#pragma once #ifndef DIRECTDRAW_VERSION #define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0300 #endif #ifndef DIRECT3D_VERSION #define DIRECT3D_VERSION 0x0900 #endif #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #define SAFE_RELEASE(x) { if (x != NULL) { x->Release(); x = NULL; } } extern HANDLE FPSLimitEvent; class DDrawFB : public BaseWinFB { DECLARE_CLASS(DDrawFB, BaseWinFB) public: DDrawFB (int width, int height, bool fullscreen); ~DDrawFB (); bool IsValid (); bool Lock (bool buffer); void Unlock (); void ForceBuffering (bool force); void Update (); PalEntry *GetPalette (); void GetFlashedPalette (PalEntry pal[256]); void UpdatePalette (); bool SetGamma (float gamma); bool SetFlash (PalEntry rgb, int amount); void GetFlash (PalEntry &rgb, int &amount); int GetPageCount (); int QueryNewPalette (); void PaletteChanged (); void SetVSync (bool vsync); void NewRefreshRate(); HRESULT GetHR (); bool Is8BitMode(); virtual int GetTrueHeight() { return TrueHeight; } void Blank (); bool PaintToWindow (); private: enum LockSurfRes { NoGood, Good, GoodWasLost }; bool CreateResources (); void ReleaseResources (); bool CreateSurfacesAttached (); bool CreateSurfacesComplex (); bool CreateBlitterSource (); LockSurfRes LockSurf (LPRECT lockrect, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE surf); void RebuildColorTable (); void MaybeCreatePalette (); bool AddBackBuf (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *surface, int num); HRESULT AttemptRestore (); HRESULT LastHR; BYTE GammaTable[3][256]; PalEntry SourcePalette[256]; PALETTEENTRY PalEntries[256]; DWORD FlipFlags; LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE Palette; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE PrimarySurf; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE BackSurf; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE BackSurf2; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE BlitSurf; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE LockingSurf; LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER Clipper; HPALETTE GDIPalette; DWORD ClipSize; PalEntry Flash; int FlashAmount; int BufferCount; int BufferPitch; int TrueHeight; int PixelDoubling; float Gamma; bool NeedGammaUpdate; bool NeedPalUpdate; bool NeedResRecreate; bool PaletteChangeExpected; bool MustBuffer; // The screen is not 8-bit, or there is no backbuffer bool BufferingNow; // Most recent Lock was buffered bool WasBuffering; // Second most recent Lock was buffered bool Write8bit; bool UpdatePending; // On final unlock, call Update() bool UseBlitter; // Use blitter to copy from sys mem to video mem bool UsePfx; DDrawFB() {} }; class D3DFB : public BaseWinFB { DECLARE_CLASS(D3DFB, BaseWinFB) public: D3DFB (UINT adapter, int width, int height, bool fullscreen); ~D3DFB (); bool IsValid (); bool Lock (bool buffered); void Unlock (); void Update (); void Flip (); PalEntry *GetPalette (); void GetFlashedPalette (PalEntry palette[256]); void UpdatePalette (); bool SetGamma (float gamma); bool SetFlash (PalEntry rgb, int amount); void GetFlash (PalEntry &rgb, int &amount); int GetPageCount (); bool IsFullscreen (); void PaletteChanged (); int QueryNewPalette (); void Blank (); bool PaintToWindow (); void SetVSync (bool vsync); void NewRefreshRate(); void GetScreenshotBuffer(const BYTE *&buffer, int &pitch, ESSType &color_type); void ReleaseScreenshotBuffer(); void SetBlendingRect (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); bool Begin2D (bool copy3d); void DrawBlendingRect (); FNativeTexture *CreateTexture (FTexture *gametex, bool wrapping); FNativePalette *CreatePalette (FRemapTable *remap); void DrawTextureParms (FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms); void Clear (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int palcolor, uint32 color); void Dim (PalEntry color, float amount, int x1, int y1, int w, int h); void FlatFill (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bool local_origin); void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int palColor, uint32 realcolor); void DrawPixel(int x, int y, int palcolor, uint32 rgbcolor); void FillSimplePoly(FTexture *tex, FVector2 *points, int npoints, double originx, double originy, double scalex, double scaley, DAngle rotation, FDynamicColormap *colormap, PalEntry flatcolor, int lightlevel, int bottomclip) override; bool WipeStartScreen(int type); void WipeEndScreen(); bool WipeDo(int ticks); void WipeCleanup(); HRESULT GetHR (); bool Is8BitMode() { return false; } virtual int GetTrueHeight() { return TrueHeight; } private: friend class D3DTex; friend class D3DPal; struct PackedTexture; struct Atlas; struct FBVERTEX { FLOAT x, y, z, rhw; D3DCOLOR color0, color1; FLOAT tu, tv; }; #define D3DFVF_FBVERTEX (D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR | D3DFVF_TEX1) struct BufferedTris { union { struct { BYTE Flags; BYTE ShaderNum:4; BYTE BlendOp:4; BYTE SrcBlend, DestBlend; }; DWORD Group1; }; BYTE Desat; D3DPal *Palette; IDirect3DTexture9 *Texture; int NumVerts; // Number of _unique_ vertices used by this set. int NumTris; // Number of triangles used by this set. }; enum { PSCONST_Desaturation = 1, PSCONST_PaletteMod = 2, PSCONST_Weights = 6, PSCONST_Gamma = 7, }; enum { SHADER_NormalColor, SHADER_NormalColorPal, SHADER_NormalColorInv, SHADER_NormalColorPalInv, SHADER_RedToAlpha, SHADER_RedToAlphaInv, SHADER_VertexColor, SHADER_SpecialColormap, SHADER_SpecialColormapPal, SHADER_InGameColormap, SHADER_InGameColormapDesat, SHADER_InGameColormapInv, SHADER_InGameColormapInvDesat, SHADER_InGameColormapPal, SHADER_InGameColormapPalDesat, SHADER_InGameColormapPalInv, SHADER_InGameColormapPalInvDesat, SHADER_BurnWipe, SHADER_GammaCorrection, NUM_SHADERS }; static const char *const ShaderNames[NUM_SHADERS]; void SetInitialState(); bool CreateResources(); void ReleaseResources(); bool LoadShaders(); void CreateBlockSurfaces(); bool CreateFBTexture(); bool CreatePaletteTexture(); bool CreateGammaTexture(); bool CreateVertexes(); void DoOffByOneCheck(); void UploadPalette(); void UpdateGammaTexture(float igamma); void FillPresentParameters (D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pp, bool fullscreen, bool vsync); void CalcFullscreenCoords (FBVERTEX verts[4], bool viewarea_only, bool can_double, D3DCOLOR color0, D3DCOLOR color1) const; bool Reset(); IDirect3DTexture9 *GetCurrentScreen(D3DPOOL pool=D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM); void ReleaseDefaultPoolItems(); void KillNativePals(); void KillNativeTexs(); PackedTexture *AllocPackedTexture(int width, int height, bool wrapping, D3DFORMAT format); void DrawPackedTextures(int packnum); void DrawLetterbox(); void Draw3DPart(bool copy3d); bool SetStyle(D3DTex *tex, DrawParms &parms, D3DCOLOR &color0, D3DCOLOR &color1, BufferedTris &quad); static D3DBLEND GetStyleAlpha(int type); static void SetColorOverlay(DWORD color, float alpha, D3DCOLOR &color0, D3DCOLOR &color1); void DoWindowedGamma(); void AddColorOnlyQuad(int left, int top, int width, int height, D3DCOLOR color); void AddColorOnlyRect(int left, int top, int width, int height, D3DCOLOR color); void CheckQuadBatch(int numtris=2, int numverts=4); void BeginQuadBatch(); void EndQuadBatch(); void BeginLineBatch(); void EndLineBatch(); void EndBatch(); void CopyNextFrontBuffer(); D3DCAPS9 DeviceCaps; // State void EnableAlphaTest(BOOL enabled); void SetAlphaBlend(D3DBLENDOP op, D3DBLEND srcblend=D3DBLEND(0), D3DBLEND destblend=D3DBLEND(0)); void SetConstant(int cnum, float r, float g, float b, float a); void SetPixelShader(IDirect3DPixelShader9 *shader); void SetTexture(int tnum, IDirect3DTexture9 *texture); void SetPaletteTexture(IDirect3DTexture9 *texture, int count, D3DCOLOR border_color); void SetPalTexBilinearConstants(Atlas *texture); BOOL AlphaTestEnabled; BOOL AlphaBlendEnabled; D3DBLENDOP AlphaBlendOp; D3DBLEND AlphaSrcBlend; D3DBLEND AlphaDestBlend; float Constant[3][4]; D3DCOLOR CurBorderColor; IDirect3DPixelShader9 *CurPixelShader; IDirect3DTexture9 *Texture[5]; PalEntry SourcePalette[256]; D3DCOLOR BorderColor; D3DCOLOR FlashColor0, FlashColor1; PalEntry FlashColor; int FlashAmount; int TrueHeight; int PixelDoubling; int SkipAt; int LBOffsetI; int RenderTextureToggle; int CurrRenderTexture; float LBOffset; float Gamma; bool UpdatePending; bool NeedPalUpdate; bool NeedGammaUpdate; int FBWidth, FBHeight; bool VSync; RECT BlendingRect; int In2D; bool InScene; bool SM14; bool GatheringWipeScreen; bool AALines; BYTE BlockNum; D3DPal *Palettes; D3DTex *Textures; Atlas *Atlases; HRESULT LastHR; UINT Adapter; IDirect3DDevice9 *D3DDevice; IDirect3DTexture9 *FBTexture; IDirect3DTexture9 *TempRenderTexture, *RenderTexture[2]; IDirect3DTexture9 *PaletteTexture; IDirect3DTexture9 *GammaTexture; IDirect3DTexture9 *ScreenshotTexture; IDirect3DSurface9 *ScreenshotSurface; IDirect3DSurface9 *FrontCopySurface; IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *VertexBuffer; FBVERTEX *VertexData; IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 *IndexBuffer; uint16_t *IndexData; BufferedTris *QuadExtra; int VertexPos; int IndexPos; int QuadBatchPos; enum { BATCH_None, BATCH_Quads, BATCH_Lines } BatchType; IDirect3DPixelShader9 *Shaders[NUM_SHADERS]; IDirect3DPixelShader9 *GammaShader; IDirect3DSurface9 *BlockSurface[2]; IDirect3DSurface9 *OldRenderTarget; IDirect3DTexture9 *InitialWipeScreen, *FinalWipeScreen; D3DFB() {} class Wiper { public: virtual ~Wiper(); virtual bool Run(int ticks, D3DFB *fb) = 0; void DrawScreen(D3DFB *fb, IDirect3DTexture9 *tex, D3DBLENDOP blendop=D3DBLENDOP(0), D3DCOLOR color0=0, D3DCOLOR color1=0xFFFFFFF); }; class Wiper_Melt; friend class Wiper_Melt; class Wiper_Burn; friend class Wiper_Burn; class Wiper_Crossfade; friend class Wiper_Crossfade; Wiper *ScreenWipe; }; // Flags for a buffered quad enum { BQF_GamePalette = 1, BQF_CustomPalette = 7, BQF_Paletted = 7, BQF_Bilinear = 8, BQF_WrapUV = 16, BQF_InvertSource = 32, BQF_DisableAlphaTest= 64, BQF_Desaturated = 128, }; // Shaders for a buffered quad enum { BQS_PalTex, BQS_Plain, BQS_RedToAlpha, BQS_ColorOnly, BQS_SpecialColormap, BQS_InGameColormap, }; #if 0 #define STARTLOG do { if (!dbg) dbg = fopen ("e:/vid.log", "w"); } while(0) #define STOPLOG do { if (dbg) { fclose (dbg); dbg=NULL; } } while(0) #define LOG(x) do { if (dbg) { fprintf (dbg, x); fflush (dbg); } } while(0) #define LOG1(x,y) do { if (dbg) { fprintf (dbg, x, y); fflush (dbg); } } while(0) #define LOG2(x,y,z) do { if (dbg) { fprintf (dbg, x, y, z); fflush (dbg); } } while(0) #define LOG3(x,y,z,zz) do { if (dbg) { fprintf (dbg, x, y, z, zz); fflush (dbg); } } while(0) #define LOG4(x,y,z,a,b) do { if (dbg) { fprintf (dbg, x, y, z, a, b); fflush (dbg); } } while(0) #define LOG5(x,y,z,a,b,c) do { if (dbg) { fprintf (dbg, x, y, z, a, b, c); fflush (dbg); } } while(0) extern FILE *dbg; #define VID_FILE_DEBUG 1 #elif _DEBUG && 0 #define STARTLOG #define STOPLOG #define LOG(x) { OutputDebugString(x); } #define LOG1(x,y) { char poo[1024]; mysnprintf(poo, countof(poo), x, y); OutputDebugString(poo); } #define LOG2(x,y,z) { char poo[1024]; mysnprintf(poo, countof(poo), x, y, z); OutputDebugString(poo); } #define LOG3(x,y,z,zz) { char poo[1024]; mysnprintf(poo, countof(poo), x, y, z, zz); OutputDebugString(poo); } #define LOG4(x,y,z,a,b) { char poo[1024]; mysnprintf(poo, countof(poo), x, y, z, a, b); OutputDebugString(poo); } #define LOG5(x,y,z,a,b,c) { char poo[1024]; mysnprintf(poo, countof(poo), x, y, z, a, b, c); OutputDebugString(poo); } #else #define STARTLOG #define STOPLOG #define LOG(x) #define LOG1(x,y) #define LOG2(x,y,z) #define LOG3(x,y,z,zz) #define LOG4(x,y,z,a,b) #define LOG5(x,y,z,a,b,c) #endif