// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: // Play functions, animation, global header. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __P_LOCAL__ #define __P_LOCAL__ #include "doomtype.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "tables.h" #include "r_state.h" #include "r_utility.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "a_morph.h" #include #define STEEPSLOPE 46342 // [RH] Minimum floorplane.c value for walking #define BONUSADD 6 // mapblocks are used to check movement // against lines and things #define MAPBLOCKUNITS 128 #define MAPBLOCKSIZE (MAPBLOCKUNITS*FRACUNIT) #define MAPBLOCKSHIFT (FRACBITS+7) #define MAPBMASK (MAPBLOCKSIZE-1) #define MAPBTOFRAC (MAPBLOCKSHIFT-FRACBITS) // Inspired by Maes extern int bmapnegx; extern int bmapnegy; inline int GetSafeBlockX(int blockx) { blockx >>= MAPBLOCKSHIFT; return (blockx <= bmapnegx) ? blockx & 0x1FF : blockx; } inline int GetSafeBlockX(long long blockx) { blockx >>= MAPBLOCKSHIFT; return int((blockx <= bmapnegx) ? blockx & 0x1FF : blockx); } inline int GetSafeBlockY(int blocky) { blocky >>= MAPBLOCKSHIFT; return (blocky <= bmapnegy) ? blocky & 0x1FF: blocky; } inline int GetSafeBlockY(long long blocky) { blocky >>= MAPBLOCKSHIFT; return int((blocky <= bmapnegy) ? blocky & 0x1FF: blocky); } // MAXRADIUS is for precalculated sector block boxes // the spider demon is larger, // but we do not have any moving sectors nearby #define MAXRADIUS 0/*32*FRACUNIT*/ //#define GRAVITY FRACUNIT #define MAXMOVE (30*FRACUNIT) #define TALKRANGE (128*FRACUNIT) #define USERANGE (64*FRACUNIT) #define MELEERANGE (64*FRACUNIT) #define MISSILERANGE (32*64*FRACUNIT) #define PLAYERMISSILERANGE (8192*FRACUNIT) // [RH] New MISSILERANGE for players // follow a player exlusively for 3 seconds #define BASETHRESHOLD 100 // // P_PSPR // void P_SetupPsprites (player_t* curplayer); void P_MovePsprites (player_t* curplayer); void P_DropWeapon (player_t* player); // // P_USER // void P_FallingDamage (AActor *ent); void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player); void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player); void P_UnPredictPlayer (); // // P_MOBJ // #define ONFLOORZ FIXED_MIN #define ONCEILINGZ FIXED_MAX #define FLOATRANDZ (FIXED_MAX-1) extern fixed_t FloatBobOffsets[64]; struct FMapThing; APlayerPawn *P_SpawnPlayer (FMapThing *mthing, bool tempplayer=false); void P_ThrustMobj (AActor *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move); int P_FaceMobj (AActor *source, AActor *target, angle_t *delta); bool P_SeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax, bool precise = false, bool usecurspeed=false); enum EPuffFlags { PF_HITTHING = 1, PF_MELEERANGE = 2, PF_TEMPORARY = 4, PF_HITTHINGBLEED = 8 }; AActor *P_SpawnPuff (AActor *source, const PClass *pufftype, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t dir, int updown, int flags = 0); void P_SpawnBlood (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t dir, int damage, AActor *originator); void P_BloodSplatter (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *originator); void P_BloodSplatter2 (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *originator); void P_RipperBlood (AActor *mo, AActor *bleeder); int P_GetThingFloorType (AActor *thing); void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *missile, line_t *explodeline, AActor *target); AActor *P_SpawnMissile (AActor* source, AActor* dest, const PClass *type, AActor* owner = NULL); AActor *P_SpawnMissileZ (AActor* source, fixed_t z, AActor* dest, const PClass *type); AActor *P_SpawnMissileXYZ (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *source, AActor *dest, const PClass *type, bool checkspawn = true, AActor *owner = NULL); AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngle (AActor *source, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz); AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed (AActor *source, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz, fixed_t speed); AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (AActor *source, fixed_t z, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz); AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz, fixed_t speed, AActor *owner=NULL, bool checkspawn = true); AActor *P_SpawnMissileZAimed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, const PClass *type); AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor* source, const PClass *type); AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor *source, const PClass *type, angle_t angle); AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor *source, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, AActor **pLineTarget = NULL, AActor **MissileActor = NULL, bool nofreeaim = false); void P_CheckFakeFloorTriggers (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldz, bool oldz_has_viewheight=false); // // [RH] P_THINGS // #define MAX_SPAWNABLES (256) extern const PClass *SpawnableThings[MAX_SPAWNABLES]; bool P_Thing_Spawn (int tid, AActor *source, int type, angle_t angle, bool fog, int newtid); bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char * type_name, angle_t angle, fixed_t speed, fixed_t vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid, bool leadTarget); bool P_MoveThing(AActor *source, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, bool fog); bool P_Thing_Move (int tid, AActor *source, int mapspot, bool fog); int P_Thing_Damage (int tid, AActor *whofor0, int amount, FName type); void P_Thing_SetVelocity(AActor *actor, fixed_t vx, fixed_t vy, fixed_t vz, bool add, bool setbob); void P_RemoveThing(AActor * actor); bool P_Thing_Raise(AActor *thing); // // P_MAPUTL // struct divline_t { fixed_t x; fixed_t y; fixed_t dx; fixed_t dy; }; struct intercept_t { fixed_t frac; // along trace line bool isaline; bool done; union { AActor *thing; line_t *line; } d; }; typedef bool (*traverser_t) (intercept_t *in); fixed_t P_AproxDistance (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy); //========================================================================== // // P_PointOnLineSide // // Returns 0 (front/on) or 1 (back) // [RH] inlined, stripped down, and made more precise // //========================================================================== inline int P_PointOnLineSide (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const line_t *line) { return DMulScale32 (y-line->v1->y, line->dx, line->v1->x-x, line->dy) > 0; } //========================================================================== // // P_PointOnDivlineSide // // Same as P_PointOnLineSide except it uses divlines // [RH] inlined, stripped down, and made more precise // //========================================================================== inline int P_PointOnDivlineSide (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const divline_t *line) { return DMulScale32 (y-line->y, line->dx, line->x-x, line->dy) > 0; } //========================================================================== // // P_MakeDivline // //========================================================================== inline void P_MakeDivline (const line_t *li, divline_t *dl) { dl->x = li->v1->x; dl->y = li->v1->y; dl->dx = li->dx; dl->dy = li->dy; } fixed_t P_InterceptVector (const divline_t *v2, const divline_t *v1); struct FLineOpening { fixed_t top; fixed_t bottom; fixed_t range; fixed_t lowfloor; sector_t *bottomsec; sector_t *topsec; FTextureID ceilingpic; FTextureID floorpic; bool touchmidtex; bool abovemidtex; }; void P_LineOpening (FLineOpening &open, AActor *thing, const line_t *linedef, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t refx=FIXED_MIN, fixed_t refy=0); class FBoundingBox; struct polyblock_t; class FBlockLinesIterator { int minx, maxx; int miny, maxy; int curx, cury; polyblock_t *polyLink; int polyIndex; int *list; void StartBlock(int x, int y); public: FBlockLinesIterator(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy, bool keepvalidcount = false); FBlockLinesIterator(const FBoundingBox &box); line_t *Next(); void Reset() { StartBlock(minx, miny); } }; class FBlockThingsIterator { int minx, maxx; int miny, maxy; int curx, cury; FBlockNode *block; int Buckets[32]; struct HashEntry { AActor *Actor; int Next; }; HashEntry FixedHash[10]; int NumFixedHash; TArray DynHash; HashEntry *GetHashEntry(int i) { return i < (int)countof(FixedHash) ? &FixedHash[i] : &DynHash[i - countof(FixedHash)]; } void StartBlock(int x, int y); void SwitchBlock(int x, int y); void ClearHash(); // The following is only for use in the path traverser // and therefore declared private. FBlockThingsIterator(); friend class FPathTraverse; public: FBlockThingsIterator(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy); FBlockThingsIterator(const FBoundingBox &box); AActor *Next(bool centeronly = false); void Reset() { StartBlock(minx, miny); } }; class FPathTraverse { static TArray intercepts; divline_t trace; unsigned int intercept_index; unsigned int intercept_count; fixed_t maxfrac; unsigned int count; void AddLineIntercepts(int bx, int by); void AddThingIntercepts(int bx, int by, FBlockThingsIterator &it, bool compatible); public: intercept_t *Next(); FPathTraverse(fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y2, int flags); ~FPathTraverse(); const divline_t &Trace() const { return trace; } }; #define PT_ADDLINES 1 #define PT_ADDTHINGS 2 #define PT_COMPATIBLE 4 #define PT_DELTA 8 // x2,y2 is passed as a delta, not as an endpoint AActor *P_BlockmapSearch (AActor *mo, int distance, AActor *(*check)(AActor*, int, void *), void *params = NULL); AActor *P_RoughMonsterSearch (AActor *mo, int distance); // // P_MAP // struct FCheckPosition { // in AActor *thing; fixed_t x; fixed_t y; fixed_t z; // out sector_t *sector; fixed_t floorz; fixed_t ceilingz; fixed_t dropoffz; FTextureID floorpic; sector_t *floorsector; FTextureID ceilingpic; sector_t *ceilingsector; bool touchmidtex; bool abovemidtex; bool floatok; bool FromPMove; line_t *ceilingline; AActor *stepthing; // [RH] These are used by PIT_CheckThing and P_XYMovement to apply // ripping damage once per tic instead of once per move. bool DoRipping; AActor *LastRipped; int PushTime; FCheckPosition(bool rip=false) { DoRipping = rip; LastRipped = NULL; PushTime = 0; FromPMove = false; } }; // If "floatok" true, move would be ok // if within "tmfloorz - tmceilingz". extern msecnode_t *sector_list; // phares 3/16/98 extern TArray spechit; bool P_TestMobjLocation (AActor *mobj); bool P_TestMobjZ (AActor *mobj, bool quick=true, AActor **pOnmobj = NULL); bool P_CheckPosition (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, FCheckPosition &tm); bool P_CheckPosition (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y); AActor *P_CheckOnmobj (AActor *thing); void P_FakeZMovement (AActor *mo); bool P_TryMove (AActor* thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, int dropoff, const secplane_t * onfloor, FCheckPosition &tm, bool missileCheck = false); bool P_TryMove (AActor* thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, int dropoff, const secplane_t * onfloor = NULL); bool P_CheckMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y); void P_ApplyTorque(AActor *mo); bool P_TeleportMove (AActor* thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, bool telefrag); // [RH] Added z and telefrag parameters void P_PlayerStartStomp (AActor *actor); // [RH] Stomp on things for a newly spawned player void P_SlideMove (AActor* mo, fixed_t tryx, fixed_t tryy, int numsteps); bool P_BounceWall (AActor *mo); bool P_BounceActor (AActor *mo, AActor * BlockingMobj); bool P_CheckSight (const AActor* t1, const AActor* t2, int flags=0); enum ESightFlags { SF_IGNOREVISIBILITY=1, SF_SEEPASTSHOOTABLELINES=2, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING=4, SF_IGNOREWATERBOUNDARY=8 }; void P_ResetSightCounters (bool full); bool P_TalkFacing (AActor *player); void P_UseLines (player_t* player); bool P_UsePuzzleItem (AActor *actor, int itemType); void P_FindFloorCeiling (AActor *actor, bool onlymidtex = false); bool P_ChangeSector (sector_t* sector, int crunch, int amt, int floorOrCeil, bool isreset); fixed_t P_AimLineAttack (AActor *t1, angle_t angle, fixed_t distance, AActor **pLineTarget = NULL, fixed_t vrange=0, int flags = 0, AActor *target=NULL, AActor *friender=NULL); enum { ALF_FORCENOSMART = 1, ALF_CHECK3D = 2, ALF_CHECKNONSHOOTABLE = 4, ALF_CHECKCONVERSATION = 8, ALF_NOFRIENDS = 16, }; AActor *P_LineAttack (AActor *t1, angle_t angle, fixed_t distance, int pitch, int damage, FName damageType, const PClass *pufftype, bool ismelee = false, AActor **victim = NULL); AActor *P_LineAttack (AActor *t1, angle_t angle, fixed_t distance, int pitch, int damage, FName damageType, FName pufftype, bool ismelee = false, AActor **victim = NULL); void P_TraceBleed (int damage, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *target, angle_t angle, int pitch); void P_TraceBleed (int damage, AActor *target, angle_t angle, int pitch); void P_TraceBleed (int damage, AActor *target, AActor *missile); // missile version void P_TraceBleed (int damage, AActor *target); // random direction version void P_RailAttack (AActor *source, int damage, int offset, int color1 = 0, int color2 = 0, float maxdiff = 0, bool silent = false, const PClass *puff = NULL, bool pierce = true, angle_t angleoffset = 0, angle_t pitchoffset = 0); // [RH] Shoot a railgun bool P_HitFloor (AActor *thing); bool P_HitWater (AActor *thing, sector_t *sec, fixed_t splashx = FIXED_MIN, fixed_t splashy = FIXED_MIN, fixed_t splashz=FIXED_MIN, bool checkabove = false, bool alert = true); void P_CheckSplash(AActor *self, fixed_t distance); bool P_CheckMissileSpawn (AActor *missile); void P_PlaySpawnSound(AActor *missile, AActor *spawner); // [RH] Position the chasecam void P_AimCamera (AActor *t1, fixed_t &x, fixed_t &y, fixed_t &z, sector_t *&sec); // [RH] Means of death void P_RadiusAttack (AActor *spot, AActor *source, int damage, int distance, FName damageType, bool hurtSelf, bool dodamage=true, int fulldamagedistance=0); void P_DelSector_List(); void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *); // phares 3/16/98 void P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor*,fixed_t,fixed_t); // phares 3/14/98 int P_GetMoveFactor(const AActor *mo, int *frictionp); // phares 3/6/98 int P_GetFriction(const AActor *mo, int *frictionfactor); bool Check_Sides(AActor *, int, int); // phares // [RH] const secplane_t * P_CheckSlopeWalk (AActor *actor, fixed_t &xmove, fixed_t &ymove); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Added so that in the source there's a clear distinction between // game engine and renderer specific calls. // (For ZDoom itself this doesn't make any difference here but for GZDoom it does.) // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subsector_t *P_PointInSubsector (fixed_t x, fixed_t y); inline sector_t *P_PointInSector(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) { return P_PointInSubsector(x,y)->sector; } // // P_SETUP // extern BYTE* rejectmatrix; // for fast sight rejection extern int* blockmaplump; // offsets in blockmap are from here extern int* blockmap; extern int bmapwidth; extern int bmapheight; // in mapblocks extern fixed_t bmaporgx; extern fixed_t bmaporgy; // origin of block map extern FBlockNode** blocklinks; // for thing chains // // P_INTER // void P_TouchSpecialThing (AActor *special, AActor *toucher); void P_DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName mod, int flags=0); void P_PoisonMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, int duration, int period, FName type); bool P_GiveBody (AActor *actor, int num, int max=0); bool P_PoisonPlayer (player_t *player, AActor *poisoner, AActor *source, int poison); void P_PoisonDamage (player_t *player, AActor *source, int damage, bool playPainSound); enum EDmgFlags { DMG_NO_ARMOR = 1, DMG_INFLICTOR_IS_PUFF = 2, DMG_THRUSTLESS = 4, DMG_FORCED = 8, DMG_NO_FACTOR = 16, }; // ===== PO_MAN ===== typedef enum { PODOOR_NONE, PODOOR_SLIDE, PODOOR_SWING, } podoortype_t; bool EV_RotatePoly (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, int byteAngle, int direction, bool overRide); bool EV_MovePoly (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, angle_t angle, fixed_t dist, bool overRide); bool EV_MovePolyTo (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, bool overRide); bool EV_OpenPolyDoor (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, angle_t angle, int delay, int distance, podoortype_t type); bool EV_StopPoly (int polyNum); // [RH] Data structure for P_SpawnMapThing() to keep track // of polyobject-related things. struct polyspawns_t { polyspawns_t *next; fixed_t x; fixed_t y; short angle; short type; }; enum { PO_HEX_ANCHOR_TYPE = 3000, PO_HEX_SPAWN_TYPE, PO_HEX_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE, // [RH] Thing numbers that don't conflict with Doom things PO_ANCHOR_TYPE = 9300, PO_SPAWN_TYPE, PO_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE, PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE }; extern int po_NumPolyobjs; extern polyspawns_t *polyspawns; // [RH] list of polyobject things to spawn void PO_Init (); bool PO_Busy (int polyobj); FPolyObj *PO_GetPolyobj(int polyNum); // // P_SPEC // #include "p_spec.h" bool P_AlignFlat (int linenum, int side, int fc); #endif // __P_LOCAL__