Added getter and setter functions for handling whether or not the player fields should be gotten/set. Added MRF_KEEPARMOR flag to prevent stripping armor on morph. Optimized unmorphed Actor by setting it to NoInteraction and removing it from the blockmap and sector lists.
Players will now use their Alternative field to check if they're morphed instead of their MorphTics. This makes the current state of morphing more reliable, otherwise setting this to 0 manually without unmorphing could have very odd results. Both monsters and players consider 0 morph time to mean infinite now (previously this only applied to monsters). Player unmorphs no longer die in the case of a failed unmorph on death. Removed inventory swapping on player pointer substitution as it's too messy to do here.
Removed StaticPointerSubstitution in favor of a much safer function that only changes select pointers. As a result the ability to properly modify morphing has been opened back up to ZScript. Many missing virtual callbacks were amended and MorphedDeath has been reworked to only be called back on an actual morphed death. MorphedMonster is no longer required to morph an Actor. CheckUnmorph virtual added that gets called back on morphed Actors. Fixed numerous bugs related to morph behavior.