// The Mage's Lightning Arc of Death ---------------------------------------- class MWeapLightning : MageWeapon { Default { +NOGRAVITY Weapon.SelectionOrder 1100; Weapon.AmmoUse1 5; Weapon.AmmoGive1 25; Weapon.KickBack 0; Weapon.YAdjust 20; Weapon.AmmoType1 "Mana2"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_WEAPON_M3"; Tag "$TAG_MWEAPLIGHTNING"; } States { Spawn: WMLG ABCDEFGH 4 Bright; Loop; Select: MLNG A 1 Bright A_Raise; Loop; Deselect: MLNG A 1 Bright A_Lower; Loop; Ready: MLNG AAAAA 1 Bright A_WeaponReady; MLNG A 1 Bright A_LightningReady; MLNG BBBBBB 1 Bright A_WeaponReady; MLNG CCCCC 1 Bright A_WeaponReady; MLNG C 1 Bright A_LightningReady; MLNG BBBBBB 1 Bright A_WeaponReady; Loop; Fire: MLNG DE 3 Bright; MLNG F 4 Bright A_MLightningAttack; MLNG G 4 Bright; MLNG HI 3 Bright; MLNG I 6 Bright Offset (0, 199); MLNG C 2 Bright Offset (0, 55); MLNG B 2 Bright Offset (0, 50); MLNG B 2 Bright Offset (0, 45); MLNG B 2 Bright Offset (0, 40); Goto Ready; } //============================================================================ // // A_LightningReady // //============================================================================ action void A_LightningReady() { A_WeaponReady(); if (random[LightningReady]() < 160) { A_PlaySound ("MageLightningReady", CHAN_WEAPON); } } //============================================================================ // // A_MLightningAttack // //============================================================================ action void A_MLightningAttack(class<Actor> floor = "LightningFloor", class<Actor> ceiling = "LightningCeiling") { LightningFloor fmo = LightningFloor(SpawnPlayerMissile (floor)); LightningCeiling cmo = LightningCeiling(SpawnPlayerMissile (ceiling)); if (fmo) { fmo.special1 = 0; fmo.lastenemy = cmo; fmo.A_LightningZap(); } if (cmo) { cmo.tracer = NULL; cmo.lastenemy = fmo; cmo.A_LightningZap(); } A_PlaySound ("MageLightningFire", CHAN_BODY); if (player != NULL) { Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire); } } } } // Ceiling Lightning -------------------------------------------------------- class Lightning : Actor { Default { MissileType "LightningZap"; AttackSound "MageLightningZap"; ActiveSound "MageLightningContinuous"; Obituary "$OB_MPMWEAPLIGHTNING"; } override int SpecialMissileHit (Actor thing) { if (thing.bShootable && thing != target) { if (thing.Mass < LARGE_MASS) { thing.Vel.X += Vel.X / 16; thing.Vel.Y += Vel.Y / 16; } if ((!thing.player && !thing.bBoss) || !(level.time&1)) { thing.DamageMobj(self, target, 3, 'Electric'); A_PlaySound(AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON|CHAN_NOSTOP, 1, false); if (thing.bIsMonster && random[LightningHit]() < 64) { thing.Howl (); } } health--; if (health <= 0 || thing.health <= 0) { return 0; } if (bFloorHugger) { if (lastenemy && ! lastenemy.tracer) { lastenemy.tracer = thing; } } else if (!tracer) { tracer = thing; } } return 1; // lightning zaps through all sprites } } class LightningCeiling : Lightning { const ZAGSPEED = 1; Default { Health 144; Speed 25; Radius 16; Height 40; Damage 8; Projectile; +CEILINGHUGGER RenderStyle "Add"; } States { Spawn: MLFX A 2 Bright A_LightningZap; MLFX BCD 2 Bright A_LightningClip; Loop; Death: MLF2 A 2 Bright A_LightningRemove; MLF2 BCDEKLM 3 Bright; ACLO E 35; MLF2 NO 3 Bright; MLF2 P 4 Bright; MLF2 QP 3 Bright; MLF2 Q 4 Bright; MLF2 P 3 Bright; MLF2 O 3 Bright; MLF2 P 3 Bright; MLF2 P 1 Bright A_HideThing; ACLO E 1050; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_LightningClip // //============================================================================ void A_LightningClip() { Actor cMo; Actor target = NULL; int zigZag; if (bFloorHugger) { if (lastenemy == NULL) { return; } SetZ(floorz); target = lastenemy.tracer; } else if (bCeilingHugger) { SetZ(ceilingz - Height); target = tracer; } if (bFloorHugger) { // floor lightning zig-zags, and forces the ceiling lightning to mimic cMo = lastenemy; zigZag = random[LightningClip](); if((zigZag > 128 && special1 < 2) || special1 < -2) { Thrust(ZAGSPEED, angle + 90); if(cMo) { cMo.Thrust(ZAGSPEED, angle + 90); } special1++; } else { Thrust(ZAGSPEED,angle - 90); if(cMo) { cMo.Thrust(ZAGSPEED, angle - 90); } special1--; } } if(target) { if(target.health <= 0) { ExplodeMissile(); } else { angle = AngleTo(target); VelFromAngle(Speed / 2); } } } //============================================================================ // // A_LightningZap // //============================================================================ void A_LightningZap() { Class<Actor> lightning = MissileName; if (lightning == NULL) lightning = "LightningZap"; A_LightningClip(); health -= 8; if (health <= 0) { SetStateLabel ("Death"); return; } double deltaX = (random[LightningZap]() - 128) * radius / 256; double deltaY = (random[LightningZap]() - 128) * radius / 256; double deltaZ = (bFloorHugger) ? 10 : -10; Actor mo = Spawn(lightning, Vec3Offset(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.lastenemy = self; mo.Vel.X = Vel.X; mo.Vel.Y = Vel.Y; mo.Vel.Z = (bFloorHugger) ? 20 : -20; mo.target = target; } if (bFloorHugger && random[LightningZap]() < 160) { A_PlaySound (ActiveSound, CHAN_BODY); } } //============================================================================ // // A_LightningRemove // //============================================================================ void A_LightningRemove() { Actor mo = lastenemy; if (mo) { bNoTarget = true; // tell A_ZapMimic that we are dead. The original code did a state pointer compare which is not safe. mo.lastenemy = NULL; mo.ExplodeMissile (); } } } // Floor Lightning ---------------------------------------------------------- class LightningFloor : LightningCeiling { Default { -CEILINGHUGGER +FLOORHUGGER RenderStyle "Add"; } States { Spawn: MLFX E 2 Bright A_LightningZap; MLFX FGH 2 Bright A_LightningClip; Loop; Death: MLF2 F 2 Bright A_LightningRemove; MLF2 GHIJKLM 3 Bright; ACLO E 20; MLF2 NO 3 Bright; MLF2 P 4 Bright; MLF2 QP 3 Bright; MLF2 Q 4 Bright A_LastZap; MLF2 POP 3 Bright; MLF2 P 1 Bright A_HideThing; Goto Super::Death + 19; } //============================================================================ // // A_LastZap // //============================================================================ void A_LastZap() { Class<Actor> lightning = MissileName; if (lightning == NULL) lightning = "LightningZap"; Actor mo = Spawn(lightning, self.Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.SetStateLabel ("Death"); mo.Vel.Z = 40; mo.SetDamage(0); } } } // Lightning Zap ------------------------------------------------------------ class LightningZap : Actor { Default { Radius 15; Height 35; Damage 2; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS RenderStyle "Add"; Obituary "$OB_MPMWEAPLIGHTNING"; } States { Spawn: MLFX IJKLM 2 Bright A_ZapMimic; Loop; Death: MLFX NOPQRSTU 2 Bright; Stop; } override int SpecialMissileHit (Actor thing) { Actor lmo; if (thing.bShootable && thing != target) { lmo = lastenemy; if (lmo) { if (lmo.bFloorHugger) { if (lmo.lastenemy && !lmo.lastenemy.tracer) { lmo.lastenemy.tracer = thing; } } else if (!lmo.tracer) { lmo.tracer = thing; } if (!(level.time&3)) { lmo.health--; } } } return -1; } //============================================================================ // // A_ZapMimic // //============================================================================ void A_ZapMimic() { Actor mo = lastenemy; if (mo) { if (mo.bNoTarget) { ExplodeMissile (); } else { Vel.X = mo.Vel.X; Vel.Y = mo.Vel.Y; } } } }