// Fist (first weapon) ------------------------------------------------------ class FWeapFist : FighterWeapon { Default { +BLOODSPLATTER Weapon.SelectionOrder 3400; +WEAPON.MELEEWEAPON Weapon.KickBack 150; Obituary "$OB_MPFWEAPFIST"; Tag "$TAG_FWEAPFIST"; } States { Select: FPCH A 1 A_Raise; Loop; Deselect: FPCH A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Ready: FPCH A 1 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Fire: FPCH B 5 Offset (5, 40); FPCH C 4 Offset (5, 40); FPCH D 4 Offset (5, 40) A_FPunchAttack; FPCH C 4 Offset (5, 40); FPCH B 5 Offset (5, 40) A_ReFire; Goto Ready; Fire2: FPCH DE 4 Offset (5, 40); FPCH E 1 Offset (15, 50); FPCH E 1 Offset (25, 60); FPCH E 1 Offset (35, 70); FPCH E 1 Offset (45, 80); FPCH E 1 Offset (55, 90); FPCH E 1 Offset (65, 90); FPCH E 10 Offset (0, 150); Goto Ready; } //============================================================================ // // TryPunch // // Returns true if an actor was punched, false if not. // //============================================================================ private action bool TryPunch(double angle, int damage, int power) { Class<Actor> pufftype; FTranslatedLineTarget t; double slope = AimLineAttack (angle, 2*DEFMELEERANGE, t); if (t.linetarget != null) { if (++weaponspecial >= 3) { damage <<= 1; power *= 3; pufftype = "HammerPuff"; } else { pufftype = "PunchPuff"; } LineAttack (angle, 2*DEFMELEERANGE, slope, damage, 'Melee', pufftype, true, t); if (t.linetarget != null) { // The mass threshold has been changed to CommanderKeen's value which has been used most often for 'unmovable' stuff. if (t.linetarget.player != null || (t.linetarget.Mass < 10000000 && (t.linetarget.bIsMonster))) { if (!t.linetarget.bDontThrust) t.linetarget.Thrust(power, t.attackAngleFromSource); } AdjustPlayerAngle(t); return true; } } return false; } //============================================================================ // // A_FPunchAttack // //============================================================================ action void A_FPunchAttack() { if (player == null) { return; } int damage = 40 + (random[FighterAtk]() & 15); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (TryPunch(angle + i*(45./16), damage, 2) || TryPunch(angle - i*(45./16), damage, 2)) { // hit something if (weaponspecial >= 3) { weaponspecial = 0; player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, player.ReadyWeapon.FindState("Fire2")); A_PlaySound ("*fistgrunt", CHAN_VOICE); } return; } } // didn't find any creatures, so try to strike any walls weaponspecial = 0; double slope = AimLineAttack (angle, DEFMELEERANGE); LineAttack (angle, DEFMELEERANGE, slope, damage, 'Melee', "PunchPuff", true); } } // Punch puff --------------------------------------------------------------- class PunchPuff : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +PUFFONACTORS RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; SeeSound "FighterPunchHitThing"; AttackSound "FighterPunchHitWall"; ActiveSound "FighterPunchMiss"; VSpeed 1; } States { Spawn: FHFX STUVW 4; Stop; } }