Extra safety to ensure dummy Actor deaths properly emulate a real death and aren't duplicate called. Fixed a crash when using the kill command while set to unmorph on death. Super morphing is now possible while using the morphme cheat if passing the morph class directly. Added a flag to ignore player invulnerability completely when morphing.
Added getter and setter functions for handling whether or not the player fields should be gotten/set. Added MRF_KEEPARMOR flag to prevent stripping armor on morph. Optimized unmorphed Actor by setting it to NoInteraction and removing it from the blockmap and sector lists.
Players will now use their Alternative field to check if they're morphed instead of their MorphTics. This makes the current state of morphing more reliable, otherwise setting this to 0 manually without unmorphing could have very odd results. Both monsters and players consider 0 morph time to mean infinite now (previously this only applied to monsters). Player unmorphs no longer die in the case of a failed unmorph on death. Removed inventory swapping on player pointer substitution as it's too messy to do here.
Removed StaticPointerSubstitution in favor of a much safer function that only changes select pointers. As a result the ability to properly modify morphing has been opened back up to ZScript. Many missing virtual callbacks were amended and MorphedDeath has been reworked to only be called back on an actual morphed death. MorphedMonster is no longer required to morph an Actor. CheckUnmorph virtual added that gets called back on morphed Actors. Fixed numerous bugs related to morph behavior.
commit ad25b50089b6e01b8e4291e34cfe3a008af9128d
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:12:46 2024 -0500
Revert "Adding isometric camera mode with orthographic projection to current state of master branch of GZDoom."
This reverts commit d2c2c93cf1.
commit 8537f0d8db804f0076b90daa66b750e44dccf44c
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:12:41 2024 -0500
Revert "Changed all of the isometric functionality to mapinfo and playerinfo variables. Retained function of most of the CVars."
This reverts commit dc897eacc0.
commit d45f6ebf11f31d246f2de4f3bbd11f7970783125
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:10:21 2024 -0500
Revert "Restored r_orthographic behavior."
This reverts commit 26908f5bc5.
commit be0836feef9b95f12828eeed4319c726ef13780d
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:09:15 2024 -0500
Revert "Adding isometric camera mode with orthographic projection to current state of master branch of GZDoom."
This reverts commit 08b03e6b19.
commit 688288a9199b912203022cb4db37503f6270e0c3
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:09:06 2024 -0500
Revert "Changed all of the isometric functionality to mapinfo and playerinfo variables. Retained function of most of the CVars."
This reverts commit d3405837ce.
commit 72b7df9fa1841d665c2846dd31a89c6f48123e55
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:08:59 2024 -0500
Revert "Restored r_orthographic behavior."
This reverts commit e171f4eb6a.
commit aa954132bf29f2f8a51bf09dae127e5ffe2c5670
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:08:48 2024 -0500
Revert "Merged with latest master and made small change (zcenter -> center.Z) to hw_sprites.cpp. Now compiles and works."
This reverts commit c8a7507e8e.
commit 3ce90e87a3a9956b615995b57b90619e89bbcff4
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 12:00:46 2024 -0500
Revert "Cleaning up implementation of isometric camera with optional orthographic projection."
This reverts commit 25f1407228.
commit 3aafd363e40c8d1d2ebbe3c61aeb2b80a74e565a
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 11:59:25 2024 -0500
Revert "Small change to SpectatorCamera actor."
This reverts commit 2b555d7556.
commit a41911f8907731c098de71ca3e14261ac432ec8c
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 11:59:16 2024 -0500
Revert "SpectatorCamera can now follow the 'tracer' actor. Also added a 'lagdistance' property for lazy follow."
This reverts commit 7fbb4cd06c.
commit 19398edd065b7b483b8c7be42cb16026695e241a
Author: Rachael Alexanderson <madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri Feb 9 11:59:05 2024 -0500
Revert "Minor addition toe SpectatorCamera. Added three chase modes to lazy follow. 0: Catch up until tracer is centered again. 1: Same but don't move if tracer isn't moving (camera moving when character is not is jarring). 2: Stop chasing if tracer is closer than lagdistance. Game modes benefit from a 'center camera' button but that doesn't have to be hard-baked into the engine."
This reverts commit c3ca564cfc.
All CVars, mapinfo variables, and playerinfo/playerpawn variables are gone.
A Camera actor named 'SpectatorCamera' is defined in warsrc/static/zscript/actors/shared/camera.zs
The following new flag bits were defined in the 'DViewPosition' struct for use with actor->ViewPos in src/playsim/actor.h:
VPSF_ALLOWOUTOFBOUNDS = 1 << 3, // Allow viewpoint to go out of bounds (hardware renderer only).
VPSF_ORTHOGRAPHIC = 1 << 4, // Use orthographic projection.
VPSF_ISOMETRICSPRITES = 1 << 5, // Displace sprites towards camera and don't billboard (drawn from isometric perspective).
Basically, spawn a SpectatorCamera actor with the appropriate flags and set it to player.camera.
See example template: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fv8rytayjt9l6g1/isometric_actor_wads.zip/file
Has been tested with multiplayer death and disconnection (and respawns). Not tested with portals.
Still only works with hardware renderer (mostly). But should be compatible with older mods and libraries.
Localized functionality to an inventory function so that any item can make use of sharing. Added flag to avoid infinite recursions. HandlePickup() will now also share keys (for more complete handling). PuzzleItems are now included in sharing.
Revert "Restored r_orthographic behavior."
This reverts commit 26908f5bc5.
Revert "Changed all of the isometric functionality to mapinfo and playerinfo variables. Retained function of most of the CVars."
This reverts commit dc897eacc0.
Revert "Adding isometric camera mode with orthographic projection to current state of master branch of GZDoom."
This reverts commit d2c2c93cf1.
Adds CanReceive() to Actor, called by items from CallTryPickup(). This will let actors themselves determine if they can receive the item before any other checks.
Co-authored-by: Rachael Alexanderson <18584402+madame-rachelle@users.noreply.github.com>
Guarantees a collision happened unlike CanCollideWith. Called in TryMove so it only calls when an actual movement was attempted and not just a potential positional check.
This is needed for implementing reliable serialization of custom translations. As long as they are merely ints they cannot be restored on loading a savegame because the serialization code does not know that these variables are special.
This adds ViewBobSpeed to PlayerPawn that is passed in CalcHeight() instead of the value of 20 and can be adjusted with the Player.ViewBobSpeed variable. This will let modders dynamically adjust how to only how far the camera bobs up and down, but also how *quickly* it does that, which allows to easily convey a feeling of a heavy, slow-moving character whose view might bob a lot but would do it slowly.
This discrepancy is ancient, so the approach used for the shotgunner does not work here and some hacks are needed to remap the function only for Dehacked.
Localized reflection code to a single function. Fixed an error where NOSHIELDREFLECT was being checked on the wrong Actor. Fixed an oversight where MIRRORREFLECT was checking for valid target despite not needing one.
These properties allow to specify how much an actors' aim is degraded when shooting at a shadow actor. And how much the shadow actor itself affects the shooters' aim, respectively.
* Key.ValidLock: returns whether a lock number is valid (can be unlocked) or belongs to a "does not work" door.
* Key.GetMapColorForLock: returns the automap color for a lock number (or -1 if the lock isn't valid).
* Key.GetMapColorForKey: likewise, but for a specific key.
* deleting some unused code
* turned several class methods into static local functions in cases where they never were used outside this file.
* inlined the dangerous assignment operator in the only place where it was used.
There was one special case allowing to let an actor die on spawn, but this could call script code on an incompletely set up map which resulted in crashes.
- Removed bone manipulation code
- Implemented an index in calculateBones to optimize multi-armature actors
- Moved the bone storage object's creation to RenderModels so that the armature array can be sized there
- Implemented Animation parameters for A_ChangeModel
- Made a modeldef flag to treat additional model indices as just attachments, meaning they will use armature data from index 0
- Fixed an issue with A_ChangeModel where generated indices lower than smf frame amounts could not actually generate anything
- To really take advantage of this function, I thought it would be useful to be able to add additional models if the user wants to. Let's say you got a player model at index 0. Your gun model has the same frames, but you don't want to duplicate the modeldef data. With generator index, you don't need to duplicate the data, just tell generator index to clone frame data from index 0.
- Implemented a little something to check if a negative skin or model index were passed, and prevent modders from pulling that off.
- Made it so when rendering a model, it clones an smf to use so that data isn't overwritten
- Reimplemented the skin index property. This changes the behavior of this index if CMDL_USESURFACESKIN is activated
- Made the 2 TArrays into a class called DActorModelData.
- Removed the skinindex and now just uses one index
- Replaced a bunch of nullptr for modelDef checking with NAME_None
- Added some garbage cleanup to A_ChangeModel itself, as well as removing memory of modelData that is no longer needed
- Attempted serialize code, putting up for review
-Added A_ChangeModelDef
A_ChangeModel(modeldef, modelpath, model, modelindex, skinpath, skin, skinid, flags)
This can change the modeldef, model and skins of an actor.
Currently, modelindex and skinindex accept indices from 0-15.
An actor MUST have a modeldef in order to use this function, either defined from modeldef, or given one through the modeldef parameter. You can pass "" to use the same modeldef. Likewise, passing "" for model or skin will just revert to the default model.
Available flags:
CMDL_WEAPONTOPLAYER - If used on a weapon, this instead change's the model on the player instead.
One issue I am aware of right now is that clearing a model by "" sort of works but is buggy. For now you can just manually set the model back using the names explicitly. However, I am stumped and I think getting more eyes on it would help.