This data is game critical and may only be altered by code that knows what is allowed and what not. It must never be altered by any user code ever.
However, since the SkyViewpoint actors need to set up some relations between themselves and the default sky portals the previously purely internal 'internal' flag has been exported as a new keyword.
* use names, not strings, to allow use of switch/case.
* avoid creating the checksum a second time per level.
* do an early-out check for maps that do not have scripted compatibility.
This removes the entire palette switch and all the special checks to ensure that no menu can be drawn over this image.
Instead it gives this texture its special palette in the texture manager so that the proper image is created right away.
I decided against exposing this as an editing feature because it is far too specific to this particular image and the raw page format it uses.
A quick check of /idgames shows no project ever replacing it - especially no ZDoom-based project - so no extended handling is needed to make this work with other texture formats.
- with renderers freely switchable, some shortcuts in the 3D floor code had to be removed, because now the hardware renderer can get FF_THISINSIDE-flagged 3D floors.
- changed handling of attenuated lights in the legacy renderer to be adjusted when being rendered instead of when being spawned. For the software renderer the light needs to retain its original values.
This data must be immutable, if any mod plays loose here, very bad things can happen, so this hole got plugged, even at the expense risking to break some badly behaving mods.
This deals with what seems to be the only hardcoded piece of text in Strife. Also added a translation to the French file and removed a few superfluous line breaks in the English one.
This also replaces DTA_ColormapStyle with proper implementations of its components. As implemented it was a very awkward mixture of various effects that already existed in a separate form. As a result of its implementation it required additional but completely redundant shader support which could be removed now. As a side effect of this change a new DTA_Desaturate option was added.
This cannot be allowed under any circumstances because this is what links the map geometry together.
Yes, it will break any mod that tries to play with these variables, but any such mod has to be considered broken by design and must be stopped.