struct SectorPortal native play { enum EType { TYPE_SKYVIEWPOINT = 0, // a regular skybox TYPE_STACKEDSECTORTHING, // stacked sectors with the thing method TYPE_PORTAL, // stacked sectors with Sector_SetPortal TYPE_LINKEDPORTAL, // linked portal (interactive) TYPE_PLANE, // EE-style plane portal (not implemented in SW renderer) TYPE_HORIZON, // EE-style horizon portal (not implemented in SW renderer) }; enum EFlags { FLAG_SKYFLATONLY = 1, // portal is only active on skyflatnum FLAG_INSKYBOX = 2, // to avoid recursion }; native int mType; native int mFlags; native uint mPartner; native int mPlane; native Sector mOrigin; native Sector mDestination; native Vector2 mDisplacement; native double mPlaneZ; native Actor mSkybox; }; struct Vertex native play { native readonly Vector2 p; native clearscope int Index(); } struct Side native play { enum ETexpart { top=0, mid=1, bottom=2 }; enum EColorPos { walltop = 0, wallbottom = 1 } enum EWallFlags { WALLF_ABSLIGHTING = 1, // Light is absolute instead of relative WALLF_NOAUTODECALS = 2, // Do not attach impact decals to this wall WALLF_NOFAKECONTRAST = 4, // Don't do fake contrast for this wall in side_t::GetLightLevel WALLF_SMOOTHLIGHTING = 8, // Similar to autocontrast but applies to all angles. WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX = 16, // Like the line counterpart, but only for this side. WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX = 32, // Like the line counterpart, but only for this side. WALLF_POLYOBJ = 64, // This wall belongs to a polyobject. WALLF_LIGHT_FOG = 128, // This wall's Light is used even in fog. }; native readonly Sector sector; // Sector the SideDef is facing. //DBaseDecal* AttachedDecals; // [RH] Decals bound to the wall native readonly Line linedef; native int16 Light; native uint16 Flags; native TextureID GetTexture(int which); native void SetTexture(int which, TextureID tex); native void SetTextureXOffset(int which, double offset); native double GetTextureXOffset(int which); native void AddTextureXOffset(int which, double delta); native void SetTextureYOffset(int which, double offset); native double GetTextureYOffset(int which); native void AddTextureYOffset(int which, double delta); native void SetTextureXScale(int which, double scale); native double GetTextureXScale(int which); native void MultiplyTextureXScale(int which, double delta); native void SetTextureYScale(int which, double scale); native double GetTextureYScale(int which); native void MultiplyTextureYScale(int which, double delta); native void SetSpecialColor(int tier, int position, Color scolor); native Color GetAdditiveColor(int tier); native void SetAdditiveColor(int tier, Color color); native void EnableAdditiveColor(int tier, bool enable); native void SetColorization(int tier, Name cname); //native DInterpolation *SetInterpolation(int position); //native void StopInterpolation(int position); native clearscope Vertex V1(); native clearscope Vertex V2(); native clearscope int Index(); int GetUDMFInt(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm); } double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm); } String GetUDMFString(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm); } }; struct Line native play { enum ESide { front=0, back=1 } enum ELineFlags { ML_BLOCKING =0x00000001, // solid, is an obstacle ML_BLOCKMONSTERS =0x00000002, // blocks monsters only ML_TWOSIDED =0x00000004, // backside will not be present at all if not two sided ML_DONTPEGTOP = 0x00000008, // upper texture unpegged ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM = 0x00000010, // lower texture unpegged ML_SECRET = 0x00000020, // don't map as two sided: IT'S A SECRET! ML_SOUNDBLOCK = 0x00000040, // don't let sound cross two of these ML_DONTDRAW = 0x00000080, // don't draw on the automap ML_MAPPED = 0x00000100, // set if already drawn in automap ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL = 0x00000200, // special is repeatable ML_ADDTRANS = 0x00000400, // additive translucency (can only be set internally) // Extended flags ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE = 0x00002000, // [RH] Monsters (as well as players) can activate the line ML_BLOCK_PLAYERS = 0x00004000, ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING = 0x00008000, // [RH] Line blocks everything ML_ZONEBOUNDARY = 0x00010000, ML_RAILING = 0x00020000, ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS = 0x00040000, ML_CLIP_MIDTEX = 0x00080000, // Automatic for every Strife line ML_WRAP_MIDTEX = 0x00100000, ML_3DMIDTEX = 0x00200000, ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE = 0x00400000, ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY = 0x00800000, // activated only when crossed from front side ML_BLOCKPROJECTILE = 0x01000000, ML_BLOCKUSE = 0x02000000, // blocks all use actions through this line ML_BLOCKSIGHT = 0x04000000, // blocks monster line of sight ML_BLOCKHITSCAN = 0x08000000, // blocks hitscan attacks ML_3DMIDTEX_IMPASS = 0x10000000, // [TP] if 3D midtex, behaves like a height-restricted ML_BLOCKING }; native readonly vertex v1, v2; // vertices, from v1 to v2 native readonly Vector2 delta; // precalculated v2 - v1 for side checking native uint flags; native uint activation; // activation type native int special; native int args[5]; // <--- hexen-style arguments (expanded to ZDoom's full width) native double alpha; // <--- translucency (0=invisible, 1.0=opaque) native readonly Side sidedef[2]; native readonly double bbox[4]; // bounding box, for the extent of the LineDef. native readonly Sector frontsector, backsector; native int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked native int locknumber; // [Dusk] lock number for special native readonly uint portalindex; native readonly uint portaltransferred; native readonly int health; native readonly int healthgroup; native bool isLinePortal(); native bool isVisualPortal(); native Line getPortalDestination(); native int getPortalAlignment(); native clearscope int Index(); native bool Activate(Actor activator, int side, int type); native bool RemoteActivate(Actor activator, int side, int type, Vector3 pos); int GetUDMFInt(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm); } double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm); } String GetUDMFString(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm); } native clearscope int GetHealth(); native void SetHealth(int newhealth); } struct SecPlane native play { native Vector3 Normal; native double D; native double negiC; native bool isSlope() const; native int PointOnSide(Vector3 pos) const; native clearscope double ZatPoint (Vector2 v) const; native double ZatPointDist(Vector2 v, double dist) const; native bool isEqual(Secplane other) const; native void ChangeHeight(double hdiff); native double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff) const; native double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 1e37) const; native double PointToDist(Vector2 xy, double z) const; } struct F3DFloor native play { enum EF3DFloorFlags { FF_EXISTS = 0x1, //MAKE SURE IT'S VALID FF_SOLID = 0x2, //Does it clip things? FF_RENDERSIDES = 0x4, //Render the sides? FF_RENDERPLANES = 0x8, //Render the floor/ceiling? FF_RENDERALL = 0xC, //Render everything? FF_SWIMMABLE = 0x10, //Can we swim? FF_NOSHADE = 0x20, //Does it mess with the lighting? FF_BOTHPLANES = 0x200, //Render both planes all the time? FF_TRANSLUCENT = 0x800, //See through! FF_FOG = 0x1000, //Fog "brush"? FF_INVERTPLANES = 0x2000, //Reverse the plane visibility rules? FF_ALLSIDES = 0x4000, //Render inside and outside sides? FF_INVERTSIDES = 0x8000, //Only render inside sides? FF_DOUBLESHADOW = 0x10000,//Make two lightlist entries to reset light? FF_UPPERTEXTURE = 0x20000, FF_LOWERTEXTURE = 0x40000, FF_THINFLOOR = 0x80000, // EDGE FF_SCROLLY = 0x100000, // old leftover definition FF_NODAMAGE = 0x100000, // no damage transfers FF_FIX = 0x200000, // use floor of model sector as floor and floor of real sector as ceiling FF_INVERTSECTOR = 0x400000, // swap meaning of sector planes FF_DYNAMIC = 0x800000, // created by partitioning another 3D-floor due to overlap FF_CLIPPED = 0x1000000, // split into several dynamic ffloors FF_SEETHROUGH = 0x2000000, FF_SHOOTTHROUGH = 0x4000000, FF_FADEWALLS = 0x8000000, // Applies real fog to walls and doesn't blend the view FF_ADDITIVETRANS = 0x10000000, // Render this floor with additive translucency FF_FLOOD = 0x20000000, // extends towards the next lowest flooding or solid 3D floor or the bottom of the sector FF_THISINSIDE = 0x40000000, // hack for software 3D with FF_BOTHPLANES FF_RESET = 0x80000000, // light effect is completely reset, once interrupted }; native readonly secplane bottom; native readonly secplane top; native readonly uint flags; native readonly Line master; native readonly Sector model; native readonly Sector target; native readonly int alpha; native TextureID GetTexture(int pos); } // This encapsulates all info Doom's original 'special' field contained - for saving and transferring. struct SecSpecial play { Name damagetype; int damageamount; short special; short damageinterval; short leakydamage; int Flags; } struct FColormap { Color LightColor; Color FadeColor; uint8 Desaturation; uint8 BlendFactor; uint16 FogDensity; } struct Sector native play { native readonly FColormap ColorMap; native readonly Color SpecialColors[5]; native readonly Color AdditiveColors[5]; native Actor SoundTarget; native int16 special; native int16 lightlevel; native int16 seqType; native int sky; native Name SeqName; native readonly Vector2 centerspot; native int validcount; native Actor thinglist; native double friction, movefactor; native int terrainnum[2]; // thinker_t for reversable actions native SectorEffect floordata; native SectorEffect ceilingdata; native SectorEffect lightingdata; enum EPlane { floor, ceiling, // only used for specialcolors array walltop, wallbottom, sprites }; enum EInterpolationType { CeilingMove, FloorMove, CeilingScroll, FloorScroll }; //Interpolation interpolations[4]; native uint8 soundtraversed; native int8 stairlock; native int prevsec; native int nextsec; native readonly Array<Line> lines; native readonly @secplane floorplane; native readonly @secplane ceilingplane; native readonly Sector heightsec; native uint bottommap, midmap, topmap; //struct msecnode_t *touching_thinglist; //struct msecnode_t *sectorportal_thinglist; native double gravity; native Name damagetype; native int damageamount; native int16 damageinterval; native int16 leakydamage; native readonly uint16 ZoneNumber; native readonly int healthceiling; native readonly int healthfloor; native readonly int healthceilinggroup; native readonly int healthfloorgroup; enum ESectorMoreFlags { SECMF_FAKEFLOORONLY = 2, // when used as heightsec in R_FakeFlat, only copies floor SECMF_CLIPFAKEPLANES = 4, // as a heightsec, clip planes to target sector's planes SECMF_NOFAKELIGHT = 8, // heightsec does not change lighting SECMF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC= 16, // heightsec is only for triggering sector actions SECMF_UNDERWATER = 32, // sector is underwater SECMF_FORCEDUNDERWATER= 64, // sector is forced to be underwater SECMF_UNDERWATERMASK = 32+64, SECMF_DRAWN = 128, // sector has been drawn at least once SECMF_HIDDEN = 256, // Do not draw on textured automap } native uint16 MoreFlags; enum ESectorFlags { SECF_SILENT = 1, // actors in sector make no noise SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE= 2, // No falling damage in this sector SECF_FLOORDROP = 4, // all actors standing on this floor will remain on it when it lowers very fast. SECF_NORESPAWN = 8, // players can not respawn in this sector SECF_FRICTION = 16, // sector has friction enabled SECF_PUSH = 32, // pushers enabled SECF_SILENTMOVE = 64, // Sector movement makes mo sound (Eternity got this so this may be useful for an extended cross-port standard.) SECF_DMGTERRAINFX = 128, // spawns terrain splash when inflicting damage SECF_ENDGODMODE = 256, // getting damaged by this sector ends god mode SECF_ENDLEVEL = 512, // ends level when health goes below 10 SECF_HAZARD = 1024, // Change to Strife's delayed damage handling. SECF_NOATTACK = 2048, // monsters cannot start attacks in this sector. SECF_WASSECRET = 1 << 30, // a secret that was discovered SECF_SECRET = 1 << 31, // a secret sector SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS = SECF_ENDGODMODE|SECF_ENDLEVEL|SECF_DMGTERRAINFX|SECF_HAZARD, SECF_NOMODIFY = SECF_SECRET|SECF_WASSECRET, // not modifiable by Sector_ChangeFlags SECF_SPECIALFLAGS = SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS|SECF_FRICTION|SECF_PUSH, // these flags originate from 'special and must be transferrable by floor thinkers } enum EMoveResult { MOVE_OK, MOVE_CRUSHED, MOVE_PASTDEST }; native uint Flags; native SectorAction SecActTarget; native internal uint Portals[2]; native readonly int PortalGroup; native readonly int sectornum; native clearscope int Index(); native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextHighestCeilingAt(double x, double y, double bottomz, double topz, int flags = 0); native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextLowestFloorAt(double x, double y, double z, int flags = 0, double steph = 0); native F3DFloor Get3DFloor(int index); native int Get3DFloorCount(); native Sector GetAttached(int index); native int GetAttachedCount(); native void RemoveForceField(); deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.PointInSector instead") static clearscope Sector PointInSector(Vector2 pt) { return level.PointInSector(pt); } native bool PlaneMoving(int pos); native int GetFloorLight(); native int GetCeilingLight(); native Sector GetHeightSec(); native void TransferSpecial(Sector model); native void GetSpecial(out SecSpecial spec); native void SetSpecial( SecSpecial spec); native int GetTerrain(int pos); native void CheckPortalPlane(int plane); native double, Sector HighestCeilingAt(Vector2 a); native double, Sector LowestFloorAt(Vector2 a); native double, double GetFriction(int plane); native void SetXOffset(int pos, double o); native void AddXOffset(int pos, double o); native double GetXOffset(int pos); native void SetYOffset(int pos, double o); native void AddYOffset(int pos, double o); native double GetYOffset(int pos, bool addbase = true); native void SetXScale(int pos, double o); native double GetXScale(int pos); native void SetYScale(int pos, double o); native double GetYScale(int pos); native void SetAngle(int pos, double o); native double GetAngle(int pos, bool addbase = true); native void SetBase(int pos, double y, double o); native void SetAlpha(int pos, double o); native double GetAlpha(int pos); native int GetFlags(int pos); native int GetVisFlags(int pos); native void ChangeFlags(int pos, int And, int Or); native int GetPlaneLight(int pos); native void SetPlaneLight(int pos, int level); native void SetColor(color c, int desat = 0); native void SetFade(color c); native void SetFogDensity(int dens); native double GetGlowHeight(int pos); native color GetGlowColor(int pos); native void SetGlowHeight(int pos, double height); native void SetGlowColor(int pos, color color); native void SetSpecialColor(int pos, color color); native void SetAdditiveColor(int pos, Color color); native void SetColorization(int tier, Name cname); native TextureID GetTexture(int pos); native void SetTexture(int pos, TextureID tex, bool floorclip = true); native double GetPlaneTexZ(int pos); native void SetPlaneTexZ(int pos, double val, bool dirtify = false); // This mainly gets used by init code. The only place where it must set the vertex to dirty is the interpolation code. native void ChangeLightLevel(int newval); native void SetLightLevel(int newval); native int GetLightLevel(); native void AdjustFloorClip(); native bool IsLinked(Sector other, bool ceiling); native bool PortalBlocksView(int plane); native bool PortalBlocksSight(int plane); native bool PortalBlocksMovement(int plane); native bool PortalBlocksSound(int plane); native bool PortalIsLinked(int plane); native void ClearPortal(int plane); native double GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane); native Vector2 GetPortalDisplacement(int plane); native int GetPortalType(int plane); native int GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane); native double CenterFloor(); native double CenterCeiling(); native int MoveFloor(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush, bool instant = false); native int MoveCeiling(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush); native Sector NextSpecialSector(int type, Sector prev); native double, Vertex FindLowestFloorSurrounding(); native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorSurrounding(); native double, Vertex FindNextHighestFloor(); native double, Vertex FindNextLowestFloor(); native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingSurrounding(); native double, Vertex FindHighestCeilingSurrounding(); native double, Vertex FindNextLowestCeiling(); native double, Vertex FindNextHighestCeiling(); native double FindShortestTextureAround(); native double FindShortestUpperAround(); native Sector FindModelFloorSector(double floordestheight); native Sector FindModelCeilingSector(double floordestheight); native int FindMinSurroundingLight(int max); native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingPoint(); native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorPoint(); native void SetEnvironment(String env); native void SetEnvironmentID(int envnum); native SeqNode StartSoundSequenceID (int chan, int sequence, int type, int modenum, bool nostop = false); native SeqNode StartSoundSequence (int chan, Name seqname, int modenum); native SeqNode CheckSoundSequence (int chan); native void StopSoundSequence(int chan); native bool IsMakingLoopingSound (); bool isSecret() { return !!(Flags & SECF_SECRET); } bool wasSecret() { return !!(Flags & SECF_WASSECRET); } void ClearSecret() { Flags &= ~SECF_SECRET; } int GetUDMFInt(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm); } double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm); } String GetUDMFString(Name nm) { return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm); } //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== bool TriggerSectorActions(Actor thing, int activation) { let act = SecActTarget; bool res = false; while (act != null) { Actor next = act.tracer; if (act.TriggerAction(thing, activation)) { if (act.bStandStill) { act.Destroy(); } res = true; } act = SectorAction(next); } return res; } native clearscope int GetHealth(SectorPart part); native void SetHealth(SectorPart part, int newhealth); } class SectorTagIterator : Object native { deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.CreateSectorTagIterator() instead") static SectorTagIterator Create(int tag, line defline = null) { return level.CreateSectorTagIterator(tag, defline); } native int Next(); native int NextCompat(bool compat, int secnum); } class LineIdIterator : Object native { deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.CreateLineIdIterator() instead") static LineIdIterator Create(int tag) { return level.CreateLineIdIterator(tag); } native int Next(); }