rewrite of HWWalls to allow grabbing the output from the render item generator.

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Oelckers 2023-10-19 18:35:51 +02:00
parent d65d1a3b82
commit 9cd57faec1
8 changed files with 431 additions and 299 deletions

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "hw_clock.h"
#include "flatvertices.h"
#include "hw_vertexbuilder.h"
#include "hw_walldispatcher.h"
#ifdef ARCH_IA32
#include <immintrin.h>
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ static RenderJobQueue jobQueue; // One static queue is sufficient here. This cod
void HWDrawInfo::WorkerThread()
sector_t *front, *back;
HWWallDispatcher disp(this);
isWorkerThread = true; // for adding asserts in GL API code. The worker thread may never call any GL API.
@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ void HWDrawInfo::WorkerThread()
else back = nullptr;
wall.Process(this, job->seg, front, back);
wall.Process(&disp, job->seg, front, back);
@ -348,9 +350,10 @@ void HWDrawInfo::AddLine (seg_t *seg, bool portalclip)
HWWall wall;
HWWallDispatcher disp(this);
wall.sub = seg->Subsector;
wall.Process(this, seg, currentsector, backsector);
wall.Process(&disp, seg, currentsector, backsector);

View file

@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ private:
int CalcLightLevel(int lightlevel, int rellight, bool weapon, int blendfactor);
PalEntry CalcLightColor(int light, PalEntry pe, int blendfactor);
float GetFogDensity(int lightlevel, PalEntry fogcolor, int sectorfogdensity, int blendfactor);
bool CheckFog(sector_t *frontsector, sector_t *backsector);
WeaponLighting GetWeaponLighting(sector_t *viewsector, const DVector3 &pos, int cm, area_t in_area, const DVector3 &playerpos);
void PreparePlayerSprites2D(sector_t * viewsector, area_t in_area);

View file

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
bool CheckFog(FLevelLocals* Level, sector_t* frontsector, sector_t* backsector, ELightMode lightmode);
struct HWHorizonInfo;
struct HWSkyInfo;
struct F3DFloor;
@ -113,6 +115,11 @@ struct texcoord
struct HWDrawInfo;
class HWWall;
// this only exists to keep HWWallDispatcher trivial
struct HWWallDispatcher;
class HWWall
@ -187,6 +194,11 @@ public:
FSectorPortalGroup* portal; // stacked sector portals
secplane_t* planemirror; // for plane mirrors
FLinePortalSpan* lineportal; // line-to-line portals
int portaltype; // for the mesh builder. Real portals can only be assigned when being rendered.
int portalplane;
@ -204,36 +216,36 @@ public:
sector_t* frontsector, * backsector;
void PutWall(HWDrawInfo *di, bool translucent);
void PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype, int plane);
void PutWall(HWWallDispatcher* di, bool translucent);
void PutPortal(HWWallDispatcher* di, int ptype, int plane);
void CheckTexturePosition(FTexCoordInfo* tci);
void Put3DWall(HWDrawInfo *di, lightlist_t * lightlist, bool translucent);
bool SplitWallComplex(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent, float& maplightbottomleft, float& maplightbottomright);
void SplitWall(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent);
void Put3DWall(HWWallDispatcher* di, lightlist_t* lightlist, bool translucent);
bool SplitWallComplex(HWWallDispatcher* di, sector_t* frontsector, bool translucent, float& maplightbottomleft, float& maplightbottomright);
void SplitWall(HWWallDispatcher* di, sector_t* frontsector, bool translucent);
void SetupLights(HWDrawInfo* di, FDynLightData& lightdata);
void MakeVertices(HWDrawInfo* di, bool nosplit);
void SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowmirror);
void SkyLine(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sec, line_t *line);
void SkyNormal(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * fs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2);
void SkyTop(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2);
void SkyBottom(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2);
void SkyPlane(HWWallDispatcher* di, sector_t* sector, int plane, bool allowmirror);
void SkyLine(HWWallDispatcher* di, sector_t* sec, line_t* line);
void SkyNormal(HWWallDispatcher* di, sector_t* fs, vertex_t* v1, vertex_t* v2);
void SkyTop(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* fs, sector_t* bs, vertex_t* v1, vertex_t* v2);
void SkyBottom(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* fs, sector_t* bs, vertex_t* v1, vertex_t* v2);
bool DoHorizon(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2);
bool DoHorizon(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* fs, vertex_t* v1, vertex_t* v2);
bool SetWallCoordinates(seg_t* seg, FTexCoordInfo* tci, float ceilingrefheight,
float topleft, float topright, float bottomleft, float bottomright, float t_ofs);
void DoTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, int type,seg_t * seg,int peg,
void DoTexture(HWWallDispatcher* di, int type, seg_t* seg, int peg,
float ceilingrefheight, float floorrefheight,
float CeilingHeightstart, float CeilingHeightend,
float FloorHeightstart, float FloorHeightend,
float v_offset);
void DoMidTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, bool drawfogboundary,
void DoMidTexture(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, bool drawfogboundary,
sector_t* front, sector_t* back,
sector_t* realfront, sector_t* realback,
float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2,
@ -241,16 +253,16 @@ public:
void GetPlanePos(F3DFloor::planeref* planeref, float& left, float& right);
void BuildFFBlock(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * rover, int roverIndex,
void BuildFFBlock(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, F3DFloor* rover, int roverIndex,
float ff_topleft, float ff_topright,
float ff_bottomleft, float ff_bottomright);
void InverseFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector,
void InverseFloors(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* frontsector,
float topleft, float topright,
float bottomleft, float bottomright);
void ClipFFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * ffloor, int ffloorIndex, sector_t * frontsector,
void ClipFFloors(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, F3DFloor* ffloor, int ffloorIndex, sector_t* frontsector,
float topleft, float topright,
float bottomleft, float bottomright);
void DoFFloorBlocks(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector,
void DoFFloorBlocks(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* frontsector, sector_t* backsector,
float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2,
float bch1, float bch2, float bfh1, float bfh2);
@ -276,8 +288,8 @@ public:
void DrawDecalsForMirror(HWDrawInfo* di, FRenderState& state, TArray<HWDecal*>& decals);
void Process(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t *frontsector, sector_t *backsector);
void ProcessLowerMiniseg(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t *frontsector, sector_t *backsector);
void Process(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* frontsector, sector_t* backsector);
void ProcessLowerMiniseg(HWWallDispatcher* di, seg_t* seg, sector_t* frontsector, sector_t* backsector);
float PointOnSide(float x, float y)

View file

@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ float HWDrawInfo::GetFogDensity(int lightlevel, PalEntry fogcolor, int sectorfog
bool HWDrawInfo::CheckFog(sector_t *frontsector, sector_t *backsector)
bool CheckFog(FLevelLocals* Level, sector_t *frontsector, sector_t *backsector, ELightMode lightmode)
if (frontsector == backsector) return false; // there can't be a boundary if both sides are in the same sector.

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "hw_lightbuffer.h"
#include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_portal.h"
#include "hw_fakeflat.h"
#include "hw_walldispatcher.h"
@ -1117,7 +1118,8 @@ void HWDrawInfo::ProcessLowerMinisegs(TArray<seg_t *> &lowersegs)
seg_t * seg=lowersegs[j];
HWWall wall;
wall.ProcessLowerMiniseg(this, seg, seg->Subsector->render_sector, seg->PartnerSeg->Subsector->render_sector);
HWWallDispatcher disp(this);
wall.ProcessLowerMiniseg(&disp, seg, seg->Subsector->render_sector, seg->PartnerSeg->Subsector->render_sector);

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_portal.h"
#include "hw_lighting.h"
#include "hw_material.h"
#include "hw_walldispatcher.h"
CVAR(Bool,gl_noskyboxes, false, 0)
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ void HWSkyInfo::init(HWDrawInfo *di, int sky1, PalEntry FadeColor)
void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowreflect)
void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWWallDispatcher *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowreflect)
int ptype = -1;
@ -120,11 +121,14 @@ void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowref
// Either a regular sky or a skybox with skyboxes disabled
if ((sportal == nullptr && sector->GetTexture(plane) == skyflatnum) || (gl_noskyboxes && sportal != nullptr && sportal->mType == PORTS_SKYVIEWPOINT))
if (di->di)
HWSkyInfo skyinfo;
skyinfo.init(di, sector->sky, Colormap.FadeColor);
skyinfo.init(di->di, sector->sky, Colormap.FadeColor);
sky = &skyinfo;
PutPortal(di, ptype, plane);
else if (sportal != nullptr)
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@ void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowref
if (sector->PortalBlocksView(plane)) return;
if (screen->instack[1 - plane]) return;
if (di->di && screen->instack[1 - plane]) return;
portal = glport;
@ -157,12 +161,15 @@ void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowref
else if (allowreflect && sector->GetReflect(plane) > 0 && !(di->Level->ib_compatflags & BCOMPATF_NOMIRRORS))
auto vpz = di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z;
if (di->di)
auto vpz = di->di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z;
if ((plane == sector_t::ceiling && vpz > sector->ceilingplane.fD()) ||
(plane == sector_t::floor && vpz < -sector->floorplane.fD())) return;
planemirror = plane == sector_t::ceiling ? &sector->ceilingplane : &sector->floorplane;
if (ptype != -1)
PutPortal(di, ptype, plane);
@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *sector, int plane, bool allowref
void HWWall::SkyLine(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *fs, line_t *line)
void HWWall::SkyLine(HWWallDispatcher *di, sector_t *fs, line_t *line)
FSectorPortal *secport = line->GetTransferredPortal();
HWSkyInfo skyinfo;
@ -192,7 +199,7 @@ void HWWall::SkyLine(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *fs, line_t *line)
skyinfo.init(di, fs->sky, Colormap.FadeColor);
if (di->di) skyinfo.init(di->di, fs->sky, Colormap.FadeColor);
sky = &skyinfo;
@ -210,7 +217,7 @@ void HWWall::SkyLine(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t *fs, line_t *line)
void HWWall::SkyNormal(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * fs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
void HWWall::SkyNormal(HWWallDispatcher *di, sector_t * fs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
@ -229,7 +236,7 @@ void HWWall::SkyNormal(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * fs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2
void HWWall::SkyTop(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
void HWWall::SkyTop(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
if (fs->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling)==skyflatnum)
@ -323,7 +330,7 @@ void HWWall::SkyTop(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vert
void HWWall::SkyBottom(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
void HWWall::SkyBottom(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
if (fs->GetTexture(sector_t::floor)==skyflatnum)
@ -343,8 +350,8 @@ void HWWall::SkyBottom(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs,sector_t * bs,v
// Special hack for Vrack2b
if (bs->floorplane.ZatPoint(di->Viewpoint.Pos) > di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z) return;
// Special hack for Vrack2b. For mesh based rendering this check needs to be done in the actual render pass!
if (di->di && bs->floorplane.ZatPoint(di->di->Viewpoint.Pos) > di->di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z) return;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#pragma once
struct HWMissing
side_t* side;
subsector_t* sub;
double plane;
struct HWMeshHelper
TArray<HWWall> list;
TArray<HWWall> translucent;
TArray<HWWall> portals;
TArray<HWMissing> lower;
TArray<HWMissing> upper;
struct HWWallDispatcher
FLevelLocals* Level;
HWDrawInfo* di;
HWMeshHelper* mh;
ELightMode lightmode;
HWWallDispatcher(HWDrawInfo* info)
Level = info->Level;
di = info;
mh = nullptr;
lightmode = info->lightmode;
HWWallDispatcher(FLevelLocals* lev, HWMeshHelper* help, ELightMode lm)
Level = lev;
di = nullptr;
mh = help;
lightmode = lm;
void AddUpperMissingTexture(side_t* side, subsector_t* sub, float height)
if (di) di->AddUpperMissingTexture(side, sub, height);
mh->upper.Last() = { side, sub, height };
void AddLowerMissingTexture(side_t* side, subsector_t* sub, float height)
if (di) di->AddUpperMissingTexture(side, sub, height);
mh->lower.Last() = { side, sub, height };
bool isFullbrightScene()
// The mesh builder cannot know this and must treat everything as not fullbright.
return di && di->isFullbrightScene();
void AddWall(HWWall* wal)
if (di) di->AddWall(wal);
else if (!(wal->flags & HWWall::HWF_TRANSLUCENT)) mh->list.Push(*wal);
else mh->translucent.Push(*wal);
void AddPortal(HWWall* wal)

View file

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "hw_lightbuffer.h"
#include "hw_renderstate.h"
#include "hw_skydome.h"
#include "hw_walldispatcher.h"
void SetGlowPlanes(FRenderState &state, const secplane_t& top, const secplane_t& bottom)
@ -493,37 +494,45 @@ const char HWWall::passflag[] = {
void HWWall::PutWall(HWDrawInfo *di, bool translucent)
void HWWall::PutWall(HWWallDispatcher *di, bool translucent)
if (texture && texture->GetTranslucency() && passflag[type] == 2)
translucent = true;
auto ddi = di->di;
if (translucent)
ViewDistance = (di->Viewpoint.Pos - (seg->linedef->v1->fPos() + seg->linedef->Delta() / 2)).XY().LengthSquared();
if (di->isFullbrightScene())
if (di->di)
if (translucent)
ViewDistance = (ddi->Viewpoint.Pos - (seg->linedef->v1->fPos() + seg->linedef->Delta() / 2)).XY().LengthSquared();
if (ddi->isFullbrightScene())
// light planes don't get drawn with fullbright rendering
if (texture == NULL) return;
if (di->isFullbrightScene() || (Colormap.LightColor.isWhite() && lightlevel == 255))
if (ddi->isFullbrightScene() || (Colormap.LightColor.isWhite() && lightlevel == 255))
flags &= ~HWF_GLOW;
if (!screen->BuffersArePersistent())
if (di->Level->HasDynamicLights && !di->isFullbrightScene() && texture != nullptr)
if (ddi->Level->HasDynamicLights && !ddi->isFullbrightScene() && texture != nullptr)
SetupLights(di, lightdata);
SetupLights(ddi, lightdata);
MakeVertices(di, translucent);
MakeVertices(ddi, translucent);
@ -539,12 +548,13 @@ void HWWall::PutWall(HWDrawInfo *di, bool translucent)
// If we want to use the light infos for the decal we cannot delay the creation until the render pass.
if (screen->BuffersArePersistent())
if (di->Level->HasDynamicLights && !di->isFullbrightScene() && texture != nullptr)
if (ddi->Level->HasDynamicLights && !ddi->isFullbrightScene() && texture != nullptr)
SetupLights(di, lightdata);
SetupLights(ddi, lightdata);
@ -563,28 +573,31 @@ void HWWall::PutWall(HWDrawInfo *di, bool translucent)
void HWWall::PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype, int plane)
void HWWall::PutPortal(HWWallDispatcher *di, int ptype, int plane)
HWPortal * portal = nullptr;
MakeVertices(di, false);
auto ddi = di->di;
if (ddi)
MakeVertices(ddi, false);
switch (ptype)
// portals don't go into the draw list.
// Instead they are added to the portal manager
horizon = portalState.UniqueHorizons.Get(horizon);
portal = di->FindPortal(horizon);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(horizon);
if (!portal)
portal = new HWHorizonPortal(&portalState, horizon, di->Viewpoint);
portal = new HWHorizonPortal(&portalState, horizon, ddi->Viewpoint);
portal = di->FindPortal(secportal);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(secportal);
if (!portal)
// either a regular skybox or an Eternity-style horizon
@ -592,18 +605,18 @@ void HWWall::PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype, int plane)
portal = new HWSkyboxPortal(&portalState, secportal);
portal = di->FindPortal(this->portal);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(this->portal);
if (!portal)
portal = new HWSectorStackPortal(&portalState, this->portal);
@ -612,55 +625,55 @@ void HWWall::PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype, int plane)
if (portalState.PlaneMirrorMode * planemirror->fC() <= 0)
planemirror = portalState.UniquePlaneMirrors.Get(planemirror);
portal = di->FindPortal(planemirror);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(planemirror);
if (!portal)
portal = new HWPlaneMirrorPortal(&portalState, planemirror);
portal = di->FindPortal(seg->linedef);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(seg->linedef);
if (!portal)
portal = new HWMirrorPortal(&portalState, seg->linedef);
if (gl_mirror_envmap)
// draw a reflective layer over the mirror
if (!lineportal)
portal = di->FindPortal(lineportal);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(lineportal);
if (!portal)
line_t* otherside = lineportal->lines[0]->mDestination;
if (otherside != nullptr && otherside->portalindex < di->Level->linePortals.Size())
if (otherside != nullptr && otherside->portalindex < ddi->Level->linePortals.Size())
di->ProcessActorsInPortal(otherside->getPortal()->mGroup, di->in_area);
ddi->ProcessActorsInPortal(otherside->getPortal()->mGroup, ddi->in_area);
portal = new HWLineToLinePortal(&portalState, lineportal);
sky = portalState.UniqueSkies.Get(sky);
portal = di->FindPortal(sky);
portal = ddi->FindPortal(sky);
if (!portal)
portal = new HWSkyPortal(screen->mSkyData, &portalState, sky);
@ -672,6 +685,13 @@ void HWWall::PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype, int plane)
portal->planesused |= (1 << plane);
portaltype = ptype;
portalplane = plane;
@ -679,7 +699,7 @@ void HWWall::PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype, int plane)
void HWWall::Put3DWall(HWDrawInfo *di, lightlist_t * lightlist, bool translucent)
void HWWall::Put3DWall(HWWallDispatcher *di, lightlist_t * lightlist, bool translucent)
// only modify the light di->Level-> if it doesn't originate from the seg's frontsector. This is to account for light transferring effects
if (lightlist->p_lightlevel != &seg->sidedef->sector->lightlevel)
@ -699,7 +719,7 @@ void HWWall::Put3DWall(HWDrawInfo *di, lightlist_t * lightlist, bool translucent
bool HWWall::SplitWallComplex(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent, float& maplightbottomleft, float& maplightbottomright)
bool HWWall::SplitWallComplex(HWWallDispatcher *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent, float& maplightbottomleft, float& maplightbottomright)
// check for an intersection with the upper plane
if ((maplightbottomleft<ztop[0] && maplightbottomright>ztop[1]) ||
@ -793,7 +813,7 @@ bool HWWall::SplitWallComplex(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool trans
return false;
void HWWall::SplitWall(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent)
void HWWall::SplitWall(HWWallDispatcher *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent)
float maplightbottomleft;
float maplightbottomright;
@ -908,7 +928,7 @@ out:
bool HWWall::DoHorizon(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
bool HWWall::DoHorizon(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
HWHorizonInfo hi;
lightlist_t * light;
@ -917,7 +937,10 @@ bool HWWall::DoHorizon(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,
ztop[1] = ztop[0] = fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling);
zbottom[1] = zbottom[0] = fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
auto vpz = di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z;
auto ddi = di->di;
if (ddi)
auto vpz = ddi->Viewpoint.Pos.Z;
if (vpz < fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling))
if (vpz > fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor))
@ -942,7 +965,7 @@ bool HWWall::DoHorizon(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,
if (di->isFullbrightScene()) hi.colormap.Clear();
if (ddi->isFullbrightScene()) hi.colormap.Clear();
horizon = &hi;
PutPortal(di, PORTALTYPE_HORIZON, -1);
@ -971,11 +994,17 @@ bool HWWall::DoHorizon(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,
if (di->isFullbrightScene()) hi.colormap.Clear();
if (ddi->isFullbrightScene()) hi.colormap.Clear();
horizon = &hi;
PutPortal(di, PORTALTYPE_HORIZON, -1);
// we cannot build the real portal yet, the mesh builder just needs a generic 'horizon' portal that needs to be filled in in the render pass.
PutPortal(di, PORTALTYPE_HORIZON, -1);
return true;
@ -1225,7 +1254,7 @@ static void GetTexCoordInfo(FGameTexture *tex, FTexCoordInfo *tci, side_t *side,
// Handle one sided walls, upper and lower texture
void HWWall::DoTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, int _type,seg_t * seg, int peg,
void HWWall::DoTexture(HWWallDispatcher *di, int _type,seg_t * seg, int peg,
float ceilingrefheight,float floorrefheight,
float topleft,float topright,
float bottomleft,float bottomright,
@ -1299,7 +1328,7 @@ void HWWall::DoTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, int _type,seg_t * seg, int peg,
void HWWall::DoMidTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, bool drawfogboundary,
void HWWall::DoMidTexture(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg, bool drawfogboundary,
sector_t * front, sector_t * back,
sector_t * realfront, sector_t * realback,
float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2,
@ -1634,7 +1663,7 @@ void HWWall::DoMidTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, bool drawfogboundary,
void HWWall::BuildFFBlock(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * rover, int roverIndex,
void HWWall::BuildFFBlock(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * rover, int roverIndex,
float ff_topleft, float ff_topright,
float ff_bottomleft, float ff_bottomright)
@ -1788,7 +1817,7 @@ __forceinline void HWWall::GetPlanePos(F3DFloor::planeref *planeref, float &left
void HWWall::InverseFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector,
void HWWall::InverseFloors(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector,
float topleft, float topright,
float bottomleft, float bottomright)
@ -1839,7 +1868,7 @@ void HWWall::InverseFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector,
void HWWall::ClipFFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * ffloor, int ffloorIndex, sector_t * frontsector,
void HWWall::ClipFFloors(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * ffloor, int ffloorIndex, sector_t * frontsector,
float topleft, float topright,
float bottomleft, float bottomright)
@ -1913,7 +1942,7 @@ done:
void HWWall::DoFFloorBlocks(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector,
void HWWall::DoFFloorBlocks(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector,
float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2,
float bch1, float bch2, float bfh1, float bfh2)
@ -2018,7 +2047,7 @@ inline int CalcRelLight(int lightlevel, int orglightlevel, int rel)
void HWWall::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector)
void HWWall::Process(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector)
vertex_t * v1, *v2;
float fch1;
@ -2273,7 +2302,7 @@ void HWWall::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_
/* mid texture */
sector_t *backsec = isportal? seg->linedef->getPortalDestination()->frontsector : backsector;
bool drawfogboundary = !di->isFullbrightScene() && di->CheckFog(frontsector, backsec);
bool drawfogboundary = !di->isFullbrightScene() && CheckFog(di->Level, frontsector, backsec, di->lightmode);
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true);
if (tex != NULL && tex->isValid())
@ -2378,7 +2407,7 @@ void HWWall::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_
void HWWall::ProcessLowerMiniseg(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector)
void HWWall::ProcessLowerMiniseg(HWWallDispatcher *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector)
if (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum) return;
lightlist = NULL;