// // Doom Locks - they include Heretic's keys because somebody mentioned that he already used them // ClearLocks Lock 1 Doom { RedCard Message "$PD_REDC" RemoteMessage "$PD_REDCO" Mapcolor 255 0 0 } Lock 2 Doom { BlueCard Message "$PD_BLUEC" RemoteMessage "$PD_BLUECO" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 3 Doom { YellowCard Message "$PD_YELLOWC" RemoteMessage "$PD_YELLOWCO" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 4 Doom { RedSkull Message "$PD_REDS" RemoteMessage "$PD_REDSO" Mapcolor 255 0 0 } Lock 5 Doom { BlueSkull Message "$PD_BLUES" RemoteMessage "$PD_BLUESO" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 6 Doom { YellowSkull Message "$PD_YELLOWS" RemoteMessage "$PD_YELLOWSO" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 129 Doom { Any { RedCard RedSkull KeyGreen } Message "$PD_REDK" RemoteMessage "$PD_REDO" Mapcolor 255 0 0 } Lock 130 Doom { Any { BlueCard BlueSkull KeyBlue } Message "$PD_BLUEK" RemoteMessage "$PD_BLUEO" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 131 Doom { Any { YellowCard YellowSkull KeyYellow } Message "$PD_YELLOWK" RemoteMessage "$PD_YELLOWO" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 132 Doom { Any { RedCard RedSkull } Message "$PD_REDK" RemoteMessage "$PD_REDO" Mapcolor 255 0 0 } Lock 133 Doom { Any { BlueCard BlueSkull } Message "$PD_BLUEK" RemoteMessage "$PD_BLUEO" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 134 Doom { Any { YellowCard YellowSkull } Message "$PD_YELLOWK" RemoteMessage "$PD_YELLOWO" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 100 { Message "$PD_ANY" RemoteMessage "$PD_ANYOBJ" Mapcolor 128 128 255 } Lock 228 { Message "$PD_ANY" RemoteMessage "$PD_ANYOBJ" Mapcolor 128 128 255 } Lock 229 Doom { Any { BlueCard BlueSkull KeyBlue} Any { YellowCard YellowSkull KeyYellow} Any { RedCard RedSkull KeyGreen} Message "$PD_ALL3" RemoteMessage "$PD_ALL3O" } Lock 101 Doom { BlueCard BlueSkull YellowCard YellowSkull RedCard RedSkull Message "$PD_ALL6" RemoteMessage "$PD_ALL6O" } // // Heretic KeyDefs // Lock 1 Heretic { KeyGreen Message "$TXT_NEEDGREENKEY" Mapcolor 0 255 0 } Lock 2 Heretic { KeyBlue Message "$TXT_NEEDBLUEKEY" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 3 Heretic { KeyYellow Message "$TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEY" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 129 Heretic { KeyGreen Message "$TXT_NEEDGREENKEY" Mapcolor 0 255 0 } Lock 130 Heretic { KeyBlue Message "$TXT_NEEDBLUEKEY" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 131 Heretic { KeyYellow Message "$TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEY" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 229 Heretic { KeyGreen KeyYellow KeyBlue Message "$PD_ALL3" RemoteMessage "$PD_ALL3O" } Lock 101 Heretic { KeyGreen KeyYellow KeyBlue Message "$PD_ALL3" RemoteMessage "$PD_ALL3O" } // // Hexen KeyDefs // Lock 1 Hexen { KeySteel Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_STEEL" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 2 Hexen { KeyCave Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_CAVE" Mapcolor 255 218 0 } Lock 3 Hexen { KeyAxe Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_AXE" Mapcolor 64 64 255 } Lock 4 Hexen { KeyFire Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_FIRE" Mapcolor 255 128 0 } Lock 5 Hexen { KeyEmerald Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_EMERALD" Mapcolor 0 255 0 } Lock 6 Hexen { KeyDungeon Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_DUNGEON" Mapcolor 47 151 255 } Lock 7 Hexen { KeySilver Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_SILVER" Mapcolor 154 152 188 } Lock 8 Hexen { KeyRusted Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_RUSTED" Mapcolor 156 76 0 } Lock 9 Hexen { KeyHorn Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_HORN" Mapcolor 255 218 0 } Lock 10 Hexen { KeySwamp Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_SWAMP" Mapcolor 64 255 64 } Lock 11 Hexen { KeyCastle Message "$TXT_NEED_KEY_CASTLE" Mapcolor 255 64 64 } Lock 101 Hexen { KeySteel KeyCave KeyAxe KeyFire KeyEmerald KeyDungeon KeySilver KeyRusted KeyHorn KeySwamp KeyCastle Message "$PD_ALLKEYS" } Lock 229 Hexen { KeySteel KeyCave KeyAxe KeyFire KeyEmerald KeyDungeon KeySilver KeyRusted KeyHorn KeySwamp KeyCastle Message "$PD_ALLKEYS" } // Strife KeyDefs Lock 1 Strife { BaseKey Message "You don't have the key" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 2 Strife { GovsKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 3 Strife { Passcard RemoteMessage "$TXT_NEED_PASSCARD" Message "$TXT_NEED_PASSCARD_DOOR" Mapcolor 128 266 150 } Lock 4 Strife { IDBadge Message "$TXT_NEED_IDCARD" Mapcolor 255 128 0 } Lock 5 Strife { PrisonKey Message "$TXT_NEED_PRISONKEY" Mapcolor 0 255 0 } Lock 6 Strife { SeveredHand Message "$TXT_NEED_HANDPRINT" Mapcolor 255 151 100 } Lock 7 Strife { Power1Key Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 8 Strife { Power2Key Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 9 Strife { Power3Key Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 10 Strife { GoldKey Message "$TXT_NEED_GOLDKEY" Mapcolor 255 200 0 } Lock 11 Strife { IDCard RemoteMessage "$TXT_NEED_IDBADGE" Message "$TXT_NEED_IDBADGE_DOOR" Mapcolor 200 0 0 } Lock 12 Strife { SilverKey Message "$TXT_NEED_SILVERKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 13 Strife { OracleKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 14 Strife { MilitaryID Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 15 Strife { OrderKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 16 Strife { WarehouseKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 17 Strife { BrassKey Message "$TXT_NEED_BRASSKEY" Mapcolor 150 75 0 } Lock 18 Strife { RedCrystalKey Message "$TXT_NEED_REDCRYSTAL" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 19 Strife { BlueCrystalKey Message "$TXT_NEED_BLUECRYSTAL" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 20 Strife { ChapelKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 21 Strife { CatacombKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 22 Strife { SecurityKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 23 Strife { CoreKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 24 Strife { MaulerKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 25 Strife { FactoryKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 26 Strife { MineKey Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 27 Strife { NewKey5 Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 50 Strife { PrisonPass Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } Lock 51 Strife { OraclePass Message "$TXT_NEEDKEY" Mapcolor 150 150 150 } // // Chex Locks // Lock 1 Chex { ChexRedCard Message "$PD_REDC" RemoteMessage "$PD_REDCO" Mapcolor 255 0 0 } Lock 2 Chex { ChexBlueCard Message "$PD_BLUEC" RemoteMessage "$PD_BLUECO" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 3 Chex { ChexYellowCard Message "$PD_YELLOWC" RemoteMessage "$PD_YELLOWCO" Mapcolor 255 255 0 } Lock 129 Chex { ChexRedCard Message "$PD_REDK" RemoteMessage "$PD_REDO" Mapcolor 255 0 0 } Lock 130 Chex { ChexBlueCard Message "$PD_BLUEK" RemoteMessage "$PD_BLUEO" Mapcolor 0 0 255 } Lock 131 Chex { ChexYellowCard Message "$PD_YELLOWK" RemoteMessage "$PD_YELLOWO" Mapcolor 255 255 0 }