = IceGuy
	21 = Bridge
	22 = ArtiBoostArmor
	23 = CrystalVial
	24 = ArtiHealth
	25 = ArtiSuperHealth
	26 = ArtiBoostMana
	27 = FWeapAxe
	28 = FWeapHammer
	29 = FWeaponPiece1
	30 = FWeaponPiece2
	31 = FWeaponPiece3
	32 = CWeapStaff
	33 = CWeaponPiece1
	34 = CWeaponPiece2
	35 = CWeaponPiece3
	36 = MWeapFrost
	37 = MWeaponPiece1
	38 = MWeaponPiece2
	39 = MWeaponPiece3
	40 = PorkFX
	50 = Arrow
	51 = Dart
	52 = PoisonDart
	53 = RipperBall
	64 = ProjectileBlade
	65 = IceShard
	66 = FlameSmall2
	67 = FlameLarge2
	68 = MeshArmor
	69 = FalconShield
	70 = PlatinumHelm
	71 = AmuletOfWarding
	72 = ArtiPoisonBag
	73 = ArtiTorch
	74 = ArtiBlastRadius
	75 = Mana3
	76 = PuzzSkull
	77 = PuzzGemBig
	78 = PuzzGemRed
	79 = PuzzGemGreen1
	80 = PuzzGemGreen2
	81 = PuzzGemBlue1
	82 = PuzzGemBlue2
	83 = PuzzBook1
	84 = PuzzBook2
	85 = KeySteel
	86 = KeyCave
	87 = KeyAxe
	88 = KeyFire
	89 = KeyEmerald
	90 = KeyDungeon
	91 = KeySilver
	92 = KeyRusted
	93 = KeyHorn
	94 = KeySwamp
	95 = HWaterDrip
	96 = FlameSmallTemp
	97 = FlameSmall
	98 = FlameLargeTemp
	99 = FlameLarge
	100 = Demon1Mash
	101 = Demon2Mash
	102 = EttinMash
	103 = CentaurMash
	104 = ThrustFloorUp
	105 = ThrustFloorDown
	106 = WraithFX4
	107 = WraithFX5
	108 = WraithFX2
	110 = SoundWindHexen
	133 = ArtiInvulnerability2

skill baby
	AmmoFactor = 1.5
	DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
	DamageFactor = 0.5
	SpawnFilter = Baby
	playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_SQUIRE"
	playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_ALTARBOY"
	playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_APPRENTICE"

skill easy
	DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
	SpawnFilter = Easy
	playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_KNIGHT"
	playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_ACOLYTE"
	playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_ENCHANTER"

skill normal
	DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
	SpawnFilter = Normal
	playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_WARRIOR"
	playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_PRIEST"
	playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_SORCERER"

skill hard
	DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
	SpawnFilter = Hard
	Name = "$MNU_SMITE"
	playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_BERSERKER"
	playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_CARDINAL"
	playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_WARLOCK"

skill nightmare
	AmmoFactor = 1.5
	DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
	SpawnFilter = Nightmare
	playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_TITAN"
	playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_POPE"
	playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_ARCHMAGE"

episode "&wt@01"
	name = "Hexen - Beyond Heretic"
	key = "h"

cluster 1
	exittext = "clus1msg"
	pic = "interpic"

cluster 2
	exittext = "clus2msg"
	pic = "interpic"

cluster 3
	exittext = "clus3msg"
	pic = "interpic"

cluster 4
	exittext = "clus4msg"
	pic = "interpic"


// There is also support for showing a clus5msg after cluster 5, but
// since it isn't used, and it would intefere with the finale if I
// included it here, I'm leaving out the clusterdef for cluster 5.