// Cleric Weapon Piece ------------------------------------------------------ class ClericWeaponPiece : WeaponPiece { Default { Inventory.PickupSound "misc/w_pkup"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_WRAITHVERGE_PIECE"; Inventory.ForbiddenTo "FighterPlayer", "MagePlayer"; WeaponPiece.Weapon "CWeapWraithverge"; +FLOATBOB } } // Cleric Weapon Piece 1 ---------------------------------------------------- class CWeaponPiece1 : ClericWeaponPiece { Default { WeaponPiece.Number 1; } States { Spawn: WCH1 A -1; Stop; } } // Cleric Weapon Piece 2 ---------------------------------------------------- class CWeaponPiece2 : ClericWeaponPiece { Default { WeaponPiece.Number 2; } States { Spawn: WCH2 A -1; Stop; } } // Cleric Weapon Piece 3 ---------------------------------------------------- class CWeaponPiece3 : ClericWeaponPiece { Default { WeaponPiece.Number 3; } States { Spawn: WCH3 A -1; Stop; } } // Wraithverge Drop --------------------------------------------------------- class WraithvergeDrop : Actor { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1; TNT1 A 1 A_DropWeaponPieces("CWeaponPiece1", "CWeaponPiece2", "CWeaponPiece3"); Stop; } } // Cleric's Wraithverge (Holy Symbol?) -------------------------------------- class CWeapWraithverge : ClericWeapon { int CHolyCount; Default { Health 3; Weapon.SelectionOrder 3000; +WEAPON.PRIMARY_USES_BOTH; +Inventory.NoAttenPickupSound Weapon.AmmoUse1 18; Weapon.AmmoUse2 18; Weapon.AmmoGive1 20; Weapon.AmmoGive2 20; Weapon.KickBack 150; Weapon.AmmoType1 "Mana1"; Weapon.AmmoType2 "Mana2"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_WEAPON_C4"; Tag "$TAG_CWEAPWRAITHVERGE"; Inventory.PickupSound "WeaponBuild"; } States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1; Stop; Ready: CHLY A 1 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Select: CHLY A 1 A_Raise; Loop; Deselect: CHLY A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Fire: CHLY AB 1 Bright Offset (0, 40); CHLY CD 2 Bright Offset (0, 43); CHLY E 2 Bright Offset (0, 45); CHLY F 6 Bright Offset (0, 48) A_CHolyAttack; CHLY GG 2 Bright Offset (0, 40) A_CHolyPalette; CHLY G 2 Offset (0, 36) A_CHolyPalette; Goto Ready; } override color GetBlend () { if (paletteflash & PF_HEXENWEAPONS) { if (CHolyCount == 3) return Color(128, 70, 70, 70); else if (CHolyCount == 2) return Color(128, 100, 100, 100); else if (CHolyCount == 1) return Color(128, 130, 130, 130); else return Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { return Color(CHolyCount * 128 / 3, 131, 131, 131); } } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyAttack // //============================================================================ action void A_CHolyAttack() { FTranslatedLineTarget t; if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != null) { if (!weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire)) return; } Actor missile = SpawnPlayerMissile ("HolyMissile", angle, pLineTarget:t); if (missile != null && !t.unlinked) { missile.tracer = t.linetarget; } invoker.CHolyCount = 3; A_StartSound ("HolySymbolFire", CHAN_WEAPON); } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyPalette // //============================================================================ action void A_CHolyPalette() { if (invoker.CHolyCount > 0) invoker.CHolyCount--; } } // Holy Missile ------------------------------------------------------------- class HolyMissile : Actor { Default { Speed 30; Radius 15; Height 8; Damage 4; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS +EXTREMEDEATH } States { Spawn: SPIR PPPP 3 Bright A_SpawnItemEx("HolyMissilePuff"); Death: SPIR P 1 Bright A_CHolyAttack2; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyAttack2 // // Spawns the spirits //============================================================================ void A_CHolyAttack2() { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { Actor mo = Spawn("HolySpirit", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (!mo) { continue; } switch (j) { // float bob index case 0: mo.WeaveIndexZ = random[HolyAtk2](0, 7); // upper-left break; case 1: mo.WeaveIndexZ = random[HolyAtk2](32, 39); // upper-right break; case 2: mo.WeaveIndexXY = random[HolyAtk2](32, 39); // lower-left break; case 3: mo.WeaveIndexXY = random[HolyAtk2](32, 39); mo.WeaveIndexZ = random[HolyAtk2](32, 39); break; } mo.SetZ(pos.z); mo.angle = angle + 67.5 - 45.*j; mo.Thrust(); mo.target = target; mo.args[0] = 10; // initial turn value mo.args[1] = 0; // initial look angle if (deathmatch) { // Ghosts last slightly less longer in DeathMatch mo.health = 85; } if (tracer) { mo.tracer = tracer; mo.bNoClip = true; mo.bSkullFly = true; mo.bMissile = false; } HolyTail.SpawnSpiritTail (mo); } } } // Holy Missile Puff -------------------------------------------------------- class HolyMissilePuff : Actor { Default { Radius 4; Height 8; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +DROPOFF +NOTELEPORT RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.4; } States { Spawn: SPIR QRSTU 3; Stop; } } // Holy Puff ---------------------------------------------------------------- class HolyPuff : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; } States { Spawn: SPIR KLMNO 3; Stop; } } // Holy Spirit -------------------------------------------------------------- class HolySpirit : Actor { Default { Health 105; Speed 12; Radius 10; Height 6; Damage 3; Projectile; +RIPPER +SEEKERMISSILE +FOILINVUL +SKYEXPLODE +NOEXPLODEFLOOR +CANBLAST +EXTREMEDEATH +NOSHIELDREFLECT RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.4; DeathSound "SpiritDie"; Obituary "$OB_MPCWEAPWRAITHVERGE"; } States { Spawn: SPIR AAB 2 A_CHolySeek; SPIR B 2 A_CHolyCheckScream; Loop; Death: SPIR D 4; SPIR E 4 A_Scream; SPIR FGHI 4; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ override bool Slam(Actor thing) { if (thing.bShootable && thing != target) { if (multiplayer && !deathmatch && thing.player && target && target.player) { // don't attack other co-op players return true; } if (thing.bReflective && (thing.player || thing.bBoss)) { tracer = target; target = thing; return true; } if (thing.bIsMonster || thing.player) { tracer = thing; } if (random[SpiritSlam]() < 96) { int dam = 12; if (thing.player || thing.bBoss) { dam = 3; // ghost burns out faster when attacking players/bosses health -= 6; } thing.DamageMobj(self, target, dam, 'Melee'); if (random[SpiritSlam]() < 128) { Spawn("HolyPuff", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); A_StartSound("SpiritAttack", CHAN_WEAPON); if (thing.bIsMonster && random[SpiritSlam]() < 128) { thing.Howl(); } } } if (thing.health <= 0) { tracer = null; } } return true; } override bool SpecialBlastHandling (Actor source, double strength) { if (tracer == source) { tracer = target; target = source; } return true; } //============================================================================ // // CHolyFindTarget // //============================================================================ private void CHolyFindTarget () { Actor target; if ( (target = RoughMonsterSearch (6, true)) ) { tracer = target; bNoClip = true; bSkullFly = true; bMissile = false; } } //============================================================================ // // CHolySeekerMissile // // Similar to P_SeekerMissile, but seeks to a random Z on the target //============================================================================ private void CHolySeekerMissile (double thresh, double turnMax) { Actor target = tracer; if (target == NULL) { return; } if (!target.bShootable || (!target.bIsMonster && !target.player)) { // Target died/target isn't a player or creature tracer = null; bNoClip = false; bSkullFly = false; bMissile = true; CHolyFindTarget(); return; } double ang = deltaangle(angle, AngleTo(target)); double delta = abs(ang); if (delta > thresh) { delta /= 2; if (delta > turnMax) { delta = turnMax; } } if (ang > 0) { // Turn clockwise angle += delta; } else { // Turn counter clockwise angle -= delta; } VelFromAngle(); if (!(Level.maptime&15) || pos.z > target.pos.z + target.height || pos.z + height < target.pos.z) { double newZ = target.pos.z + ((random[HolySeeker]()*target.Height) / 256.); double deltaZ = newZ - pos.z; if (abs(deltaZ) > 15) { if (deltaZ > 0) { deltaZ = 15; } else { deltaZ = -15; } } Vel.Z = deltaZ / DistanceBySpeed(target, Speed); } } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolySeek // //============================================================================ void A_CHolySeek() { health--; if (health <= 0) { Vel.X /= 4; Vel.Y /= 4; Vel.Z = 0; SetStateLabel ("Death"); tics -= random[HolySeeker](0, 3); return; } if (tracer) { CHolySeekerMissile (args[0], args[0]*2.); if (!((Level.maptime+7)&15)) { args[0] = 5+(random[HolySeeker]()/20); } } int xyspeed = random[HolySeeker](0, 4); int zspeed = random[HolySeeker](0, 4); A_Weave(xyspeed, zspeed, 4., 2.); } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyCheckScream // //============================================================================ void A_CHolyCheckScream() { A_CHolySeek(); if (random[HolyScream]() < 20) { A_StartSound ("SpiritActive", CHAN_VOICE); } if (!tracer) { CHolyFindTarget(); } } } // Holy Tail ---------------------------------------------------------------- class HolyTail : Actor { Default { Radius 1; Height 1; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +DROPOFF +NOCLIP +NOTELEPORT RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; } States { Spawn: SPIR C 1 A_CHolyTail; Loop; TailTrail: SPIR D -1; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // SpawnSpiritTail // //============================================================================ static void SpawnSpiritTail (Actor spirit) { Actor tail = Spawn ("HolyTail", spirit.Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (tail != null) { tail.target = spirit; // parent for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { Actor next = Spawn ("HolyTailTrail", spirit.Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); tail.tracer = next; tail = next; } tail.tracer = null; // last tail bit } } //============================================================================ // // CHolyTailFollow // //============================================================================ private void CHolyTailFollow(double dist) { Actor mo = self; while (mo) { Actor child = mo.tracer; if (child) { double an = mo.AngleTo(child); double oldDistance = child.Distance2D(mo); if (child.TryMove(mo.Pos.XY + AngleToVector(an, dist), true)) { double newDistance = child.Distance2D(mo) - 1; if (oldDistance < 1) { if (child.pos.z < mo.pos.z) { child.SetZ(mo.pos.z - dist); } else { child.SetZ(mo.pos.z + dist); } } else { child.SetZ(mo.pos.z + (newDistance * (child.pos.z - mo.pos.z) / oldDistance)); } } } mo = child; dist -= 1; } } //============================================================================ // // CHolyTailRemove // //============================================================================ private void CHolyTailRemove () { Actor mo = self; while (mo) { Actor next = mo.tracer; mo.Destroy (); mo = next; } } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyTail // //============================================================================ void A_CHolyTail() { Actor parent = target; if (parent == null || parent.health <= 0) // better check for health than current state - it's safer! { // Ghost removed, so remove all tail parts CHolyTailRemove (); return; } else { if (TryMove(parent.Vec2Angle(14., parent.Angle, true), true)) { SetZ(parent.pos.z - 5.); } CHolyTailFollow(10); } } } // Holy Tail Trail --------------------------------------------------------- class HolyTailTrail : HolyTail { States { Spawn: Goto TailTrail; } }