// Emacs style mode select	 -*- C++ -*- 
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
//		Enemy thinking, AI.
//		Action Pointer Functions
//		that are associated with states/frames. 

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "templates.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "p_enemy.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "a_action.h"
#include "thingdef/thingdef.h"
#include "d_dehacked.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "teaminfo.h"

#include "gi.h"

static FRandom pr_checkmissilerange ("CheckMissileRange");
static FRandom pr_opendoor ("OpenDoor");
static FRandom pr_trywalk ("TryWalk");
static FRandom pr_newchasedir ("NewChaseDir");
static FRandom pr_lookformonsters ("LookForMonsters");
static FRandom pr_lookforplayers ("LookForPlayers");
static FRandom pr_scaredycat ("Anubis");
	   FRandom pr_chase ("Chase");
static FRandom pr_facetarget ("FaceTarget");
static FRandom pr_railface ("RailFace");
static FRandom pr_dropitem ("DropItem");
static FRandom pr_look2 ("LookyLooky");
static FRandom pr_look3 ("IGotHooky");
static FRandom pr_slook ("SlooK");
static FRandom pr_dropoff ("Dropoff");
static FRandom pr_defect ("Defect");

static FRandom pr_skiptarget("SkipTarget");
static FRandom pr_enemystrafe("EnemyStrafe");

// movement interpolation is fine for objects that are moved by their own
// velocity. But for monsters it is problematic.
// 1. They don't move every tic
// 2. Their animation is not designed for movement interpolation
// The result is that they tend to 'glide' across the floor
// so this CVAR allows to switch it off.
CVAR(Bool, nomonsterinterpolation, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE)

// P_NewChaseDir related LUT.

dirtype_t opposite[9] =

dirtype_t diags[4] =

fixed_t xspeed[8] = {FRACUNIT,46341,0,-46341,-FRACUNIT,-46341,0,46341};
fixed_t yspeed[8] = {0,46341,FRACUNIT,46341,0,-46341,-FRACUNIT,-46341};

void P_RandomChaseDir (AActor *actor);

// Enemies are always spawned
// with targetplayer = -1, threshold = 0
// Most monsters are spawned unaware of all players,
// but some can be made preaware

// PROC P_RecursiveSound
// Called by P_NoiseAlert.
// Recursively traverse adjacent sectors,
// sound blocking lines cut off traversal.

void P_RecursiveSound (sector_t *sec, AActor *soundtarget, bool splash, int soundblocks, AActor *emitter, fixed_t maxdist)
	int 		i;
	line_t* 	check;
	sector_t*	other;
	AActor*		actor;
	// wake up all monsters in this sector
	if (sec->validcount == validcount
		&& sec->soundtraversed <= soundblocks+1)
		return; 		// already flooded
	sec->validcount = validcount;
	sec->soundtraversed = soundblocks+1;
	sec->SoundTarget = soundtarget;

	// [RH] Set this in the actors in the sector instead of the sector itself.
	for (actor = sec->thinglist; actor != NULL; actor = actor->snext)
		if (actor != soundtarget && (!splash || !(actor->flags4 & MF4_NOSPLASHALERT)) &&
			(!maxdist || (actor->AproxDistance(emitter) <= maxdist)))
			actor->LastHeard = soundtarget;

	for (i = 0; i < sec->linecount; i++)
		check = sec->lines[i];
		if (check->sidedef[1] == NULL ||
			!(check->flags & ML_TWOSIDED))
		// Early out for intra-sector lines
		if (check->sidedef[0]->sector == check->sidedef[1]->sector) continue;

		if ( check->sidedef[0]->sector == sec)
			other = check->sidedef[1]->sector;
			other = check->sidedef[0]->sector;

		// check for closed door
		if ((sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) >=
			 other->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) &&
			 sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v2->x, check->v2->y) >=
			 other->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (check->v2->x, check->v2->y))
		 || (other->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) >=
			 sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) &&
			 other->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v2->x, check->v2->y) >=
			 sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (check->v2->x, check->v2->y))
		 || (other->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) >=
			 other->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) &&
			 other->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v2->x, check->v2->y) >=
			 other->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (check->v2->x, check->v2->y)))

		if (check->flags & ML_SOUNDBLOCK)
			if (!soundblocks)
				P_RecursiveSound (other, soundtarget, splash, 1, emitter, maxdist);
			P_RecursiveSound (other, soundtarget, splash, soundblocks, emitter, maxdist);

// PROC P_NoiseAlert
// If a monster yells at a player, it will alert other monsters to the
// player.

void P_NoiseAlert (AActor *target, AActor *emitter, bool splash, fixed_t maxdist)
	if (emitter == NULL)

	if (target != NULL && target->player && (target->player->cheats & CF_NOTARGET))

	P_RecursiveSound (emitter->Sector, target, splash, 0, emitter, maxdist);

// AActor :: CheckMeleeRange

bool AActor::CheckMeleeRange ()
	AActor *pl = target;

	fixed_t dist;
	if (!pl)
		return false;
	dist = AproxDistance (pl);

	if (dist >= meleerange + pl->radius)
		return false;

	// [RH] If moving toward goal, then we've reached it.
	if (pl == goal)
		return true;

	// [RH] Don't melee things too far above or below actor.
		if (pl->Z() > Top())
			return false;
		if (pl->Top() < Z())
			return false;

	// killough 7/18/98: friendly monsters don't attack other friends
	if (IsFriend(pl))
		return false;
	if (!P_CheckSight (this, pl, 0))
		return false;
	return true;				

// FUNC P_CheckMeleeRange2

bool P_CheckMeleeRange2 (AActor *actor)
	AActor *mo;
	fixed_t dist;

	if (!actor->target)
		return false;
	mo = actor->target;
	dist = mo->AproxDistance (actor);
	if (dist >= MELEERANGE*2 || dist < MELEERANGE-20*FRACUNIT + mo->radius)
		return false;
	if (mo->Z() > actor->Top())
	{ // Target is higher than the attacker
		return false;
	else if (actor->Z() > mo->Top())
	{ // Attacker is higher
		return false;
	else if (actor->IsFriend(mo))
		// killough 7/18/98: friendly monsters don't attack other friends
		return false;

	if (!P_CheckSight(actor, mo))
		return false;
	return true;

// P_CheckMissileRange
bool P_CheckMissileRange (AActor *actor)
	fixed_t dist;
	if (!P_CheckSight (actor, actor->target, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING))
		return false;
	if (actor->flags & MF_JUSTHIT)
		// the target just hit the enemy, so fight back!
		actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTHIT;

		// killough 7/18/98: no friendly fire at corpses
		// killough 11/98: prevent too much infighting among friends
		// Cleaned up and made readable
		if (!(actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)) return true;
		if (actor->target->health <= 0) return false;
		if (!actor->IsFriend(actor->target)) return true;
		if (actor->target->player != NULL)
			return (pr_defect() >128);
			return !(actor->target->flags & MF_JUSTHIT) && pr_defect() >128;
	if (actor->reactiontime)
		return false;	// do not attack yet

	// killough 7/18/98: friendly monsters don't attack other friendly
	// monsters or players (except when attacked, and then only once)
	if (actor->IsFriend(actor->target))
		return false;
	if (actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY && P_HitFriend(actor))
		return false;

	// OPTIMIZE: get this from a global checksight
	// [RH] What?
	dist = actor->AproxDistance (actor->target) - 64*FRACUNIT;
	if (actor->MeleeState == NULL)
		dist -= 128*FRACUNIT;	// no melee attack, so fire more

	return actor->SuggestMissileAttack (dist);

bool AActor::SuggestMissileAttack (fixed_t dist)
	// new version encapsulates the different behavior in flags instead of virtual functions
	// The advantage is that this allows inheriting the missile attack attributes from the
	// various Doom monsters by custom monsters
	if (maxtargetrange > 0 && dist > maxtargetrange)
		return false;	// The Arch Vile's special behavior turned into a property
	if (MeleeState != NULL && dist < meleethreshold)
		return false;	// From the Revenant: close enough for fist attack

	if (flags4 & MF4_MISSILEMORE) dist >>= 1;
	if (flags4 & MF4_MISSILEEVENMORE) dist >>= 3;
	int mmc = FixedMul(MinMissileChance, G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_Aggressiveness));
	return pr_checkmissilerange() >= MIN<int> (dist >> FRACBITS, mmc);

// P_HitFriend()
// killough 12/98
// This function tries to prevent shooting at friends that get in the line of fire
// [GrafZahl] Taken from MBF but this has been cleaned up to make it readable.

bool P_HitFriend(AActor * self)
	AActor *linetarget;

	if (self->flags&MF_FRIENDLY && self->target != NULL)
		angle_t angle = self->AngleTo(self->target);
		fixed_t dist = self->AproxDistance (self->target);
		P_AimLineAttack (self, angle, dist, &linetarget, 0, true);
		if (linetarget != NULL && linetarget != self->target)
			return self->IsFriend (linetarget);
	return false;

// P_Move
// Move in the current direction,
// returns false if the move is blocked.

bool P_Move (AActor *actor)

	fixed_t tryx, tryy, deltax, deltay, origx, origy;
	bool try_ok;
	int speed = actor->Speed;
	int movefactor = ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR;
	int friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
	int dropoff = 0;

	if (actor->flags2 & MF2_BLASTED)
		return true;

	if (actor->movedir == DI_NODIR)
		return false;

	// [RH] Walking actors that are not on the ground cannot walk. We don't
	// want to yank them to the ground here as Doom did, since that makes
	// it difficult to thrust them vertically in a reasonable manner.
	// [GZ] Let jumping actors jump.
	if (!((actor->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) || (actor->flags6 & MF6_CANJUMP))
		&& actor->Z() > actor->floorz && !(actor->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ))
		return false;

	if ((unsigned)actor->movedir >= 8)
		I_Error ("Weird actor->movedir!");

	// killough 10/98: allow dogs to drop off of taller ledges sometimes.
	// dropoff==1 means always allow it, dropoff==2 means only up to 128 high,
	// and only if the target is immediately on the other side of the line.
	AActor *target = actor->target;

	if ((actor->flags6 & MF6_JUMPDOWN) && target &&
			!(target->IsFriend(actor)) &&
			actor->AproxDistance(target) < FRACUNIT*144 &&
			pr_dropoff() < 235)
		dropoff = 2;

	// [RH] I'm not so sure this is such a good idea
	// [GZ] That's why it's compat-optioned.
	if (compatflags & COMPATF_MBFMONSTERMOVE)
		// killough 10/98: make monsters get affected by ice and sludge too:
		movefactor = P_GetMoveFactor (actor, &friction);

		if (friction < ORIG_FRICTION)
		{ // sludge
			speed = ((ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR - (ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR-movefactor)/2)
			   * speed) / ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR;
			if (speed == 0)
			{ // always give the monster a little bit of speed
				speed = ksgn(actor->Speed);

	tryx = (origx = actor->X()) + (deltax = FixedMul (speed, xspeed[actor->movedir]));
	tryy = (origy = actor->Y()) + (deltay = FixedMul (speed, yspeed[actor->movedir]));

	// Like P_XYMovement this should do multiple moves if the step size is too large

	fixed_t maxmove = actor->radius - FRACUNIT;
	int steps = 1;

	if (maxmove > 0)
		const fixed_t xspeed = abs (deltax);
		const fixed_t yspeed = abs (deltay);

		if (xspeed > yspeed)
			if (xspeed > maxmove)
				steps = 1 + xspeed / maxmove;
			if (yspeed > maxmove)
				steps = 1 + yspeed / maxmove;
	FCheckPosition tm;

	tm.FromPMove = true;

	try_ok = true;
	for(int i=1; i < steps; i++)
		try_ok = P_TryMove(actor, origx + Scale(deltax, i, steps), origy + Scale(deltay, i, steps), dropoff, NULL, tm);
		if (!try_ok) break;

	// killough 3/15/98: don't jump over dropoffs:
	if (try_ok) try_ok = P_TryMove (actor, tryx, tryy, dropoff, NULL, tm);

	// [GrafZahl] Interpolating monster movement as it is done here just looks bad
	// so make it switchable
	if (nomonsterinterpolation)
		actor->PrevX = actor->X();
		actor->PrevY = actor->Y();
		actor->PrevZ = actor->Z();

	if (try_ok && friction > ORIG_FRICTION)
		actor->SetOrigin(origx, origy, actor->Z(), false);
		movefactor *= FRACUNIT / ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR / 4;
		actor->velx += FixedMul (deltax, movefactor);
		actor->vely += FixedMul (deltay, movefactor);

	// [RH] If a walking monster is no longer on the floor, move it down
	// to the floor if it is within MaxStepHeight, presuming that it is
	// actually walking down a step.
	if (try_ok &&
		!((actor->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) || (actor->flags6 & MF6_CANJUMP))
		&& actor->Z() > actor->floorz && !(actor->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ))
		if (actor->Y() <= actor->floorz + actor->MaxStepHeight)
			fixed_t savedz = actor->Z();
			// Make sure that there isn't some other actor between us and
			// the floor we could get stuck in. The old code did not do this.
			if (!P_TestMobjZ(actor))
			{ // The monster just hit the floor, so trigger any actions.
				if (actor->floorsector->SecActTarget != NULL &&
					actor->floorz == actor->floorsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(actor))
					actor->floorsector->SecActTarget->TriggerAction(actor, SECSPAC_HitFloor);

	if (!try_ok)
		if (((actor->flags6 & MF6_CANJUMP)||(actor->flags & MF_FLOAT)) && tm.floatok)
		{ // must adjust height
			fixed_t savedz = actor->Z();

			if (actor->Z() < tm.floorz)

			// [RH] Check to make sure there's nothing in the way of the float
			if (P_TestMobjZ (actor))
				actor->flags |= MF_INFLOAT;
				return true;

		if (!spechit.Size ())
			return false;

		// open any specials
		actor->movedir = DI_NODIR;

		// if the special is not a door that can be opened, return false
		// killough 8/9/98: this is what caused monsters to get stuck in
		// doortracks, because it thought that the monster freed itself
		// by opening a door, even if it was moving towards the doortrack,
		// and not the door itself.
		// killough 9/9/98: If a line blocking the monster is activated,
		// return true 90% of the time. If a line blocking the monster is
		// not activated, but some other line is, return false 90% of the
		// time. A bit of randomness is needed to ensure it's free from
		// lockups, but for most cases, it returns the correct result.
		// Do NOT simply return false 1/4th of the time (causes monsters to
		// back out when they shouldn't, and creates secondary stickiness).

		line_t *ld;
		int good = 0;
		if (!(actor->flags6 & MF6_NOTRIGGER))
			while (spechit.Pop (ld))
				// [RH] let monsters push lines, as well as use them
				if (((actor->flags4 & MF4_CANUSEWALLS) && P_ActivateLine (ld, actor, 0, SPAC_Use)) ||
					((actor->flags2 & MF2_PUSHWALL) && P_ActivateLine (ld, actor, 0, SPAC_Push)))
					good |= ld == actor->BlockingLine ? 1 : 2;
		else spechit.Clear();
		return good && ((pr_opendoor() >= 203) ^ (good & 1));
		actor->flags &= ~MF_INFLOAT;
	return true; 

// TryWalk
// Attempts to move actor on
// in its current (ob->moveangle) direction.
// If blocked by either a wall or an actor
// returns FALSE
// If move is either clear or blocked only by a door,
// returns TRUE and sets...
// If a door is in the way,
// an OpenDoor call is made to start it opening.

bool P_TryWalk (AActor *actor)
	if (!P_Move (actor))
		return false;
	actor->movecount = pr_trywalk() & 15;
	return true;

// P_DoNewChaseDir
// killough 9/8/98:
// Most of P_NewChaseDir(), except for what
// determines the new direction to take

void P_DoNewChaseDir (AActor *actor, fixed_t deltax, fixed_t deltay)
	dirtype_t	d[2];
	int			tdir;
	dirtype_t	olddir, turnaround;
	bool		attempts[NUMDIRS-1]; // We don't need to attempt DI_NODIR.

	memset(&attempts, false, sizeof(attempts));
	olddir = (dirtype_t)actor->movedir;
	turnaround = opposite[olddir];

	if (deltax>10*FRACUNIT)
		d[0]= DI_EAST;
	else if (deltax<-10*FRACUNIT)
		d[0]= DI_WEST;

	if (deltay<-10*FRACUNIT)
		d[1]= DI_SOUTH;
	else if (deltay>10*FRACUNIT)
		d[1]= DI_NORTH;

	// try direct route
	if (d[0] != DI_NODIR && d[1] != DI_NODIR)
		actor->movedir = diags[((deltay<0)<<1) + (deltax>0)];
		if (actor->movedir != turnaround)
			attempts[actor->movedir] = true;
			if (P_TryWalk(actor))

	// try other directions
	if (!(actor->flags5 & MF5_AVOIDINGDROPOFF))
		if ((pr_newchasedir() > 200 || abs(deltay) > abs(deltax)))
			swapvalues (d[0], d[1]);

		if (d[0] == turnaround)
			d[0] = DI_NODIR;
		if (d[1] == turnaround)
			d[1] = DI_NODIR;
	if (d[0] != DI_NODIR && attempts[d[0]] == false)
		actor->movedir = d[0];
		attempts[d[0]] = true;
		if (P_TryWalk (actor))
			// either moved forward or attacked

	if (d[1] != DI_NODIR && attempts[d[1]] == false)
		actor->movedir = d[1];
		attempts[d[1]] = true;
		if (P_TryWalk (actor))

	if (!(actor->flags5 & MF5_AVOIDINGDROPOFF))
		// there is no direct path to the player, so pick another direction.
		if (olddir != DI_NODIR && attempts[olddir] == false)
			actor->movedir = olddir;
			attempts[olddir] = true;
			if (P_TryWalk (actor))

	// randomly determine direction of search
	if (pr_newchasedir() & 1)	
		for (tdir = DI_EAST; tdir <= DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir++)
			if (tdir != turnaround && attempts[tdir] == false)
				actor->movedir = tdir;
				attempts[tdir] = true;
				if ( P_TryWalk(actor) )
		for (tdir = DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir != (DI_EAST-1); tdir--)
			if (tdir != turnaround && attempts[tdir] == false)
				actor->movedir = tdir;
				attempts[tdir] = true;
				if ( P_TryWalk(actor) )

	if (turnaround != DI_NODIR && attempts[turnaround] == false)
		actor->movedir =turnaround;
		if ( P_TryWalk(actor) )

	actor->movedir = DI_NODIR;	// cannot move

// killough 11/98:
// Monsters try to move away from tall dropoffs.
// In Doom, they were never allowed to hang over dropoffs,
// and would remain stuck if involuntarily forced over one.
// This logic, combined with p_map.c (P_TryMove), allows
// monsters to free themselves without making them tend to
// hang over dropoffs.

// P_NewChaseDir
// killough 9/8/98: Split into two functions

void P_NewChaseDir(AActor * actor)
	fixedvec2 delta;

	actor->strafecount = 0;

	if ((actor->flags5&MF5_CHASEGOAL || actor->goal == actor->target) && actor->goal!=NULL)
		delta = actor->Vec2To(actor->goal);
	else if (actor->target != NULL)
		delta = actor->Vec2To(actor->target);

		if (!(actor->flags6 & MF6_NOFEAR))
			if ((actor->target->player != NULL && (actor->target->player->cheats & CF_FRIGHTENING)) || 
				(actor->flags4 & MF4_FRIGHTENED))
				delta.x = -delta.x;
				delta.y = -delta.y;
		// Don't abort if this happens.
		Printf ("P_NewChaseDir: called with no target\n");
	// Try to move away from a dropoff
	if (actor->floorz - actor->dropoffz > actor->MaxDropOffHeight && 
		actor->Z() <= actor->floorz && !(actor->flags & MF_DROPOFF) && 
		!(actor->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ) &&
		!(actor->flags & MF_FLOAT) && !(i_compatflags & COMPATF_DROPOFF))
		FBoundingBox box(actor->X(), actor->Y(), actor->radius);
		FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
		line_t *line;

		fixed_t deltax = 0;
		fixed_t deltay = 0;
		while ((line = it.Next()))
			if (line->backsector                     && // Ignore one-sided linedefs
				box.Right()  > line->bbox[BOXLEFT]   &&
				box.Left()   < line->bbox[BOXRIGHT]  &&
				box.Top()    > line->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] && // Linedef must be contacted
				box.Bottom() < line->bbox[BOXTOP]    &&
				box.BoxOnLineSide(line) == -1)
				fixed_t front = line->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(actor);
				fixed_t back  = line->backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(actor);
				angle_t angle;
				// The monster must contact one of the two floors,
				// and the other must be a tall dropoff.
				if (back == actor->Z() && front < actor->Z() - actor->MaxDropOffHeight)
					angle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,line->dx,line->dy);   // front side dropoff
				else if (front == actor->Z() && back < actor->Z() - actor->MaxDropOffHeight)
					angle = R_PointToAngle2(line->dx,line->dy,0,0); // back side dropoff
				else continue;
				// Move away from dropoff at a standard speed.
				// Multiple contacted linedefs are cumulative (e.g. hanging over corner)
				deltax -= finesine[angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]*32;
				deltay += finecosine[angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]*32;

		if (deltax || deltay) 
			// [Graf Zahl] I have changed P_TryMove to only apply this logic when
			// being called from here. AVOIDINGDROPOFF activates the code that
			// allows monsters to move away from a dropoff. This is different from
			// MBF which requires unconditional use of the altered logic and therefore
			// forcing a massive change in the monster behavior to use this.

			// use different dropoff movement logic in P_TryMove
			P_DoNewChaseDir(actor, deltax, deltay);
			// If moving away from dropoff, set movecount to 1 so that 
			// small steps are taken to get monster away from dropoff.
			actor->movecount = 1;

#if 0
	// Move away from friends when too close, except
	// in certain situations (e.g. a crowded lift)

	// MBF code for friends. Cannot be done in ZDoom but left here as a reminder for later implementation.

	if (actor->flags & target->flags & MF_FRIEND &&
	    distfriend << FRACBITS > dist && 
	    !P_IsOnLift(target) && !P_IsUnderDamage(actor))
	  deltax = -deltax, deltay = -deltay;

	// MBF's monster_backing option. Made an actor flag instead. Also cleaned the code up to make it readable.
	// Todo: implement the movement logic
	AActor *target = actor->target;
	if (target->health > 0 && !actor->IsFriend(target) && target != actor->goal)
    {   // Live enemy target

		if (actor->flags3 & MF3_AVOIDMELEE)
			bool ismeleeattacker = false;
			fixed_t dist = actor->AproxDistance(target);
			if (target->player == NULL)
				ismeleeattacker = (target->MissileState == NULL && dist < (target->meleerange + target->radius)*2);
			else if (target->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
				// melee range of player weapon is a parameter of the action function and cannot be checked here.
				// Add a new weapon property?
				ismeleeattacker = (target->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_MELEEWEAPON && dist < MELEERANGE*3);
			if (ismeleeattacker)
				actor->strafecount = pr_enemystrafe() & 15;
				delta.x = -delta.x, delta.y = -delta.y;

	P_DoNewChaseDir(actor, delta.x, delta.y);

	// If strafing, set movecount to strafecount so that old Doom
	// logic still works the same, except in the strafing part

	if (actor->strafecount)
		actor->movecount = actor->strafecount;


// P_RandomChaseDir

void P_RandomChaseDir (AActor *actor)
	dirtype_t olddir, turnaround;
	int tdir, i;

	olddir = (dirtype_t)actor->movedir;
	turnaround = opposite[olddir];
	int turndir;

	// Friendly monsters like to head toward a player
	if (actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)
		AActor *player;
		fixedvec2 delta;
		dirtype_t d[3];

		if (actor->FriendPlayer != 0)
			player = players[i = actor->FriendPlayer - 1].mo;
			if (!multiplayer)
				i = 0;
			else for (i = pr_newchasedir() & (MAXPLAYERS-1); !playeringame[i]; i = (i+1) & (MAXPLAYERS-1))
			player = players[i].mo;
		if (player != NULL && playeringame[i])
			if (pr_newchasedir() & 1 || !P_CheckSight (actor, player))
				delta = actor->Vec2To(player);

				if (delta.x>128*FRACUNIT)
					d[1]= DI_EAST;
				else if (delta.x<-128*FRACUNIT)
					d[1]= DI_WEST;

				if (delta.y<-128*FRACUNIT)
					d[2]= DI_SOUTH;
				else if (delta.y>128*FRACUNIT)
					d[2]= DI_NORTH;

				// try direct route
				if (d[1] != DI_NODIR && d[2] != DI_NODIR)
					actor->movedir = diags[((delta.y<0)<<1) + (delta.x>0)];
					if (actor->movedir != turnaround && P_TryWalk(actor))

				// try other directions
				if (pr_newchasedir() > 200 || abs(delta.y) > abs(delta.x))
					swapvalues (d[1], d[2]);

				if (d[1] == turnaround)
					d[1] = DI_NODIR;
				if (d[2] == turnaround)
					d[2] = DI_NODIR;
				if (d[1] != DI_NODIR)
					actor->movedir = d[1];
					if (P_TryWalk (actor))
						// either moved forward or attacked

				if (d[2] != DI_NODIR)
					actor->movedir = d[2];
					if (P_TryWalk (actor))

	// If the actor elects to continue in its current direction, let it do
	// so unless the way is blocked. Then it must turn.
	if (pr_newchasedir() < 150)
		if (P_TryWalk (actor))

	turndir = (pr_newchasedir() & 1) ? -1 : 1;

	if (olddir == DI_NODIR)
		olddir = (dirtype_t)(pr_newchasedir() & 7);
	for (tdir = (olddir + turndir) & 7; tdir != olddir; tdir = (tdir + turndir) & 7)
		if (tdir != turnaround)
			actor->movedir = tdir;
			if (P_TryWalk (actor))
	if (pr_newchasedir() & 1)
		for (tdir = olddir; tdir <= DI_SOUTHEAST; ++tdir)
			if (tdir != turnaround)
				actor->movedir = tdir;
				if (P_TryWalk (actor))
		for (tdir = DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir >= DI_EAST; --tdir)
			if (tdir != turnaround)
				actor->movedir = tdir;
				if (P_TryWalk (actor))
	if (turnaround != DI_NODIR)
		actor->movedir = turnaround;
		if (P_TryWalk (actor))
			actor->movecount = pr_newchasedir() & 15;

	actor->movedir = DI_NODIR;	// cannot move

// P_IsVisible
// killough 9/9/98: whether a target is visible to a monster
// Extended to handle all A_LookEx related checking, too.

bool P_IsVisible(AActor *lookee, AActor *other, INTBOOL allaround, FLookExParams *params)
	fixed_t maxdist;
	fixed_t mindist;
	angle_t fov;

	if (params != NULL)
		maxdist = params->maxdist;
		mindist = params->mindist;
		fov = params->fov;
		mindist = maxdist = 0;
		fov = allaround ? 0 : ANGLE_180;

	fixed_t dist = lookee->AproxDistance (other);

	if (maxdist && dist > maxdist)
		return false;			// [KS] too far

	if (mindist && dist < mindist)
		return false;			// [KS] too close

	if (fov && fov < ANGLE_MAX)
		angle_t an = lookee->AngleTo(other) - lookee->angle;

		if (an > (fov / 2) && an < (ANGLE_MAX - (fov / 2)))
			// if real close, react anyway
			// [KS] but respect minimum distance rules
			if (mindist || dist > MELEERANGE)
				return false;	// outside of fov

	// P_CheckSight is by far the most expensive operation in here so let's do it last.
	return P_CheckSight(lookee, other, SF_SEEPASTSHOOTABLELINES);

// FUNC P_LookForMonsters

#define MONS_LOOK_LIMIT 64

bool P_LookForMonsters (AActor *actor)
	int count;
	AActor *mo;
	TThinkerIterator<AActor> iterator;

	if (!P_CheckSight (players[0].mo, actor, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING))
	{ // Player can't see monster
		return false;
	count = 0;
	while ( (mo = iterator.Next ()) )
		if (!(mo->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) || (mo == actor) || (mo->health <= 0))
		{ // Not a valid monster
		if (mo->AproxDistance (actor) > MONS_LOOK_RANGE)
		{ // Out of range
		if (pr_lookformonsters() < 16)
		{ // Skip
		if (++count >= MONS_LOOK_LIMIT)
		{ // Stop searching
			return false;
		if (mo->GetSpecies() == actor->GetSpecies())
		{ // [RH] Don't go after same species
		if (!P_CheckSight (actor, mo, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING))
		{ // Out of sight
		// Found a target monster
		actor->target = mo;
		return true;
	return false;

// LookForTIDinBlock
// Finds a target with the specified TID in a mapblock. Alternatively, it
// can find a target with a specified TID if something in this mapblock is
// already targetting it.

AActor *LookForTIDInBlock (AActor *lookee, int index, void *extparams)
	FLookExParams *params = (FLookExParams *)extparams;
	FBlockNode *block;
	AActor *link;
	AActor *other;
	for (block = blocklinks[index]; block != NULL; block = block->NextActor)
		link = block->Me;

        if (!(link->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
			continue;			// not shootable (observer or dead)

		if (link == lookee)

		if (link->health <= 0)
			continue;			// dead

		if (link->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT)
			continue;			// don't target dormant things

		if (link->tid == lookee->TIDtoHate)
			other = link;
		else if (link->target != NULL && link->target->tid == lookee->TIDtoHate)
			other = link->target;
			if (!(other->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) ||
				other->health <= 0 ||
				(other->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT))

		if (!(lookee->flags3 & MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK))
			if (!P_IsVisible(lookee, other, true, params))
				continue;			// out of sight

		return other;
	return NULL;

// P_LookForTID
// Selects a live monster with the given TID

bool P_LookForTID (AActor *actor, INTBOOL allaround, FLookExParams *params)
	AActor *other;
	bool reachedend = false;
	bool chasegoal = params? (!(params->flags & LOF_DONTCHASEGOAL)) : true;

	other = P_BlockmapSearch (actor, 0, LookForTIDInBlock, params);

	if (other != NULL)
		if (actor->goal && actor->target == actor->goal)
			actor->reactiontime = 0;

		actor->target = other;
		actor->LastLookActor = other;
		return true;

	// The actor's TID could change because of death or because of
	// Thing_ChangeTID. If it's not what we expect, then don't use
	// it as a base for the iterator.
	if (actor->LastLookActor != NULL &&
		actor->LastLookActor->tid != actor->TIDtoHate)
		actor->LastLookActor = NULL;

	FActorIterator iterator (actor->TIDtoHate, actor->LastLookActor);
	int c = (pr_look3() & 31) + 7;	// Look for between 7 and 38 hatees at a time
	while ((other = iterator.Next()) != actor->LastLookActor)
		if (other == NULL)
			if (reachedend)
				// we have cycled through the entire list at least once
				// so let's abort because even if we continue nothing can
				// be found.
			reachedend = true;

		if (!(other->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
			continue;			// not shootable (observer or dead)

		if (other == actor)
			continue;			// don't hate self

		if (other->health <= 0)
			continue;			// dead

		if (other->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT)
			continue;			// don't target dormant things

		if (--c == 0)

		if (!(actor->flags3 & MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK))
			if (!P_IsVisible (actor, other, !!allaround, params))
				continue;			// out of sight
		// [RH] Need to be sure the reactiontime is 0 if the monster is
		//		leaving its goal to go after something else.
		if (actor->goal && actor->target == actor->goal)
			actor->reactiontime = 0;

		actor->target = other;
		actor->LastLookActor = other;
		return true;
	actor->LastLookActor = other;
	if (actor->target == NULL)
		// [RH] use goal as target
		if (actor->goal != NULL && chasegoal)
			actor->target = actor->goal;
			return true;
		// Use last known enemy if no hatee sighted -- killough 2/15/98:
		if (actor->lastenemy != NULL && actor->lastenemy->health > 0)
			if (!actor->IsFriend(actor->lastenemy))
				actor->target = actor->lastenemy;
				actor->lastenemy = NULL;
				return true;
				actor->lastenemy = NULL;
	return false;

// LookForEnemiesinBlock
// Finds a non-friendly monster in a mapblock. It can also use targets of
// friendlies in this mapblock to find non-friendlies in other mapblocks.

AActor *LookForEnemiesInBlock (AActor *lookee, int index, void *extparam)
	FBlockNode *block;
	AActor *link;
	AActor *other;
	FLookExParams *params = (FLookExParams *)extparam;
	for (block = blocklinks[index]; block != NULL; block = block->NextActor)
		link = block->Me;

        if (!(link->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
			continue;			// not shootable (observer or dead)

		if (link == lookee)

		if (link->health <= 0)
			continue;			// dead

		if (link->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT)
			continue;			// don't target dormant things

		if (!(link->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
			continue;			// don't target it if it isn't a monster (could be a barrel)

		if (link->flags7 & MF7_NEVERTARGET)

		other = NULL;
		if (link->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)
			if (!lookee->IsFriend(link))
				// This is somebody else's friend, so go after it
				other = link;
			else if (link->target != NULL && !(link->target->flags & MF_FRIENDLY))
				other = link->target;
				if (!(other->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) ||
					other->health <= 0 ||
					(other->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT))
					other = NULL;;
			other = link;

		// [MBF] If the monster is already engaged in a one-on-one attack
		// with a healthy friend, don't attack around 60% the time.
		// [GrafZahl] This prevents friendlies from attacking all the same 
		// target.
		if (other)
			AActor *targ = other->target;
			if (targ && targ->target == other && pr_skiptarget() > 100 && lookee->IsFriend (targ) &&
				targ->health*2 >= targ->SpawnHealth())

		// [KS] Hey, shouldn't there be a check for MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK here?

		if (other == NULL || !P_IsVisible (lookee, other, true, params))
			continue;			// out of sight

		return other;
	return NULL;

// P_LookForEnemies
// Selects a live enemy monster

bool P_LookForEnemies (AActor *actor, INTBOOL allaround, FLookExParams *params)
	AActor *other;

	other = P_BlockmapSearch (actor, 10, LookForEnemiesInBlock, params);

	if (other != NULL)
		if (actor->goal && actor->target == actor->goal)
			actor->reactiontime = 0;

		actor->target = other;
//		actor->LastLook.Actor = other;
		return true;

	if (actor->target == NULL)
		// [RH] use goal as target
		if (actor->goal != NULL)
			actor->target = actor->goal;
			return true;
		// Use last known enemy if no hatee sighted -- killough 2/15/98:
		if (actor->lastenemy != NULL && actor->lastenemy->health > 0)
			if (!actor->IsFriend(actor->lastenemy))
				actor->target = actor->lastenemy;
				actor->lastenemy = NULL;
				return true;
				actor->lastenemy = NULL;
	return false;

= P_LookForPlayers
= If allaround is false, only look 180 degrees in front
= returns true if a player is targeted

bool P_LookForPlayers (AActor *actor, INTBOOL allaround, FLookExParams *params)
	int 		c;
	int			pnum;
	player_t*	player;
	bool chasegoal = params? (!(params->flags & LOF_DONTCHASEGOAL)) : true;

	if (actor->TIDtoHate != 0)
		if (P_LookForTID (actor, allaround, params))
			return true;
		if (!(actor->flags3 & MF3_HUNTPLAYERS))
			return false;
	else if (actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)
		bool result = P_LookForEnemies (actor, allaround, params);

		if (!result && (actor->flags & MF_FRIEND_MBF))
		{  // killough 9/9/98: friendly monsters go about players differently

			// Go back to a player, no matter whether it's visible or not
			for (int anyone=0; anyone<=1; anyone++)
				for (int c=0; c<MAXPLAYERS; c++)
					if (playeringame[c] && players[c].playerstate==PST_LIVE &&
						actor->IsFriend(players[c].mo) &&
						(anyone || P_IsVisible(actor, players[c].mo, allaround)))
						actor->target = players[c].mo;

						// killough 12/98:
						// get out of refiring loop, to avoid hitting player accidentally

						if (actor->MissileState != NULL)
							actor->SetState(actor->SeeState, true);
							actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTHIT;

						return true;
		// [SP] If you don't see any enemies in deathmatch, look for players (but only when friend to a specific player.)
		if (actor->FriendPlayer == 0 && (!teamplay || actor->GetTeam() == TEAM_NONE)) return result;
		if (result || !deathmatch) return true;

	}	// [SP] if false, and in deathmatch, intentional fall-through

	if (!(gameinfo.gametype & (GAME_DoomStrifeChex)) &&
		!multiplayer &&
		players[0].health <= 0 && 
		actor->goal == NULL &&
		gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL
	{ // Single player game and player is dead; look for monsters
		return P_LookForMonsters (actor);

	c = 0;
	if (actor->TIDtoHate != 0)
		pnum = pr_look2() & (MAXPLAYERS-1);
		pnum = actor->LastLookPlayerNumber;
	for (;;)
		// [ED850] Each and every player should only ever be checked once.
		if (c++ < MAXPLAYERS)
			pnum = (pnum + 1) & (MAXPLAYERS - 1);
			if (!playeringame[pnum])

			if (actor->TIDtoHate == 0)
				actor->LastLookPlayerNumber = pnum;
			// done looking
			if (actor->target == NULL)
				// [RH] use goal as target
				// [KS] ...unless we're ignoring goals and we don't already have one
				if (actor->goal != NULL && chasegoal)
					actor->target = actor->goal;
					return true;
				// Use last known enemy if no players sighted -- killough 2/15/98:
				if (actor->lastenemy != NULL && actor->lastenemy->health > 0)
					if (!actor->IsFriend(actor->lastenemy))
						actor->target = actor->lastenemy;
						actor->lastenemy = NULL;
						return true;
						actor->lastenemy = NULL;
			return actor->target == actor->goal && actor->goal != NULL;

		player = &players[pnum];

		if (!(player->mo->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
			continue;			// not shootable (observer or dead)

		if (player->cheats & CF_NOTARGET)
			continue;			// no target

		if (player->health <= 0)
			continue;			// dead

		if (!P_IsVisible (actor, player->mo, allaround, params))
			continue;			// out of sight

		// [SP] Deathmatch fixes - if we have MF_FRIENDLY we're definitely in deathmatch
		// We're going to ignore our master, but go after his enemies.
		if ( actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY )
			if ( actor->IsFriend(player->mo) )

		// [RC] Well, let's let special monsters with this flag active be able to see
		// the player then, eh?
		if(!(actor->flags6 & MF6_SEEINVISIBLE)) 
			if ((player->mo->flags & MF_SHADOW && !(i_compatflags & COMPATF_INVISIBILITY)) ||
				player->mo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST)
				if ((player->mo->AproxDistance (actor) > 2*MELEERANGE)
					&& P_AproxDistance (player->mo->velx, player->mo->vely)	< 5*FRACUNIT)
				{ // Player is sneaking - can't detect
				if (pr_lookforplayers() < 225)
				{ // Player isn't sneaking, but still didn't detect
		// [RH] Need to be sure the reactiontime is 0 if the monster is
		//		leaving its goal to go after a player.
		if (actor->goal && actor->target == actor->goal)
			actor->reactiontime = 0;

		actor->target = player->mo;
		return true;


// A_Look
// Stay in state until a player is sighted.
// [RH] Will also leave state to move to goal.
	AActor *targ;

	if (self->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION)

	// [RH] Set goal now if appropriate
	if (self->special == Thing_SetGoal && self->args[0] == 0) 
		NActorIterator iterator (NAME_PatrolPoint, self->args[1]);
		self->special = 0;
		self->goal = iterator.Next ();
		self->reactiontime = self->args[2] * TICRATE + level.maptime;
		if (self->args[3] == 0) self->flags5 &= ~MF5_CHASEGOAL;
		else self->flags5 |= MF5_CHASEGOAL;

	self->threshold = 0;		// any shot will wake up

	if (self->TIDtoHate != 0)
		targ = self->target;
		targ = (i_compatflags & COMPATF_SOUNDTARGET || self->flags & MF_NOSECTOR)? 
			self->Sector->SoundTarget : self->LastHeard;

		// [RH] If the soundtarget is dead, don't chase it
		if (targ != NULL && targ->health <= 0)
			targ = NULL;

		if (targ && targ->player && (targ->player->cheats & CF_NOTARGET))

	// [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters
	if (self->flags & MF_STEALTH)
		self->visdir = -1;

	if (targ && (targ->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
		if (self->IsFriend (targ))	// be a little more precise!
			// If we find a valid target here, the wandering logic should *not*
			// be activated! It would cause the seestate to be set twice.
			if (P_LookForPlayers (self, self->flags4 & MF4_LOOKALLAROUND, NULL))
				goto seeyou;

			// Let the self wander around aimlessly looking for a fight
			if (self->SeeState != NULL)
				self->SetState (self->SeeState);
				CALL_ACTION(A_Wander, self);
			self->target = targ;

			if (self->flags & MF_AMBUSH)
				if (P_CheckSight (self, self->target, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING))
					goto seeyou;
				goto seeyou;
	if (!P_LookForPlayers (self, self->flags4 & MF4_LOOKALLAROUND, NULL))
	// go into chase state
	// [RH] Don't start chasing after a goal if it isn't time yet.
	if (self->target == self->goal)
		if (self->reactiontime > level.maptime)
			self->target = NULL;
	else if (self->SeeSound)
		if (self->flags2 & MF2_BOSS)
		{ // full volume
			S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NONE);
			S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

	if (self->target)
		self->SetState (self->SeeState);

// A_LookEx (int flags, fixed minseedist, fixed maxseedist, fixed maxheardist, fixed fov, state wakestate)
// [KS] Borrowed the A_Look code to make a parameterized version.

	ACTION_PARAM_INT(flags, 0);
	ACTION_PARAM_FIXED(minseedist, 1);
	ACTION_PARAM_FIXED(maxseedist, 2);
	ACTION_PARAM_FIXED(maxheardist, 3);
	ACTION_PARAM_STATE(seestate, 5);

	AActor *targ = NULL; // Shuts up gcc
	fixed_t dist;
	angle_t fov = (fov_f == 0) ? ANGLE_180 : angle_t(fov_f * ANGLE_90 / 90);
	FLookExParams params = { fov, minseedist, maxseedist, maxheardist, flags, seestate };

	if (self->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION)

	// [RH] Set goal now if appropriate
	if (self->special == Thing_SetGoal && self->args[0] == 0) 
		NActorIterator iterator (NAME_PatrolPoint, self->args[1]);
		self->special = 0;
		self->goal = iterator.Next ();
		self->reactiontime = self->args[2] * TICRATE + level.maptime;
		if (self->args[3] == 0) self->flags5 &=~ MF5_CHASEGOAL;
		else self->flags5 |= MF5_CHASEGOAL;

	self->threshold = 0;		// any shot will wake up

	if (self->TIDtoHate != 0)
		targ = self->target;
		if (!(flags & LOF_NOSOUNDCHECK))
			targ = (i_compatflags & COMPATF_SOUNDTARGET || self->flags & MF_NOSECTOR)?
				self->Sector->SoundTarget : self->LastHeard;
			if (targ != NULL)
				// [RH] If the soundtarget is dead, don't chase it
				if (targ->health <= 0)
					targ = NULL;
					dist = self->AproxDistance (targ);

					// [KS] If the target is too far away, don't respond to the sound.
					if (maxheardist && dist > maxheardist)
						targ = NULL;
						self->LastHeard = NULL;
        if (targ && targ->player && (targ->player->cheats & CF_NOTARGET))

	// [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters
	if (self->flags & MF_STEALTH)
		self->visdir = -1;

	if (targ && (targ->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
		if (self->IsFriend (targ))	// be a little more precise!
			if (!(self->flags4 & MF4_STANDSTILL))
				if (!(flags & LOF_NOSIGHTCHECK))
					// If we find a valid target here, the wandering logic should *not*
					// be activated! If would cause the seestate to be set twice.
					if (P_LookForPlayers(self, true, &params))
						goto seeyou;

				// Let the self wander around aimlessly looking for a fight
                if (!(self->flags & MF_INCHASE))
                    if (seestate)
                        self->SetState (seestate);
                        if (self->SeeState != NULL)
                            self->SetState (self->SeeState);
                            CALL_ACTION(A_Wander, self);
			self->target = targ; //We already have a target?
            // [KS] The target can become ourselves in rare circumstances (like
            // if we committed suicide), so if that's the case, just ignore it.
            if (self->target == self) self->target = NULL;

			if (self->target != NULL)
				if (self->flags & MF_AMBUSH)
					dist = self->AproxDistance (self->target);
					if (P_CheckSight (self, self->target, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING) &&
						(!minseedist || dist > minseedist) &&
						(!maxseedist || dist < maxseedist))
						goto seeyou;
					goto seeyou;

	if (!(flags & LOF_NOSIGHTCHECK))
		if (!P_LookForPlayers(self, true, &params))
	// go into chase state
	// [RH] Don't start chasing after a goal if it isn't time yet.
	if (self->target == self->goal)
		if (self->reactiontime > level.maptime)
			self->target = NULL;
	else if (self->SeeSound && !(flags & LOF_NOSEESOUND))
		{ // full volume
			S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NONE);
			S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

	if (self->target && !(self->flags & MF_INCHASE))
        if (!(flags & LOF_NOJUMP))
            if (seestate)
                self->SetState (seestate);
                self->SetState (self->SeeState);

// [KS] *** End additions by me ***

// A_ClearLastHeard

	self->LastHeard = NULL;

// A_Wander
	// [RH] Strife probably clears this flag somewhere, but I couldn't find where.
	// This seems as good a place as any.
	self->flags4 &= ~MF4_INCOMBAT;

	if (self->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION)

	if (self->flags4 & MF4_STANDSTILL)

	if (self->reactiontime != 0)

	// turn towards movement direction if not there yet
	if (self->movedir < DI_NODIR)
		self->angle &= (angle_t)(7<<29);
		int delta = self->angle - (self->movedir << 29);
		if (delta > 0)
			self->angle -= ANG90/2;
		else if (delta < 0)
			self->angle += ANG90/2;

	if (--self->movecount < 0 || !P_Move (self))
		P_RandomChaseDir (self);
		self->movecount += 5;

// A_Look2
	AActor *targ;

	if (self->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION)

	self->threshold = 0;
	targ = self->LastHeard;

	if (targ != NULL && targ->health <= 0)
		targ = NULL;

	if (targ && (targ->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
		if ((level.flags & LEVEL_NOALLIES) ||
			(self->flags & MF_FRIENDLY) != (targ->flags & MF_FRIENDLY))
			if (self->flags & MF_AMBUSH)
				if (!P_CheckSight (self, targ, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING))
					goto nosee;
			self->target = targ;
			self->threshold = 10;
			self->SetState (self->SeeState);
			if (!P_LookForPlayers (self, self->flags4 & MF4_LOOKALLAROUND, NULL))
				goto nosee;
			self->SetState (self->SeeState);
			self->flags4 |= MF4_INCOMBAT;
	if (pr_look2() < 30)
		self->SetState (self->SpawnState + (pr_look2() & 1) + 1);
	if (!(self->flags4 & MF4_STANDSTILL) && pr_look2() < 40)
		self->SetState (self->SpawnState + 3);

// A_Chase
// Actor has a melee attack, so it tries to close as fast as possible
// [GrafZahl] integrated A_FastChase, A_SerpentChase and A_SerpentWalk into this
// to allow the monsters using those functions to take advantage of the
// enhancements.

void A_DoChase (AActor *actor, bool fastchase, FState *meleestate, FState *missilestate, bool playactive, bool nightmarefast, bool dontmove)
	int delta;

	if (actor->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION)

	if (actor->flags & MF_INCHASE)
	actor->flags |= MF_INCHASE;

	// [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters
	if (actor->flags & MF_STEALTH)
		actor->visdir = -1;

	if (actor->reactiontime)

	// [RH] Don't chase invisible targets
	if (actor->target != NULL &&
		actor->target->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE &&
		actor->target != actor->goal)
		actor->target = NULL;

	// modify target threshold
	if (actor->threshold)
		if (actor->target == NULL || actor->target->health <= 0)
			actor->threshold = 0;

	if (nightmarefast && G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_FastMonsters))
	{ // Monsters move faster in nightmare mode
		if (actor->tics > 3)
			actor->tics -= actor->tics / 2;
			if (actor->tics < 3)
				actor->tics = 3;

	// turn towards movement direction if not there yet
	if (actor->strafecount)
	else if (actor->movedir < 8)
		actor->angle &= (angle_t)(7<<29);
		delta = actor->angle - (actor->movedir << 29);
		if (delta > 0)
			actor->angle -= ANG90/2;
		else if (delta < 0)
			actor->angle += ANG90/2;

	// [RH] If the target is dead or a friend (and not a goal), stop chasing it.
	if (actor->target && actor->target != actor->goal && (actor->target->health <= 0 || actor->IsFriend(actor->target)))
		actor->target = NULL;

	// [RH] Friendly monsters will consider chasing whoever hurts a player if they
	// don't already have a target.
	if (actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY && actor->target == NULL)
		player_t *player;

		if (actor->FriendPlayer != 0)
			player = &players[actor->FriendPlayer - 1];
			int i;
			if (!multiplayer)
				i = 0;
			else for (i = pr_newchasedir() & (MAXPLAYERS-1); !playeringame[i]; i = (i+1) & (MAXPLAYERS-1))
			player = &players[i];
		if (player->attacker && player->attacker->health > 0 && player->attacker->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE && pr_newchasedir() < 80)
			if (!(player->attacker->flags & MF_FRIENDLY) ||
				(deathmatch && actor->FriendPlayer != 0 && player->attacker->FriendPlayer != 0 &&
				actor->FriendPlayer != player->attacker->FriendPlayer))
				actor->target = player->attacker;
	if (!actor->target || !(actor->target->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
	{ // look for a new target
		if (actor->target != NULL && (actor->target->flags2 & MF2_NONSHOOTABLE))
			// Target is only temporarily unshootable, so remember it.
			actor->lastenemy = actor->target;
			// Switch targets faster, since we're only changing because we can't
			// hurt our old one temporarily.
			actor->threshold = 0;
		if (P_LookForPlayers (actor, true, NULL) && actor->target != actor->goal)
		{ // got a new target
			actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
		if (actor->target == NULL)
			if (actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)
				//CALL_ACTION(A_Look, actor);
				if (actor->target == NULL)
					if (!dontmove) CALL_ACTION(A_Wander, actor);
					actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
				actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
	// do not attack twice in a row
	if (actor->flags & MF_JUSTATTACKED)
		actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTATTACKED;
		if (!actor->isFast() && !dontmove)
			P_NewChaseDir (actor);
		actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
	// [RH] Don't attack if just moving toward goal
	if (actor->target == actor->goal || (actor->flags5&MF5_CHASEGOAL && actor->goal != NULL))
		AActor * savedtarget = actor->target;
		actor->target = actor->goal;
		bool result = actor->CheckMeleeRange();
		actor->target = savedtarget;

		if (result)
			// reached the goal
			NActorIterator iterator (NAME_PatrolPoint, actor->goal->args[0]);
			NActorIterator specit (NAME_PatrolSpecial, actor->goal->tid);
			AActor *spec;

			// Execute the specials of any PatrolSpecials with the same TID
			// as the goal.
			while ( (spec = specit.Next()) )
				P_ExecuteSpecial(spec->special, NULL, actor, false, spec->args[0],
					spec->args[1], spec->args[2], spec->args[3], spec->args[4]);

			angle_t lastgoalang = actor->goal->angle;
			int delay;
			AActor * newgoal = iterator.Next ();
			if (newgoal != NULL && actor->goal == actor->target)
				delay = newgoal->args[1];
				actor->reactiontime = delay * TICRATE + level.maptime;
				delay = 0;
				actor->reactiontime = actor->GetDefault()->reactiontime;
				actor->angle = lastgoalang;		// Look in direction of last goal
			if (actor->target == actor->goal) actor->target = NULL;
			actor->flags |= MF_JUSTATTACKED;
			if (newgoal != NULL && delay != 0)
				actor->flags4 |= MF4_INCOMBAT;
			actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
			actor->goal = newgoal;
		if (actor->goal == actor->target) goto nomissile;

	// Strafe	(Hexen's class bosses)
	// This was the sole reason for the separate A_FastChase function but
	// it can be just as easily handled by a simple flag so the monsters
	// can take advantage of all the other enhancements of A_Chase.

	if (fastchase && !dontmove)
		if (actor->FastChaseStrafeCount > 0)
			actor->FastChaseStrafeCount = 0;
			actor->velx = 0;
			actor->vely = 0;
			fixed_t dist = actor->AproxDistance (actor->target);
				if (pr_chase() < 100)
					angle_t ang = actor->AngleTo(actor->target);
					if (pr_chase() < 128) ang += ANGLE_90;
					else ang -= ANGLE_90;
					actor->velx = 13 * finecosine[ang>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
					actor->vely = 13 * finesine[ang>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
					actor->FastChaseStrafeCount = 3;		// strafe time


	// [RH] Scared monsters attack less frequently
	if (((actor->target->player == NULL ||
		!(actor->target->player->cheats & CF_FRIGHTENING)) &&
		!(actor->flags4 & MF4_FRIGHTENED)) ||
		pr_scaredycat() < 43)
		// check for melee attack
		if (meleestate && actor->CheckMeleeRange ())
			if (actor->AttackSound)
				S_Sound (actor, CHAN_WEAPON, actor->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

			actor->SetState (meleestate);
			actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
		// check for missile attack
		if (missilestate)
			if (!actor->isFast() && actor->movecount)
				goto nomissile;
			if (!P_CheckMissileRange (actor))
				goto nomissile;
			actor->SetState (missilestate);
			actor->flags |= MF_JUSTATTACKED;
			actor->flags4 |= MF4_INCOMBAT;
			actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;

	// possibly choose another target
	if ((multiplayer || actor->TIDtoHate)
		&& !actor->threshold
		&& !P_CheckSight (actor, actor->target, 0) )
		bool lookForBetter = false;
		bool gotNew;
		if (actor->flags3 & MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK)
			actor->flags3 &= ~MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK;
			lookForBetter = true;
		AActor * oldtarget = actor->target;
		gotNew = P_LookForPlayers (actor, true, NULL);
		if (lookForBetter)
			actor->flags3 |= MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK;
		if (gotNew && actor->target != oldtarget)
			actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;
			return; 	// got a new target

	// chase towards player

	if (actor->strafecount)

	// class bosses don't do this when strafing
	if ((!fastchase || !actor->FastChaseStrafeCount) && !dontmove)
		// CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC handling was completely missing in the non-serpent functions.
		fixed_t oldX = actor->X();
		fixed_t oldY = actor->Y();
		FTextureID oldFloor = actor->floorpic;

		// chase towards player
		if (--actor->movecount < 0 || !P_Move (actor))
			P_NewChaseDir (actor);
		// if the move was illegal, reset it 
		// (copied from A_SerpentChase - it applies to everything with CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC!)
		if (actor->flags2&MF2_CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC && actor->floorpic != oldFloor )
			if (P_TryMove (actor, oldX, oldY, false))
				if (nomonsterinterpolation)
					actor->PrevX = oldX;
					actor->PrevY = oldY;
			P_NewChaseDir (actor);
	else if (dontmove && actor->movecount > 0) actor->movecount--;
	// make active sound
	if (playactive && pr_chase() < 3)
		actor->PlayActiveSound ();

	actor->flags &= ~MF_INCHASE;

// P_CheckForResurrection (formerly part of A_VileChase)
// Check for ressurecting a body

static bool P_CheckForResurrection(AActor *self, bool usevilestates)
	const AActor *info;
	AActor *temp;
	if (self->movedir != DI_NODIR)
		const fixed_t absSpeed = abs (self->Speed);
		fixedvec2 viletry = self->Vec2Offset(
			FixedMul (absSpeed, xspeed[self->movedir]),
			FixedMul (absSpeed, yspeed[self->movedir]), true);
		AActor *corpsehit;

		FBlockThingsIterator it(FBoundingBox(viletry.x, viletry.y, 32*FRACUNIT));
		while ((corpsehit = it.Next()))
			FState *raisestate = corpsehit->GetRaiseState();
			if (raisestate != NULL)
				// use the current actor's radius instead of the Arch Vile's default.
				fixed_t maxdist = corpsehit->GetDefault()->radius + self->radius;

				if (abs(corpsehit->X() - viletry.x) > maxdist ||
					abs(corpsehit->Y() - viletry.y) > maxdist)
					continue;			// not actually touching
				// Let's check if there are floors in between the archvile and its target
				sector_t *vilesec = self->Sector;
				sector_t *corpsec = corpsehit->Sector;
				// We only need to test if at least one of the sectors has a 3D floor.
				sector_t *testsec = vilesec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() ? vilesec :
					(vilesec != corpsec && corpsec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) ? corpsec : NULL;
				if (testsec)
					fixed_t zdist1, zdist2;
					if (P_Find3DFloor(testsec, corpsehit->Pos(), false, true, zdist1)
						!= P_Find3DFloor(testsec, self->Pos(), false, true, zdist2))
						// Not on same floor
						if (vilesec == corpsec || abs(zdist1 - self->Z()) > self->height)

				corpsehit->velx = corpsehit->vely = 0;
				// [RH] Check against real height and radius

				fixed_t oldheight = corpsehit->height;
				fixed_t oldradius = corpsehit->radius;
				ActorFlags oldflags = corpsehit->flags;

				corpsehit->flags |= MF_SOLID;
				corpsehit->height = corpsehit->GetDefault()->height;
				bool check = P_CheckPosition(corpsehit, corpsehit->Pos());
				corpsehit->flags = oldflags;
				corpsehit->radius = oldradius;
				corpsehit->height = oldheight;
				if (!check) continue;

				// got one!
				temp = self->target;
				self->target = corpsehit;
				if (self->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)
					// If this is a friendly Arch-Vile (which is turning the resurrected monster into its friend)
					// and the Arch-Vile is currently targetting the resurrected monster the target must be cleared.
					if (self->lastenemy == temp) self->lastenemy = NULL;
					if (self->lastenemy == corpsehit) self->lastenemy = NULL;
					if (temp == self->target) temp = NULL;
				self->target = temp;

				// Make the state the monster enters customizable.
				FState * state = self->FindState(NAME_Heal);
				if (state != NULL)
				else if (usevilestates)
					// For Dehacked compatibility this has to use the Arch Vile's
					// heal state as a default if the actor doesn't define one itself.
					const PClass *archvile = PClass::FindClass("Archvile");
					if (archvile != NULL)
				S_Sound(corpsehit, CHAN_BODY, "vile/raise", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
				info = corpsehit->GetDefault();

				if (GetTranslationType(corpsehit->Translation) == TRANSLATION_Blood)
					corpsehit->Translation = info->Translation; // Clean up bloodcolor translation from crushed corpses
				if (ib_compatflags & BCOMPATF_VILEGHOSTS)
					corpsehit->height <<= 2;
					// [GZ] This was a commented-out feature, so let's make use of it,
					// but only for ghost monsters so that they are visibly different.
					if (corpsehit->height == 0)
						// Make raised corpses look ghostly
						if (corpsehit->alpha > TRANSLUC50)
							corpsehit->alpha /= 2;
						// This will only work if the render style is changed as well.
						if (corpsehit->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Normal])
							corpsehit->RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent;
					corpsehit->height = info->height;	// [RH] Use real mobj height
					corpsehit->radius = info->radius;	// [RH] Use real radius


				// You are the Archvile's minion now, so hate what it hates
				corpsehit->CopyFriendliness(self, false);

				return true;
	return false;

// A_Chase and variations

enum ChaseFlags

	ACTION_PARAM_STATE(missile, 1);
	ACTION_PARAM_INT(flags, 2);

	if (melee != (FState*)-1)
		if (flags & CHF_RESURRECT && P_CheckForResurrection(self, false)) return;
		A_DoChase(self, !!(flags&CHF_FASTCHASE), melee, missile, !(flags&CHF_NOPLAYACTIVE), 
					!!(flags&CHF_NIGHTMAREFAST), !!(flags&CHF_DONTMOVE));
	else // this is the old default A_Chase
		A_DoChase (self, false, self->MeleeState, self->MissileState, true, gameinfo.nightmarefast, false);

	A_DoChase (self, true, self->MeleeState, self->MissileState, true, true, false);

	if (!P_CheckForResurrection(self, true))
		A_DoChase (self, false, self->MeleeState, self->MissileState, true, gameinfo.nightmarefast, false);

	ACTION_PARAM_BOOL(domelee, 0);
	ACTION_PARAM_BOOL(domissile, 1);
	ACTION_PARAM_BOOL(playactive, 2);
	ACTION_PARAM_BOOL(nightmarefast, 3);

	// Now that A_Chase can handle state label parameters, this function has become rather useless...
	A_DoChase(self, false,
		domelee ? self->MeleeState:NULL, domissile ? self->MissileState:NULL,
		playactive, nightmarefast, false);

// for internal use
void A_Chase(AActor *self)
	A_DoChase (self, false, self->MeleeState, self->MissileState, true, gameinfo.nightmarefast, false);

// A_FaceTarget
// A_FaceMaster
// A_FaceTracer
enum FAF_Flags
	FAF_TOP = 4,
void A_Face (AActor *self, AActor *other, angle_t max_turn, angle_t max_pitch, angle_t ang_offset, angle_t pitch_offset, int flags)
	if (!other)

	// [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters
	if (self->flags & MF_STEALTH)
		self->visdir = 1;

	self->flags &= ~MF_AMBUSH;

	angle_t other_angle = self->AngleTo(other);

	// 0 means no limit. Also, if we turn in a single step anyways, no need to go through the algorithms.
	// It also means that there is no need to check for going past the other.
	if (max_turn && (max_turn < absangle(self->angle - other_angle)))
		if (self->angle > other_angle)
			if (self->angle - other_angle < ANGLE_180)
				self->angle -= max_turn + ang_offset;
				self->angle += max_turn + ang_offset;
			if (other_angle - self->angle < ANGLE_180)
				self->angle += max_turn + ang_offset;
				self->angle -= max_turn + ang_offset;
		self->angle = other_angle + ang_offset;

	// [DH] Now set pitch. In order to maintain compatibility, this can be
	// disabled and is so by default.
	if (max_pitch <= ANGLE_180)
		fixedvec2 pos = self->Vec2To(other);
		TVector2<double> dist(pos.x, pos.y);
		// Positioning ala missile spawning, 32 units above foot level
		fixed_t source_z = self->Z() + 32*FRACUNIT + self->GetBobOffset();
		fixed_t target_z = other->Z() + 32*FRACUNIT + other->GetBobOffset();

		// If the target z is above the target's head, reposition to the middle of
		// its body.		
		if (target_z >= other->Top())
			target_z = other->Z() + (other->height / 2);

		//Note there is no +32*FRACUNIT on purpose. This is for customization sake. 
		//If one doesn't want this behavior, just don't use FAF_BOTTOM.
		if (flags & FAF_BOTTOM)
			target_z = other->Z() + other->GetBobOffset(); 
		if (flags & FAF_MIDDLE)
			target_z = other->Z() + (other->height / 2) + other->GetBobOffset();
		if (flags & FAF_TOP)
			target_z = other->Z() + (other->height) + other->GetBobOffset();
		if (!(flags & FAF_NODISTFACTOR))
			target_z += pitch_offset;

		double dist_z = target_z - source_z;
		double ddist = sqrt(dist.X*dist.X + dist.Y*dist.Y + dist_z*dist_z);
		int other_pitch = (int)rad2bam(asin(dist_z / ddist));
		if (max_pitch != 0)
			if (self->pitch > other_pitch)
				max_pitch = MIN(max_pitch, unsigned(self->pitch - other_pitch));
				self->pitch -= max_pitch;
				max_pitch = MIN(max_pitch, unsigned(other_pitch - self->pitch));
				self->pitch += max_pitch;
			self->pitch = other_pitch;
		if (flags & FAF_NODISTFACTOR)
			self->pitch += pitch_offset;

	// This will never work well if the turn angle is limited.
	if (max_turn == 0 && (self->angle == other_angle) && other->flags & MF_SHADOW && !(self->flags6 & MF6_SEEINVISIBLE) )
		self->angle += pr_facetarget.Random2() << 21;

void A_FaceTarget(AActor *self, angle_t max_turn, angle_t max_pitch, angle_t ang_offset, angle_t pitch_offset, int flags)
	A_Face(self, self->target, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags);

void A_FaceMaster(AActor *self, angle_t max_turn, angle_t max_pitch, angle_t ang_offset, angle_t pitch_offset, int flags)
	A_Face(self, self->master, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags);

void A_FaceTracer(AActor *self, angle_t max_turn, angle_t max_pitch, angle_t ang_offset, angle_t pitch_offset, int flags)
	A_Face(self, self->tracer, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags);

	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(max_turn, 0);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(max_pitch, 1);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(ang_offset, 2);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(pitch_offset, 3);
	ACTION_PARAM_INT(flags, 4);

	A_FaceTarget(self, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags);

	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(max_turn, 0);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(max_pitch, 1);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(ang_offset, 2);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(pitch_offset, 3);
	ACTION_PARAM_INT(flags, 4);

	A_FaceMaster(self, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags);

	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(max_turn, 0);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(max_pitch, 1);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(ang_offset, 2);
	ACTION_PARAM_ANGLE(pitch_offset, 3);
	ACTION_PARAM_INT(flags, 4);

	A_FaceTracer(self, max_turn, max_pitch, ang_offset, pitch_offset, flags);

// [RH] A_MonsterRail
// New function to let monsters shoot a railgun
	if (!self->target)

	fixed_t saved_pitch = self->pitch;
	AActor *linetarget;

	// [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters
	if (self->flags & MF_STEALTH)
		self->visdir = 1;

	self->flags &= ~MF_AMBUSH;
	self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target);

	self->pitch = P_AimLineAttack (self, self->angle, MISSILERANGE, &linetarget, ANGLE_1*60, 0, self->target);
	if (linetarget == NULL)
		// We probably won't hit the target, but aim at it anyway so we don't look stupid.
		fixedvec2 pos = self->Vec2To(self->target);
		TVector2<double> xydiff(pos.x, pos.y);
		double zdiff = (self->target->Z() + (self->target->height>>1)) - (self->Z() + (self->height>>1) - self->floorclip);
		self->pitch = int(atan2(zdiff, xydiff.Length()) * ANGLE_180 / -M_PI);

	// Let the aim trail behind the player
	self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target, -self->target->velx * 3, -self->target->vely * 3);

	if (self->target->flags & MF_SHADOW && !(self->flags6 & MF6_SEEINVISIBLE))
		self->angle += pr_railface.Random2() << 21;

	P_RailAttack (self, self->GetMissileDamage (0, 1), 0);
	self->pitch = saved_pitch;

	if (self->DeathSound)
		// Check for bosses.
		if (self->flags2 & MF2_BOSS)
			// full volume
			S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_NONE);
			S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

	if (self->player)
		S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "*gibbed", 1, ATTN_NORM);
		S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/gibbed", 1, ATTN_NORM);

// A_ScreamAndUnblock

	CALL_ACTION(A_Scream, self);
	A_Unblock(self, true);

// A_ActiveSound

	if (self->ActiveSound)
		S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->ActiveSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

// A_ActiveAndUnblock

	CALL_ACTION(A_ActiveSound, self);
	A_Unblock(self, true);

// Modifies the drop amount of this item according to the current skill's
// settings (also called by ADehackedPickup::TryPickup)
void ModifyDropAmount(AInventory *inv, int dropamount)
	int flagmask = IF_IGNORESKILL;
	fixed_t dropammofactor = G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_DropAmmoFactor);
	// Default drop amount is half of regular amount * regular ammo multiplication
	if (dropammofactor == -1) 
		dropammofactor = FRACUNIT/2;
		flagmask = 0;

	if (dropamount > 0)
		if (flagmask != 0 && inv->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)))
			inv->Amount = FixedMul(dropamount, dropammofactor);
			inv->ItemFlags |= IF_IGNORESKILL;
			inv->Amount = dropamount;
	else if (inv->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)))
		// Half ammo when dropped by bad guys.
		inv->Amount = inv->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt (AIMETA_DropAmount, MAX(1, FixedMul(inv->Amount, dropammofactor)));
		inv->ItemFlags |= flagmask;
	else if (inv->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeaponGiver)))
		static_cast<AWeaponGiver *>(inv)->DropAmmoFactor = dropammofactor;
		inv->ItemFlags |= flagmask;
	else if (inv->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
		// The same goes for ammo from a weapon.
		static_cast<AWeapon *>(inv)->AmmoGive1 = FixedMul(static_cast<AWeapon *>(inv)->AmmoGive1, dropammofactor);
		static_cast<AWeapon *>(inv)->AmmoGive2 = FixedMul(static_cast<AWeapon *>(inv)->AmmoGive2, dropammofactor);
		inv->ItemFlags |= flagmask;
	else if (inv->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ADehackedPickup)))
		// For weapons and ammo modified by Dehacked we need to flag the item.
		static_cast<ADehackedPickup *>(inv)->droppedbymonster = true;

// PROC P_DropItem


AInventory *P_DropItem (AActor *source, const PClass *type, int dropamount, int chance)
	if (type != NULL && pr_dropitem() <= chance)
		AActor *mo;
		fixed_t spawnz;

		spawnz = source->Z();
		if (!(i_compatflags & COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS))
			int style = sv_dropstyle;
			if (style==0) style= (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)? 2:1;
			if (style==2)
				spawnz += 24*FRACUNIT;
				spawnz += source->height / 2;
		mo = Spawn (type, source->X(), source->Y(), spawnz, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (mo != NULL)
			mo->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
			mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;	// [RH] Make sure it is affected by gravity
			if (!(i_compatflags & COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS))
				P_TossItem (mo);
			if (mo->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)))
				AInventory * inv = static_cast<AInventory *>(mo);
				ModifyDropAmount(inv, dropamount);
				inv->ItemFlags |= IF_TOSSED;
				if (inv->SpecialDropAction (source))
					// The special action indicates that the item should not spawn
					return NULL;
				return inv;
			// we can't really return an AInventory pointer to a non-inventory item here, can we?
	return NULL;

// P_TossItem

void P_TossItem (AActor *item)
	int style = sv_dropstyle;
	if (style==0) style= gameinfo.defaultdropstyle;
	if (style==2)
		item->velx += pr_dropitem.Random2(7) << FRACBITS;
		item->vely += pr_dropitem.Random2(7) << FRACBITS;
		item->velx = pr_dropitem.Random2() << 8;
		item->vely = pr_dropitem.Random2() << 8;
		item->velz = FRACUNIT*5 + (pr_dropitem() << 10);

	// [RH] Vary player pain sounds depending on health (ala Quake2)
	if (self->player && self->player->morphTics == 0)
		const char *pain_amount;
		FSoundID sfx_id;

		if (self->health < 25)
			pain_amount = "*pain25";
		else if (self->health < 50)
			pain_amount = "*pain50";
		else if (self->health < 75)
			pain_amount = "*pain75";
			pain_amount = "*pain100";

		// Try for damage-specific sounds first.
		if (self->player->LastDamageType != NAME_None)
			FString pain_sound = pain_amount;
			pain_sound += '-';
			pain_sound += self->player->LastDamageType;
			sfx_id = pain_sound;
			if (sfx_id == 0)
				// Try again without a specific pain amount.
				pain_sound = "*pain-";
				pain_sound += self->player->LastDamageType;
				sfx_id = pain_sound;
		if (sfx_id == 0)
			sfx_id = pain_amount;

		S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, sfx_id, 1, ATTN_NORM);
	else if (self->PainSound)
		S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->PainSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);

// killough 11/98: kill an object
	ACTION_PARAM_NAME(damagetype, 0);

	P_DamageMobj (self, NULL, NULL, self->health, damagetype, DMG_FORCED);

// A_Detonate
// killough 8/9/98: same as A_Explode, except that the damage is variable

	int damage = self->GetMissileDamage (0, 1);
	P_RadiusAttack (self, self->target, damage, damage, self->DamageType, RADF_HURTSOURCE);
	P_CheckSplash(self, damage<<FRACBITS);

bool CheckBossDeath (AActor *actor)
	int i;

	// make sure there is a player alive for victory
	for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
		if (playeringame[i] && players[i].health > 0)
	if (i == MAXPLAYERS)
		return false; // no one left alive, so do not end game
	// Make sure all bosses are dead
	TThinkerIterator<AActor> iterator;
	AActor *other;

	while ( (other = iterator.Next ()) )
		if (other != actor &&
			(other->health > 0 || (other->flags & MF_ICECORPSE))
			&& other->GetClass() == actor->GetClass())
		{ // Found a living boss
		  // [RH] Frozen bosses don't count as dead until they shatter
			return false;
	// The boss death is good
	return true;

// A_BossDeath
// Possibly trigger special effects if on a boss level
	FName mytype = self->GetClass()->TypeName;

	// Ugh...
	FName type = self->GetClass()->ActorInfo->GetReplacee()->Class->TypeName;
	// Do generic special death actions first
	bool checked = false;
	for(unsigned i=0; i<level.info->specialactions.Size(); i++)
		FSpecialAction *sa = &level.info->specialactions[i];

		if (type == sa->Type || mytype == sa->Type)
			if (!checked && !CheckBossDeath(self))
			checked = true;

			P_ExecuteSpecial(sa->Action, NULL, self, false, 
				sa->Args[0], sa->Args[1], sa->Args[2], sa->Args[3], sa->Args[4]);

	// [RH] These all depend on the presence of level flags now
	//		rather than being hard-coded to specific levels/episodes.

	if ((level.flags & (LEVEL_MAP07SPECIAL|

	if ((i_compatflags & COMPATF_ANYBOSSDEATH) || ( // [GZ] Added for UAC_DEAD
		((level.flags & LEVEL_MAP07SPECIAL) && (type == NAME_Fatso || type == NAME_Arachnotron)) ||
		((level.flags & LEVEL_BRUISERSPECIAL) && (type == NAME_BaronOfHell)) ||
		((level.flags & LEVEL_CYBORGSPECIAL) && (type == NAME_Cyberdemon)) ||
		((level.flags & LEVEL_SPIDERSPECIAL) && (type == NAME_SpiderMastermind)) ||
		((level.flags & LEVEL_HEADSPECIAL) && (type == NAME_Ironlich)) ||
		((level.flags & LEVEL_MINOTAURSPECIAL) && (type == NAME_Minotaur)) ||
		((level.flags & LEVEL_SORCERER2SPECIAL) && (type == NAME_Sorcerer2))

	if (!CheckBossDeath (self))

	// victory!
	if (level.flags & LEVEL_SPECKILLMONSTERS)
	{ // Kill any remaining monsters
		P_Massacre ();
	if (level.flags & LEVEL_MAP07SPECIAL)
		if (type == NAME_Fatso)
			EV_DoFloor (DFloor::floorLowerToLowest, NULL, 666, FRACUNIT, 0, -1, 0, false);
		if (type == NAME_Arachnotron)
			EV_DoFloor (DFloor::floorRaiseByTexture, NULL, 667, FRACUNIT, 0, -1, 0, false);
		switch (level.flags & LEVEL_SPECACTIONSMASK)
			EV_DoFloor (DFloor::floorLowerToLowest, NULL, 666, FRACUNIT, 0, -1, 0, false);
			EV_DoFloor (DFloor::floorLowerToHighest, NULL, 666, FRACUNIT, 0, -1, 0, false);
			EV_DoDoor (DDoor::doorOpen, NULL, NULL, 666, 8*FRACUNIT, 0, 0, 0);

	// [RH] If noexit, then don't end the level.
	if ((deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags) && (dmflags & DF_NO_EXIT))

	G_ExitLevel (0, false);

// PROC P_Massacre
// Kills all monsters.

int P_Massacre ()
	// jff 02/01/98 'em' cheat - kill all monsters
	// partially taken from Chi's .46 port
	// killough 2/7/98: cleaned up code and changed to use dprintf;
	// fixed lost soul bug (LSs left behind when PEs are killed)

	int killcount = 0;
	AActor *actor;
	TThinkerIterator<AActor> iterator;

	while ( (actor = iterator.Next ()) )
		if (!(actor->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT) && (actor->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
			killcount += actor->Massacre();
	return killcount;

// A_SinkMobj
// Sink a mobj incrementally into the floor

bool A_SinkMobj (AActor *actor, fixed_t speed)
	if (actor->floorclip < actor->height)
		actor->floorclip += speed;
		return false;
	return true;

// A_RaiseMobj
// Raise a mobj incrementally from the floor to 

bool A_RaiseMobj (AActor *actor, fixed_t speed)
	bool done = true;

	// Raise a mobj from the ground
	if (actor->floorclip > 0)
		actor->floorclip -= speed;
		if (actor->floorclip <= 0)
			actor->floorclip = 0;
			done = true;
			done = false;
	return done;		// Reached target height

	if (multiplayer && !deathmatch)		// co-op only
		if (!self->special1)
			self->health *= 5;
			self->special1 = true;   // has been initialized