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synced 2025-03-13 22:42:07 +00:00
Move blend operator and alpha test flag out of the inner blend loop
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 112 additions and 48 deletions
@ -244,74 +244,119 @@ static void WriteVaryings(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs* args
WriteVarying(args->v1->worldZ * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.WorldZ * startX + args->gradientY.WorldZ * startY, args->gradientX.WorldZ, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.WorldZ);
static uint32_t BlendColor(FRenderStyle style, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg)
static const int shiftTable[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, // STYLEALPHA_Zero
0, 0, 0, 0, // STYLEALPHA_One
24, 24, 24, 24, // STYLEALPHA_Src
24, 24, 24, 24, // STYLEALPHA_InvSrc
24, 16, 8, 0, // STYLEALPHA_SrcCol
24, 16, 8, 0, // STYLEALPHA_InvSrcCol
24, 16, 8, 0, // STYLEALPHA_DstCol
24, 16, 8, 0 // STYLEALPHA_InvDstCol
template<typename OptT>
static void BlendColor(int y, int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
static const int shiftTable[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, // STYLEALPHA_Zero
0, 0, 0, 0, // STYLEALPHA_One
24, 24, 24, 24, // STYLEALPHA_Src
24, 24, 24, 24, // STYLEALPHA_InvSrc
24, 16, 8, 0, // STYLEALPHA_SrcCol
24, 16, 8, 0, // STYLEALPHA_InvSrcCol
24, 16, 8, 0, // STYLEALPHA_DstCol
24, 16, 8, 0 // STYLEALPHA_InvDstCol
using namespace TriScreenDrawerModes;
FRenderStyle style = thread->RenderStyle;
bool invsrc = style.SrcAlpha & 1;
bool invdst = style.DestAlpha & 1;
int srcinput = style.SrcAlpha <= STYLEALPHA_One ? 0 : (style.SrcAlpha >= STYLEALPHA_DstCol ? bg : fg);
int dstinput = style.DestAlpha <= STYLEALPHA_One ? 0 : (style.DestAlpha >= STYLEALPHA_DstCol ? bg : fg);
const int* shiftsrc = shiftTable + (style.SrcAlpha << 2);
const int* shiftdst = shiftTable + (style.DestAlpha << 2);
int32_t src[4], dst[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
uint32_t* dest = (uint32_t*)thread->dest;
uint32_t* line = dest + y * (ptrdiff_t)thread->dest_pitch;
uint32_t* fragcolor = thread->scanline.FragColor;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
// Grab component for scale factors
src[i] = (srcinput >> shiftsrc[i]) & 0xff;
dst[i] = (dstinput >> shiftdst[i]) & 0xff;
uint32_t fg = fragcolor[x];
// Inverse if needed
src[i] = invsrc ? 0xff - src[i] : src[i];
dst[i] = invdst ? 0xff - dst[i] : dst[i];
if (OptT::Flags & SWBLEND_AlphaTest)
if (fragcolor[x] <= 0x7f000000)
// Rescale 0-255 to 0-256
src[i] = src[i] + (src[i] >> 7);
dst[i] = dst[i] + (dst[i] >> 7);
uint32_t bg = line[x];
// Multiply with input
src[i] = src[i] * ((fg >> (24 - (i << 3))) & 0xff);
dst[i] = dst[i] * ((bg >> (24 - (i << 3))) & 0xff);
int srcinput = style.SrcAlpha <= STYLEALPHA_One ? 0 : (style.SrcAlpha >= STYLEALPHA_DstCol ? bg : fg);
int dstinput = style.DestAlpha <= STYLEALPHA_One ? 0 : (style.DestAlpha >= STYLEALPHA_DstCol ? bg : fg);
uint32_t out[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// Grab component for scale factors
int32_t src = (srcinput >> shiftsrc[i]) & 0xff;
int32_t dst = (dstinput >> shiftdst[i]) & 0xff;
// Inverse if needed
src = invsrc ? 0xff - src : src;
dst = invdst ? 0xff - dst : dst;
// Rescale 0-255 to 0-256
src = src + (src >> 7);
dst = dst + (dst >> 7);
// Multiply with input
src = src * ((fg >> (24 - (i << 3))) & 0xff);
dst = dst * ((bg >> (24 - (i << 3))) & 0xff);
// Apply blend operator
int32_t val;
if (OptT::Flags & SWBLEND_Sub)
val = src - dst;
else if (OptT::Flags & SWBLEND_RevSub)
val = dst - src;
val = src + dst;
out[i] = clamp((val + 127) >> 8, 0, 255);
line[x] = MAKEARGB(out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3]);
uint32_t out[4];
switch (style.BlendOp)
case STYLEOP_Add: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) out[i] = clamp((src[i] + dst[i] + 127) >> 8, 0, 255); break;
case STYLEOP_Sub: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) out[i] = clamp((src[i] - dst[i] + 127) >> 8, 0, 255); break;
case STYLEOP_RevSub: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) out[i] = clamp((dst[i] - src[i] + 127) >> 8, 0, 255); break;
return MAKEARGB(out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3]);
static void WriteColor(int y, int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
uint32_t* dest = (uint32_t*)thread->dest;
uint32_t* line = dest + y * (ptrdiff_t)thread->dest_pitch;
FRenderStyle style = thread->RenderStyle;
uint32_t* fragcolor = thread->scanline.FragColor;
using namespace TriScreenDrawerModes;
FRenderStyle style = thread->RenderStyle;
if (style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_Add && style.SrcAlpha == STYLEALPHA_One && style.DestAlpha == STYLEALPHA_Zero)
uint32_t* dest = (uint32_t*)thread->dest;
uint32_t* line = dest + y * (ptrdiff_t)thread->dest_pitch;
uint32_t* fragcolor = thread->scanline.FragColor;
if (!thread->AlphaTest)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
#if !defined(NO_SSE)
int ssecount = ((x1 - x0) & ~3);
int sseend = x0 + ssecount;
for (int x = x0; x < sseend; x += 4)
__m128i v = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&fragcolor[x]);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&line[x], v);
for (int x = sseend; x < x1; x++)
line[x] = fragcolor[x];
memcpy(line + x0, fragcolor + x0, (x1 - x0) * sizeof(uint32_t));
@ -326,17 +371,22 @@ static void WriteColor(int y, int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
if (!thread->AlphaTest)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
switch (style.BlendOp)
line[x] = BlendColor(style, fragcolor[x], line[x]);
case STYLEOP_Add: BlendColor<BlendColorOpt_Add>(y, x0, x1, thread); break;
case STYLEOP_Sub: BlendColor<BlendColorOpt_Sub>(y, x0, x1, thread); break;
case STYLEOP_RevSub: BlendColor<BlendColorOpt_RevSub>(y, x0, x1, thread); break;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
switch (style.BlendOp)
if (fragcolor[x] > 0x7f000000)
line[x] = BlendColor(style, fragcolor[x], line[x]);
case STYLEOP_Add: BlendColor<BlendColorOpt_AlphaTest_Add>(y, x0, x1, thread); break;
case STYLEOP_Sub: BlendColor<BlendColorOpt_AlphaTest_Sub>(y, x0, x1, thread); break;
case STYLEOP_RevSub: BlendColor<BlendColorOpt_AlphaTest_RevSub>(y, x0, x1, thread); break;
@ -114,4 +114,18 @@ namespace TriScreenDrawerModes
struct TestSpanOpt1 { static const int Flags = 1; };
struct TestSpanOpt2 { static const int Flags = 2; };
struct TestSpanOpt3 { static const int Flags = 3; };
enum SWBlendColor
SWBLEND_Sub = 1,
SWBLEND_RevSub = 2,
SWBLEND_AlphaTest = 4
struct BlendColorOpt_Add { static const int Flags = 0; };
struct BlendColorOpt_Sub { static const int Flags = 1; };
struct BlendColorOpt_RevSub { static const int Flags = 2; };
struct BlendColorOpt_AlphaTest_Add { static const int Flags = 4; };
struct BlendColorOpt_AlphaTest_Sub { static const int Flags = 5; };
struct BlendColorOpt_AlphaTest_RevSub { static const int Flags = 6; };
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