//=========================================================================== // // Boss Brain // //=========================================================================== class BossBrain : Actor { Default { Health 250; Mass 10000000; PainChance 255; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOICEDEATH +OLDRADIUSDMG PainSound "brain/pain"; DeathSound "brain/death"; } States { Spawn: BBRN A -1; Stop; Pain: BBRN B 36 A_BrainPain; Goto Spawn; Death: BBRN A 100 A_BrainScream; BBRN AA 10; BBRN A -1 A_BrainDie; Stop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Boss Eye // //=========================================================================== class BossEye : Actor { Default { Height 32; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOSECTOR } States { Spawn: SSWV A 10 A_Look; Loop; See: SSWV A 181 A_BrainAwake; SSWV A 150 A_BrainSpit; Wait; } } //=========================================================================== // // Boss Target // //=========================================================================== class BossTarget : SpecialSpot { Default { Height 32; +NOBLOCKMAP; +NOSECTOR; } } //=========================================================================== // // Spawn shot // //=========================================================================== class SpawnShot : Actor { Default { Radius 6; Height 32; Speed 10; Damage 3; Projectile; +NOCLIP -ACTIVATEPCROSS +RANDOMIZE SeeSound "brain/spit"; DeathSound "brain/cubeboom"; } States { Spawn: BOSF A 3 BRIGHT A_SpawnSound; BOSF BCD 3 BRIGHT A_SpawnFly; Loop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Spawn fire // //=========================================================================== class SpawnFire : Actor { Default { Height 78; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; } States { Spawn: FIRE ABCDEFGH 4 Bright A_Fire; Stop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to Actor) // //=========================================================================== extend class Actor { void A_BrainAwake() { A_PlaySound("brain/sight", CHAN_VOICE, 1, false, ATTN_NONE); } void A_BrainPain() { A_PlaySound("brain/pain", CHAN_VOICE, 1, false, ATTN_NONE); } private static void BrainishExplosion(vector3 pos) { Actor boom = Actor.Spawn("Rocket", pos, NO_REPLACE); if (boom) { boom.DeathSound = "misc/brainexplode"; boom.Vel.z = random[BrainScream](0, 255)/128.; boom.SetStateLabel ("Brainexplode"); boom.bRocketTrail = false; boom.SetDamage(0); // disables collision detection which is not wanted here boom.tics -= random[BrainScream](0, 7); if (boom.tics < 1) boom.tics = 1; } } void A_BrainScream() { for (double x = -196; x < +320; x += 8) { // (1 / 512.) is actually what the original value of 128 did, even though it probably meant 128 map units. BrainishExplosion(Vec2OffsetZ(x, -320, (1 / 512.) + random[BrainExplode](0, 255) * 2)); } A_PlaySound("brain/death", CHAN_VOICE, 1, false, ATTN_NONE); } void A_BrainExplode() { double x = random2[BrainExplode]() / 32.; Vector3 pos = Vec2OffsetZ(x, 0, 1 / 512. + random[BrainExplode]() * 2); BrainishExplosion(pos); } void A_BrainDie() { // [RH] If noexit, then don't end the level. if ((deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags) && sv_noexit) return; // New dmflag: Kill all boss spawned monsters before ending the level. if (sv_killbossmonst) { int count; // Repeat until we have no more boss-spawned monsters. ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("Actor"); do // (e.g. Pain Elementals can spawn more to kill upon death.) { Actor mo; it.Reinit(); count = 0; while (mo = Actor(it.Next())) { if (mo.health > 0 && mo.bBossSpawned) { mo.DamageMobj(self, self, mo.health, "None", DMG_NO_ARMOR|DMG_FORCED|DMG_THRUSTLESS|DMG_NO_FACTOR); // [Blue Shadow] If 'mo' is a RandomSpawner or another actor which can't be killed, // it could cause this code to loop indefinitely. So only let it trigger a loop if it // has been actually killed. if (mo.bKilled) count++; } } } while (count != 0); } Exit_Normal(0); } void A_BrainSpit(class<Actor> spawntype = null) { SpotState spstate = SpotState.GetSpotState(); Actor targ; Actor spit; bool isdefault = false; // shoot a cube at current target targ = spstate.GetNextInList("BossTarget", G_SkillPropertyInt(SKILLP_EasyBossBrain)); if (targ) { if (spawntype == null) { spawntype = "SpawnShot"; isdefault = true; } // spawn brain missile spit = SpawnMissile (targ, spawntype); if (spit) { // Boss cubes should move freely to their destination so it's // probably best to disable all collision detection for them. spit.bNoInteraction = spit.bNoClip; spit.target = targ; spit.master = self; // [RH] Do this correctly for any trajectory. Doom would divide by 0 // if the target had the same y coordinate as the spitter. if (spit.Vel.xy == (0, 0)) { spit.special2 = 0; } else if (abs(spit.Vel.y) > abs(spit.Vel.x)) { spit.special2 = int((targ.pos.y - pos.y) / spit.Vel.y); } else { spit.special2 = int((targ.pos.x - pos.x) / spit.Vel.x); } // [GZ] Calculates when the projectile will have reached destination spit.special2 += level.maptime; spit.bBossCube = true; } if (!isdefault) { A_PlaySound(self.AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON, 1., false, ATTN_NONE); } else { // compatibility fallback A_PlaySound("brain/spit", CHAN_WEAPON, 1., false, ATTN_NONE); } } } private void SpawnFly(class<Actor> spawntype, sound snd) { Actor newmobj; Actor fog; Actor eye = master; // The eye is the spawnshot's master, not the target! Actor targ = target; // Unlike other projectiles, the target is the intended destination. int r; if (targ == null) { Destroy(); return; } // [GZ] Should be more viable than a countdown... if (special2 != 0) { if (special2 > level.maptime) return; // still flying } else { if (reactiontime == 0 || --reactiontime != 0) return; // still flying } if (spawntype) { fog = Spawn (spawntype, targ.pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (fog) A_PlaySound(snd, CHAN_BODY); } class<Actor> SpawnName = null; DropItem di; // di will be our drop item list iterator DropItem drop; // while drop stays as the reference point. int n = 0; // First see if this cube has its own actor list drop = GetDropItems(); // If not, then default back to its master's list if (drop == null && eye != null) drop = eye.GetDropItems(); if (drop != null) { for (di = drop; di != null; di = di.Next) { if (di.Name != 'None') { int amt = di.Amount; if (amt < 0) { amt = 1; // default value is -1, we need a positive value. } n += amt; // this is how we can weight the list. } } di = drop; n = random[pr_spawnfly](0, n); while (n >= 0) { if (di.Name != 'none') { int amt = di.Amount; if (amt < 0) { amt = 1; } n -= amt; } if ((di.Next != null) && (n >= 0)) { di = di.Next; } else { n = -1; } } SpawnName = di.Name; } if (SpawnName == null) { // Randomly select monster to spawn. r = random[pr_spawnfly](0, 255); // Probability distribution (kind of :), // decreasing likelihood. if (r < 50) SpawnName = "DoomImp"; else if (r < 90) SpawnName = "Demon"; else if (r < 120) SpawnName = "Spectre"; else if (r < 130) SpawnName = "PainElemental"; else if (r < 160) SpawnName = "Cacodemon"; else if (r < 162) SpawnName = "Archvile"; else if (r < 172) SpawnName = "Revenant"; else if (r < 192) SpawnName = "Arachnotron"; else if (r < 222) SpawnName = "Fatso"; else if (r < 246) SpawnName = "HellKnight"; else SpawnName = "BaronOfHell"; } if (spawnname != null) { newmobj = Spawn (spawnname, targ.pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (newmobj != null) { // Make the new monster hate what the boss eye hates if (eye != null) { newmobj.CopyFriendliness (eye, false); } // Make it act as if it was around when the player first made noise // (if the player has made noise). newmobj.LastHeard = newmobj.CurSector.SoundTarget; if (newmobj.SeeState != null && newmobj.LookForPlayers (true)) { newmobj.SetState (newmobj.SeeState); } if (!newmobj.bDestroyed) { // telefrag anything in this spot newmobj.TeleportMove (newmobj.pos, true); } newmobj.bBossSpawned = true; } } // remove self (i.e., cube). Destroy (); } void A_SpawnFly(class<Actor> spawntype = null) { sound snd; if (spawntype != null) { snd = GetDefaultByType(spawntype).SeeSound; } else { spawntype = "SpawnFire"; snd = "brain/spawn"; } SpawnFly(spawntype, snd); } void A_SpawnSound() { // travelling cube sound A_PlaySound("brain/cube", CHAN_BODY); SpawnFly("SpawnFire", "brain/spawn"); } }