mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:01:12 +00:00
- separated sprite and skin maintenance code from r_things.cpp into a separate file.
SVN r3256 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 1080 additions and 1041 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "d_netinf.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "r_data/sprites.h"
#include "r_data/voxels.h"
#include "textures/textures.h"
// variables used to look up
// and range check thing_t sprites patches
TArray<spritedef_t> sprites;
TArray<spriteframe_t> SpriteFrames;
DWORD NumStdSprites; // The first x sprites that don't belong to skins.
struct spriteframewithrotate : public spriteframe_t
int rotate;
int maxframe;
char* spritename;
// [RH] skin globals
FPlayerSkin *skins;
size_t numskins;
BYTE OtherGameSkinRemap[256];
PalEntry OtherGameSkinPalette[256];
// R_InstallSpriteLump
// Local function for R_InitSprites.
// [RH] Removed checks for coexistance of rotation 0 with other
// rotations and made it look more like BOOM's version.
static bool R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID lump, unsigned frame, char rot, bool flipped)
unsigned rotation;
if (rot >= '0' && rot <= '9')
rotation = rot - '0';
else if (rot >= 'A')
rotation = rot - 'A' + 10;
rotation = 17;
if (frame >= MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES || rotation > 16)
Printf (TEXTCOLOR_RED"R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump %s\n", TexMan[lump]->Name);
return false;
if ((int)frame > maxframe)
maxframe = frame;
if (rotation == 0)
// the lump should be used for all rotations
// false=0, true=1, but array initialised to -1
// allows doom to have a "no value set yet" boolean value!
int r;
for (r = 14; r >= 0; r -= 2)
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[r].isValid())
sprtemp[frame].Texture[r] = lump;
if (flipped)
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << r;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = false;
if (rotation <= 8)
rotation = (rotation - 1) * 2;
rotation = (rotation - 9) * 2 + 1;
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rotation].isValid())
// the lump is only used for one rotation
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rotation] = lump;
if (flipped)
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << rotation;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = true;
return true;
// [RH] Seperated out of R_InitSpriteDefs()
static void R_InstallSprite (int num)
int frame;
int framestart;
int rot;
// int undefinedFix;
if (maxframe == -1)
sprites[num].numframes = 0;
// [RH] If any frames are undefined, but there are some defined frames, map
// them to the first defined frame. This is a fix for Doom Raider, which actually
// worked with ZDoom 2.0.47, because of a bug here. It does not define frames A,
// B, or C for the sprite PSBG, but because I had sprtemp[].rotate defined as a
// bool, this code never detected that it was not actually present. After switching
// to the unified texture system, this caused it to crash while loading the wad.
// [RH] Let undefined frames actually be blank because LWM uses this in at least
// one of her wads.
// for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe && sprtemp[frame].rotate == -1; ++frame)
// { }
// undefinedFix = frame;
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
switch (sprtemp[frame].rotate)
case -1:
// no rotations were found for that frame at all
//I_FatalError ("R_InstallSprite: No patches found for %s frame %c", sprites[num].name, frame+'A');
case 0:
// only the first rotation is needed
for (rot = 1; rot < 16; ++rot)
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot] = sprtemp[frame].Texture[0];
// If the frame is flipped, they all should be
if (sprtemp[frame].Flip & 1)
sprtemp[frame].Flip = 0xFFFF;
case 1:
// must have all 8 frame pairs
for (rot = 0; rot < 8; ++rot)
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2+1].isValid())
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2+1] = sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2];
if (sprtemp[frame].Flip & (1 << (rot*2)))
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << (rot*2+1);
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2].isValid())
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2] = sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2+1];
if (sprtemp[frame].Flip & (1 << (rot*2+1)))
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << (rot*2);
for (rot = 0; rot < 16; ++rot)
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot].isValid())
I_FatalError ("R_InstallSprite: Sprite %s frame %c is missing rotations",
sprites[num].name, frame+'A');
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == -1)
memset (&sprtemp[frame].Texture, 0, sizeof(sprtemp[0].Texture));
sprtemp[frame].Flip = 0;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = 0;
// allocate space for the frames present and copy sprtemp to it
sprites[num].numframes = maxframe;
sprites[num].spriteframes = WORD(framestart = SpriteFrames.Reserve (maxframe));
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
memcpy (SpriteFrames[framestart+frame].Texture, sprtemp[frame].Texture, sizeof(sprtemp[frame].Texture));
SpriteFrames[framestart+frame].Flip = sprtemp[frame].Flip;
SpriteFrames[framestart+frame].Voxel = sprtemp[frame].Voxel;
// Let the textures know about the rotations
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 1)
for (int rot = 0; rot < 16; ++rot)
TexMan[sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot]]->Rotations = framestart + frame;
// R_InitSpriteDefs
// Pass a null terminated list of sprite names
// (4 chars exactly) to be used.
// Builds the sprite rotation matrices to account
// for horizontally flipped sprites.
// Will report an error if the lumps are inconsistant.
// Only called at startup.
// Sprite lump names are 4 characters for the actor,
// a letter for the frame, and a number for the rotation.
// A sprite that is flippable will have an additional
// letter/number appended.
// The rotation character can be 0 to signify no rotations.
void R_InitSpriteDefs ()
struct Hasher
int Head, Next;
} *hashes;
struct VHasher
int Head, Next, Name, Spin;
char Frame;
} *vhashes;
unsigned int i, j, smax, vmax;
DWORD intname;
// Create a hash table to speed up the process
smax = TexMan.NumTextures();
hashes = new Hasher[smax];
clearbuf(hashes, sizeof(Hasher)*smax/4, -1);
for (i = 0; i < smax; ++i)
FTexture *tex = TexMan.ByIndex(i);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Sprite && strlen(tex->Name) >= 6)
size_t bucket = tex->dwName % smax;
hashes[i].Next = hashes[bucket].Head;
hashes[bucket].Head = i;
// Repeat, for voxels
vmax = Wads.GetNumLumps();
vhashes = new VHasher[vmax];
clearbuf(vhashes, sizeof(VHasher)*vmax/4, -1);
for (i = 0; i < vmax; ++i)
if (Wads.GetLumpNamespace(i) == ns_voxels)
char name[9];
size_t namelen;
int spin;
int sign;
Wads.GetLumpName(name, i);
name[8] = 0;
namelen = strlen(name);
if (namelen < 4)
{ // name is too short
if (name[4] != '\0' && name[4] != ' ' && (name[4] < 'A' || name[4] >= 'A' + MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES))
{ // frame char is invalid
spin = 0;
sign = 2; // 2 to convert from deg/halfsec to deg/sec
j = 5;
if (j < namelen && name[j] == '-')
{ // a minus sign is okay, but only before any digits
sign = -2;
for (; j < namelen; ++j)
{ // the remainder to the end of the name must be digits
if (name[j] >= '0' && name[j] <= '9')
spin = spin * 10 + name[j] - '0';
if (j < namelen)
{ // the spin part is invalid
memcpy(&vhashes[i].Name, name, 4);
vhashes[i].Frame = name[4];
vhashes[i].Spin = spin * sign;
size_t bucket = vhashes[i].Name % vmax;
vhashes[i].Next = vhashes[bucket].Head;
vhashes[bucket].Head = i;
// scan all the lump names for each of the names, noting the highest frame letter.
for (i = 0; i < sprites.Size(); ++i)
memset (sprtemp, 0xFF, sizeof(sprtemp));
for (j = 0; j < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++j)
sprtemp[j].Flip = 0;
sprtemp[j].Voxel = NULL;
maxframe = -1;
intname = sprites[i].dwName;
// scan the lumps, filling in the frames for whatever is found
int hash = hashes[intname % smax].Head;
while (hash != -1)
FTexture *tex = TexMan[hash];
if (tex->dwName == intname)
bool res = R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID(hash), tex->Name[4] - 'A', tex->Name[5], false);
if (tex->Name[6] && res)
R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID(hash), tex->Name[6] - 'A', tex->Name[7], true);
hash = hashes[hash].Next;
// repeat, for voxels
hash = vhashes[intname % vmax].Head;
while (hash != -1)
VHasher *vh = &vhashes[hash];
if (vh->Name == (int)intname)
FVoxelDef *voxdef = R_LoadVoxelDef(hash, vh->Spin);
if (voxdef != NULL)
if (vh->Frame == ' ' || vh->Frame == '\0')
{ // voxel applies to every sprite frame
for (j = 0; j < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++j)
if (sprtemp[j].Voxel == NULL)
sprtemp[j].Voxel = voxdef;
maxframe = MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES-1;
{ // voxel applies to a specific frame
j = vh->Frame - 'A';
sprtemp[j].Voxel = voxdef;
maxframe = MAX<int>(maxframe, j);
hash = vh->Next;
R_InstallSprite ((int)i);
delete[] hashes;
delete[] vhashes;
// R_ExtendSpriteFrames
// Extends a sprite so that it can hold the desired frame.
static void R_ExtendSpriteFrames(spritedef_t &spr, int frame)
unsigned int i, newstart;
if (spr.numframes >= ++frame)
{ // The sprite already has enough frames, so do nothing.
if (spr.numframes == 0 || (spr.spriteframes + spr.numframes == SpriteFrames.Size()))
{ // Sprite's frames are at the end of the array, or it has no frames
// at all, so we can tack the new frames directly on to the end
// of the SpriteFrames array.
newstart = SpriteFrames.Reserve(frame - spr.numframes);
{ // We need to allocate space for all the sprite's frames and copy
// the existing ones over to the new space. The old space will be
// lost.
newstart = SpriteFrames.Reserve(frame);
for (i = 0; i < spr.numframes; ++i)
SpriteFrames[newstart + i] = SpriteFrames[spr.spriteframes + i];
spr.spriteframes = WORD(newstart);
newstart += i;
// Initialize all new frames to 0.
memset(&SpriteFrames[newstart], 0, sizeof(spriteframe_t)*(frame - spr.numframes));
spr.numframes = frame;
// VOX_AddVoxel
// Sets a voxel for a single sprite frame.
void VOX_AddVoxel(int sprnum, int frame, FVoxelDef *def)
R_ExtendSpriteFrames(sprites[sprnum], frame);
SpriteFrames[sprites[sprnum].spriteframes + frame].Voxel = def;
// [RH]
// R_InitSkins
// Reads in everything applicable to a skin. The skins should have already
// been counted and had their identifiers assigned to namespaces.
static const char *skinsoundnames[NUMSKINSOUNDS][2] =
{ // The *painXXX sounds must be the first four
{ "dsplpain", "*pain100" },
{ "dsplpain", "*pain75" },
{ "dsplpain", "*pain50" },
{ "dsplpain", "*pain25" },
{ "dsplpain", "*poison" },
{ "dsoof", "*grunt" },
{ "dsoof", "*land" },
{ "dspldeth", "*death" },
{ "dspldeth", "*wimpydeath" },
{ "dspdiehi", "*xdeath" },
{ "dspdiehi", "*crazydeath" },
{ "dsnoway", "*usefail" },
{ "dsnoway", "*puzzfail" },
{ "dsslop", "*gibbed" },
{ "dsslop", "*splat" },
{ "dspunch", "*fist" },
{ "dsjump", "*jump" }
static int STACK_ARGS skinsorter (const void *a, const void *b)
return stricmp (((FPlayerSkin *)a)->name, ((FPlayerSkin *)b)->name);
void R_InitSkins (void)
FSoundID playersoundrefs[NUMSKINSOUNDS];
spritedef_t temp;
int sndlumps[NUMSKINSOUNDS];
char key[65];
DWORD intname, crouchname;
size_t i;
int j, k, base;
int lastlump;
int aliasid;
bool remove;
const PClass *basetype, *transtype;
key[sizeof(key)-1] = 0;
i = PlayerClasses.Size () - 1;
lastlump = 0;
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; ++j)
playersoundrefs[j] = skinsoundnames[j][1];
while ((base = Wads.FindLump ("S_SKIN", &lastlump, true)) != -1)
// The player sprite has 23 frames. This means that the S_SKIN
// marker needs a minimum of 23 lumps after it.
if (base >= Wads.GetNumLumps() - 23 || base == -1)
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
sndlumps[j] = -1;
skins[i].namespc = Wads.GetLumpNamespace (base);
FScanner sc(base);
intname = 0;
crouchname = 0;
remove = false;
basetype = NULL;
transtype = NULL;
// Data is stored as "key = data".
while (sc.GetString ())
strncpy (key, sc.String, sizeof(key)-1);
if (!sc.GetString() || sc.String[0] != '=')
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Bad format for skin %d: %s\n", (int)i, key);
sc.GetString ();
if (0 == stricmp (key, "name"))
strncpy (skins[i].name, sc.String, 16);
for (j = 0; (size_t)j < i; j++)
if (stricmp (skins[i].name, skins[j].name) == 0)
mysnprintf (skins[i].name, countof(skins[i].name), "skin%d", (int)i);
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Skin %s duplicated as %s\n",
skins[j].name, skins[i].name);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "sprite"))
for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
sc.String[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
intname = *((DWORD *)sc.String);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "crouchsprite"))
for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
sc.String[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
crouchname = *((DWORD *)sc.String);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "face"))
for (j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
skins[i].face[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
skins[i].face[3] = '\0';
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "gender"))
skins[i].gender = D_GenderToInt (sc.String);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "scale"))
skins[i].ScaleX = clamp<fixed_t> (FLOAT2FIXED(atof (sc.String)), 1, 256*FRACUNIT);
skins[i].ScaleY = skins[i].ScaleX;
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "game"))
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
basetype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_HereticPlayer);
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
basetype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_StrifePlayer);
basetype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_DoomPlayer);
transtype = basetype;
if (stricmp (sc.String, "heretic") == 0)
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex)
transtype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_HereticPlayer);
skins[i].othergame = true;
else if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Heretic)
remove = true;
else if (stricmp (sc.String, "strife") == 0)
if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife)
remove = true;
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
transtype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_DoomPlayer);
skins[i].othergame = true;
else if (!(gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex))
remove = true;
if (remove)
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "class"))
{ // [GRB] Define the skin for a specific player class
int pclass = D_PlayerClassToInt (sc.String);
if (pclass < 0)
remove = true;
basetype = transtype = PlayerClasses[pclass].Type;
else if (key[0] == '*')
{ // Player sound replacment (ZDoom extension)
int lump = Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, skins[i].namespc);
if (lump == -1)
lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (sc.String, true, ns_sounds);
if (lump != -1)
if (stricmp (key, "*pain") == 0)
{ // Replace all pain sounds in one go
aliasid = S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[0], lump, true);
for (int l = 3; l > 0; --l)
S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[l], aliasid, true);
int sndref = S_FindSoundNoHash (key);
if (sndref != 0)
S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender, sndref, lump, true);
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
if (stricmp (key, skinsoundnames[j][0]) == 0)
sndlumps[j] = Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, skins[i].namespc);
if (sndlumps[j] == -1)
{ // Replacement not found, try finding it in the global namespace
sndlumps[j] = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (sc.String, true, ns_sounds);
//if (j == 8)
// Printf ("Funny info for skin %i: %s = %s\n", i, key, sc.String);
// [GRB] Assume Doom skin by default
if (!remove && basetype == NULL)
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex)
basetype = transtype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_DoomPlayer);
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
basetype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_HereticPlayer);
transtype = PClass::FindClass (NAME_DoomPlayer);
skins[i].othergame = true;
remove = true;
if (!remove)
skins[i].range0start = transtype->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) & 0xff;
skins[i].range0end = transtype->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) >> 8;
remove = true;
for (j = 0; j < (int)PlayerClasses.Size (); j++)
const PClass *type = PlayerClasses[j].Type;
if (type->IsDescendantOf (basetype) &&
GetDefaultByType (type)->SpawnState->sprite == GetDefaultByType (basetype)->SpawnState->sprite &&
type->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) == basetype->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange))
PlayerClasses[j].Skins.Push ((int)i);
remove = false;
if (!remove)
if (skins[i].name[0] == 0)
mysnprintf (skins[i].name, countof(skins[i].name), "skin%d", (int)i);
// Now collect the sprite frames for this skin. If the sprite name was not
// specified, use whatever immediately follows the specifier lump.
if (intname == 0)
char name[9];
Wads.GetLumpName (name, base+1);
memcpy(&intname, name, 4);
int basens = Wads.GetLumpNamespace(base);
for(int spr = 0; spr<2; spr++)
memset (sprtemp, 0xFFFF, sizeof(sprtemp));
for (k = 0; k < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++k)
sprtemp[k].Flip = 0;
sprtemp[k].Voxel = NULL;
maxframe = -1;
if (spr == 1)
if (crouchname !=0 && crouchname != intname)
intname = crouchname;
skins[i].crouchsprite = -1;
for (k = base + 1; Wads.GetLumpNamespace(k) == basens; k++)
char lname[9];
DWORD lnameint;
Wads.GetLumpName (lname, k);
memcpy(&lnameint, lname, 4);
if (lnameint == intname)
FTextureID picnum = TexMan.CreateTexture(k, FTexture::TEX_SkinSprite);
bool res = R_InstallSpriteLump (picnum, lname[4] - 'A', lname[5], false);
if (lname[6] && res)
R_InstallSpriteLump (picnum, lname[6] - 'A', lname[7], true);
if (spr == 0 && maxframe <= 0)
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Skin %s (#%d) has no frames. Removing.\n", skins[i].name, (int)i);
remove = true;
Wads.GetLumpName (temp.name, base+1);
temp.name[4] = 0;
int sprno = (int)sprites.Push (temp);
if (spr==0) skins[i].sprite = sprno;
else skins[i].crouchsprite = sprno;
R_InstallSprite (sprno);
if (remove)
if (i < numskins-1)
memmove (&skins[i], &skins[i+1], sizeof(skins[0])*(numskins-i-1));
// Register any sounds this skin provides
aliasid = 0;
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
if (sndlumps[j] != -1)
if (j == 0 || sndlumps[j] != sndlumps[j-1])
aliasid = S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[j], sndlumps[j], true);
S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[j], aliasid, true);
// Make sure face prefix is a full 3 chars
if (skins[i].face[1] == 0 || skins[i].face[2] == 0)
skins[i].face[0] = 0;
if (numskins > PlayerClasses.Size ())
{ // The sound table may have changed, so rehash it.
S_HashSounds ();
S_ShrinkPlayerSoundLists ();
// [RH] Find a skin by name
int R_FindSkin (const char *name, int pclass)
if (stricmp ("base", name) == 0)
return pclass;
for (unsigned i = PlayerClasses.Size(); i < numskins; i++)
if (strnicmp (skins[i].name, name, 16) == 0)
if (PlayerClasses[pclass].CheckSkin (i))
return i;
return pclass;
return pclass;
// [RH] List the names of all installed skins
CCMD (skins)
int i;
for (i = PlayerClasses.Size ()-1; i < (int)numskins; i++)
Printf ("% 3d %s\n", i-PlayerClasses.Size ()+1, skins[i].name);
static void R_CreateSkinTranslation (const char *palname)
FMemLump lump = Wads.ReadLump (palname);
const BYTE *otherPal = (BYTE *)lump.GetMem();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
OtherGameSkinRemap[i] = ColorMatcher.Pick (otherPal[0], otherPal[1], otherPal[2]);
OtherGameSkinPalette[i] = PalEntry(otherPal[0], otherPal[1], otherPal[2]);
otherPal += 3;
// R_InitSprites
// Called at program start.
void R_InitSprites ()
int lump, lastlump;
unsigned int i, j;
// [RH] Create a standard translation to map skins between Heretic and Doom
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_DoomChex)
R_CreateSkinTranslation ("SPALHTIC");
R_CreateSkinTranslation ("SPALDOOM");
// [RH] Count the number of skins.
numskins = PlayerClasses.Size ();
lastlump = 0;
while ((lump = Wads.FindLump ("S_SKIN", &lastlump, true)) != -1)
// [RH] Do some preliminary setup
if (skins != NULL) delete [] skins;
skins = new FPlayerSkin[numskins];
memset (skins, 0, sizeof(*skins) * numskins);
for (i = 0; i < numskins; i++)
{ // Assume Doom skin by default
const PClass *type = PlayerClasses[0].Type;
skins[i].range0start = type->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) & 255;
skins[i].range0end = type->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) >> 8;
skins[i].ScaleX = GetDefaultByType (type)->scaleX;
skins[i].ScaleY = GetDefaultByType (type)->scaleY;
R_InitSpriteDefs ();
R_InitVoxels(); // [RH] Parse VOXELDEF
NumStdSprites = sprites.Size();
R_InitSkins (); // [RH] Finish loading skin data
// [RH] Set up base skin
// [GRB] Each player class has its own base skin
for (i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); i++)
const PClass *basetype = PlayerClasses[i].Type;
const char *pclassface = basetype->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_Face);
strcpy (skins[i].name, "Base");
if (pclassface == NULL || strcmp(pclassface, "None") == 0)
skins[i].face[0] = 'S';
skins[i].face[1] = 'T';
skins[i].face[2] = 'F';
skins[i].face[3] = '\0';
strcpy(skins[i].face, pclassface);
skins[i].range0start = basetype->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) & 255;
skins[i].range0end = basetype->Meta.GetMetaInt (APMETA_ColorRange) >> 8;
skins[i].ScaleX = GetDefaultByType (basetype)->scaleX;
skins[i].ScaleY = GetDefaultByType (basetype)->scaleY;
skins[i].sprite = GetDefaultByType (basetype)->SpawnState->sprite;
skins[i].namespc = ns_global;
PlayerClasses[i].Skins.Push (i);
if (memcmp (sprites[skins[i].sprite].name, "PLAY", 4) == 0)
for (j = 0; j < sprites.Size (); j++)
if (memcmp (sprites[j].name, deh.PlayerSprite, 4) == 0)
skins[i].sprite = (int)j;
// [RH] Sort the skins, but leave base as skin 0
//qsort (&skins[PlayerClasses.Size ()], numskins-PlayerClasses.Size (), sizeof(FPlayerSkin), skinsorter);
void R_DeinitSpriteData()
// Free skins
if (skins != NULL)
delete[] skins;
skins = NULL;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#ifndef __RES_SPRITES_H
#define __RES_SPRITES_H
#define MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES 29 // [RH] Macro-ized as in BOOM.
// Sprites are patches with a special naming convention so they can be
// recognized by R_InitSprites. The base name is NNNNFx or NNNNFxFx, with
// x indicating the rotation, x = 0, 1-7. The sprite and frame specified
// by a thing_t is range checked at run time.
// A sprite is a patch_t that is assumed to represent a three dimensional
// object and may have multiple rotations pre drawn. Horizontal flipping
// is used to save space, thus NNNNF2F5 defines a mirrored patch.
// Some sprites will only have one picture used for all views: NNNNF0
struct spriteframe_t
struct FVoxelDef *Voxel;// voxel to use for this frame
FTextureID Texture[16]; // texture to use for view angles 0-15
WORD Flip; // flip (1 = flip) to use for view angles 0-15.
// A sprite definition:
// a number of animation frames.
struct spritedef_t
char name[5];
DWORD dwName;
BYTE numframes;
WORD spriteframes;
extern TArray<spriteframe_t> SpriteFrames;
// [RH] Internal "skin" definition.
class FPlayerSkin
char name[17]; // 16 chars + NULL
char face[4]; // 3 chars ([MH] + NULL so can use as a C string)
BYTE gender; // This skin's gender (not really used)
BYTE range0start;
BYTE range0end;
bool othergame; // [GRB]
fixed_t ScaleX;
fixed_t ScaleY;
int sprite;
int crouchsprite;
int namespc; // namespace for this skin
extern size_t numskins; // [RH]
extern FPlayerSkin * skins; // [RH]
extern BYTE OtherGameSkinRemap[256];
extern PalEntry OtherGameSkinPalette[256];
@ -1086,60 +1086,6 @@ enum
// Sprites are patches with a special naming convention so they can be
// recognized by R_InitSprites. The base name is NNNNFx or NNNNFxFx, with
// x indicating the rotation, x = 0, 1-7. The sprite and frame specified
// by a thing_t is range checked at run time.
// A sprite is a patch_t that is assumed to represent a three dimensional
// object and may have multiple rotations pre drawn. Horizontal flipping
// is used to save space, thus NNNNF2F5 defines a mirrored patch.
// Some sprites will only have one picture used for all views: NNNNF0
struct spriteframe_t
struct FVoxelDef *Voxel;// voxel to use for this frame
FTextureID Texture[16]; // texture to use for view angles 0-15
WORD Flip; // flip (1 = flip) to use for view angles 0-15.
// A sprite definition:
// a number of animation frames.
struct spritedef_t
char name[5];
DWORD dwName;
BYTE numframes;
WORD spriteframes;
extern TArray<spriteframe_t> SpriteFrames;
// [RH] Internal "skin" definition.
class FPlayerSkin
char name[17]; // 16 chars + NULL
char face[4]; // 3 chars ([MH] + NULL so can use as a C string)
BYTE gender; // This skin's gender (not really used)
BYTE range0start;
BYTE range0end;
bool othergame; // [GRB]
fixed_t ScaleX;
fixed_t ScaleY;
int sprite;
int crouchsprite;
int namespc; // namespace for this skin
// [RH] A c-buffer. Used for keeping track of offscreen voxel spans.
@ -812,6 +812,8 @@ void R_Init ()
atterm (R_Shutdown);
clearbufshort (zeroarray, MAXWIDTH, 0);
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
// Need data structure definitions.
#include "d_player.h"
#include "r_data/sprites.h"
// Refresh internal data structures,
@ -34,18 +35,6 @@
extern "C" int viewwidth;
extern "C" int viewheight;
// Sprite....
extern int firstspritelump;
extern int lastspritelump;
extern int numspritelumps;
extern size_t numskins; // [RH]
extern FPlayerSkin * skins; // [RH]
extern BYTE OtherGameSkinRemap[256];
extern PalEntry OtherGameSkinPalette[256];
// Lookup tables for map data.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
#ifndef __R_THINGS__
#define __R_THINGS__
#define MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES 29 // [RH] Macro-ized as in BOOM.
// [RH] Particle details
struct particle_t
@ -6511,7 +6511,7 @@
Name="Render Data"
@ -6624,6 +6624,10 @@
@ -6648,6 +6652,10 @@
Reference in a new issue