// Buzzy fly ---------------------------------------------------------------- class LittleFly : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +CANPASS Speed 6; Radius 5; Height 5; Mass 2; ActiveSound "FlyBuzz"; } States { Spawn: TNT1 A 20 A_FlySearch; // [RH] Invisible when not flying Loop; Buzz: AFLY ABCD 3 A_FlyBuzz; Loop; } //=========================================================================== // // FindCorpse // // Finds a corpse to buzz around. We can't use a blockmap check because // corpses generally aren't linked into the blockmap. // //=========================================================================== private Actor FindCorpse(sector sec, int recurselimit) { Actor fallback = null; sec.validcount = validcount; // Search the current sector for (Actor check = sec.thinglist; check != null; check = check.snext) { if (check == self) continue; if (!check.bCorpse) continue; if (!CheckSight(check)) continue; fallback = check; if (random[Fly](0,1)) // 50% chance to try to pick a different corpse continue; return check; } if (--recurselimit <= 0 || (fallback != null && random[Fly](0,1))) { return fallback; } // Try neighboring sectors for (int i = 0; i < sec.lines.Size(); ++i) { line ln = sec.lines[i]; sector sec2 = (ln.frontsector == sec) ? ln.backsector : ln.frontsector; if (sec2 != null && sec2.validcount != validcount) { Actor neighbor = FindCorpse(sec2, recurselimit); if (neighbor != null) { return neighbor; } } } return fallback; } void A_FlySearch() { // The version from the retail beta is not so great for general use: // 1. Pick one of the first fifty thinkers at random. // 2. Starting from that thinker, find one that is an actor, not itself, // and within sight. Give up after 100 sequential thinkers. // It's effectively useless if there are more than 150 thinkers on a map. // // So search the sectors instead. We can't potentially find something all // the way on the other side of the map and we can't find invisible corpses, // but at least we aren't crippled on maps with lots of stuff going on. validcount++; Actor other = FindCorpse(CurSector, 5); if (other != null) { target = other; SetStateLabel("Buzz"); } } void A_FlyBuzz() { Actor targ = target; if (targ == null || !targ.bCorpse || random[Fly]() < 5) { SetIdle(); return; } Angle = AngleTo(targ); args[0]++; if (!TryMove(Pos.XY + AngleToVector(angle, 6), true)) { SetIdle(true); return; } if (args[0] & 2) { Vel.X += (random[Fly]() - 128) / 512.; Vel.Y += (random[Fly]() - 128) / 512.; } int zrand = random[Fly](); if (targ.pos.Z + 5. < pos.z && zrand > 150) { zrand = -zrand; } Vel.Z = zrand / 512.; if (random[Fly]() < 40) { A_PlaySound(ActiveSound, CHAN_VOICE, 0.5f, false, ATTN_STATIC); } } }