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mirror of https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom.git synced 2025-03-21 10:22:11 +00:00

- allow the automap HUD to use the VGA font.

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Oelckers 2019-04-10 20:39:15 +02:00
parent 85a762f294
commit 9e096c62fd
8 changed files with 136 additions and 81 deletions

View file

@ -1109,10 +1109,6 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::Draw()
color = PrintColors[notify.PrintLevel];
if (color == CR_UNTRANSLATED)
color = C_GetDefaultFontColor();
int scale = active_con_scaletext(hud_generic);
if (!center)
screen->DrawText (font, color, 0, line, notify.Text,

View file

@ -199,8 +199,7 @@ DHUDMessage::DHUDMessage (FFont *font, const char *text, float x, float y, int h
HoldTics = (int)(holdTime * TICRATE);
Tics = -1; // -1 to compensate for one additional Tick the message will receive.
Font = font? font : AltScale? NewSmallFont : SmallFont;
if (Font == NewSmallFont && textColor == CR_UNTRANSLATED) TextColor = C_GetDefaultFontColor();
else TextColor = textColor;
TextColor = textColor;
State = 0;
SourceText = copystring (text);
VisibilityFlags = 0;

View file

@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ public:
return SBarTop;
void DoDrawAutomapHUD(int crdefault, int highlight);
void DrawPowerups ();

View file

@ -541,6 +541,131 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forcescaled
fullscreenOffsets = true;
// automap HUD common drawer
// This is not called directly to give a status bar the opportunity to
// change the text colors. If you want to do something different,
// override DrawAutomap directly.
void FormatMapName(FLevelLocals *self, int cr, FString *result);
static void DrawAMText(FFont *fnt, int color, const char *text, int vwidth, int vheight, int x, int y)
int zerowidth = fnt->GetCharWidth('0');
x += zerowidth / 2;
for (int i = 0; text[i]; i++)
int c = text[i];
int width = fnt->GetCharWidth(c);
screen->DrawChar(fnt, color, x, y, c, DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, DTA_LeftOffset, width / 2, TAG_DONE);
x += zerowidth;
void DBaseStatusBar::DoDrawAutomapHUD(int crdefault, int highlight)
auto scale = GetUIScale(hud_scale);
auto font = generic_hud ? NewSmallFont : SmallFont;
auto vwidth = screen->GetWidth() / scale;
auto vheight = screen->GetHeight() / scale;
auto fheight = font->GetHeight();
FString textbuffer;
int sec;
int y = 0;
int textdist = 4;
if (am_showtime)
sec = Tics2Seconds(primaryLevel->time);
textbuffer.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60);
DrawAMText(font, crdefault, textbuffer, vwidth, vheight, vwidth - font->GetCharWidth('0') * 8 - textdist, y);
y += fheight;
if (am_showtotaltime)
sec = Tics2Seconds(primaryLevel->totaltime);
textbuffer.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60);
DrawAMText(font, crdefault, textbuffer, vwidth, vheight, vwidth - font->GetCharWidth('0') * 8 - textdist, y);
if (!deathmatch)
y = 0;
if (am_showmonsters)
textbuffer.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", GStrings("AM_MONSTERS"), crdefault + 65, primaryLevel->killed_monsters, primaryLevel->total_monsters);
screen->DrawText(font, highlight, textdist, y, textbuffer, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
y += fheight;
if (am_showsecrets)
textbuffer.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", GStrings("AM_SECRETS"), crdefault + 65, primaryLevel->found_secrets, primaryLevel->total_secrets);
screen->DrawText(font, highlight, textdist, y, textbuffer, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
y += fheight;
// Draw item count
if (am_showitems)
textbuffer.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", GStrings("AM_ITEMS"), crdefault + 65, primaryLevel->found_items, primaryLevel->total_items);
screen->DrawText(font, highlight, textdist, y, textbuffer, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
y += fheight;
FormatMapName(primaryLevel, crdefault, &textbuffer);
auto lines = V_BreakLines(font, vwidth - 32, textbuffer, true);
auto numlines = lines.Size();
auto finalwidth = lines.Last().Width;
// calculate the top of the statusbar including any protrusion and transform it from status bar to screen space.
double x = 0, yy = 0, w = HorizontalResolution, h = 0;
StatusbarToRealCoords(x, yy, w, h);
IFVIRTUAL(DBaseStatusBar, GetProtrusion)
int prot = 0;
VMValue params[] = { this, double(finalwidth * scale / w) };
VMReturn ret(&prot);
VMCall(func, params, 2, &ret, 1);
h = prot;
StatusbarToRealCoords(x, yy, w, h);
// Get the y coordinate for the first line of the map name text.
y = Scale(GetTopOfStatusbar() - int(h), vheight, screen->GetHeight()) - fheight * numlines;
// Draw the texts centered above the status bar.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
int x = (vwidth - font->StringWidth(lines[i].Text)) / 2;
screen->DrawText(font, highlight, x, y, lines[i].Text, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
y += fheight;
self->DoDrawAutomapHUD(crdefault, highlight);
return 0;
// PROC AttachToPlayer
@ -1075,7 +1200,7 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::DrawLog ()
for (const FBrokenLines &line : lines)
screen->DrawText (font, C_GetDefaultFontColor(), x, y, line.Text,
screen->DrawText (font, CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y, line.Text,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE);
y += font->GetHeight ();

View file

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ int GetUIScale(int altval)
int GetConScale(int altval)
int scaleval;
if (altval > 0) scaleval = altval;
if (altval > 0) scaleval = (altval+1) / 2;
else if (uiscale == 0)
// Default should try to scale to 640x400
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ int GetConScale(int altval)
int hscale = screen->GetWidth() / 1280;
scaleval = clamp(vscale, 1, hscale);
else scaleval = uiscale / 2;
else scaleval = (uiscale+1) / 2;
// block scales that result in something larger than the current screen.
int vmax = screen->GetHeight() / 400;

View file

@ -265,6 +265,10 @@ void DFrameBuffer::DrawTextCommon(FFont *font, int normalcolor, double x, double
int kerning;
FTexture *pic;
// Workaround until this can be automated.
if (font == NewSmallFont && normalcolor == CR_UNTRANSLATED)
normalcolor = C_GetDefaultFontColor();
if (parms.celly == 0) parms.celly = font->GetHeight() + 1;
parms.celly *= parms.scaley;

View file

@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_NATIVE(FLevelLocals, GetSpotState, GetSpotState)
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, am_showmaplabel)
static void FormatMapName(FLevelLocals *self, int cr, FString *result)
void FormatMapName(FLevelLocals *self, int cr, FString *result)
char mapnamecolor[3] = { '\34', char(cr + 'A'), 0 };

View file

@ -835,77 +835,7 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
protected void DoDrawAutomapHUD(int crdefault, int highlight)
let scale = GetHUDScale();
double textdist = 8. / scale.Y;
int height = SmallFont.GetHeight();
String printtext;
int SCREENWIDTH = screen.GetWidth();
// Draw timer
let y = textdist;
let width = SmallFont.StringWidth("00:00:00");
if (am_showtime)
printtext = Level.TimeFormatted();
DrawString(mSmallFont, Level.TimeFormatted(), (-textdist-width, y), 0, crdefault);
y += height;
if (am_showtotaltime)
DrawString(mSmallFont, Level.TimeFormatted(true), (-textdist-width, y), 0, crdefault);
if (!deathmatch)
y = textdist;
// Draw monster count
if (am_showmonsters)
DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_MONSTERS"), crdefault+65, Level.killed_monsters, Level.total_monsters), (textdist, y), 0, highlight);
y += height;
// Draw secret count
if (am_showsecrets)
DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_SECRETS"), crdefault+65, Level.found_secrets, Level.total_secrets), (textdist, y), 0, highlight);
y += height;
// Draw item count
if (am_showitems)
DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_ITEMS"), crdefault+65, Level.found_items, Level.total_items), (textdist, y), 0, highlight);
String mapname = Level.FormatMapName(crdefault);
BrokenLines lines = SmallFont.BreakLines(mapname, int(SCREENWIDTH / scale.X));
int numlines = lines.Count();
int finalwidth = int(SmallFont.StringWidth(lines.StringAt(numlines-1)) * scale.X);
// calculate the top of the statusbar including any protrusion and transform it from status bar to screen space.
double tmp, hres;
[tmp, tmp, hres] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, HorizontalResolution);
int protrusion = GetProtrusion(finalwidth / hres);
[tmp, tmp, tmp, hres] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, 0, protrusion);
// transform the top of the status bar position from screen to HUD space (a direct transformation from status bar to HUD space does not exist.)
y = (GetTopOfStatusBar() - hres) / scale.Y - height * numlines;
// Draw the texts centered above the status bar.
for(int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
DrawString(mSmallFont, lines.StringAt(i), (0, y), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER|DI_SCREEN_HCENTER|DI_SCREEN_TOP, highlight);
y += height;
protected native void DoDrawAutomapHUD(int crdefault, int highlight);
virtual void DrawAutomapHUD(double ticFrac)