mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:42:07 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 543 additions and 282 deletions
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include "poly_playersprite.h"
#include "polyrenderer/poly_renderer.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "swrenderer/viewport/r_viewport.h"
#include "polyrenderer/scene/poly_light.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
@ -44,6 +43,14 @@ void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::Render()
const auto &viewpoint = PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewpoint;
int i;
int lightnum;
DPSprite* psp;
DPSprite* weapon;
sector_t* sec = nullptr;
int floorlight, ceilinglight;
F3DFloor *rover;
if (!r_drawplayersprites ||
!viewpoint.camera ||
!viewpoint.camera->player ||
@ -51,282 +58,427 @@ void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::Render()
(r_deathcamera && viewpoint.camera->health <= 0))
float bobx, boby;
P_BobWeapon(viewpoint.camera->player, &bobx, &boby, viewpoint.TicFrac);
// Interpolate the main weapon layer once so as to be able to add it to other layers.
double wx, wy;
DPSprite *weapon = viewpoint.camera->player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON);
if (weapon)
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap;
PolyCameraLight *cameraLight = PolyCameraLight::Instance();
if (cameraLight->FixedLightLevel() < 0 && viewpoint.sector->e && viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size())
if (weapon->firstTic)
for (i = viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
wx = weapon->x;
wy = weapon->y;
if (viewpoint.Pos.Z <= viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane.Zat0())
rover = viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].caster;
if (rover)
if (rover->flags & FF_DOUBLESHADOW && viewpoint.Pos.Z <= rover->bottom.plane->Zat0())
sec = rover->model;
if (rover->flags & FF_FADEWALLS)
basecolormap = GetColorTable(sec->Colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
basecolormap = GetColorTable(viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].extra_colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
if (!sec)
sec = viewpoint.sector;
basecolormap = GetColorTable(sec->Colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
floorlight = ceilinglight = sec->lightlevel;
{ // This used to use camera->Sector but due to interpolation that can be incorrect
// when the interpolated viewpoint is in a different sector than the camera.
//sec = FakeFlat(viewpoint.sector, &tempsec, &floorlight, &ceilinglight, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Softpoly has no FakeFlat (its FAKE! Everything is FAKE in Doom. Sigh. Might as well call it FooFlat!)
sec = viewpoint.camera->Sector;
floorlight = ceilinglight = sec->lightlevel;
// [RH] set basecolormap
basecolormap = GetColorTable(sec->Colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
// [RH] set foggy flag
bool foggy = (level.fadeto || basecolormap->Fade || (level.flags & LEVEL_HASFADETABLE));
// get light level
lightnum = ((floorlight + ceilinglight) >> 1) + (foggy ? 0 : viewpoint.extralight << 4);
int spriteshade = LightLevelToShade(lightnum, foggy) - 24 * FRACUNIT;
if (viewpoint.camera->player != nullptr)
double wx, wy;
float bobx, boby;
P_BobWeapon(viewpoint.camera->player, &bobx, &boby, viewpoint.TicFrac);
// Interpolate the main weapon layer once so as to be able to add it to other layers.
if ((weapon = viewpoint.camera->player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON)) != nullptr)
if (weapon->firstTic)
wx = weapon->x;
wy = weapon->y;
wx = weapon->oldx + (weapon->x - weapon->oldx) * viewpoint.TicFrac;
wy = weapon->oldy + (weapon->y - weapon->oldy) * viewpoint.TicFrac;
wx = weapon->oldx + (weapon->x - weapon->oldx) * viewpoint.TicFrac;
wy = weapon->oldy + (weapon->y - weapon->oldy) * viewpoint.TicFrac;
wx = 0;
wy = 0;
wx = 0;
wy = 0;
for (DPSprite *sprite = viewpoint.camera->player->psprites; sprite != nullptr; sprite = sprite->GetNext())
// [RH] Don't draw the targeter's crosshair if the player already has a crosshair set.
// It's possible this psprite's caller is now null but the layer itself hasn't been destroyed
// because it didn't tick yet (if we typed 'take all' while in the console for example).
// In this case let's simply not draw it to avoid crashing.
if ((sprite->GetID() != PSP_TARGETCENTER || CrosshairImage == nullptr) && sprite->GetCaller() != nullptr)
// add all active psprites
psp = viewpoint.camera->player->psprites;
while (psp)
RenderSprite(sprite, viewpoint.camera, bobx, boby, wx, wy, viewpoint.TicFrac);
// [RH] Don't draw the targeter's crosshair if the player already has a crosshair set.
// It's possible this psprite's caller is now null but the layer itself hasn't been destroyed
// because it didn't tick yet (if we typed 'take all' while in the console for example).
// In this case let's simply not draw it to avoid crashing.
if ((psp->GetID() != PSP_TARGETCENTER || CrosshairImage == nullptr) && psp->GetCaller() != nullptr)
RenderSprite(psp, viewpoint.camera, bobx, boby, wx, wy, viewpoint.TicFrac, spriteshade, basecolormap, foggy);
psp = psp->GetNext();
void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderRemainingSprites()
for (auto &sprite : ScreenSprites)
for (const PolyHWAccelPlayerSprite &sprite : AcceleratedSprites)
viewwindowx + sprite.x1,
viewwindowy + viewheight / 2 - sprite.texturemid * sprite.yscale - 0.5,
DTA_DestWidthF, FIXED2DBL(sprite.pic->GetWidth() * sprite.xscale),
DTA_DestHeightF, sprite.pic->GetHeight() * sprite.yscale,
DTA_TranslationIndex, sprite.Translation,
DTA_FlipX, sprite.flip,
DTA_TopOffset, 0,
DTA_LeftOffset, 0,
DTA_ClipLeft, viewwindowx,
DTA_ClipTop, viewwindowy,
DTA_ClipRight, viewwindowx + viewwidth,
DTA_ClipBottom, viewwindowy + viewheight,
DTA_Alpha, sprite.Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, sprite.RenderStyle,
DTA_FillColor, sprite.FillColor,
DTA_SpecialColormap, sprite.special,
DTA_ColorOverlay, sprite.overlay.d,
DTA_ColormapStyle, sprite.usecolormapstyle ? &sprite.colormapstyle : nullptr,
void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderSprite(DPSprite *sprite, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac)
void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderSprite(DPSprite *pspr, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac, int spriteshade, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap, bool foggy)
double tx;
int x1;
int x2;
double sx, sy;
spritedef_t* sprdef;
spriteframe_t* sprframe;
FTextureID picnum;
uint16_t flip;
FTexture* tex;
bool noaccel;
double alpha = owner->Alpha;
// decide which patch to use
if ((unsigned)sprite->GetSprite() >= (unsigned)sprites.Size())
if ((unsigned)pspr->GetSprite() >= (unsigned)sprites.Size())
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "RenderPlayerSprite: invalid sprite number %i\n", sprite->GetSprite());
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "R_DrawPSprite: invalid sprite number %i\n", pspr->GetSprite());
sprdef = &sprites[pspr->GetSprite()];
if (pspr->GetFrame() >= sprdef->numframes)
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "R_DrawPSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i\n", pspr->GetSprite(), pspr->GetFrame());
spritedef_t *def = &sprites[sprite->GetSprite()];
if (sprite->GetFrame() >= def->numframes)
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "RenderPlayerSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i\n", sprite->GetSprite(), sprite->GetFrame());
const auto &viewpoint = PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewpoint;
const auto &viewwindow = PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewwindow;
DCanvas *renderTarget = PolyRenderer::Instance()->RenderTarget;
spriteframe_t *frame = &SpriteFrames[def->spriteframes + sprite->GetFrame()];
FTextureID picnum = frame->Texture[0];
bool flip = (frame->Flip & 1) != 0;
sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + pspr->GetFrame()];
FTexture *tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
picnum = sprframe->Texture[0];
flip = sprframe->Flip & 1;
tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null || pspr->RenderStyle == STYLE_None)
// Can't interpolate the first tic.
if (sprite->firstTic)
sprite->firstTic = false;
sprite->oldx = sprite->x;
sprite->oldy = sprite->y;
if (pspr->firstTic)
{ // Can't interpolate the first tic.
pspr->firstTic = false;
pspr->oldx = pspr->x;
pspr->oldy = pspr->y;
double sx = sprite->oldx + (sprite->x - sprite->oldx) * ticfrac;
double sy = sprite->oldy + (sprite->y - sprite->oldy) * ticfrac;
sx = pspr->oldx + (pspr->x - pspr->oldx) * ticfrac;
sy = pspr->oldy + (pspr->y - pspr->oldy) * ticfrac + WEAPON_FUDGE_Y;
if (sprite->Flags & PSPF_ADDBOB)
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ADDBOB)
sx += bobx;
sy += boby;
if (sprite->Flags & PSPF_ADDWEAPON && sprite->GetID() != PSP_WEAPON)
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ADDWEAPON && pspr->GetID() != PSP_WEAPON)
sx += wx;
sy += wy;
const auto &viewpoint = PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewpoint;
auto renderTarget = PolyRenderer::Instance()->RenderTarget;
double YaspectMul = 1.2f;
double pspritexscale = PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewwindow.centerxwide / 160.0;
double pspriteyscale = pspritexscale * YaspectMul;
double yaspectMul = 1.2;// 320.0 * SCREENHEIGHT / (r_Yaspect * SCREENWIDTH);
double pspritexscale = viewwindow.centerxwide / 160.0;
double pspriteyscale = pspritexscale * yaspectMul;
double pspritexiscale = 1 / pspritexscale;
// calculate edges of the shape
double tx = sx - BaseXCenter;
tx = sx - BASEXCENTER;
tx -= tex->GetScaledLeftOffset();
int x1 = xs_RoundToInt(renderTarget->GetWidth() * 0.5 + tx * pspritexscale);
x1 = xs_RoundToInt(viewwindow.centerx + tx * pspritexscale);
// off the right side
if (x1 > viewwidth)
tx += tex->GetScaledWidth();
int x2 = xs_RoundToInt(renderTarget->GetWidth() * 0.5 + tx * pspritexscale);
x2 = xs_RoundToInt(viewwindow.centerx + tx * pspritexscale);
// off the left side
if (x2 <= 0)
double texturemid = (BaseYCenter - sy) * tex->Scale.Y + tex->TopOffset;
// store information in a vissprite
PolyNoAccelPlayerSprite vis;
// Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
if (viewpoint.camera->player && (renderTarget != screen || viewheight == renderTarget->GetHeight() || (renderTarget->GetWidth() > (BaseXCenter * 2) && !st_scale)))
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(sprite->GetCaller());
vis.renderflags = owner->renderflags;
vis.texturemid = (BASEYCENTER - sy) * tex->Scale.Y + tex->TopOffset;
if (viewpoint.camera->player && (renderTarget != screen ||
viewheight == renderTarget->GetHeight() ||
(renderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2) && !st_scale)))
{ // Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(pspr->GetCaller());
if (weapon != nullptr && weapon->YAdjust != 0)
if (renderTarget != screen || viewheight == renderTarget->GetHeight())
texturemid -= weapon->YAdjust;
vis.texturemid -= weapon->YAdjust;
texturemid -= StatusBar->GetDisplacement() * weapon->YAdjust;
vis.texturemid -= StatusBar->GetDisplacement() * weapon->YAdjust;
// Move the weapon down for 1280x1024.
if (sprite->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
texturemid -= AspectPspriteOffset(PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewwindow.WidescreenRatio);
if (pspr->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
{ // Move the weapon down for 1280x1024.
vis.texturemid -= AspectPspriteOffset(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio);
vis.x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis.x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth : x2;
vis.xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexscale / tex->Scale.X);
vis.yscale = float(pspriteyscale / tex->Scale.Y);
vis.pic = tex;
int clipped_x1 = MAX(x1, 0);
int clipped_x2 = MIN(x2, viewwidth);
double xscale = pspritexscale / tex->Scale.X;
double yscale = pspriteyscale / tex->Scale.Y;
uint32_t translation = 0; // [RH] Use default colors
double xiscale, startfrac;
if (flip)
// If flip is used, provided that it's not already flipped (that would just invert itself)
// (It's an XOR...)
if (!(flip) != !(pspr->Flags & PSPF_FLIP))
xiscale = -pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X;
startfrac = 1;
vis.xiscale = -FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X);
vis.startfrac = (tex->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
xiscale = pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X;
startfrac = 0;
vis.xiscale = FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X);
vis.startfrac = 0;
if (clipped_x1 > x1)
startfrac += xiscale * (clipped_x1 - x1);
if (vis.x1 > x1)
vis.startfrac += vis.xiscale*(vis.x1 - x1);
bool noaccel = false;
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = GetColorTable(viewpoint.sector->Colormap, viewpoint.sector->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
FDynamicColormap *colormap_to_use = basecolormap;
int ColormapNum = 0;
FSWColormap *BaseColormap = basecolormap;
float Alpha = 0;
FRenderStyle RenderStyle;
RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
bool foggy = false;
int actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : viewpoint.extralight << 4;
int spriteshade = PolyLightVisibility::LightLevelToShade(owner->Sector->lightlevel + actualextralight, foggy);
double minz = double((2048 * 4) / double(1 << 20));
ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(PolyRenderer::Instance()->Light.SpriteGlobVis(foggy) / minz, spriteshade);
if (sprite->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
noaccel = false;
FDynamicColormap *colormap_to_use = nullptr;
if (pspr->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
Alpha = float(owner->Alpha);
RenderStyle = owner->RenderStyle;
// [MC] Set the render style
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_RENDERSTYLE)
const int rs = clamp<int>(pspr->RenderStyle, 0, STYLE_Count);
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_FORCESTYLE)
vis.RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[rs];
else if (owner->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Fuzzy])
vis.RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Fuzzy];
else if (owner->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_OptFuzzy])
vis.RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_OptFuzzy];
else if (owner->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Subtract])
vis.RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Subtract];
vis.RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[rs];
vis.RenderStyle = owner->RenderStyle;
// Set the alpha based on if using the overlay's own or not. Also adjust
// and override the alpha if not forced.
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ALPHA)
if (vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Fuzzy])
alpha = owner->Alpha;
else if (vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_OptFuzzy])
FRenderStyle style = vis.RenderStyle;
switch (style.BlendOp)
alpha = pspr->alpha * owner->Alpha;
case STYLEOP_Fuzz:
case STYLEOP_Sub:
alpha = owner->Alpha;
else if (vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Subtract])
alpha = owner->Alpha;
else if (vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] ||
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent] ||
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_TranslucentStencil] ||
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_AddStencil] ||
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_AddShaded])
alpha = owner->Alpha * pspr->alpha;
alpha = owner->Alpha;
// Should normal renderstyle come out on top at the end and we desire alpha,
// switch it to translucent. Normal never applies any sort of alpha.
if ((pspr->Flags & PSPF_ALPHA) &&
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Normal] &&
vis.Alpha < 1.0)
vis.RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
alpha = owner->Alpha * pspr->alpha;
// ALWAYS take priority if asked for, except fuzz. Fuzz does absolutely nothing
// no matter what way it's changed.
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_FORCEALPHA)
//Due to lack of != operators...
if (vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Fuzzy] ||
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_SoulTrans] ||
vis.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Stencil])
alpha = pspr->alpha;
vis.RenderStyle.Flags |= STYLEF_ForceAlpha;
vis.Alpha = clamp<float>(float(alpha), 0.f, 1.f);
// Due to how some of the effects are handled, going to 0 or less causes some
// weirdness to display. There's no point rendering it anyway if it's 0.
if (vis.Alpha <= 0.)
// The software renderer cannot invert the source without inverting the overlay
// too. That means if the source is inverted, we need to do the reverse of what
// the invert overlay flag says to do.
INTBOOL invertcolormap = (RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay);
bool invertcolormap = (vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay) != 0;
if (RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
if (vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap = basecolormap;
bool fullbright = !foggy && pspr->GetState()->GetFullbright();
bool fadeToBlack = (vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack) != 0;
if (RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack)
if (invertcolormap)
{ // Fade to white
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255, 255, 255), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
invertcolormap = false;
{ // Fade to black
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0, 0, 0), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
vis.Light.SetColormap(0, spriteshade, basecolormap, fullbright, invertcolormap, fadeToBlack);
if (realfixedcolormap != nullptr && (!r_swtruecolor || (r_shadercolormaps && screen->Accel2D)))
{ // fixed color
BaseColormap = realfixedcolormap;
ColormapNum = 0;
if (invertcolormap)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, mybasecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
BaseColormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : mybasecolormap;
ColormapNum = fixedlightlev >> COLORMAPSHIFT;
else if (!foggy && sprite->GetState()->GetFullbright())
{ // full bright
BaseColormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : mybasecolormap; // [RH] use basecolormap
ColormapNum = 0;
{ // local light
BaseColormap = mybasecolormap;
ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(0, spriteshade);
colormap_to_use = (FDynamicColormap*)vis.Light.BaseColormap;
if (viewpoint.camera->Inventory != nullptr)
visstyle_t visstyle;
visstyle.Alpha = Alpha;
visstyle.Alpha = vis.Alpha;
visstyle.RenderStyle = STYLE_Count;
visstyle.Invert = false;
Alpha = visstyle.Alpha;
vis.Alpha = visstyle.Alpha;
if (visstyle.RenderStyle != STYLE_Count)
RenderStyle = visstyle.RenderStyle;
vis.RenderStyle = visstyle.RenderStyle;
if (visstyle.Invert)
BaseColormap = &SpecialSWColormaps[INVERSECOLORMAP];
ColormapNum = 0;
if (BaseColormap->Maps < mybasecolormap->Maps || BaseColormap->Maps >= mybasecolormap->Maps + NUMCOLORMAPS * 256)
noaccel = true;
vis.Light.BaseColormap = &SpecialSWColormaps[INVERSECOLORMAP];
vis.Light.ColormapNum = 0;
noaccel = true;
// If we're drawing with a special colormap, but shaders for them are disabled, do
// not accelerate.
if (!r_shadercolormaps && (BaseColormap >= &SpecialSWColormaps[0] &&
BaseColormap <= &SpecialSWColormaps.Last()))
if (!r_shadercolormaps && (vis.Light.BaseColormap >= &SpecialSWColormaps[0] &&
vis.Light.BaseColormap <= &SpecialSWColormaps.Last()))
noaccel = true;
// If drawing with a BOOM colormap, disable acceleration.
if (mybasecolormap == &NormalLight && NormalLight.Maps != realcolormaps.Maps)
if (vis.Light.BaseColormap == &NormalLight && NormalLight.Maps != realcolormaps.Maps)
noaccel = true;
@ -334,116 +486,185 @@ void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderSprite(DPSprite *sprite, AActor *owner, floa
// colormap, disable acceleration so that the lights can remain fixed.
PolyCameraLight *cameraLight = PolyCameraLight::Instance();
if (!noaccel && cameraLight->ShaderColormap() == nullptr &&
NormalLightHasFixedLights && mybasecolormap == &NormalLight &&
NormalLightHasFixedLights && vis.Light.BaseColormap == &NormalLight &&
noaccel = true;
// [SP] If emulating GZDoom fullbright, disable acceleration
if (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor && cameraLight->FixedLightLevel() >= 0)
mybasecolormap = &FullNormalLight;
if (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor && !foggy && sprite->GetState()->GetFullbright())
mybasecolormap = &FullNormalLight;
colormap_to_use = mybasecolormap;
colormap_to_use = basecolormap;
vis.Light.BaseColormap = basecolormap;
vis.Light.ColormapNum = 0;
// Check for hardware-assisted 2D. If it's available, and this sprite is not
// fuzzy, don't draw it until after the switch to 2D mode.
if (!noaccel && renderTarget == screen && (DFrameBuffer *)screen->Accel2D)
FRenderStyle style = RenderStyle;
FRenderStyle style = vis.RenderStyle;
if (style.BlendOp != STYLEOP_Fuzz)
PolyScreenSprite screenSprite;
screenSprite.Pic = tex;
screenSprite.X1 = viewwindowx + x1;
screenSprite.Y1 = viewwindowy + viewheight / 2 - texturemid * yscale - 0.5;
screenSprite.Width = tex->GetWidth() * xscale;
screenSprite.Height = tex->GetHeight() * yscale;
screenSprite.Translation = TranslationToTable(translation);
//screenSprite.Translation = translation;
screenSprite.Flip = xiscale < 0;
screenSprite.Alpha = Alpha;
screenSprite.RenderStyle = RenderStyle;
screenSprite.BaseColormap = BaseColormap;
screenSprite.ColormapNum = ColormapNum;
screenSprite.Colormap = colormap_to_use;
PolyHWAccelPlayerSprite accelSprite;
accelSprite.pic = vis.pic;
accelSprite.texturemid = vis.texturemid;
accelSprite.yscale = vis.yscale;
accelSprite.xscale = vis.xscale;
accelSprite.Alpha = vis.Alpha;
accelSprite.RenderStyle = vis.RenderStyle;
accelSprite.Translation = vis.Translation;
accelSprite.FillColor = vis.FillColor;
accelSprite.basecolormap = colormap_to_use;
accelSprite.x1 = x1;
accelSprite.flip = vis.xiscale < 0;
if (vis.Light.BaseColormap >= &SpecialSWColormaps[0] &&
vis.Light.BaseColormap < &SpecialSWColormaps[SpecialColormaps.Size()])
accelSprite.special = &SpecialColormaps[vis.Light.BaseColormap - &SpecialSWColormaps[0]];
else if (PolyCameraLight::Instance()->ShaderColormap())
accelSprite.special = PolyCameraLight::Instance()->ShaderColormap();
else if (colormap_to_use->Color == PalEntry(255, 255, 255) &&
colormap_to_use->Desaturate == 0)
accelSprite.overlay = colormap_to_use->Fade;
accelSprite.overlay.a = uint8_t(vis.Light.ColormapNum * 255 / NUMCOLORMAPS);
accelSprite.usecolormapstyle = true;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.Color = colormap_to_use->Color;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.Fade = colormap_to_use->Fade;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.Desaturate = colormap_to_use->Desaturate;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.FadeLevel = vis.Light.ColormapNum / float(NUMCOLORMAPS);
// To do: draw sprite same way as R_DrawVisSprite(vis) here
// Draw the fuzzy weapon:
FRenderStyle style = RenderStyle;
if (style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_Fuzz)
RenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Shadow];
PolyScreenSprite screenSprite;
screenSprite.Pic = tex;
screenSprite.X1 = viewwindowx + x1;
screenSprite.Y1 = viewwindowy + viewheight / 2 - texturemid * yscale - 0.5;
screenSprite.Width = tex->GetWidth() * xscale;
screenSprite.Height = tex->GetHeight() * yscale;
screenSprite.Translation = TranslationToTable(translation);
screenSprite.Flip = xiscale < 0;
screenSprite.Alpha = Alpha;
screenSprite.RenderStyle = RenderStyle;
screenSprite.BaseColormap = BaseColormap;
screenSprite.ColormapNum = ColormapNum;
screenSprite.Colormap = colormap_to_use;
void PolyScreenSprite::Render()
fixed_t RenderPolyPlayerSprites::LightLevelToShade(int lightlevel, bool foggy)
FSpecialColormap *special = nullptr;
FColormapStyle colormapstyle;
PalEntry overlay = 0;
bool usecolormapstyle = false;
if (BaseColormap >= &SpecialSWColormaps[0] &&
BaseColormap < &SpecialSWColormaps[SpecialColormaps.Size()])
bool nolightfade = !foggy && ((level.flags3 & LEVEL3_NOLIGHTFADE));
if (nolightfade)
special = &SpecialColormaps[BaseColormap - &SpecialSWColormaps[0]];
else if (Colormap->Color == PalEntry(255, 255, 255) &&
Colormap->Desaturate == 0)
overlay = Colormap->Fade;
overlay.a = uint8_t(ColormapNum * 255 / NUMCOLORMAPS);
return (MAX(255 - lightlevel, 0) * NUMCOLORMAPS) << (FRACBITS - 8);
usecolormapstyle = true;
colormapstyle.Color = Colormap->Color;
colormapstyle.Fade = Colormap->Fade;
colormapstyle.Desaturate = Colormap->Desaturate;
colormapstyle.FadeLevel = ColormapNum / float(NUMCOLORMAPS);
// Convert a light level into an unbounded colormap index (shade). Result is
// fixed point. Why the +12? I wish I knew, but experimentation indicates it
// is necessary in order to best reproduce Doom's original lighting.
return (NUMCOLORMAPS * 2 * FRACUNIT) - ((lightlevel + 12) * (FRACUNIT*NUMCOLORMAPS / 128));
void PolyNoAccelPlayerSprite::Render()
#if 0
if (xscale == 0 || fabs(yscale) < (1.0f / 32000.0f))
{ // scaled to 0; can't see
DTA_DestWidthF, Width,
DTA_DestHeightF, Height,
DTA_TranslationIndex, Translation,
DTA_FlipX, Flip,
DTA_TopOffset, 0,
DTA_LeftOffset, 0,
DTA_ClipLeft, viewwindowx,
DTA_ClipTop, viewwindowy,
DTA_ClipRight, viewwindowx + viewwidth,
DTA_ClipBottom, viewwindowy + viewheight,
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, RenderStyle,
DTA_FillColor, FillColor,
DTA_SpecialColormap, special,
DTA_ColorOverlay, overlay.d,
DTA_ColormapStyle, usecolormapstyle ? &colormapstyle : nullptr,
SpriteDrawerArgs drawerargs;
drawerargs.SetLight(Light.BaseColormap, 0, Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = static_cast<FDynamicColormap*>(Light.BaseColormap);
bool visible = drawerargs.SetStyle(RenderStyle, Alpha, Translation, FillColor, basecolormap, Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
if (!visible)
double spryscale = yscale;
bool sprflipvert = false;
fixed_t iscale = FLOAT2FIXED(1 / yscale);
double centerY = viewheight / 2;
double sprtopscreen;
if (renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
spryscale = -spryscale;
iscale = -iscale;
sprtopscreen = centerY + (texturemid - pic->GetHeight()) * spryscale;
sprflipvert = false;
sprtopscreen = centerY - texturemid * spryscale;
// clip to screen bounds
short *mfloorclip = screenheightarray;
short *mceilingclip = zeroarray;
fixed_t frac = startfrac;
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
drawerargs.DrawMaskedColumn(x, iscale, pic, frac, spryscale, sprtopscreen, sprflipvert, mfloorclip, mceilingclip, false);
frac += xiscale;
void PolyColormapLight::SetColormap(double visibility, int shade, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap, bool fullbright, bool invertColormap, bool fadeToBlack)
if (fadeToBlack)
if (invertColormap) // Fade to white
basecolormap = GetSpecialLights(basecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255, 255, 255), basecolormap->Desaturate);
invertColormap = false;
else // Fade to black
basecolormap = GetSpecialLights(basecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0, 0, 0), basecolormap->Desaturate);
if (invertColormap)
basecolormap = GetSpecialLights(basecolormap->Color, basecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), basecolormap->Desaturate);
PolyCameraLight *cameraLight = PolyCameraLight::Instance();
if (cameraLight->FixedColormap())
BaseColormap = cameraLight->FixedColormap();
ColormapNum = 0;
else if (cameraLight->FixedLightLevel() >= 0)
BaseColormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : basecolormap;
ColormapNum = cameraLight->FixedLightLevel() >> COLORMAPSHIFT;
else if (fullbright)
BaseColormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : basecolormap;
ColormapNum = 0;
BaseColormap = basecolormap;
ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(visibility, shade);
@ -24,9 +24,68 @@
#include "r_defs.h"
class PolyScreenSprite;
class DPSprite;
struct FSWColormap;
struct FDynamicColormap;
class PolyColormapLight
int ColormapNum = 0;
FSWColormap *BaseColormap = nullptr;
void SetColormap(double visibility, int shade, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap, bool fullbright, bool invertColormap, bool fadeToBlack);
class PolyNoAccelPlayerSprite
short x1 = 0;
short x2 = 0;
double texturemid = 0.0;
fixed_t xscale = 0;
float yscale = 0.0f;
FTexture *pic = nullptr;
fixed_t xiscale = 0;
fixed_t startfrac = 0;
float Alpha = 0.0f;
FRenderStyle RenderStyle;
uint32_t Translation = 0;
uint32_t FillColor = 0;
PolyColormapLight Light;
short renderflags = 0;
void Render();
class PolyHWAccelPlayerSprite
FTexture *pic = nullptr;
double texturemid = 0.0;
float yscale = 0.0f;
fixed_t xscale = 0;
float Alpha = 0.0f;
FRenderStyle RenderStyle;
uint32_t Translation = 0;
uint32_t FillColor = 0;
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = nullptr;
int x1 = 0;
bool flip = false;
FSpecialColormap *special = nullptr;
PalEntry overlay = 0;
FColormapStyle colormapstyle;
bool usecolormapstyle = false;
class RenderPolyPlayerSprites
@ -35,31 +94,12 @@ public:
void RenderRemainingSprites();
void RenderSprite(DPSprite *sprite, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac);
void RenderSprite(DPSprite *pspr, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac, int spriteshade, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap, bool foggy);
static fixed_t LightLevelToShade(int lightlevel, bool foggy);
const int BaseXCenter = 160;
const int BaseYCenter = 100;
enum { BASEXCENTER = 160 };
enum { BASEYCENTER = 100 };
std::vector<PolyScreenSprite> ScreenSprites;
// DScreen accelerated sprite to be rendered
class PolyScreenSprite
void Render();
FTexture *Pic = nullptr;
double X1 = 0.0;
double Y1 = 0.0;
double Width = 0.0;
double Height = 0.0;
FRemapTable *Translation = nullptr;
bool Flip = false;
float Alpha = 1;
FRenderStyle RenderStyle;
FSWColormap *BaseColormap = nullptr;
int ColormapNum = 0;
uint32_t FillColor = 0;
FDynamicColormap *Colormap = nullptr;
TArray<PolyHWAccelPlayerSprite> AcceleratedSprites;
sector_t tempsec;
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace swrenderer
v = v - floor(v);
double v_step = uv_stepd / texture->GetHeight();
if (std::isnan(v) || std::isnan(v_step)) // this should never happen, but it apparently does..
if (isnan(v) || isnan(v_step)) // this should never happen, but it apparently does..
uv_stepd = 0.0;
v = 0.0;
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ bool DCanvas::ParseDrawTextureTags(FTexture *img, double x, double y, uint32_t t
case DTA_FillColor:
parms->fillcolor = ListGetInt(tags);
if (parms->fillcolor != -1)
if (parms->fillcolor != ~0u)
fillcolorset = true;
Reference in a new issue