/* ** nodebuild_utility.cpp ** ** Miscellaneous node builder utility functions. ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2002-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** 4. When not used as part of ZDoom or a ZDoom derivative, this code will be ** covered by the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at ** your option) any later version. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include #include "nodebuild.h" #include "templates.h" #include "m_bbox.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "i_system.h" static const int PO_LINE_START = 1; static const int PO_LINE_EXPLICIT = 5; #if 0 #define D(x) x #else #define D(x) do{}while(0) #endif #if 0 #define P(x) x #else #define P(x) do{}while(0) #endif angle_t FNodeBuilder::PointToAngle (fixed_t x, fixed_t y) { const double rad2bam = double(1<<30) / M_PI; double ang = atan2 (double(y), double(x)); return angle_t(ang * rad2bam) << 1; } void FNodeBuilder::FindUsedVertices (vertex_t *oldverts, int max) { int *map = (int *)alloca (max*sizeof(int)); int i; FPrivVert newvert; memset (&map[0], -1, sizeof(int)*max); for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i) { ptrdiff_t v1 = Level.Lines[i].v1 - oldverts; ptrdiff_t v2 = Level.Lines[i].v2 - oldverts; if (map[v1] == -1) { newvert.x = oldverts[v1].x; newvert.y = oldverts[v1].y; map[v1] = VertexMap->SelectVertexExact (newvert); } if (map[v2] == -1) { newvert.x = oldverts[v2].x; newvert.y = oldverts[v2].y; map[v2] = VertexMap->SelectVertexExact (newvert); } Level.Lines[i].v1 = (vertex_t *)(size_t)map[v1]; Level.Lines[i].v2 = (vertex_t *)(size_t)map[v2]; } } // For every sidedef in the map, create a corresponding seg. void FNodeBuilder::MakeSegsFromSides () { int i, j; if (Level.NumLines == 0) { I_Error ("Map is empty.\n"); } for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i) { if (Level.Lines[i].sidedef[0] != NULL) { CreateSeg (i, 0); } else { Printf ("Linedef %d does not have a front side.\n", i); } if (Level.Lines[i].sidedef[1] != NULL) { j = CreateSeg (i, 1); if (Level.Lines[i].sidedef[0] != NULL) { Segs[j-1].partner = j; Segs[j].partner = j-1; } } } } int FNodeBuilder::CreateSeg (int linenum, int sidenum) { FPrivSeg seg; int segnum; seg.next = DWORD_MAX; seg.loopnum = 0; seg.partner = DWORD_MAX; seg.hashnext = NULL; seg.planefront = false; seg.planenum = DWORD_MAX; seg.storedseg = DWORD_MAX; if (sidenum == 0) { // front seg.frontsector = Level.Lines[linenum].frontsector; seg.backsector = Level.Lines[linenum].backsector; seg.v1 = (int)(size_t)Level.Lines[linenum].v1; seg.v2 = (int)(size_t)Level.Lines[linenum].v2; } else { // back seg.frontsector = Level.Lines[linenum].backsector; seg.backsector = Level.Lines[linenum].frontsector; seg.v2 = (int)(size_t)Level.Lines[linenum].v1; seg.v1 = (int)(size_t)Level.Lines[linenum].v2; } seg.linedef = linenum; side_t *sd = Level.Lines[linenum].sidedef[sidenum]; seg.sidedef = sd != NULL? int(sd - sides) : int(NO_SIDE); seg.nextforvert = Vertices[seg.v1].segs; seg.nextforvert2 = Vertices[seg.v2].segs2; segnum = (int)Segs.Push (seg); Vertices[seg.v1].segs = segnum; Vertices[seg.v2].segs2 = segnum; return segnum; } // Group colinear segs together so that only one seg per line needs to be checked // by SelectSplitter(). void FNodeBuilder::GroupSegPlanes () { const int bucketbits = 12; FPrivSeg *buckets[1<next = i+1; seg->hashnext = NULL; } Segs[Segs.Size()-1].next = DWORD_MAX; for (i = planenum = 0; i < (int)Segs.Size(); ++i) { FPrivSeg *seg = &Segs[i]; fixed_t x1 = Vertices[seg->v1].x; fixed_t y1 = Vertices[seg->v1].y; fixed_t x2 = Vertices[seg->v2].x; fixed_t y2 = Vertices[seg->v2].y; angle_t ang = PointToAngle (x2 - x1, y2 - y1); if (ang >= 1u<<31) ang += 1u<<31; FPrivSeg *check = buckets[ang >>= 31-bucketbits]; while (check != NULL) { fixed_t cx1 = Vertices[check->v1].x; fixed_t cy1 = Vertices[check->v1].y; fixed_t cdx = Vertices[check->v2].x - cx1; fixed_t cdy = Vertices[check->v2].y - cy1; if (PointOnSide (x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cdx, cdy) == 0 && PointOnSide (x2, y2, cx1, cy1, cdx, cdy) == 0) { break; } check = check->hashnext; } if (check != NULL) { seg->planenum = check->planenum; const FSimpleLine *line = &Planes[seg->planenum]; if (line->dx != 0) { if ((line->dx > 0 && x2 > x1) || (line->dx < 0 && x2 < x1)) { seg->planefront = true; } else { seg->planefront = false; } } else { if ((line->dy > 0 && y2 > y1) || (line->dy < 0 && y2 < y1)) { seg->planefront = true; } else { seg->planefront = false; } } } else { seg->hashnext = buckets[ang]; buckets[ang] = seg; seg->planenum = planenum++; seg->planefront = true; FSimpleLine pline = { Vertices[seg->v1].x, Vertices[seg->v1].y, Vertices[seg->v2].x - Vertices[seg->v1].x, Vertices[seg->v2].y - Vertices[seg->v1].y }; Planes.Push (pline); } } D(Printf ("%d planes from %d segs\n", planenum, Segs.Size())); PlaneChecked.Reserve ((planenum + 7) / 8); } // Find "loops" of segs surrounding polyobject's origin. Note that a polyobject's origin // is not solely defined by the polyobject's anchor, but also by the polyobject itself. // For the split avoidance to work properly, you must have a convex, complete loop of // segs surrounding the polyobject origin. All the maps in hexen.wad have complete loops of // segs around their polyobjects, but they are not all convex: The doors at the start of MAP01 // and some of the pillars in MAP02 that surround the entrance to MAP06 are not convex. // Heuristic() uses some special weighting to make these cases work properly. void FNodeBuilder::FindPolyContainers (TArray &spots, TArray &anchors) { int loop = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < spots.Size(); ++i) { FPolyStart *spot = &spots[i]; fixed_t bbox[4]; if (GetPolyExtents (spot->polynum, bbox)) { FPolyStart *anchor = NULL; unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < anchors.Size(); ++j) { anchor = &anchors[j]; if (anchor->polynum == spot->polynum) { break; } } if (j < anchors.Size()) { vertex_t mid; vertex_t center; mid.x = bbox[BOXLEFT] + (bbox[BOXRIGHT]-bbox[BOXLEFT])/2; mid.y = bbox[BOXBOTTOM] + (bbox[BOXTOP]-bbox[BOXBOTTOM])/2; center.x = mid.x - anchor->x + spot->x; center.y = mid.y - anchor->y + spot->y; // Scan right for the seg closest to the polyobject's center after it // gets moved to its start spot. fixed_t closestdist = FIXED_MAX; DWORD closestseg = 0; P(Printf ("start %d,%d -- center %d, %d\n", spot->x>>16, spot->y>>16, center.x>>16, center.y>>16)); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Segs.Size(); ++j) { FPrivSeg *seg = &Segs[j]; FPrivVert *v1 = &Vertices[seg->v1]; FPrivVert *v2 = &Vertices[seg->v2]; fixed_t dy = v2->y - v1->y; if (dy == 0) { // Horizontal, so skip it continue; } if ((v1->y < center.y && v2->y < center.y) || (v1->y > center.y && v2->y > center.y)) { // Not crossed continue; } fixed_t dx = v2->x - v1->x; if (PointOnSide (center.x, center.y, v1->x, v1->y, dx, dy) <= 0) { fixed_t t = DivScale30 (center.y - v1->y, dy); fixed_t sx = v1->x + MulScale30 (dx, t); fixed_t dist = sx - spot->x; if (dist < closestdist && dist >= 0) { closestdist = dist; closestseg = (long)j; } } } if (closestseg >= 0) { loop = MarkLoop (closestseg, loop); P(Printf ("Found polyobj in sector %d (loop %d)\n", Segs[closestseg].frontsector, Segs[closestseg].loopnum)); } } } } } int FNodeBuilder::MarkLoop (DWORD firstseg, int loopnum) { DWORD seg; sector_t *sec = Segs[firstseg].frontsector; if (Segs[firstseg].loopnum != 0) { // already marked return loopnum; } seg = firstseg; do { FPrivSeg *s1 = &Segs[seg]; s1->loopnum = loopnum; P(Printf ("Mark seg %d (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", seg, Vertices[s1->v1].x>>16, Vertices[s1->v1].y>>16, Vertices[s1->v2].x>>16, Vertices[s1->v2].y>>16)); DWORD bestseg = DWORD_MAX; DWORD tryseg = Vertices[s1->v2].segs; angle_t bestang = ANGLE_MAX; angle_t ang1 = PointToAngle (Vertices[s1->v2].x - Vertices[s1->v1].x, Vertices[s1->v2].y - Vertices[s1->v1].y); while (tryseg != DWORD_MAX) { FPrivSeg *s2 = &Segs[tryseg]; if (s2->frontsector == sec) { angle_t ang2 = PointToAngle (Vertices[s2->v1].x - Vertices[s2->v2].x, Vertices[s2->v1].y - Vertices[s2->v2].y); angle_t angdiff = ang2 - ang1; if (angdiff < bestang && angdiff > 0) { bestang = angdiff; bestseg = tryseg; } } tryseg = s2->nextforvert; } seg = bestseg; } while (seg != DWORD_MAX && Segs[seg].loopnum == 0); return loopnum + 1; } // Find the bounding box for a specific polyobject. bool FNodeBuilder::GetPolyExtents (int polynum, fixed_t bbox[4]) { unsigned int i; bbox[BOXLEFT] = bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = FIXED_MAX; bbox[BOXRIGHT] = bbox[BOXTOP] = FIXED_MIN; // Try to find a polyobj marked with a start line for (i = 0; i < Segs.Size(); ++i) { if (Level.Lines[Segs[i].linedef].special == PO_LINE_START && Level.Lines[Segs[i].linedef].args[0] == polynum) { break; } } if (i < Segs.Size()) { vertex_t start; unsigned int vert; unsigned int count = 0; vert = Segs[i].v1; start.x = Vertices[vert].x; start.y = Vertices[vert].y; do { AddSegToBBox (bbox, &Segs[i]); vert = Segs[i].v2; i = Vertices[vert].segs; count++; // to prevent endless loops. Stop when this reaches the number of segs. } while (i != DWORD_MAX && (Vertices[vert].x != start.x || Vertices[vert].y != start.y) && count < Segs.Size()); return true; } // Try to find a polyobj marked with explicit lines bool found = false; for (i = 0; i < Segs.Size(); ++i) { if (Level.Lines[Segs[i].linedef].special == PO_LINE_EXPLICIT && Level.Lines[Segs[i].linedef].args[0] == polynum) { AddSegToBBox (bbox, &Segs[i]); found = true; } } return found; } void FNodeBuilder::AddSegToBBox (fixed_t bbox[4], const FPrivSeg *seg) { FPrivVert *v1 = &Vertices[seg->v1]; FPrivVert *v2 = &Vertices[seg->v2]; if (v1->x < bbox[BOXLEFT]) bbox[BOXLEFT] = v1->x; if (v1->x > bbox[BOXRIGHT]) bbox[BOXRIGHT] = v1->x; if (v1->y < bbox[BOXBOTTOM]) bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = v1->y; if (v1->y > bbox[BOXTOP]) bbox[BOXTOP] = v1->y; if (v2->x < bbox[BOXLEFT]) bbox[BOXLEFT] = v2->x; if (v2->x > bbox[BOXRIGHT]) bbox[BOXRIGHT] = v2->x; if (v2->y < bbox[BOXBOTTOM]) bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = v2->y; if (v2->y > bbox[BOXTOP]) bbox[BOXTOP] = v2->y; } void FNodeBuilder::FLevel::FindMapBounds () { fixed_t minx, maxx, miny, maxy; minx = maxx = Vertices[0].x; miny = maxy = Vertices[0].y; for (int i = 1; i < NumVertices; ++i) { if (Vertices[i].x < minx) minx = Vertices[i].x; else if (Vertices[i].x > maxx) maxx = Vertices[i].x; if (Vertices[i].y < miny) miny = Vertices[i].y; else if (Vertices[i].y > maxy) maxy = Vertices[i].y; } MinX = minx; MinY = miny; MaxX = maxx; MaxY = maxy; } FNodeBuilder::FVertexMap::FVertexMap (FNodeBuilder &builder, fixed_t minx, fixed_t miny, fixed_t maxx, fixed_t maxy) : MyBuilder(builder) { MinX = minx; MinY = miny; BlocksWide = int(((double(maxx) - minx + 1) + (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) / BLOCK_SIZE); BlocksTall = int(((double(maxy) - miny + 1) + (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) / BLOCK_SIZE); MaxX = MinX + BlocksWide * BLOCK_SIZE - 1; MaxY = MinY + BlocksTall * BLOCK_SIZE - 1; VertexGrid = new TArray[BlocksWide * BlocksTall]; } FNodeBuilder::FVertexMap::~FVertexMap () { delete[] VertexGrid; } int FNodeBuilder::FVertexMap::SelectVertexExact (FNodeBuilder::FPrivVert &vert) { TArray &block = VertexGrid[GetBlock (vert.x, vert.y)]; FPrivVert *vertices = &MyBuilder.Vertices[0]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < block.Size(); ++i) { if (vertices[block[i]].x == vert.x && vertices[block[i]].y == vert.y) { return block[i]; } } // Not present: add it! return InsertVertex (vert); } int FNodeBuilder::FVertexMap::SelectVertexClose (FNodeBuilder::FPrivVert &vert) { TArray &block = VertexGrid[GetBlock (vert.x, vert.y)]; FPrivVert *vertices = &MyBuilder.Vertices[0]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < block.Size(); ++i) { #if VERTEX_EPSILON <= 1 if (vertices[block[i]].x == vert.x && vertices[block[i]].y == vert.y) #else if (abs(vertices[block[i]].x - vert.x) < VERTEX_EPSILON && abs(vertices[block[i]].y - vert.y) < VERTEX_EPSILON) #endif { return block[i]; } } // Not present: add it! return InsertVertex (vert); } int FNodeBuilder::FVertexMap::InsertVertex (FNodeBuilder::FPrivVert &vert) { int vertnum; vert.segs = DWORD_MAX; vert.segs2 = DWORD_MAX; vertnum = (int)MyBuilder.Vertices.Push (vert); // If a vertex is near a block boundary, then it will be inserted on // both sides of the boundary so that SelectVertexClose can find // it by checking in only one block. fixed_t minx = MAX (MinX, vert.x - VERTEX_EPSILON); fixed_t maxx = MIN (MaxX, vert.x + VERTEX_EPSILON); fixed_t miny = MAX (MinY, vert.y - VERTEX_EPSILON); fixed_t maxy = MIN (MaxY, vert.y + VERTEX_EPSILON); int blk[4] = { GetBlock (minx, miny), GetBlock (maxx, miny), GetBlock (minx, maxy), GetBlock (maxx, maxy) }; unsigned int blkcount[4] = { VertexGrid[blk[0]].Size(), VertexGrid[blk[1]].Size(), VertexGrid[blk[2]].Size(), VertexGrid[blk[3]].Size() }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (VertexGrid[blk[i]].Size() == blkcount[i]) { VertexGrid[blk[i]].Push (vertnum); } } return vertnum; }