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synced 2025-03-20 01:43:31 +00:00
Clearscoped getters for map data
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 98 additions and 98 deletions
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct SectorPortal native play
struct Vertex native play
native readonly Vector2 p;
native clearscope int Index();
native clearscope int Index() const;
struct Side native play
@ -77,44 +77,44 @@ struct Side native play
native int16 Light;
native uint16 Flags;
native TextureID GetTexture(int which);
native clearscope TextureID GetTexture(int which) const;
native void SetTexture(int which, TextureID tex);
native void SetTextureXOffset(int which, double offset);
native double GetTextureXOffset(int which);
native clearscope double GetTextureXOffset(int which) const;
native void AddTextureXOffset(int which, double delta);
native void SetTextureYOffset(int which, double offset);
native double GetTextureYOffset(int which);
native clearscope double GetTextureYOffset(int which) const;
native void AddTextureYOffset(int which, double delta);
native void SetTextureXScale(int which, double scale);
native double GetTextureXScale(int which);
native clearscope double GetTextureXScale(int which) const;
native void MultiplyTextureXScale(int which, double delta);
native void SetTextureYScale(int which, double scale);
native double GetTextureYScale(int which);
native clearscope double GetTextureYScale(int which) const;
native void MultiplyTextureYScale(int which, double delta);
native int GetTextureFlags(int tier);
native clearscope int GetTextureFlags(int tier) const;
native void ChangeTextureFlags(int tier, int And, int Or);
native void SetSpecialColor(int tier, int position, Color scolor, bool useowncolor = true);
native Color GetAdditiveColor(int tier);
native clearscope Color GetAdditiveColor(int tier) const;
native void SetAdditiveColor(int tier, Color color);
native void EnableAdditiveColor(int tier, bool enable);
native void SetColorization(int tier, Name cname);
//native DInterpolation *SetInterpolation(int position);
//native void StopInterpolation(int position);
native clearscope Vertex V1();
native clearscope Vertex V2();
native clearscope Vertex V1() const;
native clearscope Vertex V2() const;
native clearscope int Index();
native clearscope int Index() const;
int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
clearscope int GetUDMFInt(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm);
double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
clearscope double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm);
String GetUDMFString(Name nm)
clearscope String GetUDMFString(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm);
@ -186,28 +186,28 @@ struct Line native play
native readonly int health;
native readonly int healthgroup;
native bool isLinePortal();
native bool isVisualPortal();
native Line getPortalDestination();
native int getPortalAlignment();
native clearscope int Index();
native clearscope bool isLinePortal() const;
native clearscope bool isVisualPortal() const;
native clearscope Line getPortalDestination() const;
native clearscope int getPortalAlignment() const;
native clearscope int Index() const;
native bool Activate(Actor activator, int side, int type);
native bool RemoteActivate(Actor activator, int side, int type, Vector3 pos);
int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
clearscope int GetUDMFInt(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm);
double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
clearscope double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm);
String GetUDMFString(Name nm)
clearscope String GetUDMFString(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm);
native clearscope int GetHealth();
native clearscope int GetHealth() const;
native void SetHealth(int newhealth);
@ -217,15 +217,15 @@ struct SecPlane native play
native double D;
native double negiC;
native bool isSlope() const;
native int PointOnSide(Vector3 pos) const;
native clearscope bool isSlope() const;
native clearscope int PointOnSide(Vector3 pos) const;
native clearscope double ZatPoint (Vector2 v) const;
native double ZatPointDist(Vector2 v, double dist) const;
native bool isEqual(Secplane other) const;
native clearscope double ZatPointDist(Vector2 v, double dist) const;
native clearscope bool isEqual(Secplane other) const;
native void ChangeHeight(double hdiff);
native double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff) const;
native double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 1e37) const;
native double PointToDist(Vector2 xy, double z) const;
native clearscope double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff) const;
native clearscope double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 1e37) const;
native clearscope double PointToDist(Vector2 xy, double z) const;
struct F3DFloor native play
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ struct F3DFloor native play
native readonly int alpha;
native TextureID GetTexture(int pos);
native clearscope TextureID GetTexture(int pos) const;
// This encapsulates all info Doom's original 'special' field contained - for saving and transferring.
@ -428,15 +428,15 @@ struct Sector native play
native readonly int sectornum;
native clearscope int Index();
native clearscope int Index() const;
native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextHighestCeilingAt(double x, double y, double bottomz, double topz, int flags = 0);
native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextLowestFloorAt(double x, double y, double z, int flags = 0, double steph = 0);
native clearscope double, Sector, F3DFloor NextHighestCeilingAt(double x, double y, double bottomz, double topz, int flags = 0) const;
native clearscope double, Sector, F3DFloor NextLowestFloorAt(double x, double y, double z, int flags = 0, double steph = 0) const;
native F3DFloor Get3DFloor(int index);
native int Get3DFloorCount();
native Sector GetAttached(int index);
native int GetAttachedCount();
native clearscope F3DFloor Get3DFloor(int index) const;
native clearscope int Get3DFloorCount() const;
native clearscope Sector GetAttached(int index) const;
native clearscope int GetAttachedCount() const;
native void RemoveForceField();
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.PointInSector instead") static clearscope Sector PointInSector(Vector2 pt)
@ -444,110 +444,110 @@ struct Sector native play
return level.PointInSector(pt);
native bool PlaneMoving(int pos);
native int GetFloorLight();
native int GetCeilingLight();
native Sector GetHeightSec();
native clearscope bool PlaneMoving(int pos) const;
native clearscope int GetFloorLight() const;
native clearscope int GetCeilingLight() const;
native clearscope Sector GetHeightSec() const;
native void TransferSpecial(Sector model);
native void GetSpecial(out SecSpecial spec);
native clearscope void GetSpecial(out SecSpecial spec) const;
native void SetSpecial( SecSpecial spec);
native int GetTerrain(int pos);
native TerrainDef GetFloorTerrain(int pos); // Gets the terraindef from floor/ceiling (see EPlane const).
native clearscope int GetTerrain(int pos) const;
native clearscope TerrainDef GetFloorTerrain(int pos) const; // Gets the terraindef from floor/ceiling (see EPlane const).
native void CheckPortalPlane(int plane);
native double, Sector HighestCeilingAt(Vector2 a);
native double, Sector LowestFloorAt(Vector2 a);
native double, double GetFriction(int plane);
native clearscope double, Sector HighestCeilingAt(Vector2 a) const;
native clearscope double, Sector LowestFloorAt(Vector2 a) const;
native clearscope double, double GetFriction(int plane) const;
native void SetXOffset(int pos, double o);
native void AddXOffset(int pos, double o);
native double GetXOffset(int pos);
native clearscope double GetXOffset(int pos) const;
native void SetYOffset(int pos, double o);
native void AddYOffset(int pos, double o);
native double GetYOffset(int pos, bool addbase = true);
native clearscope double GetYOffset(int pos, bool addbase = true) const;
native void SetXScale(int pos, double o);
native double GetXScale(int pos);
native clearscope double GetXScale(int pos) const;
native void SetYScale(int pos, double o);
native double GetYScale(int pos);
native clearscope double GetYScale(int pos) const;
native void SetAngle(int pos, double o);
native double GetAngle(int pos, bool addbase = true);
native clearscope double GetAngle(int pos, bool addbase = true) const;
native void SetBase(int pos, double y, double o);
native void SetAlpha(int pos, double o);
native double GetAlpha(int pos);
native int GetFlags(int pos);
native int GetVisFlags(int pos);
native clearscope double GetAlpha(int pos) const;
native clearscope int GetFlags(int pos) const;
native clearscope int GetVisFlags(int pos) const;
native void ChangeFlags(int pos, int And, int Or);
native int GetPlaneLight(int pos);
native clearscope int GetPlaneLight(int pos) const;
native void SetPlaneLight(int pos, int level);
native void SetColor(color c, int desat = 0);
native void SetFade(color c);
native void SetFogDensity(int dens);
native double GetGlowHeight(int pos);
native color GetGlowColor(int pos);
native clearscope double GetGlowHeight(int pos) const;
native clearscope color GetGlowColor(int pos) const;
native void SetGlowHeight(int pos, double height);
native void SetGlowColor(int pos, color color);
native void SetSpecialColor(int pos, color color);
native void SetAdditiveColor(int pos, Color color);
native void SetColorization(int tier, Name cname);
native TextureID GetTexture(int pos);
native clearscope TextureID GetTexture(int pos) const;
native void SetTexture(int pos, TextureID tex, bool floorclip = true);
native double GetPlaneTexZ(int pos);
native clearscope double GetPlaneTexZ(int pos) const;
native void SetPlaneTexZ(int pos, double val, bool dirtify = false); // This mainly gets used by init code. The only place where it must set the vertex to dirty is the interpolation code.
native void ChangeLightLevel(int newval);
native void SetLightLevel(int newval);
native int GetLightLevel();
native clearscope int GetLightLevel() const;
native void AdjustFloorClip();
native bool IsLinked(Sector other, bool ceiling);
native clearscope bool IsLinked(Sector other, bool ceiling) const;
native bool PortalBlocksView(int plane);
native bool PortalBlocksSight(int plane);
native bool PortalBlocksMovement(int plane);
native bool PortalBlocksSound(int plane);
native bool PortalIsLinked(int plane);
native clearscope bool PortalBlocksView(int plane) const;
native clearscope bool PortalBlocksSight(int plane) const;
native clearscope bool PortalBlocksMovement(int plane) const;
native clearscope bool PortalBlocksSound(int plane) const;
native clearscope bool PortalIsLinked(int plane) const;
native void ClearPortal(int plane);
native double GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane);
native Vector2 GetPortalDisplacement(int plane);
native int GetPortalType(int plane);
native int GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane);
native double CenterFloor();
native double CenterCeiling();
native clearscope double GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane) const;
native clearscope Vector2 GetPortalDisplacement(int plane) const;
native clearscope int GetPortalType(int plane) const;
native clearscope int GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane) const;
native clearscope double CenterFloor() const;
native clearscope double CenterCeiling() const;
native int MoveFloor(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush, bool instant = false);
native int MoveCeiling(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush);
native Sector NextSpecialSector(int type, Sector prev);
native double, Vertex FindLowestFloorSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindNextHighestFloor();
native double, Vertex FindNextLowestFloor();
native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindHighestCeilingSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindNextLowestCeiling();
native double, Vertex FindNextHighestCeiling();
native clearscope Sector NextSpecialSector(int type, Sector prev) const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindLowestFloorSurrounding() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindHighestFloorSurrounding() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindNextHighestFloor() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindNextLowestFloor() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingSurrounding() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindHighestCeilingSurrounding() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindNextLowestCeiling() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindNextHighestCeiling() const;
native double FindShortestTextureAround();
native double FindShortestUpperAround();
native Sector FindModelFloorSector(double floordestheight);
native Sector FindModelCeilingSector(double floordestheight);
native int FindMinSurroundingLight(int max);
native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingPoint();
native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorPoint();
native clearscope double FindShortestTextureAround() const;
native clearscope double FindShortestUpperAround() const;
native clearscope Sector FindModelFloorSector(double floordestheight) const;
native clearscope Sector FindModelCeilingSector(double floordestheight) const;
native clearscope int FindMinSurroundingLight(int max) const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingPoint() const;
native clearscope double, Vertex FindHighestFloorPoint() const;
native void SetEnvironment(String env);
native void SetEnvironmentID(int envnum);
native SeqNode StartSoundSequenceID (int chan, int sequence, int type, int modenum, bool nostop = false);
native SeqNode StartSoundSequence (int chan, Name seqname, int modenum);
native SeqNode CheckSoundSequence (int chan);
native clearscope SeqNode CheckSoundSequence (int chan) const;
native void StopSoundSequence(int chan);
native bool IsMakingLoopingSound ();
native clearscope bool IsMakingLoopingSound () const;
bool isSecret()
clearscope bool isSecret() const
return !!(Flags & SECF_SECRET);
bool wasSecret()
clearscope bool wasSecret() const
return !!(Flags & SECF_WASSECRET);
@ -557,15 +557,15 @@ struct Sector native play
Flags &= ~SECF_SECRET;
int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
clearscope int GetUDMFInt(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm);
double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
clearscope double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm);
String GetUDMFString(Name nm)
clearscope String GetUDMFString(Name nm) const
return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm);
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ struct Sector native play
native clearscope int GetHealth(SectorPart part);
native clearscope int GetHealth(SectorPart part) const;
native void SetHealth(SectorPart part, int newhealth);
Reference in a new issue