mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 02:11:25 +00:00
Fixed: A StateProvider actor could no longer use its own user variables
Refactored the FxIdentifier code a bit to avoid code duplication
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 117 additions and 139 deletions
@ -5102,65 +5102,31 @@ FxExpression *FxIdentifier::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField)))
if (!ctx.Function)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Cannot resolve class member outside a function", sym->SymbolName.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
PField *vsym = static_cast<PField*>(sym);
// We have 4 cases to consider here:
// 1. The symbol is a static/meta member (not implemented yet) which is always accessible.
// 2. This is a static function
// 3. This is an action function with a restricted self pointer
// 4. This is a normal member or unrestricted action function.
if ((vsym->Flags & VARF_Deprecated) && !ctx.FromDecorate)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Accessing deprecated member variable %s", sym->SymbolName.GetChars());
if ((vsym->Flags & VARF_Private) && symtbl != &ctx.Class->Symbols)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Private member %s not accessible", sym->SymbolName.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (vsym->Flags & VARF_Static)
// todo. For now these cannot be defined so let's just exit.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Static members not implemented yet.");
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (ctx.Function->Variants[0].SelfClass == nullptr)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Unable to access class member from static function");
delete this;
return nullptr;
FxExpression *self = new FxSelf(ScriptPosition);
self = self->Resolve(ctx);
newex = ResolveMember(ctx, ctx.Function->Variants[0].SelfClass, self, ctx.Function->Variants[0].SelfClass);
if (ctx.Function->Variants[0].SelfClass != ctx.Class)
// Check if the restricted class can access it.
PSymbol *sym2;
if ((sym2 = ctx.FindInSelfClass(Identifier, symtbl)) != nullptr)
if ((sym2 = ctx.FindInClass(Identifier, symtbl)) != nullptr)
if (sym != sym2)
// At the moment this cannot happen as the only possibility is SelfClass being an AActor and OwningClass an AStateProvider which comes from AActor anyways.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Member variable of %s not accessible through restricted self pointer", ctx.Class->TypeName.GetChars());
delete newex;
delete this;
return nullptr;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_DEBUGLOG, "Resolving name '%s' as member variable, index %d\n", Identifier.GetChars(), vsym->Offset);
newex = new FxClassMember((new FxSelf(ScriptPosition))->Resolve(ctx), vsym, ScriptPosition);
// now constants in the owning class.
// now check in the owning class.
if (newex == nullptr && (sym = ctx.FindInClass(Identifier, symtbl)) != nullptr)
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PSymbolConst)))
@ -5170,6 +5136,23 @@ FxExpression *FxIdentifier::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
delete this;
return newex->Resolve(ctx);
else if (ctx.FromDecorate && ctx.Class->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AStateProvider)) && sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField)))
if (~ctx.Function->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Action)
// No stateowner pointer to rely on, complete ambiguity.
// Abort here instead of risking a crash.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Member variable access from non-action function within a StateProvider.");
delete this;
return nullptr;
FxExpression *self = new FxSelf(ScriptPosition, true);
self = self->Resolve(ctx);
newex = ResolveMember(ctx, ctx.Class, self, ctx.Class);
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Self pointer used in ambiguous context; VM execution may abort!");
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFunction)))
@ -5222,6 +5205,78 @@ FxExpression *FxIdentifier::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
return newex? newex->Resolve(ctx) : nullptr;
FxExpression *FxIdentifier::ResolveMember(FCompileContext &ctx, PClass *classctx, FxExpression *&object, PStruct *objtype)
PSymbol *sym;
PSymbolTable *symtbl;
bool isclass = objtype->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClass));
if ((sym = objtype->Symbols.FindSymbolInTable(Identifier, symtbl)) != nullptr)
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PSymbolConst)))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_DEBUGLOG, "Resolving name '%s' as %s constant\n", Identifier.GetChars(), isclass ? "class" : "struct");
delete object;
object = nullptr;
return FxConstant::MakeConstant(sym, ScriptPosition);
else if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField)))
PField *vsym = static_cast<PField*>(sym);
// We have 4 cases to consider here:
// 1. The symbol is a static/meta member (not implemented yet) which is always accessible.
// 2. This is a static function
// 3. This is an action function with a restricted self pointer
// 4. This is a normal member or unrestricted action function.
if (vsym->Flags & VARF_Deprecated && !ctx.FromDecorate)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Accessing deprecated member variable %s", vsym->SymbolName.GetChars());
if ((vsym->Flags & VARF_Private) && symtbl != &classctx->Symbols)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Private member %s not accessible", vsym->SymbolName.GetChars());
return nullptr;
if (vsym->Flags & VARF_Static)
// todo. For now these cannot be defined so let's just exit.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Static members not implemented yet.");
return nullptr;
auto x = isclass ? new FxClassMember(object, vsym, ScriptPosition) : new FxStructMember(object, vsym, ScriptPosition);
object = nullptr;
return x->Resolve(ctx);
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFunction)))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Function '%s' used without ().\n", Identifier.GetChars());
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Invalid member identifier '%s'.\n", Identifier.GetChars());
delete object;
object = nullptr;
return nullptr;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Unknown identifier '%s'", Identifier.GetChars());
delete object;
object = nullptr;
return nullptr;
@ -5249,111 +5304,25 @@ FxMemberIdentifier::~FxMemberIdentifier()
FxExpression *FxMemberIdentifier::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
PSymbol * sym;
FxExpression *newex = nullptr;
SAFE_RESOLVE(Object, ctx);
if (Object->ValueType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer)))
PSymbolTable *symtbl;
auto ptype = static_cast<PPointer *>(Object->ValueType)->PointedType;
if (ptype->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PStruct))) // PClass is a child class of PStruct so this covers both.
if (ptype->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PStruct)))
PStruct *cls = static_cast<PStruct *>(ptype);
bool isclass = cls->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClass));
if ((sym = cls->Symbols.FindSymbolInTable(Identifier, symtbl)) != nullptr)
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PSymbolConst)))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_DEBUGLOG, "Resolving name '%s' as %s constant\n", Identifier.GetChars(), isclass? "class" : "struct");
newex = FxConstant::MakeConstant(sym, ScriptPosition);
else if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField)))
PField *vsym = static_cast<PField*>(sym);
// We have 4 cases to consider here:
// 1. The symbol is a static/meta member (not implemented yet) which is always accessible.
// 2. This is a static function
// 3. This is an action function with a restricted self pointer
// 4. This is a normal member or unrestricted action function.
if (vsym->Flags & VARF_Deprecated)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Accessing deprecated member variable %s", vsym->SymbolName.GetChars());
if ((vsym->Flags & VARF_Private) && symtbl != &ctx.Class->Symbols)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Private member %s not accessible", vsym->SymbolName.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (vsym->Flags & VARF_Static)
// todo. For now these cannot be defined so let's just exit.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Static members not implemented yet.");
delete this;
return nullptr;
auto x = isclass? new FxClassMember(Object, vsym, ScriptPosition) : new FxStructMember(Object, vsym, ScriptPosition);
Object = nullptr;
delete this;
return x->Resolve(ctx);
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Invalid member identifier '%s'\n", Identifier.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Unknown identifier '%s'", Identifier.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
auto ret = ResolveMember(ctx, ctx.Class, Object, static_cast<PStruct *>(ptype));
delete this;
return ret;
else if (Object->ValueType->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PStruct)))
if ((sym = Object->ValueType->Symbols.FindSymbol(Identifier, false)) != nullptr)
if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PSymbolConst)))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_DEBUGLOG, "Resolving name '%s' as struct constant\n", Identifier.GetChars());
newex = FxConstant::MakeConstant(sym, ScriptPosition);
else if (sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PField)))
PField *vsym = static_cast<PField*>(sym);
if (vsym->Flags & VARF_Deprecated)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Accessing deprecated member variable %s", vsym->SymbolName.GetChars());
auto x = new FxStructMember(Object, vsym, ScriptPosition);
Object = nullptr;
delete this;
return x->Resolve(ctx);
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Invalid member identifier '%s'\n", Identifier.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Unknown identifier '%s'", Identifier.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
auto ret = ResolveMember(ctx, ctx.Class, Object, static_cast<PStruct *>(Object->ValueType));
delete this;
return ret;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Left side of %s is not a struct or class", Identifier.GetChars());
@ -5361,7 +5330,6 @@ FxExpression *FxMemberIdentifier::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
return nullptr;
@ -5406,9 +5374,10 @@ ExpEmit FxLocalVariable::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxSelf::FxSelf(const FScriptPosition &pos)
FxSelf::FxSelf(const FScriptPosition &pos, bool deccheck)
: FxExpression(EFX_Self, pos)
check = deccheck;
@ -5438,6 +5407,12 @@ FxExpression *FxSelf::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
ExpEmit FxSelf::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
if (check)
build->Emit(OP_EQA_R, 1, 0, 1);
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 1);
build->Emit(OP_THROW, 2, X_BAD_SELF);
// self is always the first pointer passed to the function
return ExpEmit(0, REGT_POINTER, false, true);
@ -347,12 +347,13 @@ public:
FxIdentifier(FName i, const FScriptPosition &p);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
FxExpression *ResolveMember(FCompileContext&, PClass*, FxExpression*&, PStruct*);
// FxIdentifier
// FxMemberIdentifier
@ -1240,8 +1241,10 @@ public:
class FxSelf : public FxExpression
bool check;
FxSelf(const FScriptPosition&);
FxSelf(const FScriptPosition&, bool deccheck = false);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
Reference in a new issue