6DC9F6CCEAE7A91AEC48EBE506F22BC4 // void.wad MAP01
	// Slightly squash the pillars in the starting room with "stimpacks"
	// floating on them so that they can be obtained.
	setsectoroffset 62 floor -8
	setwallyscale 286 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 287 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 288 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 289 front bot 1.090909
	setsectoroffset 63 floor -8
	setwallyscale 290 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 291 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 292 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 293 front bot 1.090909
	setsectoroffset 118 floor -8
	setwallyscale 710 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 711 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 712 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 713 front bot 1.090909
	setsectoroffset 119 floor -8
	setwallyscale 714 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 715 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 716 front bot 1.090909
	setwallyscale 717 front bot 1.090909


B2D8DA03489D1C67F60DC87FBC4EA338 // map01 - Massmouth 2
801304DA3784308D333951B5E0CF8E9E // map02
6EA4D5CAEA16857B2A882467E1633BC2 // map03
A4E01929938958BB9DA9EF3066802184 // map04
54F4B897BAA50F070CECA25555031C15 // map05
BB93EA15CA068FBC7E0381E4E959207C // map06
960397183E44D26212E8876681D2801D // map07
E4D05765BDB5BF9D22F0548E2807BAE9 // map08
696203E7A2C8A14C00F8824F74BD3D53 // map09
EEFB83ABB26A473382FAA063CF120501 // map10
FD031167E57BD1EEB65279F5895300F2 // map11
9C69328D5B82392DEA1C0552CF283F38 // map12
16569BB1F80D52304319DDD0C2DE4B5A // map13
1760E2F04B4E2C5CDD235855FCAB8327 // map14
A80E7EE40E0D0C76A6FBD242BE29FE27 // map15
2F1F8E27FBB5EF21AFBE1F3B13C03037 // map16
1CE294781A2455DE72C197E0B3DF6212 // map31

5C594C67CF7721005DE71429F9811370 // Eternal Doom map03
	// fix broken staircase. The compatibility option is not sufficient
	// to reliably handle this so clear the tags from the unwanted sectors.
	setsectortag 212 0
	setsectortag 213 0
	setsectortag 214 0

6DA6FCBA8089161BDEC6A1D3F6C8D60F // Eternal Doom MAP25

10E1E2B36302D31AC4AE68C84B5DC457 // Eternal Doom MAP28
	// What's really sad is that I got a separate bug report for this map
	// years ago, but nobody made mention of this problem back then.

// mostly cosmetic (except AV MAP07 and MM2 MAP25)
0EECBF37B328C9CAAF20DED4949A4157 // Sudtic e2m6
4ACE0644883BDA0CBA254FA02C9ACF83 // Teutic e3m4
9F2BE080A33F775294BD78822456924E // Nukemine e1m4
CD31793D3A4B00231B124C0C23649644 // Strain map02
19094AEB53D12EFC8E0568424F659F11 // Strain map31
60733BDD1AA3F4B2262ADC79B2E1B5AB // Memento Mori map29
F84AB4557464A383E93F37CD3A82AC48 // MM2 map03
1497894956B3C8EBE8A240B7FDD99C6A // MM2 map25
941E4CB56EE4184E0B1ED43486AB0BBF // AV map07

2FE901F659A16E58D7BCD7C30021C238 // AV map15
74AF92E96FE10D039D31C1F6526D7D7C // Real World map11

9D50EBE17CEC78938C7A668DB0768611 // Strain map07: Make the exit accessible
	clearlineflags 1021 1

71C2E6D9CFA3D8750C6A9599FB2453BD // Hacx map03: There are some switches behind 
96368EB950E33AF62EA6423434E3CEF7 // HacX map17: shootable covers in these levels
BA530202AF0BA0C6CBAE6A0C7076FB72 // Requiem map04

// Cosmetic, but that option was added just for this map so it'd be a shame not to use it
6BC4D6B73165D8C86CF190D44C87EE70 // Suspended in Dusk map01

7F24BFC1791F0107CE8F30B7FD3D9802 // Community Chest map29

// Doomsday of UAC: both the barons and the cyberdemon need to activate sector tagged 666
32FC3115A3162B623F0D0F4E7DEE6861 // e1m8

// Arch-Vile ghost monster effect is used by the following maps
145C4DFCF843F2B92C73036BA0E1D98A // Hell Revealed map26
5379C080299EB961792B50AD96821543 // Hell to Pay map14
7837B5334A277F107515D649BCEFB682 // Hell to Pay map22
2EEB1E12FA9F9545DE9D99990A4A78E5 // Icarus map24
65A53A09A09525AE42EA210BF879CD37 // Plutonia 2 map32
2499CF9A9351BE9BC4E9C66FC9F291A7 // Requiem map23
3CA5493FEFF2E27BFD4181E6C4A3C2BF // The Waterfront map01
CBDFEFAC579A62DE8F1B48CA4A09D381 // gather2.wad map05 and darkside.wad map01
C7A2FAFB0AFB2632C50AD625CDB50E51 // Reverie map18
9E5724BC6135AA6F86EE54FD4D91F1E2 // Project X map14
01899825FFEAE016D39C02A7DA4B218F // Archie map01
1D9F3AFDC2517C2E450491ED13896712 // Seej map01
0AE745A3AB86D15FB2FB74489962C421 // 6pack2 map02
2EA635C6B6AEC76B6BC77448DAB22F9A // Squadron 417 map21
1E998262EE319B7D088E01DE782E6B41 // Mayhem 2013 map05
A81E2734F735A82720D8E0F1442BA0C9 // Imp's [sic] are Ghost Gods map01

// invert the sorting order of overlapping sprites at the same spot
551D6B416EB3324790BC0F0F74B49600 // Strain map13
2F49C29691F8565F0B99B27FCF2627E6 // Astrostein 1 MAP01
55A741F9C2955C2B06F2387E45ED6C62 // MAP02
4E7286B735671A942C54FAC6CB52A8C3 // MAP03
825772094FF3569FC3722145F82F820A // MAP04
CB6CF6BE0EA4A6AB9830FBB7F9192B80 // MAP05
AB24CCF84C2FE1A543FE033589BD1FBC // MAP06
6BE0908B4DAFF53AA0A7493C04A608A4 // MAP07
305275E5E07755E17AAB064981279295 // MAP08
A8FBF3600088E79D02283C40D12B7F26 // MAP09
A8FBF3600088E79D02283C40D12B7F26 // MAP09
F0C95C76237DF617560577767EC21E1C // MAP10
2A2AF2CDAB7E7A66D28AFC3AA6243DCC // Astrostein 2 map01
0667DA831EB293D3387579565C11F0DD // map02
76DA72420EBE0A53D861373D7123DE33 // map03
5A4F8186580FFE41BCD80960B7F19CA8 // map04
E3A1EE2A0A2FB27496074057E3FA82F0 // map05
1CA60DE4062F41DC1A39396228913882 // map06
DABC3033A734DEF402A8FEF6C2FEDCC2 // map07
2E8211EA051EA8C3241859D1854386D6 // map08
EAD27C506AFC856BE07DDDDED20D7ED0 // map09
7DA47B044E2D5D17EAE2960BBFAEDE1A // Astrostein 3 map10
46E0F4529E8E396DEDC8DB83443078A7 // map13
2742D556921FBE753C16175F0C980091 // map14
AB1A6C1D3898D4259C0645306939374C // map15
0599F0D0CC1F41F52B7E8214D0348EEA // map17
CA267398C9B3A8F79349D3394F8B2106 // map20

DCE862393CAAA6FF1294FB7056B53057 // UAC Ultra map07: Contains a scroller depending on Boom side effects
	setlinespecial 391 Sector_CopyScroller 99 6 0 0 0

1D9E43988940CCD3555724E15DD8B1AB // Happy Time Circus map01 has bad teleporters
040F83028FFA74456E335ED300BE2C33 // MAP17 (TownInfection.wad)
156FA31F5FF72A87BF345B68029D3051 // MAP02 (nprject5.wad)
AF40D0E49BD1B76D4B1AADD8212ADC46 // MAP01 (the wad that shall not be named =P)
91341EF9250760C9B550752E1D91CC24 // rock and roll rebel radio against satan city (rnrrrasc.wad) map01

8FF30D57F6CE64F085A6567EC302842A // Enjay's test map for this flag
9D7893D09FEE55C31B73C670DF850962 // Memento Mori II, map12
91E173901E6F3800B81AB646976247CD // Claustrophobia 1024, map01

E2B5D1400279335811C1C1C0B437D9C8 // Deathknights of the Dark Citadel, map54
	// This map has two gear boxes which are flagged for player cross
	// activation instead of the proper player uses activation.
	setactivation 963 2
	setactivation 943 2

3F249EDD62A3A08F53A6C53CB4C7ABE5 // Artica 3 map01
	clearlinespecial 66

8FA29398776146189396AA1AC6BB9E13 // Roger Ritenour's Phobos map03

// There is a special at the beginning of the level which relies on the Pain Elemental's lost soul limit.
811A0C97777A198BC9B2BB558CB46E6A // Hell Revealed map19

// Daedalus: Fix SPAC_Push lines that aren't on lines you can actually push
3ABB618A475BCBC531B457BAA6E4E70A // map04
	// forcefields
	// the lines we're setting are already set for repeatable SPAC_Push
	clearlinespecial 90
	setlinespecial 3749 ACS_Execute 23 0 1 0 0
	clearlinespecial 94
	setlinespecial 3766 ACS_Execute 23 0 2 0 0
	clearlinespecial 92
	setlinespecial 3777 ACS_Execute 23 0 3 0 0
	clearlinespecial 98
	setlinespecial 3784 ACS_Execute 23 0 4 0 0
795FDE3CC1C97140F326D0152B3FCE2A // map24
	// doors
	clearlinespecial 1512
	setlinespecial 1505 Door_Raise 213 50 100 0 0
	setlineflags 1505 0x200		// repeatable
	setactivation 1505 16		// SPAC_Push
	clearlinespecial 1514
	setlinespecial 1508 Door_Raise 213 50 100 0 0
	setlineflags 1508 0x200
	setactivation 1508 16
	clearlinespecial 1525
	setlinespecial 1522 Door_Raise 214 50 100 0 0
	setlineflags 1522 0x200
	setactivation 1522 16
	clearlinespecial 1530
	setlinespecial 1527 Door_Raise 214 50 100 0 0
	setlineflags 1527 0x200
	setactivation 1527 16
	clearlinespecial 5277
	setlinespecial 5209 Door_Raise 24 20 255 0 0
	setlineflags 5209 0x200
	setactivation 5209 16
	clearlinespecial 5714
	setlinespecial 5267 Door_Raise 24 20 255 0 0
	setlineflags 5267 0x200
	setactivation 5267 16
	clearlinespecial 5715
	setlinespecial 5229 Door_Raise 24 20 255 0 0
	setlineflags 5229 0x200
	setactivation 5229 16
	clearlinespecial 5345
	setlinespecial 5232 Door_Raise 24 20 255 0 0
	setlineflags 5232 0x200
	setactivation 5232 16
	// consoles?
	clearlinespecial 3639
	setlinespecial 3633 ACS_Execute 14 0 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 3635 ACS_Execute 14 0 0 0 0
	setlineflags 3633 0x200
	setlineflags 3635 0x200
	setactivation 3633 16
	setactivation 3635 16

	clearlinespecial 3647
	setlinespecial 3644 ACS_Execute 14 0 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 3641 ACS_Execute 14 0 0 0 0
	setlineflags 3644 0x200
	setlineflags 3641 0x200
	setactivation 3644 16
	setactivation 3641 16
	clearlinespecial 3659
	clearlinespecial 3657
	setlinespecial 3653 ACS_Execute 13 0 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 3655 ACS_Execute 13 0 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 3651 ACS_Execute 13 0 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 3654 ACS_Execute 13 0 0 0 0
	setlineflags 3653 0x200
	setlineflags 3655 0x200
	setlineflags 3651 0x200
	setlineflags 3654 0x200
	setactivation 3653 16
	setactivation 3655 16
	setactivation 3651 16
	setactivation 3654 16

// Community Chest 3
F481922F4881F74760F3C0437FD5EDD0 // map03
	// I have no idea how this conveyor belt setup manages to work under Boom.
	// Set the sector the voodoo doll ends up standing on when sectors tagged
	// 1 are raised so that the voodoo doll will be carried.
	setlinespecial 3559 Sector_CopyScroller 17 6 0 0 0

7C1913DEE396BA26CFF22A0E9369B7D2 // Nuke Mine, e1m2

5B862477519B21B30059A466F2FF6460 // Khorus, map08
	// This map uses a voodoo conveyor with slanted walls to shunt the
	// voodoo doll into side areas. For some reason, this voodoo doll
	// is unable to slide on them, because the slide calculation gets
	// them slightly inside the walls and thinks they are stuck. I could
	// not reproduce this with the real player, which is what has me
	// stumped. So, help them out be attaching some ThrustThing specials
	// to the walls.
	setlinespecial 443 ThrustThing 96 4 0 0 0
	setlineflags 443 0x200		// repeatable
	setactivation 443 16		// SPAC_Push
	setlinespecial 455 ThrustThing 96 4 0 0 0
	setlineflags 455 0x200		// repeatable
	setactivation 455 16		// SPAC_Push

8B2AC8D4DB4A49A5DCCBB067E04434D6 // The Hell Factory Hub One, map04
65A1EB4C87386F290816660A52932FF1 // Master Levels, garrison.wad
3DEE4EFEFAF3260C800A30734F54CE75 // Hellbound, map14
5FAA25F5A6AAB3409CAE0AF87F910341 // DOOM.wad e1m6

3D1E36E50F5A8D289E15433941605224 // Master Levels, catwalk.wad
	// make it impossible to open door to 1-way bridge before getting red key
	setsectortag 35 0 // existing tag must be cleared before new one can be set
	setsectortag 35 15
	setactivation 605 1 // SPAC_PCross
	setactivation 606 1
	setactivation 607 1
	setactivation 608 1
	setlinespecial 605 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0 // fast, stay open
	setlinespecial 606 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 607 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 608 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0

3B9CAA02952F405269353FAAD8F8EC33 // Master Levels, nessus.wad
	// move secret sector from too-thin doorframe to BFG closet
	setsectorspecial 211 0
	setsectorspecial 212 1024
	// lower floor a bit so secret sector can be entered fully
	setsectoroffset 212 floor -16
	// make secret door stay open so you can't get locked in closet
	setlinespecial 1008 Door_Open 0 64 0 0 0

1891E029994B023910CFE0B3209C3CDB // Ultimate Simplicity, map07
	// It is possible to get stuck on skill 0 or 1 when no shots have been fired
	// after sector 17 became accessible and before entering famous mancubus room.
	// Monsters from the mentioned sector won't be alerted and so 
	// they won't teleport into the battle. ACS will wait forever for their deaths.
	setlinespecial 397 NoiseAlert 0 0 0 0 0
	setlinespecial 411 NoiseAlert 0 0 0 0 0

952CC8D03572E17BA550B01B366EFBB9 // Cheogsh map01
	// make the blue key spawn above the 3D floor
	setthingz 918 296

64B6CE3CB7349B6F6B1A885C449ACB96 // Super Sonic Doom, map31
	// During the end-of-level tally, both PROP_FROZEN and PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN
	// are set, but only PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN is cleared, so PROP_FROZEN is
	// still set when returning to the origin map.

D62DCA9EC226DE49108D5DD9271F7631 // Cheogsh 2 map04
	// Stuff in megasphere cage is positioned too low
	setthingz 1640 528
	setthingz 1641 528
	setthingz 1642 528
	setthingz 1643 528
	setthingz 1644 528
	setthingz 1645 528
	setthingz 1646 528
	setthingz 1647 528
	setthingz 1648 528
	setthingz 1649 528

E89CCC7E155F1032F693359CC219BE6C // hexen.wad map30
B9DFF13207EACAC675C71D82624D0007 // XtheaterIII map01
6941BDC2F80C0FEBE34EFA23D5FB72B7 // sonic.wad map10

DFC18B92BF3E8142B8684ECD8BD2EF06 // TNT: Evilution map15
	// raise up sector with its counterpart so 100% kills becomes possible
	setsectortag 330 11

2C4A3356C5EB3526D2C72A4AA4B18A36 // TNT: Evilution map29
	// remove mancubus who always gets stuck in teleport tunnel, preventing
	// 100% kills on HMP
	setthingflags 405 0

A53AE580A4AF2B5D0B0893F86914781E // TNT: Evilution map31
	setthingflags 470 2016

D99AD22FF21A41B4EECDB3A7C803D75E // TNT: Evilution map32
	// door can close permanently; make switch that opens it repeatable
	setlineflags 872 0x200
	// switch should only open way to red key, don't lower bars yet,
	// instead make line just before red key open bars
	setsectortag 197 0
	setsectortag 197 8
	setlinespecial 1279 Floor_LowerToLowest 8 32 0 0 0
	setactivation 1240 1 // SPAC_PCross
	setlinespecial 1240 Floor_LowerToLowest 38 32 0 0 0

279BB50468FE9F5B36C6D821E4902369 // Plutonia Experiment map30
	// flag items in deathmatch-only area correctly so that 100% items
	// are possible in solo
	setthingflags 250 17
	setthingflags 251 17
	setthingflags 252 17
	setthingflags 253 17
	setthingflags 254 17
	setthingflags 206 17

4CB7AAC5C43CF32BDF05FD36481C1D9F // Plutonia: Revisited map27
	setlinespecial 1214 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
	setlinespecial 1215 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
	setlinespecial 1216 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
	setlinespecial 1217 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
	setlinespecial 1227 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0

D0139194F7817BF06F3988DFC47DB38D // Whispers of Satan map29

5397C3B7D9B33AAF526D15A81A762828 // daedalus.wad Travel tubes (they are all identical)

C98F79709BD7E0E4C19026AB9575EC6F // cc-cod.zip:codlev.wad map07

7B82B12A6990E09553B12FDB4E3824A0 // hti.wad map01

8570AA0D6737C0A19DB66767764F157F // sonic.wad map04

05AA32F1D2220A462DCDA245ED22B94B // sonic.wad map09

D7F6E9F08C39A17026349A04F8C0B0BE // Return to Hadron, e1m9
19D03FFC875589E21EDBB7AB74EF4AEF // Return to Hadron, e1m9, 2016.01.03 update

5B26545FF21B051CA06D389CE535684C // doom.wad e1m4
	// missing textures	
	setwalltexture 693 back top BROWN1
	// fix HOM errors with sectors too low
	setsectoroffset 9 floor 8
	setsectoroffset 105 floor 8
	setsectoroffset 132 floor 8
	setsectoroffset 137 floor 8
A24FE135D5B6FD427FE27BEF89717A65 // doom.wad e2m2
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 947 back top BROWN1
	setwalltexture 1596 back top WOOD1
1BC04D646B32D3A3E411DAF3C1A38FF8 // doom.wad e2m4
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 551 back top PIPE4
	setwalltexture 865 back bot STEP5
	setwalltexture 1062 front top GSTVINE1
	setwalltexture 1071 front top MARBLE1	
99C580AD8FABE923CAB485CB7F3C5E5D // doom.wad e2m5
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 590 back top GRAYBIG
	setwalltexture 590 front bot BROWN1
3838AB29292587A7EE3CA71E7040868D // doom.wad e2m6
	// missing texture
	setwalltexture 1091 back top compspan
8590F489879870C098CD7029C3187159 // doom.wad e2m7
	// missing texture
	setwalltexture 1286 front bot SHAWN2
8A6399FAAA2E68649D4E4B16642074BE // doom.wad e2m9
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 121 back top SW1LION
	setwalltexture 123 back top GSTONE1
	setwalltexture 140 back top GSTONE1
2B65CB046EA40D2E44576949381769CA // Commercial Doom e3m4
	// This line is erroneously specified as Door_Raise that monsters
	// can operate. If they do, they block you off from half the map. Change
	// this into a one-shot Door_Open so that it won't close.
	setlinespecial 1069 Door_Open 0 16 0 0 0
	clearlineflags 1069 0x200
5AC51CA9F1B57D4538049422A5E37291 // doom.wad e3m7
	// missing texture
	setwalltexture 971 back top SP_HOT1
DA0C8281AC70EEC31127C228BCD7FE2C // doom.wad e4m1
	// missing texture
	setwalltexture 470 front top GSTONE1
F6EE16F770AD309D608EA0B1F1E249FC // Ultimate Doom, e4m3
	// Remove unreachable secrets
	setsectorspecial 124 0
	setsectorspecial 125 0
	// clear staircase to secret area
	setsectorspecial 127 0
	setsectorspecial 128 0
	setsectorspecial 129 0
	setsectorspecial 130 0
	setsectorspecial 131 0
	setsectorspecial 132 0
	setsectorspecial 133 0
	setsectorspecial 134 0
	setsectorspecial 136 0
	setsectorspecial 137 0
	setsectorspecial 138 0
	setsectorspecial 147 0
	setsectorspecial 148 0
	setsectorspecial 149 0
	setsectorspecial 150 0
	setsectorspecial 151 0
	setsectorspecial 152 0
	setsectorspecial 155 0
AAECADD4D97970AFF702D86FAFAC7D17 // doom.wad e4m4
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 427 back top BROWNHUG
	setwalltexture 558 back top BROWNHUG
	setwalltexture 567 front top BROWNHUG
	setwalltexture 572 front top BROWNHUG
94D4C869A0C02EF4F7375022B36AAE45 // Ultimate Doom, e4m7
	// Remove unreachable secrets
	setsectorspecial 263 0
	setsectorspecial 264 0

AB24AE6E2CB13CBDD04600A4D37F9189 // doom2.wad map02
1EC0AF1E3985650F0C9000319C599D0C // doom2bfg.wad map02
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 327 front bot STONE4
	setwalltexture 328 front bot STONE4
	setwalltexture 338 front bot STONE4
	setwalltexture 339 front bot STONE4
CEC791136A83EEC4B91D39718BDF9D82 // doom2.wad map04
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 456 back top SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 108 front top STONE
	setwalltexture 109 front top STONE
	setwalltexture 110 front top STONE
	setwalltexture 111 front top STONE
	setwalltexture 127 front top STONE
	setwalltexture 128 front top STONE
	// remove erroneous blue keycard pickup ambush sector tags (nearby viewing windows, and the lights)
	setsectortag 19 0
	setsectortag 20 0
	setsectortag 23 0
	setsectortag 28 0
	setsectortag 33 0
	setsectortag 34 0
	setsectortag 83 0
	setsectortag 85 0
9E061AD7FBCD7FAD968C976CB4AA3B9D // doom2.wad map05
	// fix bug with opening westmost door in door hallway - incorrect sector tagging - see doomwiki.org for more info
	setsectortag 4 0
	setsectortag 153 0
66C46385EB1A23D60839D1532522076B // doom2.wad map08
	// missing texture
	setwalltexture 101 back top BRICK7
5BDA34DA60C0530794CC1EA2DA017976 // doom2.wad map14
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 1259 back top BSTONE2
	setwalltexture 1305 back top BSTONE2
1A540BA717BF9EC85F8522594C352F2A // Doom II, map15
	setsectorspecial 147 0
0D491365C1B88B7D1B603890100DD03E // doom2.wad map18
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 451 front mid metal
	setwalltexture 459 front mid metal
B5506B1E8F2FC272AD0C77B9E0DF5491 // doom2.wad map19
	// missing textures
	setwalltexture 355 back top STONE2
	setwalltexture 736 front top SLADWALL
EBDAC00E9D25D884B2C8F4B1F0390539 // doom2.wad map21
	// push ceiling down in glitchy sectors above the stair switches
	setsectoroffset 50 ceil -56
	setsectoroffset 54 ceil -56
110F84DE041052B59307FAF0293E6BC0 // Doom II, map27
	setsectorspecial 93 0
	setwalltexture 582 back top ZIMMER3
20251EDA21B2F2ECF6FF5B8BBC00B26C // Doom II, MAP29
	// Missing textures on teleporters
	setwalltexture 405 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 406 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 407 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 408 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 516 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 517 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 518 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 519 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 524 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 525 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 526 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 527 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1146 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1147 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1148 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1149 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1138 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1139 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1140 back bot SUPPORT3
	setwalltexture 1141 back bot SUPPORT3
ABC4EB5A1535ECCD0061AD14F3547908 // Plutonia Experiment, map26
	setsectorspecial 156 0

FF635FB9A2F076566299910F8C78F707 // nerve.wad, level04
	setsectorspecial 868 0

B68EB7CFB4CC481796E2919B9C16DFBD // Moc11.wad e1m6
	setvertex 1650 -3072 2671
	setvertex 1642 -2944 2671

712BB4CFBD0753178CA0C6814BE4C288 // map12 BTSX_E1 - patch some rendering glitches that are problematic to detect
	setsectortag 545 32000
	setsectortag 1618 32000
	setlinespecial 2853 Sector_Set3DFloor 32000 4 0 0 0
	setsectortag 439 32001
	setsectortag 458 32001
	setlinespecial 2182 Sector_Set3DFloor 32001 4 0 0 0
	setsectortag 454 32002
	setsectortag 910 32002
	setlinespecial 2410 Sector_Set3DFloor 32002 4 1 0 0

1ED329858AB154C55878DA1C11A4F100 // unloved.pk3:unlovedmaps.wad map01
FA23E72FA955E66EC68609F72C0BA71E // unloved.pk3:unlovedmaps.wad map02
41BEC1F643CFEEC997AF98276A05EC88 // unloved.pk3:unlovedmaps.wad map03
AF9A6370BE562584BC11165ECF364713 // unloved.pk3:unlovedmaps.wad map04
DC96228097DD004C40CCB1DB14A91EAA // unloved.pk3:unlovedmaps.wad map05
261E64897A572C8DB8DC041E64BE27AD // unloved2beta1.pk3:u2_new2maps2.wad map06
04800B1F35E8C036EBABC8C616402927 // unloved2beta1.pk3:u2_new2maps2.wad map07
9E54F70648A77BBD090FF78A3AA05367 // unloved2beta1.pk3:u2_new2maps2.wad map08
72E9E0F41F691B7F956E62F35B4A617F // unloved2beta1.pk3:u2_new2maps2.wad map09
3D3FE412E87AD8B2316DAEC9E25F2E5D // unloved2beta1.pk3:u2_new2maps2.wad map10

// Cosmetic fixes for Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
D94587625BA779644D58151A87897CF1 // e1m2
	// Missing textures
	setwalltexture 477 back top MOSSRCK1
	setwalltexture 478 back top MOSSRCK1
	setwalltexture 479 back top MOSSRCK1
	setwalltexture 1057 front top MOSSRCK1
ADD0FAC41AFB0B3C9B9F3C0006F93805 // e1m3
	// Broken door between the hallway that leads to a Torch 
	// and the passage that has a Bag of Holding at its end
	setsectoroffset 86 floor -128
	setsectoroffset 86 ceil -128
916318D8B06DAC2D83424B23E4B66531 // e1m4
	// Wrong sector offsets
	setsectoroffset 0 ceil 8
	setsectoroffset 1 ceil 8
	setsectoroffset 2 ceil 8
	setsectoroffset 3 ceil 8
	setsectoroffset 4 ceil 8
	setsectoroffset 6 ceil 8
	setsectoroffset 6 floor 8
	setsectoroffset 17 ceil 8
	// Yellow key door
	setsectoroffset 284 floor -8
	setsectoroffset 284 ceil -8
	// Missing textures
	setwalltexture 490 back bot GRSTNPB
	setwalltexture 722 front bot WOODWL
	setwalltexture 911 front bot WOODWL
	setwalltexture 1296 front bot WOODWL
397A0E17A39542E4E8294E156FAB0502 // e2m2
	// Missing green door statues on easy and hard difficulties
	setthingskills 17 31
	setthingskills 18 31
CA3773ED313E8899311F3DD0CA195A68 // e3m6
	// Quartz flask outside of map
	setthingskills 373 0
	// Missing wall torch on hard difficulty
	setthingskills 448 31
	// Missing textures
	setwalltexture 343 front top MOSSRCK1
	setwalltexture 370 front top MOSSRCK1
5E3FCFDE78310BB89F92B1626A47D0AD // heretic.wad E4M7
	// Missing textures
	setwalltexture 1274 front top CSTLRCK
	setwalltexture 1277 back top CSTLRCK
	setwalltexture 1278 front top CSTLRCK

39C594CAC07EE51C80F757DA465FCC94 // strife1.wad map10
	// fix the shooting range by matching sector 138 and 145 properties together
	setsectoroffset 145 floor -32
	setsectoroffset 145 ceil 40
	setsectortexture 145 floor F_CONCRP
	setsectorlight 138 192
	setwalltexture 3431 back top BRKGRY01

3FFAF2F624C1B4BB6F581DCF7B99CBA7 // hexen.wad MAP36
7DC65D5029DD834481CD716B3D71388A // hexdd.wad MAP47

3D8ED20BF5CAAE6D6AE0E10999C75084 // hgarden.pk3 map01
	// spawn trees on top of arches
	setthingz 399 168
	setthingz 400 168
	setthingz 401 168
	setthingz 402 168
	setthingz 403 168
	setthingz 404 168