- Show item counter on automap
- Enable textured automap
- HUD border scaling factor to better match default status bar scaling
- Enable subtitles
- Set render quality to "quality" to fix level mesh seams (gl_seamless)
- Enable the first crosshair, and set its scale slightly smaller
- Grow crosshair when picking up items
- Show nametags when switching items and weapons
- Always run enabled
- Disable save/load confirmation dialog
- Enable quicksave rotation
- Enable additively-translucent Doom rocket explosion
- Increase default particles to 10k, and increase the slider to 65k (engine limit)
- Disable night vision effect
The following changes from the original commit were not taken:
- Enable thicker automap lines and anti-aliased lines for better visibility with high res displays
- Enable mouse in menus by default (instead of touchscreen-like)
- Don't show ENDDOOM when quitting the app
- Set autoaim slider to 0
- Set sprite clipping to "Always" as this looks better than having sprites sink into the geometry
- Set particle style to round as it matches the pixelated aesthetics better
Several problems here:
* the crucial call did not override 'mustexist'.
* once created an extended stare would not be looked at anymore.
* extended states received no usage flags.
This prevents spoiling levels when the HUD information is disabled.
This change is not retroactive: it has no effect on existing savegames.
You need to save again for this change to have an effect.
* bump GCC targets to 9 and 12
* bump Clang targets to 11 and 15
* use Ubuntu 22.04 images
* use actual versions of checkout and upload-artifact actions
* remove lots of needless formatting, double quotes in particular
* remove unused dependencies
* remove obsolete Strawberry Perl workaround
This is to ensure that if the map specifies light mode Doom (i.e. hardware approximation of software lighting) it is not overridden by the user-selected software emulating light mode.
gl_lightmode should only apply if neither the map nor gl_maplightmode set an explicit light mode.
Genesis of Descent E1M2 is impossible to complete on ITYTD/HNTR. I had to decompile the ACS script to figure out what was going on, basically at one point you get locked into a room and have to kill exactly 3 enemies with TID 215 for the door to unlock. One of these is a Baron tagged for only Medium and Hard, in his place is an Imp #1184 that has all the right script setups but is not set to appear on any difficulty. The fix is to simply have this imp appear on Easy.
Thanks to brick' for the fix.
With how this is being handled now, the CVAR needs to have the CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG flag and CVAR_NOINITCALL unset or it simply won't work right.
Since its meaning has completely changed now (i.e. it's mainly a performance switch to a less demanding implementation instead of being able to select vastly different lighting methods) making it global is more sensible.
Save games now store kills/items/secrets and player health/armor
in the comment string, which is displayed in the save/load game menu.
This change is not retroactive: old savegames will not display
this information until they are overwritten.
This adds ViewBobSpeed to PlayerPawn that is passed in CalcHeight() instead of the value of 20 and can be adjusted with the Player.ViewBobSpeed variable. This will let modders dynamically adjust how to only how far the camera bobs up and down, but also how *quickly* it does that, which allows to easily convey a feeling of a heavy, slow-moving character whose view might bob a lot but would do it slowly.
When no doublebinds get passed to C_DoKey it may not set the doubleclick flag.
For the automap C_DoKey gets called twice, once with the automap bindings and once with the regular bindings and doubleclicks.