#pragma once #include "tarray.h" #include "hw_ihwtexture.h" #include "palettecontainer.h" struct FTextureBuffer; class IHardwareTexture; class FHardwareTextureContainer { public: enum { MAX_TEXTURES = 16 }; private: struct TranslatedTexture { IHardwareTexture *hwTexture = nullptr; int translation = 0; void Delete() { if (hwTexture) delete hwTexture; hwTexture = nullptr; } void DeleteDescriptors() { if (hwTexture) hwTexture->DeleteDescriptors(); } ~TranslatedTexture() { Delete(); } }; private: TranslatedTexture hwDefTex[2]; TArray hwTex_Translated; TranslatedTexture * GetTexID(int translation, bool expanded) { auto remap = GPalette.TranslationToTable(translation); translation = remap == nullptr ? 0 : remap->Index; if (translation == 0) { return &hwDefTex[expanded]; } if (expanded) translation = -translation; // normally there aren't more than very few different // translations here so this isn't performance critical. unsigned index = hwTex_Translated.FindEx([=](auto &element) { return element.translation == translation; }); if (index < hwTex_Translated.Size()) { return &hwTex_Translated[index]; } int add = hwTex_Translated.Reserve(1); auto item = &hwTex_Translated[add]; item->translation = translation; return item; } public: void Clean(bool cleannormal, bool cleanexpanded) { if (cleannormal) hwDefTex[0].Delete(); if (cleanexpanded) hwDefTex[1].Delete(); hwDefTex[0].DeleteDescriptors(); hwDefTex[1].DeleteDescriptors(); for (int i = hwTex_Translated.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cleannormal && hwTex_Translated[i].translation > 0) hwTex_Translated.Delete(i); else if (cleanexpanded && hwTex_Translated[i].translation < 0) hwTex_Translated.Delete(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < hwTex_Translated.Size(); j++) hwTex_Translated[j].DeleteDescriptors(); } } IHardwareTexture * GetHardwareTexture(int translation, bool expanded) { auto tt = GetTexID(translation, expanded); return tt->hwTexture; } void AddHardwareTexture(int translation, bool expanded, IHardwareTexture *tex) { auto tt = GetTexID(translation, expanded); tt->Delete(); tt->hwTexture =tex; } //=========================================================================== // // Deletes all allocated resources and considers translations // This will only be called for sprites // //=========================================================================== void CleanUnused(SpriteHits &usedtranslations, bool expanded) { if (usedtranslations.CheckKey(0) == nullptr) { hwDefTex[expanded].Delete(); } int fac = expanded ? -1 : 1; for (int i = hwTex_Translated.Size()-1; i>= 0; i--) { if (usedtranslations.CheckKey(hwTex_Translated[i].translation * fac) == nullptr) { hwTex_Translated.Delete(i); } } } template void Iterate(T callback) { for (auto & t : hwDefTex) if (t.hwTexture) callback(t.hwTexture); for (auto & t : hwTex_Translated) if (t.hwTexture) callback(t.hwTexture); } };