/* Measures performance of SPC emulator. Takes about 4 seconds. NOTE: This assumes that the program is getting all processor time; you might need to arrange for this or else the performance will be reported lower than it really is. Usage: benchmark [test.spc] */ #include "snes_spc/spc.h" #include "demo_util.h" /* error(), load_file() */ #include clock_t start_timing( int seconds ); int main( int argc, char** argv ) { /* Load SPC */ long spc_size; void* spc = load_file( (argc > 1) ? argv [1] : "test.spc", &spc_size ); SNES_SPC* snes_spc = spc_new(); if ( !snes_spc ) error( "Out of memory" ); spc_load_spc( snes_spc, spc, spc_size ); free( spc ); { /* Repeatedly fill buffer for 4 seconds */ int const seconds = 4; #define BUF_SIZE 4096 clock_t end = start_timing( seconds ); int count = 0; while ( clock() < end ) { static short buf [BUF_SIZE]; error( spc_play( snes_spc, BUF_SIZE, buf ) ); count++; } /* Report performance based on how many buffer fills were possible */ { double rate = (double) count * BUF_SIZE / (spc_sample_rate * 2 * seconds); printf( "Performance: %.3fx real-time, or %.0f%% CPU for normal rate\n", rate, 100.0 / rate ); } } return 0; } /* Synchronizes with host clock and returns clock() time that is duration seconds from now */ clock_t start_timing( int duration ) { clock_t clock_dur = duration * CLOCKS_PER_SEC; clock_t time = clock(); while ( clock() == time ) { } if ( clock() - time > clock_dur ) error( "Insufficient clock() time resolution" ); return clock() + clock_dur; }