class DoomBuilderCamera : Actor { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1; Stop; } } class SecurityCamera : Actor { default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +DONTSPLASH RenderStyle "None"; CameraHeight 0; } double Center; double Acc; double Delta; double Range; override void PostBeginPlay () { Super.PostBeginPlay (); Center = Angle; if (args[2]) Delta = 360. / (args[2] * TICRATE / 8); else Delta = 0.; if (args[1]) Delta /= 2; Acc = 0.; int arg = (args[0] << 24) >> 24; // make sure the value has the intended sign. Pitch = clamp(arg, -89, 89); Range = args[1]; } override void Tick () { Acc += Delta; if (Range != 0) Angle = Center + Range * sin(Acc); else if (Delta != 0) Angle = Acc; } } class AimingCamera : SecurityCamera { double MaxPitchChange; override void PostBeginPlay () { int changepitch = args[2]; args[2] = 0; Super.PostBeginPlay (); MaxPitchChange = double(changepitch) / TICRATE; Range /= TICRATE; ActorIterator it = Level.CreateActorIterator(args[3]); tracer = it.Next (); if (tracer == NULL) { if (args[3] != 0) { console.Printf ("AimingCamera %d: Can't find TID %d\n", tid, args[3]); } } else { // Don't try for a new target upon losing this one. args[3] = 0; } } override void Tick () { if (tracer == NULL && args[3] != 0) { // Recheck, in case something with this TID was created since the last time. ActorIterator it = Level.CreateActorIterator(args[3]); tracer = it.Next (); } if (tracer != NULL) { double dir = deltaangle(angle, AngleTo(tracer)); double delta = abs(dir); if (delta > Range) { delta = Range; } if (dir > 0) { Angle += delta; } else { Angle -= delta; } if (MaxPitchChange != 0) { // Aim camera's pitch; use floats for precision Vector2 vect = tracer.Vec2To(self); double dz = pos.z - tracer.pos.z - tracer.Height/2; double dist = vect.Length(); double desiredPitch = dist != 0.f ? VectorAngle(dist, dz) : 0.; double diff = deltaangle(pitch, desiredPitch); if (abs (diff) < MaxPitchChange) { pitch = desiredPitch; } else if (diff < 0) { pitch -= MaxPitchChange; } else { pitch += MaxPitchChange; } } } } } class SpectatorCamera : Actor { default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOSECTOR +NOINTERACTION RenderStyle "None"; CameraHeight 0; } void Init(double dist, double yaw, double inpitch, int inflags) { if(((inflags > 0) && (inflags & VPSF_ORTHOGRAPHIC)) || ((inflags < 0) && (ViewPos.Flags & VPSF_ORTHOGRAPHIC))) dist *= 3.0; SetViewPos((-dist*Cos(yaw), -dist*Sin(yaw), dist*Tan(inpitch)-0.5*players[consoleplayer].mo.height), inflags); // CameraHeight = players[consoleplayer].mo.viewheight; // Not used LookAtSelf(inpitch); } void LookAtSelf(double inpitch) { if(ViewPos.Offset != (0., 0., 0.)) { Vector3 negviewpos = (-1.0) * ViewPos.Offset; angle = negviewpos.Angle(); pitch = inpitch; } } override void Tick() { if(player != NULL) { cameraFOV = player.FOV; SetOrigin(, true); } } }