- TF_KEEPVELOCITY: Keep the velocity after teleporting.
- TF_KEEPANGLE: Don't use the special spot's angle.
- TF_USESPOTZ: Normally, this function
- TF_NOSRCFOG: Don't leave fog at the previous location.
- TF_NODESTFOG: Don't leave fog at the arriving location.
- TF_USEACTORFOG: Use the actor's TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType properties.
- TF_NOJUMP: Don't require or cause a jump. In this case, put 0 (or "") in for the jump destination when using CustomInventory items to teleport actors around.
- Instead of reverting the teleport fog back to defaults, if there wasn't a class or if the class failed to be found, set it to NULL.
- P_SpawnTeleportFog will not spawn anything if it's NULL.
- Added "" so it can be used to mean 'don't change anything' for A_SetTeleFog.
- New properties include TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType.
- TeleFogSourceType is the fog left behind where the actor teleported away from.
- TeleFogDestType is the fog the actor sees when it arrives at its destination.
- Added A_SetTeleFog(<oldpos>,<newpos>) -- oldpos sets TeleFogSourceType, newpos sets TeleFogDestType.
- An actor that causes A_CheckLOF (and only an actor) to succeed will set the intercepting actor as its target, master, and/or tracer, respectively.
- Added more resolutions to the hard coded table (up to 5K).
- Since we're using scaling for fullscreen, we should probably just use the hard coded table for fullscreen resolutions as well.
- Fixed: Resolution menu used fake aspect ratio to determine which aspect to file a resolution under.
- Added a way to use SDL surface blitting instead of accelerated textures.
1) Don't show OSX_COCOA_BACKEND option if the host is not OSX;
2) Don't use the '-msse' compiler flag in dumb/ if the architecture does not support it.
- Improved international keyboard support by falling back to scan codes if we don't recognize a keycode.
- Clear out any residual mouse movement when entering relative mouse mode.
- A missile that dies hitting an actor will set this impacted actor as the new target/master/tracer, depending on specifications.
- THRUREFLECT prevents missiles from changing course if reflected, and takes precedence over all reflective flags.
- MIRRORREFLECT causes missiles to perform a direct 180 turn-around.
- AIMREFLECT turns the missile back to the original shooter, and does not slow the missile down.