// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: none // Implements special effects: // Texture animation, height or lighting changes // according to adjacent sectors, respective // utility functions, etc. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __P_SPEC__ #define __P_SPEC__ #include "dsectoreffect.h" #include "doomdata.h" #include "r_state.h" class FScanner; struct level_info_t; struct FThinkerCollection { int RefNum; DThinker *Obj; }; enum class EScroll : int { sc_side, sc_floor, sc_ceiling, sc_carry, sc_carry_ceiling, // killough 4/11/98: carry objects hanging on ceilings }; enum EScrollPos : int { scw_top = 1, scw_mid = 2, scw_bottom = 4, scw_all = 7, }; void P_CreateScroller(EScroll type, double dx, double dy, int control, int affectee, int accel, EScrollPos scrollpos = EScrollPos::scw_all); //jff 2/23/98 identify the special classes that can share sectors typedef enum { floor_special, ceiling_special, lighting_special, } special_e; // Factor to scale scrolling effect into mobj-carrying properties = 3/32. // (This is so scrolling floors and objects on them can move at same speed.) const double CARRYFACTOR = 3 / 32.; // Flags for P_SectorDamage #define DAMAGE_PLAYERS 1 #define DAMAGE_NONPLAYERS 2 #define DAMAGE_IN_AIR 4 #define DAMAGE_SUBCLASSES_PROTECT 8 // [RH] If a deathmatch game, checks to see if noexit is enabled. // If so, it kills the player and returns false. Otherwise, // it returns true, and the player is allowed to live. bool CheckIfExitIsGood (AActor *self, level_info_t *info); // at map load void P_SpawnSpecials (void); // every tic void P_UpdateSpecials (void); // when needed bool P_ActivateLine (line_t *ld, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType, DVector3 *optpos = NULL); bool P_TestActivateLine (line_t *ld, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType, DVector3 *optpos = NULL); bool P_PredictLine (line_t *ld, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType); void P_PlayerInSpecialSector (player_t *player, sector_t * sector=NULL); void P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player_t *player, int floorType); void P_SectorDamage(int tag, int amount, FName type, PClassActor *protectClass, int flags); void P_SetSectorFriction (int tag, int amount, bool alterFlag); double FrictionToMoveFactor(double friction); void P_GiveSecret(AActor *actor, bool printmessage, bool playsound, int sectornum); // // getNextSector() // Return sector_t * of sector next to current. // NULL if not two-sided line // inline sector_t *getNextSector (line_t *line, const sector_t *sec) { if (!(line->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)) return NULL; return line->frontsector == sec ? (line->backsector != sec ? line->backsector : NULL) : line->frontsector; } #include "p_tags.h" class DLighting : public DSectorEffect { DECLARE_CLASS(DLighting, DSectorEffect) public: DLighting(sector_t *sector); protected: DLighting(); }; void EV_StartLightFlickering (int tag, int upper, int lower); void EV_StartLightStrobing (int tag, int upper, int lower, int utics, int ltics); void EV_StartLightStrobing (int tag, int utics, int ltics); void EV_TurnTagLightsOff (int tag); void EV_LightTurnOn (int tag, int bright); void EV_LightTurnOnPartway (int tag, double frac); // killough 10/98 void EV_LightChange (int tag, int value); void EV_StopLightEffect (int tag); void P_SpawnGlowingLight (sector_t *sector); void EV_StartLightGlowing (int tag, int upper, int lower, int tics); void EV_StartLightFading (int tag, int value, int tics); // // P_SWITCH // #define BUTTONTIME TICRATE // 1 second, in ticks. bool P_ChangeSwitchTexture (side_t *side, int useAgain, BYTE special, bool *quest=NULL); bool P_CheckSwitchRange(AActor *user, line_t *line, int sideno, const DVector3 *optpos = NULL); // // P_PLATS // class DPlat : public DMovingFloor { DECLARE_CLASS (DPlat, DMovingFloor) public: enum EPlatState { up, down, waiting, in_stasis }; enum EPlatType { platPerpetualRaise, platDownWaitUpStay, platDownWaitUpStayStone, platUpWaitDownStay, platUpNearestWaitDownStay, platDownByValue, platUpByValue, platUpByValueStay, platRaiseAndStay, platToggle, platDownToNearestFloor, platDownToLowestCeiling, platRaiseAndStayLockout, }; void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); bool IsLift() const { return m_Type == platDownWaitUpStay || m_Type == platDownWaitUpStayStone; } protected: DPlat (sector_t *sector); double m_Speed; double m_Low; double m_High; int m_Wait; int m_Count; EPlatState m_Status; EPlatState m_OldStatus; int m_Crush; int m_Tag; EPlatType m_Type; void PlayPlatSound (const char *sound); void Reactivate (); void Stop (); private: DPlat (); friend bool EV_DoPlat (int tag, line_t *line, EPlatType type, double height, double speed, int delay, int lip, int change); friend void EV_StopPlat (int tag, bool remove); friend void P_ActivateInStasis (int tag); }; bool EV_DoPlat (int tag, line_t *line, DPlat::EPlatType type, double height, double speed, int delay, int lip, int change); void EV_StopPlat (int tag, bool remove); void P_ActivateInStasis (int tag); // // [RH] // P_PILLAR // class DPillar : public DMover { DECLARE_CLASS (DPillar, DMover) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: enum EPillar { pillarBuild, pillarOpen }; DPillar (sector_t *sector, EPillar type, double speed, double height, double height2, int crush, bool hexencrush); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); void Destroy() override; protected: EPillar m_Type; double m_FloorSpeed; double m_CeilingSpeed; double m_FloorTarget; double m_CeilingTarget; int m_Crush; bool m_Hexencrush; TObjPtr m_Interp_Ceiling; TObjPtr m_Interp_Floor; private: DPillar (); }; bool EV_DoPillar (DPillar::EPillar type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double height, double height2, int crush, bool hexencrush); // // P_DOORS // class DDoor : public DMovingCeiling { DECLARE_CLASS (DDoor, DMovingCeiling) public: enum EVlDoor { doorClose, doorOpen, doorRaise, doorWaitRaise, doorCloseWaitOpen, doorWaitClose, }; DDoor (sector_t *sector); DDoor (sector_t *sec, EVlDoor type, double speed, int delay, int lightTag, int topcountdown); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); protected: EVlDoor m_Type; double m_TopDist; double m_BotDist, m_OldFloorDist; vertex_t *m_BotSpot; double m_Speed; // 1 = up, 0 = waiting at top, -1 = down int m_Direction; // tics to wait at the top int m_TopWait; // (keep in case a door going down is reset) // when it reaches 0, start going down int m_TopCountdown; int m_LightTag; void DoorSound (bool raise, class DSeqNode *curseq=NULL) const; friend bool EV_DoDoor (DDoor::EVlDoor type, line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, double speed, int delay, int lock, int lightTag, bool boomgen, int topcountdown); private: DDoor (); }; bool EV_DoDoor (DDoor::EVlDoor type, line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, double speed, int delay, int lock, int lightTag, bool boomgen = false, int topcountdown = 0); class DAnimatedDoor : public DMovingCeiling { DECLARE_CLASS (DAnimatedDoor, DMovingCeiling) public: DAnimatedDoor (sector_t *sector); DAnimatedDoor (sector_t *sec, line_t *line, int speed, int delay, FDoorAnimation *anim); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); bool StartClosing (); protected: line_t *m_Line1, *m_Line2; int m_Frame; FDoorAnimation *m_DoorAnim; int m_Timer; double m_BotDist; int m_Status; enum { Opening, Waiting, Closing, Dead }; int m_Speed; int m_Delay; bool m_SetBlocking1, m_SetBlocking2; friend bool EV_SlidingDoor (line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay); private: DAnimatedDoor (); }; bool EV_SlidingDoor (line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay); // // P_CEILNG // // [RH] Changed these class DCeiling : public DMovingCeiling { DECLARE_CLASS (DCeiling, DMovingCeiling) public: enum ECeiling { ceilLowerByValue, ceilRaiseByValue, ceilMoveToValue, ceilLowerToHighestFloor, ceilLowerInstant, ceilRaiseInstant, ceilCrushAndRaise, ceilLowerAndCrush, ceil_placeholder, ceilCrushRaiseAndStay, ceilRaiseToNearest, ceilLowerToLowest, ceilLowerToFloor, // The following are only used by Generic_Ceiling ceilRaiseToHighest, ceilLowerToHighest, ceilRaiseToLowest, ceilLowerToNearest, ceilRaiseToHighestFloor, ceilRaiseToFloor, ceilRaiseByTexture, ceilLowerByTexture, genCeilingChg0, genCeilingChgT, genCeilingChg }; enum class ECrushMode { crushDoom = 0, crushHexen = 1, crushSlowdown = 2 }; DCeiling (sector_t *sec); DCeiling (sector_t *sec, double speed1, double speed2, int silent); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); protected: ECeiling m_Type; double m_BottomHeight; double m_TopHeight; double m_Speed; double m_Speed1; // [RH] dnspeed of crushers double m_Speed2; // [RH] upspeed of crushers int m_Crush; ECrushMode m_CrushMode; int m_Silent; int m_Direction; // 1 = up, 0 = waiting, -1 = down // [RH] Need these for BOOM-ish transferring ceilings FTextureID m_Texture; secspecial_t m_NewSpecial; // ID int m_Tag; int m_OldDirection; void PlayCeilingSound (); private: DCeiling (); friend bool P_CreateCeiling(sector_t *sec, DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double speed2, double height, int crush, int silent, int change, DCeiling::ECrushMode hexencrush); friend bool EV_CeilingCrushStop (int tag, bool remove); friend void P_ActivateInStasisCeiling (int tag); }; bool P_CreateCeiling(sector_t *sec, DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double speed2, double height, int crush, int silent, int change, DCeiling::ECrushMode hexencrush); bool EV_DoCeiling (DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double speed2, double height, int crush, int silent, int change, DCeiling::ECrushMode hexencrush = DCeiling::ECrushMode::crushDoom); bool EV_CeilingCrushStop (int tag, bool remove); void P_ActivateInStasisCeiling (int tag); // // P_FLOOR // class DFloor : public DMovingFloor { DECLARE_CLASS (DFloor, DMovingFloor) public: enum EFloor { floorLowerToLowest, floorLowerToNearest, floorLowerToHighest, floorLowerByValue, floorRaiseByValue, floorRaiseToHighest, floorRaiseToNearest, floorRaiseAndCrush, floorRaiseAndCrushDoom, floorCrushStop, floorLowerInstant, floorRaiseInstant, floorMoveToValue, floorRaiseToLowestCeiling, floorRaiseByTexture, floorLowerAndChange, floorRaiseAndChange, floorRaiseToLowest, floorRaiseToCeiling, floorLowerToLowestCeiling, floorLowerByTexture, floorLowerToCeiling, donutRaise, buildStair, waitStair, resetStair, // Not to be used as parameters to EV_DoFloor() genFloorChg0, genFloorChgT, genFloorChg }; // [RH] Changed to use Hexen-ish specials enum EStair { buildUp, buildDown }; enum EStairType { stairUseSpecials = 1, stairSync = 2, stairCrush = 4, }; DFloor (sector_t *sec); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); //protected: EFloor m_Type; int m_Crush; bool m_Hexencrush; bool m_Instant; int m_Direction; secspecial_t m_NewSpecial; FTextureID m_Texture; double m_FloorDestDist; double m_Speed; // [RH] New parameters used to reset and delay stairs double m_OrgDist; int m_ResetCount; int m_Delay; int m_PauseTime; int m_StepTime; int m_PerStepTime; void StartFloorSound (); void SetFloorChangeType (sector_t *sec, int change); friend bool EV_BuildStairs (int tag, DFloor::EStair type, line_t *line, double stairsize, double speed, int delay, int reset, int igntxt, int usespecials); friend bool EV_DoFloor (DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush, bool hereticlower); friend bool EV_FloorCrushStop (int tag); friend bool EV_DoDonut (int tag, line_t *line, double pillarspeed, double slimespeed); private: DFloor (); }; bool P_CreateFloor(sector_t *sec, DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, double speed, double height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush, bool hereticlower); bool EV_BuildStairs (int tag, DFloor::EStair type, line_t *line, double stairsize, double speed, int delay, int reset, int igntxt, int usespecials); bool EV_DoFloor(DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush, bool hereticlower = false); bool EV_FloorCrushStop (int tag); bool EV_DoDonut (int tag, line_t *line, double pillarspeed, double slimespeed); class DElevator : public DMover { DECLARE_CLASS (DElevator, DMover) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: enum EElevator { elevateUp, elevateDown, elevateCurrent, // [RH] For FloorAndCeiling_Raise/Lower elevateRaise, elevateLower }; DElevator (sector_t *sec); void Destroy() override; void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void Tick (); protected: EElevator m_Type; int m_Direction; double m_FloorDestDist; double m_CeilingDestDist; double m_Speed; TObjPtr m_Interp_Ceiling; TObjPtr m_Interp_Floor; void StartFloorSound (); friend bool EV_DoElevator (line_t *line, DElevator::EElevator type, double speed, double height, int tag); private: DElevator (); }; bool EV_DoElevator (line_t *line, DElevator::EElevator type, double speed, double height, int tag); class DWaggleBase : public DMover { DECLARE_CLASS (DWaggleBase, DMover) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: DWaggleBase (sector_t *sec); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); protected: double m_OriginalDist; double m_Accumulator; double m_AccDelta; double m_TargetScale; double m_Scale; double m_ScaleDelta; int m_Ticker; int m_State; friend bool EV_StartWaggle (int tag, line_t *line, int height, int speed, int offset, int timer, bool ceiling); void DoWaggle (bool ceiling); DWaggleBase (); }; bool EV_StartWaggle (int tag, line_t *line, int height, int speed, int offset, int timer, bool ceiling); class DFloorWaggle : public DWaggleBase { DECLARE_CLASS (DFloorWaggle, DWaggleBase) public: DFloorWaggle (sector_t *sec); void Tick (); private: DFloorWaggle (); }; class DCeilingWaggle : public DWaggleBase { DECLARE_CLASS (DCeilingWaggle, DWaggleBase) public: DCeilingWaggle (sector_t *sec); void Tick (); private: DCeilingWaggle (); }; //jff 3/15/98 pure texture/type change for better generalized support enum EChange { trigChangeOnly, numChangeOnly, }; bool EV_DoChange (line_t *line, EChange changetype, int tag); // // P_TELEPT // enum { TELF_DESTFOG = 1, TELF_SOURCEFOG = 2, TELF_KEEPORIENTATION = 4, TELF_KEEPVELOCITY = 8, TELF_KEEPHEIGHT = 16, TELF_ROTATEBOOM = 32, TELF_ROTATEBOOMINVERSE = 64, }; //Spawns teleport fog. Pass the actor to pluck TeleFogFromType and TeleFogToType. 'from' determines if this is the fog to spawn at the old position (true) or new (false). void P_SpawnTeleportFog(AActor *mobj, const DVector3 &pos, bool beforeTele = true, bool setTarget = false); bool P_Teleport(AActor *thing, DVector3 pos, DAngle angle, int flags); bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int flags); bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBOOL reverse); bool EV_TeleportOther (int other_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog); bool EV_TeleportGroup (int group_tid, AActor *victim, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool moveSource, bool fog); bool EV_TeleportSector (int tag, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog, int group_tid); // // [RH] ACS (see also p_acs.h) // #define ACS_BACKSIDE 1 #define ACS_ALWAYS 2 #define ACS_WANTRESULT 4 #define ACS_NET 8 int P_StartScript (AActor *who, line_t *where, int script, const char *map, const int *args, int argcount, int flags); void P_SuspendScript (int script, const char *map); void P_TerminateScript (int script, const char *map); void P_DoDeferedScripts (void); // // [RH] p_quake.c // bool P_StartQuakeXYZ(AActor *activator, int tid, int intensityX, int intensityY, int intensityZ, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, FSoundID quakesfx, int flags, double waveSpeedX, double waveSpeedY, double waveSpeedZ, int falloff, int highpoint, double rollIntensity, double rollWave); bool P_StartQuake(AActor *activator, int tid, int intensity, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, FSoundID quakesfx); #endif