class BaseStatusBar native ui { enum EPop { POP_NoChange = -1, POP_None, POP_Log, POP_Keys, POP_Status } // Status face stuff enum EMug { ST_NUMPAINFACES = 5, ST_NUMSTRAIGHTFACES = 3, ST_NUMTURNFACES = 2, ST_NUMSPECIALFACES = 3, ST_NUMEXTRAFACES = 2, ST_FACESTRIDE = ST_NUMSTRAIGHTFACES+ST_NUMTURNFACES+ST_NUMSPECIALFACES, ST_NUMFACES = ST_FACESTRIDE*ST_NUMPAINFACES+ST_NUMEXTRAFACES, ST_TURNOFFSET = ST_NUMSTRAIGHTFACES, ST_OUCHOFFSET = ST_TURNOFFSET + ST_NUMTURNFACES, ST_EVILGRINOFFSET = ST_OUCHOFFSET + 1, ST_RAMPAGEOFFSET = ST_EVILGRINOFFSET + 1, ST_GODFACE = ST_NUMPAINFACES*ST_FACESTRIDE, ST_DEADFACE = ST_GODFACE + 1 } enum EHudState { HUD_StatusBar, HUD_Fullscreen, HUD_None, HUD_AltHud // Used for passing through popups to the alt hud } enum EHudDraw { HUD_Normal, HUD_HorizCenter } const XHAIRSHRINKSIZE =(1./18); const XHAIRPICKUPSIZE = (2+XHAIRSHRINKSIZE); native int ST_X, ST_Y; native int RelTop; native int HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution; native bool Scaled; native bool Centering; native bool FixedOrigin; native bool CompleteBorder; native double CrosshairSize; native double Displacement; native PlayerInfo CPlayer; virtual void Init() {} native virtual void SetScaled(bool scale, bool force = false); native virtual void Tick (); native virtual void Draw (int state, double TicFrac); virtual void FlashItem (class itemtype) {} native virtual void AttachToPlayer (PlayerInfo player); virtual void FlashCrosshair () { CrosshairSize = XHAIRPICKUPSIZE; } virtual void NewGame () {} native virtual void ScreenSizeChanged (); native virtual void ShowPop (int popnum); native virtual clearscope void ReceivedWeapon (Weapon weapn); virtual bool MustDrawLog(int state) { return true; } // native virtual void SetMugShotState (String state_name, bool wait_till_done=false, bool reset=false); later - at the moment the backing code is not accessible from the script side. native void RefreshBackground () const; native Inventory, Inventory, int, int GetCurrentAmmo () const; native Inventory ValidateInvFirst (int numVisible) const; }