- fixed: Damage of type 'extreme' did not get recorded as an extreme death for the mugshot code.
- changed: extreme deaths now only get recorded when an extreme death state was actually used, to ensure that the crash state being used is the correct one associated with the death state.
- fixed: DamageTypeReceived was not serialized.
- fixed: The check for unhandled damage type was rendered ineffective by the old code handling the DeathType.
- Use functions in gitinfo.cpp to retrieve the strings from gitinfo.h so
that changes to gitinfo.h only require recompiling one file instead of
P_PlayerThink() is where the check for unspawned players happens. If the player attached to the
status bar is one of them, it will crash while ticking.
SVN r4334 (trunk)
continue spinning until the next time around because the check for moving too fast was only
done after the polyobject had been rotated once.
- Reduced the potential for overflow when setting up the speed of a rotating polyobj.
SVN r4332 (trunk)
int SpawnDecal(int tid, str decalname, int flags, fixed angle, int zoffset, int distance)
Traces a line from tid's actor until hitting a wall, then creates a decal there. Returns the
number of decals spawned.
* tid = Which actor(s) to start the trace at.
* decalname = Which decal to spawn.
* flags =
* SDF_ABSANGLE = Angle parameter is an absolute angle. Otherwise, it's relative to the origin actor's angle.
* SDF_PERMANENT = Decal ignores cl_maxdecals. Otherwise, it will eventually disappear.
* angle = Direction in which to search for a wall. Defaults to 0.0.
* zoffset = Offset from the middle of the origin actor for the Z height of the decal. Defaults to 0.
* distance = Maximum distance to search for a wall. Defaults to 64.
SVN r4330 (trunk)
- Fixed: ACSStringPool::InsertString()'s overflow check was far too low.
- Fixed: When ACSStringPool::InsertString() triggered a garbage collection, it ignored the
newly freed space and expanded the array anyway.
SVN r4328 (trunk)
- fixed: UDMF's ZDoomTranslated namespace needs to set the DUMMYSWITCHES flag so that it remains compatible with Doom-format ZDoom maps.
SVN r4325 (trunk)
of taking an actual sound name as its second parameter, it selects the sound to play based on
the actor playing the sound and the selector passed as the second parameter.
SVN r4323 (trunk)
* The standard C functions strcmp and stricmp (aka strcasecmp), which double up as strncmp and strnicmp if you pass a third argument.
* The BASIC-like functions strleft, strright, and strmid, which extract parts of a string to
create a new string.
SVN r4313 (trunk)