mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:31:10 +00:00
- fix bug where SSE wasn't actually really used at all
- improve precision of the SSE version of WriteW - use SSE to calculate the texture wrapping
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 73 additions and 37 deletions
@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ public:
struct Scanline
float W[MAXWIDTH];
float U[MAXWIDTH];
float V[MAXWIDTH];
uint16_t U[MAXWIDTH];
uint16_t V[MAXWIDTH];
float WorldX[MAXWIDTH];
float WorldY[MAXWIDTH];
float WorldZ[MAXWIDTH];
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static void WriteW(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs* args, PolyT
float stepW = args->gradientX.W;
float* w = thread->scanline.W;
int ssecount = ((x1 - x0) & 3);
int ssecount = ((x1 - x0) & ~3);
int sseend = x0 + ssecount;
__m128 mstepW = _mm_set1_ps(stepW * 4.0f);
@ -72,7 +72,10 @@ static void WriteW(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs* args, PolyT
for (int x = x0; x < sseend; x += 4)
_mm_storeu_ps(w + x, _mm_rcp_ps(mposW));
// One Newton-Raphson iteration for 1/posW
__m128 res = _mm_rcp_ps(mposW);
__m128 muls = _mm_mul_ps(mposW, _mm_mul_ps(res, res));
_mm_storeu_ps(w + x, _mm_sub_ps(_mm_add_ps(res, res), muls));
mposW = _mm_add_ps(mposW, mstepW);
@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ static void WriteVarying(float pos, float step, int x0, int x1, const float* w,
static void WriteVarying(float pos, float step, int x0, int x1, const float* w, float* varying)
int ssecount = ((x1 - x0) & 3);
int ssecount = ((x1 - x0) & ~3);
int sseend = x0 + ssecount;
__m128 mstep = _mm_set1_ps(step * 4.0f);
@ -181,13 +184,61 @@ static void WriteVarying(float pos, float step, int x0, int x1, const float* w,
#ifdef NO_SSE
static void WriteVaryingWrap(float pos, float step, int x0, int x1, const float* w, uint16_t* varying)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
float value = pos * w[x];
value = value - std::floor(value);
varying[x] = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(value * static_cast<float>(0x1000'0000)) << 4) >> 16;
pos += step;
static void WriteVaryingWrap(float pos, float step, int x0, int x1, const float* w, uint16_t* varying)
int ssecount = ((x1 - x0) & ~3);
int sseend = x0 + ssecount;
__m128 mstep = _mm_set1_ps(step * 4.0f);
__m128 mpos = _mm_setr_ps(pos, pos + step, pos + step + step, pos + step + step + step);
for (int x = x0; x < sseend; x += 4)
__m128 value = _mm_mul_ps(mpos, _mm_loadu_ps(w + x));
__m128 f = value;
__m128 t = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_cvttps_epi32(f));
__m128 r = _mm_sub_ps(t, _mm_and_ps(_mm_cmplt_ps(f, t), _mm_set1_ps(1.0f)));
value = _mm_sub_ps(f, r);
__m128i ivalue = _mm_srli_epi32(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_cvttps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(value, _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(0x1000'0000)))), 4), 17);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(varying + x), _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(ivalue, ivalue), 1));
mpos = _mm_add_ps(mpos, mstep);
pos += ssecount * step;
for (int x = sseend; x < x1; x++)
float value = pos * w[x];
__m128 f = _mm_set_ss(value);
__m128 t = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_cvttps_epi32(f));
__m128 r = _mm_sub_ss(t, _mm_and_ps(_mm_cmplt_ps(f, t), _mm_set_ss(1.0f)));
value = _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_sub_ss(f, r));
varying[x] = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(value * static_cast<float>(0x1000'0000)) << 4) >> 16;
pos += step;
static void WriteVaryings(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs* args, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
float startX = x0 + (0.5f - args->v1->x);
float startY = y + (0.5f - args->v1->y);
WriteVarying(args->v1->u * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.U * startX + args->gradientY.U * startY, args->gradientX.U, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.U);
WriteVarying(args->v1->v * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.V * startX + args->gradientY.V * startY, args->gradientX.V, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.V);
WriteVaryingWrap(args->v1->u * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.U * startX + args->gradientY.U * startY, args->gradientX.U, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.U);
WriteVaryingWrap(args->v1->v * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.V * startX + args->gradientY.V * startY, args->gradientX.V, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.V);
WriteVarying(args->v1->worldX * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.WorldX * startX + args->gradientY.WorldX * startY, args->gradientX.WorldX, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.WorldX);
WriteVarying(args->v1->worldY * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.WorldY * startX + args->gradientY.WorldY * startY, args->gradientX.WorldY, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.WorldY);
WriteVarying(args->v1->worldZ * args->v1->w + args->gradientX.WorldZ * startX + args->gradientY.WorldZ * startY, args->gradientX.WorldZ, x0, x1, thread->scanline.W, thread->scanline.WorldZ);
@ -338,25 +389,10 @@ static void WriteStencil(int y, int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
#ifdef NO_SSE
static float wrap(float value)
static uint32_t SampleTexture(uint32_t u, uint32_t v, const void* texPixels, int texWidth, int texHeight, bool texBgra)
return value - std::floor(value);
static float wrap(float value)
__m128 f = _mm_set_ss(value);
__m128 t = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_cvttps_epi32(f));
__m128 r = _mm_sub_ps(t, _mm_and_ps(_mm_cmplt_ps(f, t), _mm_set_ss(1.0f)));
return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_sub_ss(f, r));
static uint32_t sampleTexture(float u, float v, const void* texPixels, int texWidth, int texHeight, bool texBgra)
int texelX = MIN(static_cast<int>(wrap(u) * texWidth), texWidth - 1);
int texelY = MIN(static_cast<int>(wrap(v) * texHeight), texHeight - 1);
int texelX = (u * texWidth) >> 16;
int texelY = (v * texHeight) >> 16;
int texelOffset = texelX * texHeight + texelY;
if (texBgra)
@ -374,8 +410,8 @@ static void RunShader(int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
auto constants = thread->PushConstants;
auto& streamdata = thread->mainVertexShader.Data;
uint32_t* fragcolor = thread->scanline.FragColor;
float* u = thread->scanline.U;
float* v = thread->scanline.V;
uint16_t* u = thread->scanline.U;
uint16_t* v = thread->scanline.V;
if (thread->SpecialEffect == EFF_FOGBOUNDARY) // fogboundary.fp
@ -407,8 +443,8 @@ static void RunShader(int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
frag_a += frag_a >> 7; // 255 -> 256
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t t1 = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t t2 = sampleTexture(u[x], 1.0f - v[x], tex2Pixels, tex2Width, tex2Height, tex2Bgra);
uint32_t t1 = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t t2 = SampleTexture(u[x], 0xffff - v[x], tex2Pixels, tex2Width, tex2Height, tex2Bgra);
uint32_t r = (frag_r * RPART(t1)) >> 8;
uint32_t g = (frag_g * GPART(t1)) >> 8;
@ -438,7 +474,7 @@ static void RunShader(int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
fragcolor[x] = lut[RPART(sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra))] | 0xff000000;
fragcolor[x] = lut[RPART(SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra))] | 0xff000000;
else if (thread->EffectState == SHADER_NoTexture) // func_notexture
@ -480,35 +516,35 @@ static void RunShader(int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t texel = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t texel = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = texel;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t texel = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t texel = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = texel | 0x00ffffff;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t texel = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t texel = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = texel | 0xff000000;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t texel = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t texel = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = MAKEARGB(APART(texel), 0xff - RPART(texel), 0xff - BPART(texel), 0xff - GPART(texel));
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t texel = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t texel = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t gray = (RPART(texel) * 77 + GPART(texel) * 143 + BPART(texel) * 37) >> 8;
uint32_t alpha = APART(texel);
alpha += alpha >> 7;
@ -521,7 +557,7 @@ static void RunShader(int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
if (v[x] >= 0.0 && v[x] <= 1.0)
fragcolor[x] = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = 0;
@ -529,7 +565,7 @@ static void RunShader(int x0, int x1, PolyTriangleThreadData* thread)
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
uint32_t texel = sampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
uint32_t texel = SampleTexture(u[x], v[x], texPixels, texWidth, texHeight, texBgra);
fragcolor[x] = MAKEARGB(0xff, 0xff - RPART(texel), 0xff - BPART(texel), 0xff - GPART(texel));
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