mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 19:31:29 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rheit/zdoom
Conflicts: src/p_3dfloors.cpp
This commit is contained in:
31 changed files with 251 additions and 227 deletions
@ -1331,18 +1331,20 @@ if( APPLE )
LINK_FLAGS "-framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework IOKit -framework OpenGL"
# Fix fmod link so that it can be found in the app bundle.
find_program( OTOOL otool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin" )
find_program( INSTALL_NAME_TOOL install_name_tool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin" )
execute_process( COMMAND "${OTOOL}" -L "${FMOD_LIBRARY}"
COMMAND grep "libfmodex.dylib (compat"
COMMAND head -n1
COMMAND awk "{print $1}"
add_custom_command( TARGET zdoom POST_BUILD
COMMAND "${INSTALL_NAME_TOOL}" -change "${FMOD_LINK}" @executable_path/../Frameworks/libfmodex.dylib "$<TARGET_FILE:zdoom>"
COMMENT "Relinking FMOD Ex" )
# Fix fmod link so that it can be found in the app bundle.
find_program( OTOOL otool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin" )
find_program( INSTALL_NAME_TOOL install_name_tool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin" )
execute_process( COMMAND "${OTOOL}" -L "${FMOD_LIBRARY}"
COMMAND grep "libfmodex.dylib (compat"
COMMAND head -n1
COMMAND awk "{print $1}"
add_custom_command( TARGET zdoom POST_BUILD
COMMAND "${INSTALL_NAME_TOOL}" -change "${FMOD_LINK}" @executable_path/../Frameworks/libfmodex.dylib "$<TARGET_FILE:zdoom>"
COMMENT "Relinking FMOD Ex" )
endif( NOT NO_FMOD )
endif( APPLE )
source_group("Assembly Files\\ia32" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/asm_ia32/.+")
@ -1935,8 +1935,6 @@ void AM_drawSubsectors()
scalex = sec->GetXScale(sector_t::floor);
scaley = sec->GetYScale(sector_t::floor);
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (sec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
secplane_t *floorplane = &sec->floorplane;
@ -1997,7 +1995,6 @@ void AM_drawSubsectors()
floorlight = *light->p_lightlevel;
colormap = light->extra_colormap;
if (maptex == skyflatnum)
@ -2153,8 +2150,6 @@ void AM_showSS()
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Determines if a 3D floor boundary should be drawn
@ -2214,7 +2209,6 @@ bool AM_Check3DFloors(line_t *line)
// All 3D floors could be matched so let's not draw a boundary.
return false;
@ -2345,12 +2339,10 @@ void AM_drawWalls (bool allmap)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.CDWallColor); // ceiling level change
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
else if (AM_Check3DFloors(&lines[i]))
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.EFWallColor); // Extra floor border
else if (am_cheat > 0 && am_cheat < 4)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.TSWallColor);
@ -1076,7 +1076,8 @@ FString BuildString (int argc, FString *argv)
// %x or %{x} in the command line with argument x. If argument x does not
// exist, then the empty string is substituted in its place.
// Substitution is not done inside of quoted strings.
// Substitution is not done inside of quoted strings, unless that string is
// prepended with a % character.
// To avoid a substitution, use %%. The %% will be replaced by a single %.
@ -1091,19 +1092,12 @@ FString SubstituteAliasParams (FString &command, FCommandLine &args)
char *p = command.LockBuffer(), *start = p;
unsigned long argnum;
FString buf;
bool inquote = false;
while (*p != '\0')
if (*p == '%' && ((p[1] >= '0' && p[1] <= '9') || p[1] == '{' || p[1] == '%'))
if (p[0] == '%' && ((p[1] >= '0' && p[1] <= '9') || p[1] == '{'))
if (p[1] == '%')
// Do not substitute. Just collapse to a single %.
buf.AppendCStrPart (start, p - start + 1);
start = p = p + 2;
// Do a substitution. Output what came before this.
buf.AppendCStrPart (start, p - start);
@ -1115,14 +1109,50 @@ FString SubstituteAliasParams (FString &command, FCommandLine &args)
p = (start += (p[1] == '{' && *start == '}'));
else if (*p == '"')
else if (p[0] == '%' && p[1] == '%')
// Don't substitute inside quoted strings.
while (*p != '\0' && (*p != '"' || *(p-1) == '\\'))
// Do not substitute. Just collapse to a single %.
buf.AppendCStrPart (start, p - start + 1);
start = p = p + 2;
else if (p[0] == '%' && p[1] == '"')
// Collapse %" to " and remember that we're in a quote so when we
// see a " character again, we don't start skipping below.
if (!inquote)
inquote = true;
buf.AppendCStrPart(start, p - start);
start = p + 1;
inquote = false;
p += 2;
else if (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '"')
p += 2;
else if (p[0] == '"')
// Don't substitute inside quoted strings if it didn't start
// with a %"
if (!inquote)
if (*p != '\0')
while (*p != '\0' && (*p != '"' || *(p-1) == '\\'))
if (*p != '\0')
inquote = false;
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_BFGSpray)
if (spray != NULL)
if (spray->flags6 & MF6_MTHRUSPECIES && spray->GetSpecies() == linetarget->GetSpecies())
if (spray->flags6 & MF6_MTHRUSPECIES && self->target->GetSpecies() == linetarget->GetSpecies())
spray->Destroy(); // [MC] Remove it because technically, the spray isn't trying to "hit" them.
@ -1046,7 +1046,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SkullRodStorm)
x = self->x + ((pr_storm()&127) - 64) * FRACUNIT;
y = self->y + ((pr_storm()&127) - 64) * FRACUNIT;
mo = Spawn<ARainPillar> (x, y, ONCEILINGZ, ALLOW_REPLACE);
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// We used bouncecount to store the 3D floor index in A_HideInCeiling
if (!mo) return;
fixed_t newz;
@ -1058,7 +1057,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SkullRodStorm)
int moceiling = P_Find3DFloor(NULL, x, y, newz, false, false, newz);
if (moceiling >= 0)
mo->z = newz - mo->height;
mo->Translation = multiplayer ?
TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_PlayersExtra,self->special2) : 0;
mo->target = self->target;
@ -1098,7 +1096,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_RainImpact)
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// We use bouncecount to store the 3D floor index
fixed_t foo;
for (unsigned int i=0; i< self->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++)
@ -1114,7 +1111,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_HideInCeiling)
self->bouncecount = -1;
self->z = self->ceilingz + 4*FRACUNIT;
@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ FTextureID DBaseDecal::StickToWall (side_t *wall, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, F3DFloor
Z -= back->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling);
tex = wall->GetTexture(side_t::top);
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
else if (ffloor) // this is a 3d-floor segment - do this only if we know which one!
@ -295,7 +294,6 @@ FTextureID DBaseDecal::StickToWall (side_t *wall, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, F3DFloor
tex = ffloor->master->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::mid);
else return FNullTextureID();
CalcFracPos (wall, x, y);
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "p_terrain.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
@ -343,8 +344,15 @@ void P_PlayerOnSpecial3DFloor(player_t* player)
(player->mo->z + player->mo->height) < rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(player->mo->x, player->mo->y))
if (rover->model->special || rover->model->damage) P_PlayerInSpecialSector(player, rover->model);
// Apply sector specials
if (rover->model->special || rover->model->damage)
P_PlayerInSpecialSector(player, rover->model);
// Apply flat specials (using the ceiling!)
player, TerrainTypes[rover->model->GetTexture(rover->flags & FF_INVERTSECTOR? sector_t::floor : sector_t::ceiling)]);
@ -957,8 +965,6 @@ int P_Find3DFloor(sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, bool above, b
return -1;
#include "c_dispatch.h"
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
#define CenterSpot(sec) (vertex_t*)&(sec)->soundorg[0]
#define _3DFLOORS
// 3D floor flags. Most are the same as in Legacy but I added some for EDGE's and Vavoom's features as well.
typedef enum
@ -60,8 +58,6 @@ enum
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
struct secplane_t;
struct FDynamicColormap;
@ -150,39 +146,5 @@ void P_LineOpening_XFloors (FLineOpening &open, AActor * thing, const line_t *li
secplane_t P_FindFloorPlane(sector_t * sector, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z);
int P_Find3DFloor(sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, bool above, bool floor, fixed_t &cmpz);
// Dummy definitions for disabled 3D floor code
struct F3DFloor
int dummy;
struct lightlist_t
int dummy;
class player_s;
inline void P_PlayerOnSpecial3DFloor(player_t* player) {}
inline void P_Get3DFloorAndCeiling(AActor * thing, sector_t * sector, fixed_t * floorz, fixed_t * ceilingz, int * floorpic) {}
inline bool P_CheckFor3DFloorHit(AActor * mo) { return false; }
inline bool P_CheckFor3DCeilingHit(AActor * mo) { return false; }
inline void P_Recalculate3DFloors(sector_t *) {}
inline void P_RecalculateAttached3DFloors(sector_t * sec) {}
inline lightlist_t * P_GetPlaneLight(sector_t * , secplane_t * plane, bool underside) { return NULL; }
inline void P_Spawn3DFloors( void ) {}
struct FLineOpening;
inline void P_LineOpening_XFloors (FLineOpening &open, AActor * thing, const line_t *linedef,
fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t refx, fixed_t refy, bool restrict) {}
//secplane_t P_FindFloorPlane(sector_t * sector, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z){return sector->floorplane;}
@ -1959,13 +1959,12 @@ bool FBehavior::Init(int lumpnum, FileReader * fr, int len)
chunk = (DWORD *)FindChunk (MAKE_ID('M','S','T','R'));
if (chunk != NULL)
for (DWORD i = 0; i < chunk[1]/4; ++i)
for (DWORD i = 0; i < LittleLong(chunk[1])/4; ++i)
// MapVarStore[chunk[i+2]] |= LibraryID;
const char *str = LookupString(MapVarStore[chunk[i+2]]);
const char *str = LookupString(MapVarStore[LittleLong(chunk[i+2])]);
if (str != NULL)
MapVarStore[chunk[i+2]] = GlobalACSStrings.AddString(str, NULL, 0);
MapVarStore[LittleLong(chunk[i+2])] = GlobalACSStrings.AddString(str, NULL, 0);
@ -1973,7 +1972,7 @@ bool FBehavior::Init(int lumpnum, FileReader * fr, int len)
chunk = (DWORD *)FindChunk (MAKE_ID('A','S','T','R'));
if (chunk != NULL)
for (DWORD i = 0; i < chunk[1]/4; ++i)
for (DWORD i = 0; i < LittleLong(chunk[1])/4; ++i)
int arraynum = MapVarStore[LittleLong(chunk[i+2])];
if ((unsigned)arraynum < (unsigned)NumArrays)
@ -2000,13 +1999,13 @@ bool FBehavior::Init(int lumpnum, FileReader * fr, int len)
// First byte is version, it should be 0
if(*chunkData++ == 0)
int arraynum = MapVarStore[uallong(*(const int*)(chunkData))];
int arraynum = MapVarStore[uallong(LittleLong(*(const int*)(chunkData)))];
chunkData += 4;
if ((unsigned)arraynum < (unsigned)NumArrays)
SDWORD *elems = ArrayStore[arraynum].Elements;
// Ending zeros may be left out.
for (int j = MIN(chunk[1]-5, ArrayStore[arraynum].ArraySize); j > 0; --j, ++elems, ++chunkData)
for (int j = MIN(LittleLong(chunk[1])-5, ArrayStore[arraynum].ArraySize); j > 0; --j, ++elems, ++chunkData)
// For ATAG, a value of 0 = Integer, 1 = String, 2 = FunctionPtr
// Our implementation uses the same tags for both String and FunctionPtr
@ -2073,7 +2072,7 @@ bool FBehavior::Init(int lumpnum, FileReader * fr, int len)
ScriptFunction *func = &((ScriptFunction *)Functions)[j];
if (func->Address == 0 && func->ImportNum == 0)
int libfunc = lib->FindFunctionName ((char *)(chunk + 2) + chunk[3+j]);
int libfunc = lib->FindFunctionName ((char *)(chunk + 2) + LittleLong(chunk[3+j]));
if (libfunc >= 0)
ScriptFunction *realfunc = &((ScriptFunction *)lib->Functions)[libfunc];
@ -2086,14 +2085,14 @@ bool FBehavior::Init(int lumpnum, FileReader * fr, int len)
if (realfunc->ArgCount != func->ArgCount)
Printf (TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE "Function %s in %s has %d arguments. %s expects it to have %d.\n",
(char *)(chunk + 2) + chunk[3+j], lib->ModuleName, realfunc->ArgCount,
(char *)(chunk + 2) + LittleLong(chunk[3+j]), lib->ModuleName, realfunc->ArgCount,
ModuleName, func->ArgCount);
Format = ACS_Unknown;
// The next two properties do not affect code compatibility, so it is
// okay for them to be different in the imported module than they are
// in this one, as long as we make sure to use the real values.
func->LocalCount = realfunc->LocalCount;
func->LocalCount = LittleLong(realfunc->LocalCount);
func->HasReturnValue = realfunc->HasReturnValue;
@ -2105,7 +2104,7 @@ bool FBehavior::Init(int lumpnum, FileReader * fr, int len)
if (chunk != NULL)
char *parse = (char *)&chunk[2];
for (DWORD j = 0; j < chunk[1]; )
for (DWORD j = 0; j < LittleLong(chunk[1]); )
DWORD varNum = LittleLong(*(DWORD *)&parse[j]);
j += 4;
@ -586,12 +586,12 @@ void P_DrawSplash2 (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, i
void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end, int color1, int color2, float maxdiff, int flags, const PClass *spawnclass, angle_t angle, int duration, float sparsity, float drift, int SpiralOffset)
void P_DrawRailTrail(AActor *source, const TVector3<double> &start, const TVector3<double> &end, int color1, int color2, double maxdiff, int flags, const PClass *spawnclass, angle_t angle, int duration, double sparsity, double drift, int SpiralOffset)
double length, lengthsquared;
int steps, i;
FAngle deg;
FVector3 step, dir, pos, extend;
TAngle<double> deg;
TVector3<double> step, dir, pos, extend;
bool fullbright;
dir = end - start;
@ -615,9 +615,9 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
// The railgun's sound is special. It gets played from the
// point on the slug's trail that is closest to the hearing player.
AActor *mo = players[consoleplayer].camera;
FVector3 point;
TVector3<double> point;
double r;
float dirz;
double dirz;
if (abs(mo->x - FLOAT2FIXED(start.X)) < 20 * FRACUNIT
&& (mo->y - FLOAT2FIXED(start.Y)) < 20 * FRACUNIT)
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
// Only consider sound in 2D (for now, anyway)
// [BB] You have to divide by lengthsquared here, not multiply with it.
r = ((start.Y - FIXED2FLOAT(mo->y)) * (-dir.Y) - (start.X - FIXED2FLOAT(mo->x)) * (dir.X)) / lengthsquared;
r = ((start.Y - FIXED2DBL(mo->y)) * (-dir.Y) - (start.X - FIXED2DBL(mo->x)) * (dir.X)) / lengthsquared;
r = clamp<double>(r, 0., 1.);
dirz = dir.Z;
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
minelem = fabs(dir[i]);
FVector3 tempvec(0,0,0);
TVector3<double> tempvec(0, 0, 0);
tempvec[epos] = 1;
extend = tempvec - (dir | tempvec) * dir;
@ -673,16 +673,16 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
// Create the outer spiral.
if (color1 != -1 && (!r_rail_smartspiral || color2 == -1) && r_rail_spiralsparsity > 0 && (spawnclass == NULL))
FVector3 spiral_step = step * r_rail_spiralsparsity * sparsity;
TVector3<double> spiral_step = step * r_rail_spiralsparsity * sparsity;
int spiral_steps = (int)(steps * r_rail_spiralsparsity / sparsity);
color1 = color1 == 0 ? -1 : ParticleColor(color1);
pos = start;
deg = FAngle(SpiralOffset);
deg = TAngle<double>(SpiralOffset);
for (i = spiral_steps; i; i--)
particle_t *p = NewParticle ();
FVector3 tempvec;
TVector3<double> tempvec;
if (!p)
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
p->size = 3;
p->bright = fullbright;
tempvec = FMatrix3x3(dir, deg) * extend;
tempvec = TMatrix3x3<double>(dir, deg) * extend;
p->velx = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.X * drift)>>4;
p->vely = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Y * drift)>>4;
p->velz = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Z * drift)>>4;
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
p->y = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Y);
p->z = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Z);
pos += spiral_step;
deg += FAngle(r_rail_spiralsparsity * 14);
deg += TAngle<double>(r_rail_spiralsparsity * 14);
if (color1 == -1)
@ -729,18 +729,18 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
// Create the inner trail.
if (color2 != -1 && r_rail_trailsparsity > 0 && spawnclass == NULL)
FVector3 trail_step = step * r_rail_trailsparsity * sparsity;
TVector3<double> trail_step = step * r_rail_trailsparsity * sparsity;
int trail_steps = xs_FloorToInt(steps * r_rail_trailsparsity / sparsity);
color2 = color2 == 0 ? -1 : ParticleColor(color2);
FVector3 diff(0, 0, 0);
TVector3<double> diff(0, 0, 0);
pos = start;
for (i = trail_steps; i; i--)
// [XA] inner trail uses a different default duration (33).
int innerduration = (duration == 0) ? 33 : duration;
particle_t *p = JitterParticle (innerduration, drift);
particle_t *p = JitterParticle (innerduration, (float)drift);
if (!p)
@ -749,14 +749,14 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
int rnd = M_Random ();
if (rnd & 1)
diff.X = clamp<float> (diff.X + ((rnd & 8) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
diff.X = clamp<double>(diff.X + ((rnd & 8) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
if (rnd & 2)
diff.Y = clamp<float> (diff.Y + ((rnd & 16) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
diff.Y = clamp<double>(diff.Y + ((rnd & 16) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
if (rnd & 4)
diff.Z = clamp<float> (diff.Z + ((rnd & 32) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
diff.Z = clamp<double>(diff.Z + ((rnd & 32) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
FVector3 postmp = pos + diff;
TVector3<double> postmp = pos + diff;
p->size = 2;
p->x = FLOAT2FIXED(postmp.X);
@ -791,9 +791,9 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
if (sparsity < 1)
sparsity = 32;
FVector3 trail_step = (step / 3) * sparsity;
TVector3<double> trail_step = (step / 3) * sparsity;
int trail_steps = (int)((steps * 3) / sparsity);
FVector3 diff(0, 0, 0);
TVector3<double> diff(0, 0, 0);
pos = start;
for (i = trail_steps; i; i--)
@ -802,13 +802,13 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end
int rnd = pr_railtrail();
if (rnd & 1)
diff.X = clamp<float> (diff.X + ((rnd & 8) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
diff.X = clamp<double>(diff.X + ((rnd & 8) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
if (rnd & 2)
diff.Y = clamp<float> (diff.Y + ((rnd & 16) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
diff.Y = clamp<double>(diff.Y + ((rnd & 16) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
if (rnd & 4)
diff.Z = clamp<float> (diff.Z + ((rnd & 32) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
diff.Z = clamp<double>(diff.Z + ((rnd & 32) ? 1 : -1), -maxdiff, maxdiff);
FVector3 postmp = pos + diff;
TVector3<double> postmp = pos + diff;
AActor *thing = Spawn (spawnclass, FLOAT2FIXED(postmp.X), FLOAT2FIXED(postmp.Y), FLOAT2FIXED(postmp.Z), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (thing)
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void P_RunEffects (void);
void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects);
void P_DrawRailTrail (AActor *source, const FVector3 &start, const FVector3 &end, int color1, int color2, float maxdiff = 0, int flags = 0, const PClass *spawnclass = NULL, angle_t angle = 0, int duration = 35, float sparsity = 1.0, float drift = 1.0, int SpiralOffset = 270);
void P_DrawRailTrail(AActor *source, const TVector3<double> &start, const TVector3<double> &end, int color1, int color2, double maxdiff = 0, int flags = 0, const PClass *spawnclass = NULL, angle_t angle = 0, int duration = 35, double sparsity = 1.0, double drift = 1.0, int SpiralOffset = 270);
void P_DrawSplash (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, int kind);
void P_DrawSplash2 (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, int updown, int kind);
void P_DisconnectEffect (AActor *actor);
@ -2548,7 +2548,6 @@ static bool P_CheckForResurrection(AActor *self, bool usevilestates)
if (abs(corpsehit->x - viletryx) > maxdist ||
abs(corpsehit->y - viletryy) > maxdist)
continue; // not actually touching
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Let's check if there are floors in between the archvile and its target
sector_t *vilesec = self->Sector;
sector_t *corpsec = corpsehit->Sector;
@ -2566,7 +2565,6 @@ static bool P_CheckForResurrection(AActor *self, bool usevilestates)
corpsehit->velx = corpsehit->vely = 0;
// [RH] Check against real height and radius
@ -2933,7 +2931,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MonsterRail)
if (linetarget == NULL)
// We probably won't hit the target, but aim at it anyway so we don't look stupid.
FVector2 xydiff(self->target->x - self->x, self->target->y - self->y);
TVector2<double> xydiff(self->target->x - self->x, self->target->y - self->y);
double zdiff = (self->target->z + (self->target->height>>1)) -
(self->z + (self->height>>1) - self->floorclip);
self->pitch = int(atan2(zdiff, xydiff.Length()) * ANGLE_180 / -M_PI);
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ void P_TraceBleed (int damage, AActor *target); // random direction version
bool P_HitFloor (AActor *thing);
bool P_HitWater (AActor *thing, sector_t *sec, fixed_t splashx = FIXED_MIN, fixed_t splashy = FIXED_MIN, fixed_t splashz=FIXED_MIN, bool checkabove = false, bool alert = true);
void P_CheckSplash(AActor *self, fixed_t distance);
void P_RailAttack (AActor *source, int damage, int offset_xy, fixed_t offset_z = 0, int color1 = 0, int color2 = 0, float maxdiff = 0, int flags = 0, const PClass *puff = NULL, angle_t angleoffset = 0, angle_t pitchoffset = 0, fixed_t distance = 8192*FRACUNIT, int duration = 0, float sparsity = 1.0, float drift = 1.0, const PClass *spawnclass = NULL, int SpiralOffset = 270); // [RH] Shoot a railgun
void P_RailAttack (AActor *source, int damage, int offset_xy, fixed_t offset_z = 0, int color1 = 0, int color2 = 0, double maxdiff = 0, int flags = 0, const PClass *puff = NULL, angle_t angleoffset = 0, angle_t pitchoffset = 0, fixed_t distance = 8192*FRACUNIT, int duration = 0, double sparsity = 1.0, double drift = 1.0, const PClass *spawnclass = NULL, int SpiralOffset = 270); // [RH] Shoot a railgun
enum // P_RailAttack / A_RailAttack / A_CustomRailgun / P_DrawRailTrail flags
@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ void P_GetFloorCeilingZ(FCheckPosition &tmf, int flags)
sec = tmf.thing->Sector;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<sec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor* rover = sec->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
@ -273,7 +272,6 @@ void P_GetFloorCeilingZ(FCheckPosition &tmf, int flags)
tmf.ceilingpic = *rover->bottom.texture;
@ -574,6 +572,25 @@ int P_GetFriction(const AActor *mo, int *frictionfactor)
friction = secfriction(mo->Sector);
movefactor = secmovefac(mo->Sector) >> 1;
// Check 3D floors -- might be the source of the waterlevel
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mo->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor *rover = mo->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!(rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE)) continue;
if (mo->z > rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x, mo->y) ||
mo->z < rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x, mo->y))
newfriction = secfriction(rover->model);
if (newfriction < friction || friction == ORIG_FRICTION)
friction = newfriction;
movefactor = secmovefac(rover->model) >> 1;
else if (var_friction && !(mo->flags & (MF_NOCLIP | MF_NOGRAVITY)))
{ // When the object is straddling sectors with the same
@ -584,16 +601,27 @@ int P_GetFriction(const AActor *mo, int *frictionfactor)
sec = m->m_sector;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// 3D floors must be checked, too
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor *rover = sec->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!(rover->flags & FF_SOLID)) continue;
// Player must be on top of the floor to be affected...
if (mo->z != rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x, mo->y)) continue;
if (rover->flags & FF_SOLID)
// Must be standing on a solid floor
if (mo->z != rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x, mo->y)) continue;
else if (rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE)
// Or on or inside a swimmable floor (e.g. in shallow water)
if (mo->z > rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x, mo->y) ||
(mo->z + mo->height) < rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x, mo->y))
newfriction = secfriction(rover->model);
if (newfriction < friction || friction == ORIG_FRICTION)
@ -601,7 +629,6 @@ int P_GetFriction(const AActor *mo, int *frictionfactor)
movefactor = secmovefac(rover->model);
if (!(sec->special & FRICTION_MASK) &&
Terrains[TerrainTypes[sec->GetTexture(sector_t::floor)]].Friction == 0)
@ -756,14 +783,9 @@ bool PIT_CheckLine(line_t *ld, const FBoundingBox &box, FCheckPosition &tm)
!(tm.thing->flags & (MF_NOGRAVITY | MF_NOCLIP)))
secplane_t frontplane, backplane;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Check 3D floors as well
frontplane = P_FindFloorPlane(ld->frontsector, tm.thing->x, tm.thing->y, tm.thing->floorz);
backplane = P_FindFloorPlane(ld->backsector, tm.thing->x, tm.thing->y, tm.thing->floorz);
frontplane = ld->frontsector->floorplane;
backplane = ld->backsector->floorplane;
if (frontplane.c < STEEPSLOPE || backplane.c < STEEPSLOPE)
const msecnode_t *node = tm.thing->touching_sectorlist;
@ -1424,7 +1446,6 @@ bool P_CheckPosition(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, FCheckPosition &tm, bo
//Added by MC: Fill the tmsector.
tm.sector = newsec;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
//Check 3D floors
if (!thing->IsNoClip2() && newsec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
@ -1456,7 +1477,6 @@ bool P_CheckPosition(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, FCheckPosition &tm, bo
@ -1773,7 +1793,6 @@ static void CheckForPushSpecial(line_t *line, int side, AActor *mobj, bool windo
fzb <= mobj->z && bzb <= mobj->z)
// we must also check if some 3D floor in the backsector may be blocking
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<line->backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor* rover = line->backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
@ -1788,7 +1807,6 @@ static void CheckForPushSpecial(line_t *line, int side, AActor *mobj, bool windo
goto isblocking;
@ -2713,7 +2731,6 @@ const secplane_t * P_CheckSlopeWalk(AActor *actor, fixed_t &xmove, fixed_t &ymov
const secplane_t *plane = &actor->floorsector->floorplane;
fixed_t planezhere = plane->ZatPoint(actor->x, actor->y);
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<actor->floorsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor * rover = actor->floorsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
@ -2748,7 +2765,6 @@ const secplane_t * P_CheckSlopeWalk(AActor *actor, fixed_t &xmove, fixed_t &ymov
if (actor->floorsector != actor->Sector)
@ -3126,7 +3142,6 @@ struct aim_t
AActor * thing_friend, *thing_other;
angle_t pitch_friend, pitch_other;
int flags;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
sector_t * lastsector;
secplane_t * lastfloorplane;
secplane_t * lastceilingplane;
@ -3134,13 +3149,11 @@ struct aim_t
bool crossedffloors;
bool AimTraverse3DFloors(const divline_t &trace, intercept_t * in);
void AimTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t endy, AActor *target = NULL);
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// AimTraverse3DFloors
@ -3242,7 +3255,6 @@ bool aim_t::AimTraverse3DFloors(const divline_t &trace, intercept_t * in)
lastfloorplane = nextbottomplane;
return true;
@ -3295,9 +3307,7 @@ void aim_t::AimTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t en
if (toppitch >= bottompitch)
return; // stop
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (!AimTraverse3DFloors(it.Trace(), in)) return;
continue; // shot continues
@ -3336,7 +3346,6 @@ void aim_t::AimTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t en
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// we must do one last check whether the trace has crossed a 3D floor
if (lastsector == th->Sector && th->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
@ -3361,7 +3370,6 @@ void aim_t::AimTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t en
// check angles to see if the thing can be aimed at
@ -3375,7 +3383,6 @@ void aim_t::AimTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t en
if (thingbottompitch < toppitch)
continue; // shot under the thing
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (crossedffloors)
// if 3D floors were in the way do an extra visibility check for safety
@ -3394,7 +3401,6 @@ void aim_t::AimTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t en
else return;
// this thing can be hit!
if (thingtoppitch < toppitch)
@ -3531,7 +3537,6 @@ fixed_t P_AimLineAttack(AActor *t1, angle_t angle, fixed_t distance, AActor **pL
// Information for tracking crossed 3D floors
aim.aimpitch = t1->pitch;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
aim.crossedffloors = t1->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() != 0;
aim.lastsector = t1->Sector;
aim.lastfloorplane = aim.lastceilingplane = NULL;
@ -3547,7 +3552,6 @@ fixed_t P_AimLineAttack(AActor *t1, angle_t angle, fixed_t distance, AActor **pL
bottomz = rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(t1->x, t1->y);
if (bottomz <= t1->z) aim.lastfloorplane = rover->top.plane;
aim.AimTraverse(t1->x, t1->y, x2, y2, target);
@ -4146,12 +4150,12 @@ static ETraceStatus ProcessRailHit(FTraceResults &res, void *userdata)
void P_RailAttack(AActor *source, int damage, int offset_xy, fixed_t offset_z, int color1, int color2, float maxdiff, int railflags, const PClass *puffclass, angle_t angleoffset, angle_t pitchoffset, fixed_t distance, int duration, float sparsity, float drift, const PClass *spawnclass, int SpiralOffset)
void P_RailAttack(AActor *source, int damage, int offset_xy, fixed_t offset_z, int color1, int color2, double maxdiff, int railflags, const PClass *puffclass, angle_t angleoffset, angle_t pitchoffset, fixed_t distance, int duration, double sparsity, double drift, const PClass *spawnclass, int SpiralOffset)
fixed_t vx, vy, vz;
angle_t angle, pitch;
fixed_t x1, y1;
FVector3 start, end;
TVector3<double> start, end;
FTraceResults trace;
fixed_t shootz;
@ -4271,11 +4275,16 @@ void P_RailAttack(AActor *source, int damage, int offset_xy, fixed_t offset_z, i
// Spawn a decal or puff at the point where the trace ended.
if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitWall)
SpawnShootDecal(source, trace);
AActor* puff = NULL;
if (puffclass != NULL && puffDefaults->flags3 & MF3_ALWAYSPUFF)
P_SpawnPuff(source, puffclass, trace.X, trace.Y, trace.Z, (source->angle + angleoffset) - ANG90, 1, 0);
puff = P_SpawnPuff(source, puffclass, trace.X, trace.Y, trace.Z, (source->angle + angleoffset) - ANG90, 1, 0);
if (puff != NULL && puffDefaults->flags7 & MF7_FORCEDECAL && puff->DecalGenerator)
SpawnShootDecal(puff, trace);
SpawnShootDecal(source, trace);
if (thepuff != NULL)
@ -4295,9 +4304,9 @@ void P_RailAttack(AActor *source, int damage, int offset_xy, fixed_t offset_z, i
// Draw the slug's trail.
end.X = FIXED2FLOAT(trace.X);
end.Y = FIXED2FLOAT(trace.Y);
end.Z = FIXED2FLOAT(trace.Z);
end.X = FIXED2DBL(trace.X);
end.Y = FIXED2DBL(trace.Y);
end.Z = FIXED2DBL(trace.Z);
P_DrawRailTrail(source, start, end, color1, color2, maxdiff, railflags, spawnclass, source->angle + angleoffset, duration, sparsity, drift, SpiralOffset);
@ -5423,7 +5432,6 @@ bool P_ChangeSector(sector_t *sector, int crunch, int amt, int floorOrCeil, bool
cpos.movemidtex = false;
cpos.sector = sector;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Also process all sectors that have 3D floors transferred from the
// changed sector.
if (sector->e->XFloor.attached.Size())
@ -5471,8 +5479,6 @@ bool P_ChangeSector(sector_t *sector, int crunch, int amt, int floorOrCeil, bool
P_Recalculate3DFloors(sector); // Must recalculate the 3d floor and light lists
// [RH] Use different functions for the four different types of sector
// movement.
@ -1316,7 +1316,6 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
z = mo->z;
F3DFloor * ffloor=NULL;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (line->sidedef[side^1] != NULL)
sector_t * backsector = line->sidedef[side^1]->sector;
@ -1336,7 +1335,6 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
DImpactDecal::StaticCreate (base->GetDecal (),
x, y, z, line->sidedef[side], ffloor);
@ -2164,7 +2162,6 @@ explode:
if (mo->dropoffz != mo->floorz) // 3DMidtex or other special cases that must be excluded
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
unsigned i;
@ -2175,7 +2172,6 @@ explode:
if (rover->flags&FF_SOLID && rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(mo->x,mo->y)==mo->floorz) break;
if (i==mo->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
return oldfloorz;
@ -3567,12 +3563,8 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
secplane_t floorplane;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Check 3D floors as well
floorplane = P_FindFloorPlane(floorsector, x, y, floorz);
floorplane = floorsector->floorplane;
if (floorplane.c < STEEPSLOPE &&
floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y) <= floorz)
@ -3889,7 +3881,6 @@ bool AActor::UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz, bool dosplash)
reset = true;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Check 3D floors as well!
@ -3923,7 +3914,6 @@ bool AActor::UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz, bool dosplash)
// some additional checks to make deep sectors like Boom's splash without setting
@ -5371,7 +5361,6 @@ bool P_HitWater (AActor * thing, sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
for(unsigned int i=0;i<sec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size();i++)
F3DFloor * rover = sec->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
@ -5388,7 +5377,6 @@ bool P_HitWater (AActor * thing, sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z
planez = rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(x, y);
if (planez < z && !(planez < thing->floorz)) return false;
hsec = sec->GetHeightSec();
if (hsec == NULL || !(hsec->MoreFlags & SECF_CLIPFAKEPLANES))
@ -5398,9 +5386,7 @@ bool P_HitWater (AActor * thing, sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z
terrainnum = TerrainTypes[hsec->GetTexture(sector_t::floor)];
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
int splashnum = Terrains[terrainnum].Splash;
bool smallsplash = false;
@ -5503,7 +5489,6 @@ bool P_HitFloor (AActor *thing)
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Check 3D floors
for(unsigned int i=0;i<m->m_sector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size();i++)
@ -5517,7 +5502,6 @@ bool P_HitFloor (AActor *thing)
if (m == NULL || m->m_sector->GetHeightSec() != NULL)
@ -2519,7 +2519,6 @@ void P_ProcessSideTextures(bool checktranmap, side_t *sd, sector_t *sec, intmaps
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
case Sector_Set3DFloor:
if (msd->toptexture[0]=='#')
@ -2534,7 +2533,6 @@ void P_ProcessSideTextures(bool checktranmap, side_t *sd, sector_t *sec, intmaps
SetTexture(sd, side_t::mid, msd->midtexture, missingtex);
SetTexture(sd, side_t::bottom, msd->bottomtexture, missingtex);
case TranslucentLine: // killough 4/11/98: apply translucency to 2s normal texture
if (checktranmap)
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ bool SightCheck::PTR_SightTraverse (intercept_t *in)
if (topslope <= bottomslope)
return false; // stop
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// now handle 3D-floors
if(li->frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() || li->backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
@ -219,7 +218,6 @@ bool SightCheck::PTR_SightTraverse (intercept_t *in)
lastztop= FixedMul (topslope, in->frac) + sightzstart;
lastzbottom= FixedMul (bottomslope, in->frac) + sightzstart;
return true; // keep going
@ -401,7 +399,6 @@ bool SightCheck::P_SightTraverseIntercepts ()
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (lastsector==seeingthing->Sector && lastsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
// we must do one last check whether the trace has crossed a 3D floor in the last sector
@ -424,7 +421,6 @@ bool SightCheck::P_SightTraverseIntercepts ()
return true; // everything was traversed
@ -453,7 +449,6 @@ bool SightCheck::P_SightPathTraverse (fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_
intercepts.Clear ();
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// for FF_SEETHROUGH the following rule applies:
// If the viewer is in an area without FF_SEETHROUGH he can only see into areas without this flag
// If the viewer is in an area with FF_SEETHROUGH he can only see into areas with this flag
@ -472,7 +467,6 @@ bool SightCheck::P_SightPathTraverse (fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_
if ( ((x1-bmaporgx)&(MAPBLOCKSIZE-1)) == 0)
x1 += FRACUNIT; // don't side exactly on a line
@ -718,12 +718,6 @@ void P_GiveSecret(AActor *actor, bool printmessage, bool playsound, int sectornu
void P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player_t *player, int floorType)
if (player->mo->z > player->mo->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (
player->mo->x, player->mo->y) &&
{ // Player is not touching the floor
if (Terrains[floorType].DamageAmount &&
!(level.time & Terrains[floorType].DamageTimeMask))
@ -738,12 +732,13 @@ void P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player_t *player, int floorType)
int damage = 0;
if (ironfeet == NULL)
P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, Terrains[floorType].DamageAmount,
damage = P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, Terrains[floorType].DamageAmount,
if (Terrains[floorType].Splash != -1)
if (damage > 0 && Terrains[floorType].Splash != -1)
S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_AUTO,
Splashes[Terrains[floorType].Splash].NormalSplashSound, 1,
@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ bool P_CheckSwitchRange(AActor *user, line_t *line, int sideno)
if ((TexMan.FindSwitch(side->GetTexture(side_t::top))) != NULL)
return (user->z + user->height >= open.top);
return (user->z + user->height > open.top);
else if ((TexMan.FindSwitch(side->GetTexture(side_t::bottom))) != NULL)
return (user->z <= open.bottom);
return (user->z < open.bottom);
else if ((flags & ML_3DMIDTEX) || (TexMan.FindSwitch(side->GetTexture(side_t::mid))) != NULL)
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ bool P_CheckSwitchRange(AActor *user, line_t *line, int sideno)
// no switch found. Check whether the player can touch either top or bottom texture
return (user->z + user->height >= open.top) || (user->z <= open.bottom);
return (user->z + user->height > open.top) || (user->z < open.bottom);
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void FTagManager::AddSectorTag(int sector, int tag)
void FTagManager::RemoveSectorTags(int sect)
if (startForSector.Size() > 0)
if (startForSector.Size() > sect)
int start = startForSector[sect];
if (start >= 0)
@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ bool Trace (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, sector_t *sector,
res.Crossed3DWater = NULL;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// Do a 3D floor check in the starting sector
TDeletingArray<F3DFloor*> &ff = sector->e->XFloor.ffloors;
@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ bool Trace (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, sector_t *sector,
// check for overflows and clip if necessary
SQWORD xd = (SQWORD)x + ( ( SQWORD(vx) * SQWORD(maxDist) )>>16);
@ -257,7 +255,6 @@ bool FTraceInfo::TraceTraverse (int ptflags)
fixed_t dist;
// Deal with splashes in 3D floors
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (CurSector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
for(unsigned int i=0;i<CurSector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size();i++)
@ -274,7 +271,6 @@ bool FTraceInfo::TraceTraverse (int ptflags)
if (in->isaline)
@ -381,7 +377,6 @@ bool FTraceInfo::TraceTraverse (int ptflags)
{ // made it past the wall
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
// check for 3D floors first
if (entersector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
@ -435,9 +430,6 @@ bool FTraceInfo::TraceTraverse (int ptflags)
Results->HitType = TRACE_HitNone;
if (TraceFlags & TRACE_PCross)
@ -450,9 +442,7 @@ bool FTraceInfo::TraceTraverse (int ptflags)
P_ActivateLine (in->d.line, IgnoreThis, lineside, SPAC_Impact);
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (Results->HitType != TRACE_HitNone)
@ -2535,7 +2535,13 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
P_PlayerInSpecialSector (player);
P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player, P_GetThingFloorType (player->mo));
if (player->mo->z <= player->mo->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(
player->mo->x, player->mo->y) ||
// Player must be touching the floor
P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat(player, P_GetThingFloorType(player->mo));
if (player->mo->velz <= -player->mo->FallingScreamMinSpeed &&
player->mo->velz >= -player->mo->FallingScreamMaxSpeed && !player->morphTics &&
player->mo->waterlevel == 0)
@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ VideoModes[] =
{ 1600, 900 }, // 16:9
{ 1600, 1000 }, // 16:10
{ 1600, 1200 },
{ 1680, 1050 }, // 16:10
{ 1920, 1080 },
{ 1920, 1200 },
{ 2048, 1536 },
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ static MiniModeInfo WinModes[] =
{ 1600, 900 }, // 16:9
{ 1600, 1000 }, // 16:10
{ 1600, 1200 },
{ 1680, 1050 }, // 16:10
{ 1920, 1080 },
{ 1920, 1200 },
{ 2048, 1536 },
@ -557,8 +557,25 @@ void R_RenderFakeWall(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, F3DFloor *rover)
MaskedSWall = (fixed_t *)(openings + ds->swall) - ds->x1;
// find positioning
xscale = FixedMul(rw_pic->xScale, sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::mid));
yscale = FixedMul(rw_pic->yScale, sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid));
side_t *scaledside;
side_t::ETexpart scaledpart;
if (rover->flags & FF_UPPERTEXTURE)
scaledside = curline->sidedef;
scaledpart = side_t::top;
else if (rover->flags & FF_LOWERTEXTURE)
scaledside = curline->sidedef;
scaledpart = side_t::bottom;
scaledside = rover->master->sidedef[0];
scaledpart = side_t::mid;
xscale = FixedMul(rw_pic->xScale, scaledside->GetTextureXScale(scaledpart));
yscale = FixedMul(rw_pic->yScale, scaledside->GetTextureYScale(scaledpart));
// encapsulate the lifetime of rowoffset
fixed_t rowoffset = curline->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid) + rover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid);
dc_texturemid = rover->model->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling);
@ -924,6 +924,8 @@ void OpenALSoundRenderer::SetSfxVolume(float volume)
schan = schan->NextChan;
@ -395,6 +395,11 @@ void FTextureManager::ParseAnim (FScanner &sc, int usetype)
else if (sc.Compare ("range"))
if (picnum.Exists() && Texture(picnum)->Name.IsEmpty())
// long texture name: We cannot do ranged anims on these because they have no defined order
sc.ScriptError ("You cannot use \"range\" for long texture names.");
if (defined == 2)
sc.ScriptError ("You cannot use \"pic\" and \"range\" together in a single animation.");
@ -456,12 +461,20 @@ FAnimDef *FTextureManager::ParseRangeAnim (FScanner &sc, FTextureID picnum, int
type = FAnimDef::ANIM_Forward;
framenum = ParseFramenum (sc, picnum, usetype, missing);
ParseTime (sc, min, max);
if (framenum == picnum || !picnum.Exists())
if (framenum == picnum || !picnum.Exists() || !framenum.Exists())
return NULL; // Animation is only one frame or does not exist
if (Texture(framenum)->Name.IsEmpty())
// long texture name: We cannot do ranged anims on these because they have no defined order
sc.ScriptError ("You cannot use \"range\" for long texture names.");
if (framenum < picnum)
type = FAnimDef::ANIM_Backward;
@ -570,7 +583,7 @@ void FTextureManager::ParseTime (FScanner &sc, DWORD &min, DWORD &max)
void FTextureManager::ParseWarp(FScanner &sc)
const BITFIELD texflags = TEXMAN_Overridable | TEXMAN_TryAny | TEXMAN_ShortNameOnly;
const BITFIELD texflags = TEXMAN_Overridable | TEXMAN_TryAny;
bool isflat = false;
bool type2 = sc.Compare ("warp2"); // [GRB]
sc.MustGetString ();
@ -591,8 +604,16 @@ void FTextureManager::ParseWarp(FScanner &sc)
FTextureID picnum = CheckForTexture (sc.String, isflat ? FTexture::TEX_Flat : FTexture::TEX_Wall, texflags);
if (picnum.isValid())
FTexture *warper = Texture(picnum);
if (warper->Name.IsEmpty())
// long texture name: We cannot do warps on these due to the way the texture manager implements warping as a texture replacement.
sc.ScriptError ("You cannot use \"warp\" for long texture names.");
// don't warp a texture more than once
if (!warper->bWarped)
@ -1502,14 +1502,14 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_RailAttack)
ACTION_PARAM_INT(Duration, 11);
ACTION_PARAM_INT(SpiralOffset, 16);
@ -1566,14 +1566,14 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CustomRailgun)
ACTION_PARAM_INT(Duration, 11);
ACTION_PARAM_INT(SpiralOffset, 16);
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CustomRailgun)
if (linetarget == NULL && aim)
// We probably won't hit the target, but aim at it anyway so we don't look stupid.
FVector2 xydiff(self->target->x - self->x, self->target->y - self->y);
TVector2<double> xydiff(self->target->x - self->x, self->target->y - self->y);
double zdiff = (self->target->z + (self->target->height>>1)) -
(self->z + (self->height>>1) - self->floorclip);
self->pitch = int(atan2(zdiff, xydiff.Length()) * ANGLE_180 / -M_PI);
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ void write_zip(const char *zipname, dir_tree_t *trees, int update)
if (i == num_files)
// Write central directory.
dirend.DirectoryOffset = ftell(zip);
dirend.DirectoryOffset = LittleLong(ftell(zip));
for (i = 0; i < num_files; ++i)
write_central_dir(zip, sorted + i);
@ -814,8 +814,8 @@ void write_zip(const char *zipname, dir_tree_t *trees, int update)
dirend.DiskNumber = 0;
dirend.FirstDisk = 0;
dirend.NumEntriesOnAllDisks = dirend.NumEntries = LittleShort(i);
dirend.DirectorySize = LittleLong(ftell(zip) - dirend.DirectoryOffset);
dirend.DirectoryOffset = LittleLong(dirend.DirectoryOffset);
// In this case LittleLong(dirend.DirectoryOffset) is undoing the transformation done above.
dirend.DirectorySize = LittleLong(ftell(zip) - LittleLong(dirend.DirectoryOffset));
dirend.ZipCommentLength = 0;
if (fwrite(&dirend, sizeof(dirend), 1, zip) != 1)
@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ BYTE *find_central_dir(FILE *fin)
if (pos_found == 0 ||
fseek(fin, pos_found, SEEK_SET) != 0 ||
fread(&eod, sizeof(eod), 1, fin) != 1 ||
fseek(fin, LittleShort(eod.DirectoryOffset), SEEK_SET) != 0)
fseek(fin, LittleLong(eod.DirectoryOffset), SEEK_SET) != 0)
return NULL;
@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ D62DCA9EC226DE49108D5DD9271F7631 // Cheogsh 2 map04
setthingz 1649 528
E89CCC7E155F1032F693359CC219BE6C // hexen.wad map30
B9DFF13207EACAC675C71D82624D0007 // XtheaterIII map01
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* British English */
GOTARMOR = "Picked up the armour.";
GOTMEGA = "Picked up the MegaArmour!";
GOTARMBONUS = "Picked up an armour bonus.";
TAG_SHADOWARMOR = "Shadow Armour";
TAG_METALARMOR = "Metal Armour";
TAG_LEATHER = "Leather Armour";
TAG_ARMORER = "Armourer";
TXT_METALARMOR = "You picked up the Metal Armour.";
TXT_LEATHERARMOR = "You picked up the Leather Armour.";
TXT_SHADOWARMOR = "You picked up the Shadow armour.";
GOTCHEXARMOR = "Picked up the Chex(R) Armour.";
GOTSUPERCHEXARMOR = "Picked up the Super Chex(R) Armour!";
OB_BIPEDICUS2 = "%o was slimed by an armoured bipedicus.";
Reference in a new issue