struct RenderEvent native ui version("2.4") { native readonly Vector3 ViewPos; native readonly double ViewAngle; native readonly double ViewPitch; native readonly double ViewRoll; native readonly double FracTic; native readonly Actor Camera; } struct WorldEvent native play version("2.4") { // for loaded/unloaded native readonly bool IsSaveGame; // this will be true if we are re-entering the hub level. native readonly bool IsReopen; // for thingspawned/thingdied/thingdestroyed native readonly Actor Thing; // for thingdied. can be null native readonly Actor Inflictor; // for thingdamaged. native readonly int Damage; native readonly Actor DamageSource; native readonly Name DamageType; native readonly EDmgFlags DamageFlags; native readonly double DamageAngle; // for line(pre)activated native readonly Line ActivatedLine; native bool ShouldActivate; } struct PlayerEvent native play version("2.4") { // this is the player number that caused the event. // note: you can get player struct from this by using players[e.PlayerNumber] native readonly int PlayerNumber; // this will be true if we are re-entering the hub level. native readonly bool IsReturn; } struct UiEvent native ui version("2.4") { // d_gui.h enum EGUIEvent { Type_None, Type_KeyDown, Type_KeyRepeat, Type_KeyUp, Type_Char, Type_FirstMouseEvent, // ? Type_MouseMove, Type_LButtonDown, Type_LButtonUp, Type_LButtonClick, Type_MButtonDown, Type_MButtonUp, Type_MButtonClick, Type_RButtonDown, Type_RButtonUp, Type_RButtonClick, Type_WheelUp, Type_WheelDown, Type_WheelRight, // ??? Type_WheelLeft, // ??? Type_BackButtonDown, // ??? Type_BackButtonUp, // ??? Type_FwdButtonDown, // ??? Type_FwdButtonUp, // ??? Type_LastMouseEvent } // for KeyDown, KeyRepeat, KeyUp enum ESpecialGUIKeys { Key_PgDn = 1, Key_PgUp = 2, Key_Home = 3, Key_End = 4, Key_Left = 5, Key_Right = 6, Key_Alert = 7, // ASCII bell Key_Backspace = 8, // ASCII Key_Tab = 9, // ASCII Key_LineFeed = 10, // ASCII Key_Down = 10, Key_VTab = 11, // ASCII Key_Up = 11, Key_FormFeed = 12, // ASCII Key_Return = 13, // ASCII Key_F1 = 14, Key_F2 = 15, Key_F3 = 16, Key_F4 = 17, Key_F5 = 18, Key_F6 = 19, Key_F7 = 20, Key_F8 = 21, Key_F9 = 22, Key_F10 = 23, Key_F11 = 24, Key_F12 = 25, Key_Del = 26, Key_Escape = 27, // ASCII Key_Free1 = 28, Key_Free2 = 29, Key_Back = 30, // browser back key Key_CEscape = 31 // color escape } // native readonly EGUIEvent Type; // native readonly String KeyString; native readonly int KeyChar; // native readonly int MouseX; native readonly int MouseY; // native readonly bool IsShift; native readonly bool IsCtrl; native readonly bool IsAlt; } struct InputEvent native play version("2.4") { enum EGenericEvent { Type_None, Type_KeyDown, Type_KeyUp, Type_Mouse, Type_GUI, // unused, kept for completeness Type_DeviceChange } // ew. enum EDoomInputKeys { Key_Pause = 0xc5, // DIK_PAUSE Key_RightArrow = 0xcd, // DIK_RIGHT Key_LeftArrow = 0xcb, // DIK_LEFT Key_UpArrow = 0xc8, // DIK_UP Key_DownArrow = 0xd0, // DIK_DOWN Key_Escape = 0x01, // DIK_ESCAPE Key_Enter = 0x1c, // DIK_RETURN Key_Space = 0x39, // DIK_SPACE Key_Tab = 0x0f, // DIK_TAB Key_F1 = 0x3b, // DIK_F1 Key_F2 = 0x3c, // DIK_F2 Key_F3 = 0x3d, // DIK_F3 Key_F4 = 0x3e, // DIK_F4 Key_F5 = 0x3f, // DIK_F5 Key_F6 = 0x40, // DIK_F6 Key_F7 = 0x41, // DIK_F7 Key_F8 = 0x42, // DIK_F8 Key_F9 = 0x43, // DIK_F9 Key_F10 = 0x44, // DIK_F10 Key_F11 = 0x57, // DIK_F11 Key_F12 = 0x58, // DIK_F12 Key_Grave = 0x29, // DIK_GRAVE Key_Backspace = 0x0e, // DIK_BACK Key_Equals = 0x0d, // DIK_EQUALS Key_Minus = 0x0c, // DIK_MINUS Key_LShift = 0x2A, // DIK_LSHIFT Key_LCtrl = 0x1d, // DIK_LCONTROL Key_LAlt = 0x38, // DIK_LMENU Key_RShift = Key_LSHIFT, Key_RCtrl = Key_LCTRL, Key_RAlt = Key_LALT, Key_Ins = 0xd2, // DIK_INSERT Key_Del = 0xd3, // DIK_DELETE Key_End = 0xcf, // DIK_END Key_Home = 0xc7, // DIK_HOME Key_PgUp = 0xc9, // DIK_PRIOR Key_PgDn = 0xd1, // DIK_NEXT Key_Mouse1 = 0x100, Key_Mouse2 = 0x101, Key_Mouse3 = 0x102, Key_Mouse4 = 0x103, Key_Mouse5 = 0x104, Key_Mouse6 = 0x105, Key_Mouse7 = 0x106, Key_Mouse8 = 0x107, Key_FirstJoyButton = 0x108, Key_Joy1 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+0), Key_Joy2 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+1), Key_Joy3 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+2), Key_Joy4 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+3), Key_Joy5 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+4), Key_Joy6 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+5), Key_Joy7 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+6), Key_Joy8 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+7), Key_LastJoyButton = 0x187, Key_JoyPOV1_Up = 0x188, Key_JoyPOV1_Right = 0x189, Key_JoyPOV1_Down = 0x18a, Key_JoyPOV1_Left = 0x18b, Key_JoyPOV2_Up = 0x18c, Key_JoyPOV3_Up = 0x190, Key_JoyPOV4_Up = 0x194, Key_MWheelUp = 0x198, Key_MWheelDown = 0x199, Key_MWheelRight = 0x19A, Key_MWheelLeft = 0x19B, Key_JoyAxis1Plus = 0x19C, Key_JoyAxis1Minus = 0x19D, Key_JoyAxis2Plus = 0x19E, Key_JoyAxis2Minus = 0x19F, Key_JoyAxis3Plus = 0x1A0, Key_JoyAxis3Minus = 0x1A1, Key_JoyAxis4Plus = 0x1A2, Key_JoyAxis4Minus = 0x1A3, Key_JoyAxis5Plus = 0x1A4, Key_JoyAxis5Minus = 0x1A5, Key_JoyAxis6Plus = 0x1A6, Key_JoyAxis6Minus = 0x1A7, Key_JoyAxis7Plus = 0x1A8, Key_JoyAxis7Minus = 0x1A9, Key_JoyAxis8Plus = 0x1AA, Key_JoyAxis8Minus = 0x1AB, Num_JoyAxisButtons = 8, Key_Pad_LThumb_Right = 0x1AC, Key_Pad_LThumb_Left = 0x1AD, Key_Pad_LThumb_Down = 0x1AE, Key_Pad_LThumb_Up = 0x1AF, Key_Pad_RThumb_Right = 0x1B0, Key_Pad_RThumb_Left = 0x1B1, Key_Pad_RThumb_Down = 0x1B2, Key_Pad_RThumb_Up = 0x1B3, Key_Pad_DPad_Up = 0x1B4, Key_Pad_DPad_Down = 0x1B5, Key_Pad_DPad_Left = 0x1B6, Key_Pad_DPad_Right = 0x1B7, Key_Pad_Start = 0x1B8, Key_Pad_Back = 0x1B9, Key_Pad_LThumb = 0x1BA, Key_Pad_RThumb = 0x1BB, Key_Pad_LShoulder = 0x1BC, Key_Pad_RShoulder = 0x1BD, Key_Pad_LTrigger = 0x1BE, Key_Pad_RTrigger = 0x1BF, Key_Pad_A = 0x1C0, Key_Pad_B = 0x1C1, Key_Pad_X = 0x1C2, Key_Pad_Y = 0x1C3, Num_Keys = 0x1C4 } // native readonly EGenericEvent Type; // native readonly int KeyScan; // as in EDoomInputKeys enum native readonly String KeyString; native readonly int KeyChar; // ASCII char (if any) // native readonly int MouseX; native readonly int MouseY; } struct ConsoleEvent native version("2.4") { // for net events, this will be the activator. // for UI events, this is always -1, and you need to check if level is loaded and use players[consoleplayer]. native readonly int Player; // this is the name and args as specified in SendNetworkEvent or event/netevent CCMDs native readonly String Name; native readonly int Args[3]; // this will be true if the event is fired from the console by event/netevent CCMD native readonly bool IsManual; } class StaticEventHandler : Object native play version("2.4") { // static event handlers CAN register other static event handlers. // unlike EventHandler.Create that will not create them. clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Find(Class<StaticEventHandler> type); // just for convenience. who knows. // these are called when the handler gets registered or unregistered // you can set Order/IsUiProcessor here. virtual native void OnRegister(); virtual native void OnUnregister(); // actual handlers are here virtual native void WorldLoaded(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldUnloaded(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldThingSpawned(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldThingDied(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldThingRevived(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldThingDamaged(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldThingDestroyed(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldLinePreActivated(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldLineActivated(WorldEvent e); virtual native void WorldLightning(WorldEvent e); // for the sake of completeness. virtual native void WorldTick(); // //virtual native ui void RenderFrame(RenderEvent e); virtual native ui void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent e); // virtual native void PlayerEntered(PlayerEvent e); virtual native void PlayerRespawned(PlayerEvent e); virtual native void PlayerDied(PlayerEvent e); virtual native void PlayerDisconnected(PlayerEvent e); // virtual native ui bool UiProcess(UiEvent e); virtual native ui bool InputProcess(InputEvent e); virtual native ui void UiTick(); virtual native ui void PostUiTick(); // virtual native ui void ConsoleProcess(ConsoleEvent e); virtual native void NetworkProcess(ConsoleEvent e); // this value will be queried on Register() to decide the relative order of this handler to every other. // this is most useful in UI systems. // default is 0. native readonly int Order; native void SetOrder(int order); // this value will be queried on user input to decide whether to send UiProcess to this handler. native bool IsUiProcessor; // this value determines whether mouse input is required. native bool RequireMouse; } class EventHandler : StaticEventHandler native version("2.4") { clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Find(class<StaticEventHandler> type); clearscope static native void SendNetworkEvent(String name, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0); }