mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:41:22 +00:00
- testing and cleanup of scripted morph code.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 80 additions and 399 deletions
@ -2536,10 +2536,10 @@ void Net_DoCommand (int type, uint8_t **stream, int player)
s = ReadString (stream);
const char *msg = cht_Morph (players + player, PClass::FindActor (s), false);
FString msg = cht_Morph (players + player, PClass::FindActor (s), false);
if (player == consoleplayer)
Printf ("%s\n", *msg != '\0' ? msg : "Morph failed.");
Printf ("%s\n", msg[0] != '\0' ? msg.GetChars() : "Morph failed.");
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ public:
int morphTics = 0; // player is a chicken/pig if > 0
PClassActor *MorphedPlayerClass = nullptr; // [MH] (for SBARINFO) class # for this player instance when morphed
int MorphStyle = 0; // which effects to apply for this player instance when morphed
PClassActor *MorphExitFlash = nullptr; // flash to apply when demorphing (cache of value given to P_MorphPlayer)
PClassActor *MorphExitFlash = nullptr; // flash to apply when demorphing (cache of value given to MorphPlayer)
TObjPtr<AWeapon*> PremorphWeapon = nullptr; // ready weapon before morphing
int chickenPeck = 0; // chicken peck countdown
int jumpTics = 0; // delay the next jump for a moment
@ -41,367 +41,31 @@ static FRandom pr_morphmonst ("MorphMonster");
bool P_MorphPlayer(player_t *activator, player_t *p, PClassActor *spawntype, int duration, int style, PClassActor *enter_flash, PClassActor *exit_flash)
if (!p->mo) return false;
IFVIRTUALPTR(p->mo, APlayerPawn, MorphPlayer)
VMValue params[] = { p->mo, activator, spawntype, duration, style, enter_flash, exit_flash };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
VMCall(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1);
return !!retval;
return false;
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph(player_t *activator, player_t *player, int unmorphflag, bool force)
return false;
#if 0
void EndAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item);
void InitAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item);
// FUNC P_MorphPlayer
// Returns true if the player gets turned into a chicken/pig.
// TODO: Allow morphed players to receive weapon sets (not just one weapon),
// since they have their own weapon slots now.
bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *activator, player_t *p, PClassActor *spawntype, int duration, int style, PClassActor *enter_flash, PClassActor *exit_flash)
if (!player->mo) return false;
IFVIRTUALPTR(player->mo, APlayerPawn, MorphPlayer)
AInventory *item;
APlayerPawn *morphed;
APlayerPawn *actor;
actor = p->mo;
if (actor == nullptr)
return false;
if (actor->flags3 & MF3_DONTMORPH)
return false;
if ((p->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) && ((p != activator) || (!(style & MORPH_WHENINVULNERABLE))))
{ // Immune when invulnerable unless this is a power we activated
return false;
if (p->morphTics)
{ // Player is already a beast
if ((p->mo->GetClass() == spawntype)
&& (p->mo->PlayerFlags & PPF_CANSUPERMORPH)
&& (p->morphTics < (((duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS) - TICRATE))
&& (p->mo->FindInventory (PClass::FindActor(NAME_PowerWeaponLevel2), true) == nullptr))
{ // Make a super chicken
p->mo->GiveInventoryType (PClass::FindActor(NAME_PowerWeaponLevel2));
VMValue params[] = { player->mo, activator, unmorphflag, force };
int retval;
VMReturn ret(&retval);
VMCall(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1);
return !!retval;
return false;
if (p->health <= 0)
{ // Dead players cannot morph
return false;
if (spawntype == nullptr)
return false;
if (!spawntype->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn)))
return false;
if (spawntype == p->mo->GetClass())
return false;
morphed = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(Spawn (spawntype, actor->Pos(), NO_REPLACE));
DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (actor, morphed);
if ((style & MORPH_TRANSFERTRANSLATION) && !(morphed->flags2 & MF2_DONTTRANSLATE))
morphed->Translation = actor->Translation;
if ((actor->tid != 0) && (style & MORPH_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR))
morphed->tid = actor->tid;
morphed->AddToHash ();
actor->RemoveFromHash ();
actor->tid = 0;
morphed->Angles.Yaw = actor->Angles.Yaw;
morphed->target = actor->target;
morphed->tracer = actor->tracer;
morphed->alternative = actor;
morphed->FriendPlayer = actor->FriendPlayer;
morphed->DesignatedTeam = actor->DesignatedTeam;
morphed->Score = actor->Score;
p->PremorphWeapon = p->ReadyWeapon;
morphed->special2 = actor->flags & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
morphed->player = p;
if (actor->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE)
morphed->special2 |= MF_JUSTHIT;
if (morphed->ViewHeight > p->viewheight && p->deltaviewheight == 0)
{ // If the new view height is higher than the old one, start moving toward it.
p->deltaviewheight = p->GetDeltaViewHeight();
morphed->flags |= actor->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY);
morphed->flags2 |= actor->flags2 & MF2_FLY;
morphed->flags3 |= actor->flags3 & MF3_GHOST;
AActor *eflash = Spawn(((enter_flash) ? enter_flash : PClass::FindActor("TeleportFog")), actor->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
actor->player = nullptr;
actor->alternative = morphed;
actor->flags &= ~(MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE);
actor->flags |= MF_UNMORPHED;
actor->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE;
p->morphTics = (duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS;
// [MH] Used by SBARINFO to speed up face drawing
p->MorphedPlayerClass = spawntype;
p->MorphStyle = style;
p->MorphExitFlash = (exit_flash) ? exit_flash : PClass::FindActor("TeleportFog");
p->health = morphed->health;
p->mo = morphed;
p->Vel.X = p->Vel.Y = 0;
morphed->ObtainInventory (actor);
// Remove all armor
for (item = morphed->Inventory; item != nullptr; )
AInventory *next = item->Inventory;
if (item->IsKindOf (PClass::FindActor(NAME_Armor)))
item = next;
morphed->ActivateMorphWeapon ();
if (p->camera == actor)
p->camera = morphed;
morphed->ScoreIcon = actor->ScoreIcon; // [GRB]
if (eflash)
eflash->target = p->mo;
return true;
// FUNC P_UndoPlayerMorph
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *activator, player_t *player, int unmorphflag, bool force)
AWeapon *beastweap;
APlayerPawn *mo;
APlayerPawn *pmo;
pmo = player->mo;
// [MH]
// Checks pmo as well; the PowerMorph destroyer will
// try to unmorph the player; if the destroyer runs
// because the level or game is ended while morphed,
// by the time it gets executed the morphed player
// pawn instance may have already been destroyed.
if (pmo == nullptr || pmo->alternative == nullptr)
return false;
bool DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay = !!(MORPH_STANDARDUNDOING & unmorphflag);
if ((pmo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) // If the player is invulnerable
&& ((player != activator) // and either did not decide to unmorph,
|| (!((player->MorphStyle & MORPH_WHENINVULNERABLE) // or the morph style does not allow it
|| (DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay))))) // (but standard morph styles always allow it),
{ // Then the player is immune to the unmorph.
return false;
mo = barrier_cast<APlayerPawn *>(pmo->alternative);
mo->SetOrigin (pmo->Pos(), false);
mo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
pmo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
if (!force && !P_TestMobjLocation (mo))
{ // Didn't fit
mo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
pmo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
player->morphTics = 2*TICRATE;
return false;
// No longer using tracer as morph storage. That is what 'alternative' is for.
// If the tracer has changed on the morph, change the original too.
mo->target = pmo->target;
mo->tracer = pmo->tracer;
pmo->player = nullptr;
mo->alternative = pmo->alternative = nullptr;
// Remove the morph power if the morph is being undone prematurely.
auto pmtype = PClass::FindActor("PowerMorph");
for (AInventory *item = pmo->Inventory, *next = nullptr; item != nullptr; item = next)
next = item->Inventory;
if (item->IsKindOf(pmtype))
mo->ObtainInventory (pmo);
DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (pmo, mo);
if ((pmo->tid != 0) && (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR))
mo->tid = pmo->tid;
mo->AddToHash ();
mo->Angles.Yaw = pmo->Angles.Yaw;
mo->player = player;
mo->reactiontime = 18;
mo->flags = ActorFlags::FromInt (pmo->special2) & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
mo->Vel.X = mo->Vel.Y = 0;
mo->Vel.Z = pmo->Vel.Z;
mo->floorz = pmo->floorz;
if (!(pmo->special2 & MF_JUSTHIT))
mo->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
mo->flags = (mo->flags & ~(MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY)) | (pmo->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY));
mo->flags2 = (mo->flags2 & ~MF2_FLY) | (pmo->flags2 & MF2_FLY);
mo->flags3 = (mo->flags3 & ~MF3_GHOST) | (pmo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST);
mo->Score = pmo->Score;
PClassActor *exit_flash = player->MorphExitFlash;
bool correctweapon = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_LOSEACTUALWEAPON);
bool undobydeathsaves = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES);
player->morphTics = 0;
player->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
player->MorphStyle = 0;
player->MorphExitFlash = nullptr;
player->viewheight = mo->ViewHeight;
AInventory *level2 = mo->FindInventory (PClass::FindActor(NAME_PowerWeaponLevel2), true);
if (level2 != nullptr)
level2->Destroy ();
if ((player->health > 0) || undobydeathsaves)
player->health = mo->health = mo->SpawnHealth();
else // killed when morphed so stay dead
mo->health = player->health;
player->mo = mo;
if (player->camera == pmo)
player->camera = mo;
// [MH]
// If the player that was morphed is the one
// taking events, reset up the face, if any;
// this is only needed for old-skool skins
// and for the original DOOM status bar.
if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
FName face = pmo->Face;
if (face != NAME_None)
// Assume root-level base skin to begin with
size_t skinindex = 0;
// If a custom skin was in use, then reload it
// or else the base skin for the player class.
if ((unsigned int)player->userinfo.GetSkin() >= PlayerClasses.Size () &&
(unsigned)player->userinfo.GetSkin() < Skins.Size())
skinindex = player->userinfo.GetSkin();
else if (PlayerClasses.Size () > 1)
const PClass *whatami = player->mo->GetClass();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); ++i)
if (PlayerClasses[i].Type == whatami)
skinindex = i;
AActor *eflash = nullptr;
if (exit_flash != nullptr)
eflash = Spawn(exit_flash, pmo->Vec3Angle(20., mo->Angles.Yaw, TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (eflash) eflash->target = mo;
mo->SetupWeaponSlots(); // Use original class's weapon slots.
beastweap = player->ReadyWeapon;
if (player->PremorphWeapon != nullptr)
player->PremorphWeapon-> P ostMorphWeapon ();
player->ReadyWeapon = player->PendingWeapon = nullptr;
if (correctweapon)
{ // Better "lose morphed weapon" semantics
PClassActor *morphweapon = PClass::FindActor(pmo->MorphWeapon);
if (morphweapon != nullptr && morphweapon->IsDescendantOf(NAME_Weapon))
AWeapon *OriginalMorphWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(mo->FindInventory (morphweapon));
if ((OriginalMorphWeapon != nullptr) && (OriginalMorphWeapon->GivenAsMorphWeapon))
{ // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon.
if (OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon != nullptr)
OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
OriginalMorphWeapon->Destroy ();
else // old behaviour (not really useful now)
{ // Assumptions made here are no longer valid
if (beastweap != nullptr)
{ // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon.
if (beastweap->SisterWeapon != nullptr)
beastweap->SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
beastweap->Destroy ();
pmo->Destroy ();
// Restore playerclass armor to its normal amount.
auto hxarmor = mo->FindInventory(NAME_HexenArmor);
if (hxarmor != nullptr)
double *Slots = (double*)hxarmor->ScriptVar(NAME_Slots, nullptr);
Slots[4] = mo->HexenArmor[0];
return true;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_PlayerInfo, UndoPlayerMorph)
PARAM_POINTER_NOT_NULL(player, player_t);
ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(P_UndoPlayerMorph(player, self, unmorphflag, force));
@ -90,10 +90,17 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
PClassActor *type;
AInventory *item;
FString smsg;
const char *msg = "";
char msgbuild[32];
int i;
// No cheating when not having a pawn attached.
if (player->mo == nullptr)
switch (cheat)
@ -188,7 +195,8 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
msg = cht_Morph (player, PClass::FindActor (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic ? NAME_ChickenPlayer : NAME_PigPlayer), true);
smsg = cht_Morph (player, PClass::FindActor (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic ? NAME_ChickenPlayer : NAME_PigPlayer), true);
msg = smsg.GetChars();
@ -546,32 +554,17 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
Printf ("%s cheats: %s\n", player->userinfo.GetName(), msg);
const char *cht_Morph (player_t *player, PClassActor *morphclass, bool quickundo)
FString cht_Morph(player_t *player, PClassActor *morphclass, bool quickundo)
if (player->mo == NULL)
return "";
auto oldclass = player->mo->GetClass();
if (player->mo == nullptr) return "";
// Set the standard morph style for the current game
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) style |= MORPH_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE;
if (player->morphTics)
IFVIRTUALPTR(player->mo, APlayerPawn, CheatMorph)
if (P_UndoPlayerMorph (player, player))
if (!quickundo && oldclass != morphclass && P_MorphPlayer (player, player, morphclass, 0, style))
return GStrings("TXT_STRANGER");
return GStrings("TXT_NOTSTRANGE");
else if (P_MorphPlayer (player, player, morphclass, 0, style))
return GStrings("TXT_STRANGE");
FString message;
VMReturn msgret(&message);
VMValue params[3] = { player->mo, morphclass, quickundo };
VMCall(func, params, 3, nullptr, 0);
return message;
return "";
@ -602,8 +595,6 @@ void cht_SetInv(player_t *player, const char *string, int amount, bool beyond)
void cht_Give (player_t *player, const char *name, int amount)
if (player->mo == nullptr) return;
IFVIRTUALPTR(player->mo, APlayerPawn, CheatGive)
FString namestr = name;
@ -614,8 +605,6 @@ void cht_Give (player_t *player, const char *name, int amount)
void cht_Take (player_t *player, const char *name, int amount)
if (player->mo == nullptr) return;
IFVIRTUALPTR(player->mo, APlayerPawn, CheatTake)
FString namestr = name;
@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ void cht_Give (player_t *player, const char *item, int amount=1);
void cht_Take (player_t *player, const char *item, int amount=1);
void cht_SetInv(player_t *player, const char *item, int amount = 1, bool beyondMax = false);
void cht_Suicide (player_t *player);
const char *cht_Morph (player_t *player, PClassActor *morphclass, bool quickundo);
FString cht_Morph (player_t *player, PClassActor *morphclass, bool quickundo);
@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ class PowerMorph : Powerup
if (Owner != null && Owner.player != null && PlayerClass != null)
let realplayer = Owner.player; // Remember the identity of the player
if (realplayer.MorphPlayer(realplayer, PlayerClass, 0x7fffffff/*INDEFINITELY*/, MorphStyle, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash))
if (realplayer.mo.MorphPlayer(realplayer, PlayerClass, 0x7fffffff/*INDEFINITELY*/, MorphStyle, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash))
Owner = realplayer.mo; // Replace the new owner in our owner; safe because we are not attached to anything yet
bCreateCopyMoved = true; // Let the caller know the "real" owner has changed (to the morphed actor)
@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@ class PowerMorph : Powerup
int savedMorphTics = MorphedPlayer.morphTics;
MorphedPlayer.UndoPlayerMorph (MorphedPlayer, 0, !!(MorphedPlayer.MorphStyle & MRF_UNDOALWAYS));
MorphedPlayer.mo.UndoPlayerMorph (MorphedPlayer, 0, !!(MorphedPlayer.MorphStyle & MRF_UNDOALWAYS));
MorphedPlayer = null;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class ArtiTeleport : Inventory
Playerinfo p = Owner.player;
if (p && p.morphTics && (p.MorphStyle & MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE))
{ // Teleporting away will undo any morph effects (pig)
if (!p.UndoPlayerMorph (p, MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE) && (p.MorphStyle & MRF_FAILNOLAUGH))
if (!p.mo.UndoPlayerMorph (p, MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE) && (p.MorphStyle & MRF_FAILNOLAUGH))
canlaugh = false;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ extend class PlayerPawn
player.ReadyWeapon = Weapon(GiveInventoryType (morphweaponcls));
if (player.ReadyWeapon != null)
player.ReadyWeapon.GivenAsMorphWeapon = true; // flag is used only by new beastweap semantics in P_UndoPlayerMorph
player.ReadyWeapon.GivenAsMorphWeapon = true; // flag is used only by new beastweap semantics in UndoPlayerMorph
if (player.ReadyWeapon != null)
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ extend class PlayerPawn
// FUNC P_MorphPlayer
// MorphPlayer
// Returns true if the player gets turned into a chicken/pig.
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ extend class PlayerPawn
// FUNC P_UndoPlayerMorph
// FUNC UndoPlayerMorph
@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ extend class PlayerPawn
altmo.bSolid = !!(special2 & 2);
altmo.bShootable = !!(special2 & 4);
altmo.bInvisible = !!(special2 & 0x40);
altmo.Vel.XY = (0, 0);
altmo.Vel = (0, 0, Vel.Z);
player.Vel = (0, 0);
altmo.Vel.Z = Vel.Z;
altmo.floorz = floorz;
altmo.bShadow = bShadow;
altmo.bNoGravity = bNoGravity;
altmo.bGhost = bGhost;
altmo.bUnmorphed = false;
altmo.Score = Score;
@ -427,7 +427,8 @@ class MorphProjectile : Actor
if (target.player)
target.player.MorphPlayer (NULL, PlayerClass, Duration, MorphStyle, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash);
// Voodoo dolls forward this to the real player
target.player.mo.MorphPlayer (NULL, PlayerClass, Duration, MorphStyle, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash);
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ class PlayerPawn : Actor native
if (!--player.morphTics)
{ // Attempt to undo the chicken/pig
player.UndoPlayerMorph(player, MRF_UNDOBYTIMEOUT);
player.mo.UndoPlayerMorph(player, MRF_UNDOBYTIMEOUT);
@ -1477,18 +1477,18 @@ struct PlayerInfo native play // this is what internally is known as player_t
native readonly @UserCmd original_cmd;
bool MorphPlayer(playerinfo p, Class<PlayerPawn> spawntype, int duration, int style, Class<Actor> enter_flash = null, Class<Actor> exit_flash = null)
// The actual implementation is on PlayerPawn where it can be overridden. Use that directly in the future.
deprecated("3.7") bool MorphPlayer(playerinfo p, Class<PlayerPawn> spawntype, int duration, int style, Class<Actor> enter_flash = null, Class<Actor> exit_flash = null)
if (mo != null)
// The actual implementation is on PlayerPawn where it can be overridden.
return mo.MorphPlayer(p, spawntype, duration, style, enter_flash, exit_flash);
return false;
// This somehow got its arguments mixed up. 'self' should have been the player to be unmorphed, not the activator
bool UndoPlayerMorph(playerinfo player, int unmorphflag = 0, bool force = false)
deprecated("3.7") bool UndoPlayerMorph(playerinfo player, int unmorphflag = 0, bool force = false)
if (player.mo != null)
@ -399,4 +399,31 @@ extend class PlayerPawn
virtual String CheatMorph(class<PlayerPawn> morphClass, bool quickundo)
let oldclass = GetClass();
// Set the standard morph style for the current game
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) style |= MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE;
if (player.morphTics)
if (UndoPlayerMorph (player))
if (!quickundo && oldclass != morphclass && MorphPlayer (player, morphclass, 0, style))
return StringTable.Localize("TXT_STRANGER");
return StringTable.Localize("TXT_NOTSTRANGE");
else if (MorphPlayer (player, morphclass, 0, style))
return StringTable.Localize("TXT_STRANGE");
return "";
Reference in a new issue