// Alien Spectre 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- class AlienSpectre1 : SpectralMonster { Default { Health 1000; Painchance 250; Speed 12; Radius 64; Height 64; FloatSpeed 5; Mass 1000; MinMissileChance 150; RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.666; SeeSound "alienspectre/sight"; AttackSound "alienspectre/blade"; PainSound "alienspectre/pain"; DeathSound "alienspectre/death"; ActiveSound "alienspectre/active"; Obituary "$OB_ALIENSPECTRE"; +NOGRAVITY +FLOAT +SHADOW +NOTDMATCH +DONTMORPH +NOBLOCKMONST +INCOMBAT +LOOKALLAROUND +NOICEDEATH } States { Spawn: ALN1 A 10 A_Look; ALN1 B 10 A_SentinelBob; Loop; See: ALN1 AB 4 Bright A_Chase; ALN1 C 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; ALN1 DEF 4 Bright A_Chase; ALN1 G 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; ALN1 HIJ 4 Bright A_Chase; ALN1 K 4 Bright A_SentinelBob; Loop; Melee: ALN1 J 4 Bright A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 Bright A_CustomMeleeAttack((random[SpectreMelee](0,255)&9)*5); ALN1 H 4 Bright; Goto See; Missile: ALN1 J 4 Bright A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 Bright A_SpotLightning; ALN1 H 4 Bright; Goto See+10; Pain: ALN1 J 2 A_Pain; Goto See+6; Death: AL1P A 6 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; AL1P B 6 Bright A_Scream; AL1P C 6 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; AL1P DE 6 Bright; AL1P F 6 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; AL1P G 6 Bright; AL1P H 6 Bright A_SpectreChunkSmall; AL1P IJK 6 Bright; AL1P LM 5 Bright; AL1P N 5 Bright A_SpectreChunkLarge; AL1P OPQ 5 Bright; AL1P R 5 Bright A_AlienSpectreDeath; Stop; } //============================================================================ void A_AlienSpectreDeath () { PlayerPawn player = null; int log = 0; A_NoBlocking(); // [RH] Need this for Sigil rewarding if (!CheckBossDeath ()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].health > 0) { player = players[i].mo; break; } } if (player == null) { return; } class<Actor> cls = GetClass(); if (cls == "AlienSpectre1") { Floor_LowerToLowest(999, 8); log = 95; } else if (cls == "AlienSpectre2") { Console.MidPrint("SmallFont", "$TXT_KILLED_BISHOP"); log = 74; player.GiveInventoryType ("QuestItem21"); } else if (cls == "AlienSpectre3") { Console.MidPrint("SmallFont", "$TXT_KILLED_ORACLE"); // If there are any Oracles still alive, kill them. ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("Oracle"); Actor oracle; while ( (oracle = Actor(it.Next())) != null) { if (oracle.health > 0) { oracle.health = 0; oracle.Die (self, self); } } player.GiveInventoryType ("QuestItem23"); if (player.FindInventory ("QuestItem21")) { // If the Bishop is dead, set quest item 22 player.GiveInventoryType ("QuestItem22"); } if (player.FindInventory ("QuestItem24") == null) { // Macil is calling us back... log = 87; } else { // You wield the power of the complete Sigil. log = 85; } Door_Open(222, 64); } else if (cls == "AlienSpectre4") { Console.MidPrint("SmallFont", "$TXT_KILLED_MACIL"); player.GiveInventoryType ("QuestItem24"); if (player.FindInventory ("QuestItem25") == null) { // Richter has taken over. Macil is a snake. log = 79; } else { // Back to the factory for another Sigil! log = 106; } } else if (cls == "AlienSpectre5") { Console.MidPrint("SmallFont", "$TXT_KILLED_LOREMASTER"); player.GiveInventoryType ("QuestItem26"); if (!multiplayer) { player.GiveInventoryType ("UpgradeStamina"); player.GiveInventoryType ("UpgradeAccuracy"); } Sigil sigl = Sigil(player.FindInventory("Sigil")); if (sigl != null && sigl.health == 5) { // You wield the power of the complete Sigil. log = 85; } else { // Another Sigil piece. Woohoo! log = 83; } Floor_LowerToLowest(666, 8); } if (log > 0) { String voc = "svox/voc" .. log; A_PlaySound(voc, CHAN_VOICE); player.player.SetLogNumber (log); } } } // Alien Spectre 2 ----------------------------------------------------------- class AlienSpectre2 : AlienSpectre1 { Default { Health 1200; Painchance 50; Radius 24; DropItem "Sigil2"; } States { Missile: ALN1 F 4 A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 A_SpawnProjectile("SpectralLightningH3", 32, 0); ALN1 E 4; Goto See+10; } } // Alien Spectre 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- // This is the Oracle's personal spectre, so it's a little different. class AlienSpectre3 : AlienSpectre1 { Default { Health 1500; Painchance 50; Radius 24; +SPAWNCEILING DropItem "Sigil3"; DamageFactor "SpectralLow", 0; } States { Spawn: ALN1 ABCDEFGHIJK 5; Loop; See: ALN1 AB 5 A_Chase; ALN1 C 5 A_SentinelBob; ALN1 DEF 5 A_Chase; ALN1 G 5 A_SentinelBob; ALN1 HIJ 5 A_Chase; ALN1 K 5 A_SentinelBob; Loop; Melee: ALN1 J 4 A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 A_CustomMeleeAttack((random[SpectreMelee](0,255)&9)*5); ALN1 C 4; Goto See+2; Missile: ALN1 F 4 A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 A_Spectre3Attack; ALN1 E 4; Goto See+10; Pain: ALN1 J 2 A_Pain; Goto See+6; } } // Alien Spectre 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- class AlienSpectre4 : AlienSpectre1 { Default { Health 1700; Painchance 50; Radius 24; DropItem "Sigil4"; } States { Missile: ALN1 F 4 A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 A_SpawnProjectile("SpectralLightningBigV2", 32, 0); ALN1 E 4; Goto See+10; } } // Alien Spectre 5 ----------------------------------------------------------- class AlienSpectre5 : AlienSpectre1 { Default { Health 2000; Painchance 50; Radius 24; DropItem "Sigil5"; } States { Missile: ALN1 F 4 A_FaceTarget; ALN1 I 4 A_SpawnProjectile("SpectralLightningBigBall2", 32, 0); ALN1 E 4; Goto See+10; } } // Small Alien Chunk -------------------------------------------------------- class AlienChunkSmall : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOCLIP } States { Spawn: NODE ABCDEFG 6 Bright; Stop; } } // Large Alien Chunk -------------------------------------------------------- class AlienChunkLarge : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOCLIP } States { Spawn: MTHD ABCDEFGHIJK 5 Bright; Stop; } }