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synced 2025-03-20 09:52:06 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/zdoom/master'
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 55 additions and 141 deletions
@ -568,6 +568,7 @@ struct FStrifeDialogueNode;
struct FLinkContext
msecnode_t *sector_list = nullptr;
msecnode_t *render_list = nullptr;
class DDropItem : public DObject
@ -1149,7 +1150,7 @@ public:
struct msecnode_t *touching_sectorlist; // phares 3/14/98
struct msecnode_t *render_sectorlist; // same for cross-sectorportal rendering
struct portnode_t *render_portallist; // and for cross-lineportal
std::forward_list<sector_t*>* touching_render_sectors; // this is the list of sectors that this thing interesects with it's max(radius, renderradius).
struct msecnode_t *touching_rendersectors; // this is the list of sectors that this thing interesects with it's max(radius, renderradius).
int validcount;
@ -391,12 +391,10 @@ enum
int P_RadiusAttack (AActor *spot, AActor *source, int damage, int distance,
FName damageType, int flags, int fulldamagedistance=0);
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *); // phares 3/16/98
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *, msecnode_t *sector_t::*seclisthead);
msecnode_t *P_AddSecnode(sector_t *s, AActor *thing, msecnode_t *nextnode, msecnode_t *&sec_thinglist);
msecnode_t* P_DelSecnode(msecnode_t *, msecnode_t *sector_t::*head);
msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list);
void P_LinkRenderSectors(AActor*);
void P_UnlinkRenderSectors(AActor*);
msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, double radius, msecnode_t *sector_list, msecnode_t *sector_t::*seclisthead);
double P_GetMoveFactor(const AActor *mo, double *frictionp); // phares 3/6/98
double P_GetFriction(const AActor *mo, double *frictionfactor);
@ -6541,10 +6541,10 @@ msecnode_t *P_DelSecnode(msecnode_t *node, msecnode_t *sector_t::*listhead)
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *node)
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *node, msecnode_t *sector_t::*sechead)
while (node)
node = P_DelSecnode(node, §or_t::touching_thinglist);
node = P_DelSecnode(node, sechead);
@ -6556,7 +6556,7 @@ void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *node)
msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list)
msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, double radius, msecnode_t *sector_list, msecnode_t *sector_t::*seclisthead)
msecnode_t *node;
@ -6572,7 +6572,7 @@ msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list)
node = node->m_tnext;
FBoundingBox box(thing->X(), thing->Y(), thing->radius);
FBoundingBox box(thing->X(), thing->Y(), radius);
FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
line_t *ld;
@ -6588,7 +6588,7 @@ msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list)
// allowed to move to this position, then the sector_list
// will be attached to the Thing's AActor at touching_sectorlist.
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->frontsector, thing, sector_list, ld->frontsector->touching_thinglist);
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->frontsector, thing, sector_list, ld->frontsector->*seclisthead);
// Don't assume all lines are 2-sided, since some Things
// like MT_TFOG are allowed regardless of whether their radius takes
@ -6598,12 +6598,12 @@ msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list)
// Use sidedefs instead of 2s flag to determine two-sidedness.
if (ld->backsector)
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->backsector, thing, sector_list, ld->backsector->touching_thinglist);
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->backsector, thing, sector_list, ld->backsector->*seclisthead);
// Add the sector of the (x,y) point to sector_list.
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(thing->Sector, thing, sector_list, thing->Sector->touching_thinglist);
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(thing->Sector, thing, sector_list, thing->Sector->*seclisthead);
// Now delete any nodes that won't be used. These are the ones where
// m_thing is still NULL.
@ -6615,7 +6615,7 @@ msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list)
if (node == sector_list)
sector_list = node->m_tnext;
node = P_DelSecnode(node, §or_t::touching_thinglist);
node = P_DelSecnode(node, seclisthead);
@ -6625,103 +6625,6 @@ msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, msecnode_t *sector_list)
return sector_list;
// P_LinkRenderSectors
// Alters/creates the list of touched sectors for thing's render radius.
void P_LinkRenderSectors(AActor* thing)
// if this thing has RenderStyle None, don't link it anywhere.
if (thing->renderradius >= 0)
FBoundingBox box(thing->X(), thing->Y(), std::max(thing->radius, thing->renderradius));
FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
line_t *ld;
// add to surrounding sectors
while ((ld = it.Next()))
if (!box.inRange(ld) || box.BoxOnLineSide(ld) != -1)
// create necessary lists.
if (!thing->touching_render_sectors) thing->touching_render_sectors = new std::forward_list<sector_t*>();
if (ld->frontsector != thing->Sector)
if (std::find(thing->touching_render_sectors->begin(), thing->touching_render_sectors->end(), ld->frontsector) == thing->touching_render_sectors->end())
if (!ld->frontsector->touching_render_things) ld->frontsector->touching_render_things = new std::forward_list<AActor*>();
if (ld->backsector && ld->backsector != thing->Sector)
if (std::find(thing->touching_render_sectors->begin(), thing->touching_render_sectors->end(), ld->backsector) == thing->touching_render_sectors->end())
if (!ld->backsector->touching_render_things) ld->backsector->touching_render_things = new std::forward_list<AActor*>();
// add to own sector
if (!thing->Sector->touching_render_things) thing->Sector->touching_render_things = new std::forward_list<AActor*>();
// P_UnlinkRenderSectors
// Reverses P_LinkRenderSectors.
void P_UnlinkRenderSectors(AActor* thing)
if (thing->renderradius >= 0)
if (thing->touching_render_sectors)
for (auto sec : *thing->touching_render_sectors)
if (sec->touching_render_things)
if (sec->touching_render_things->empty())
delete sec->touching_render_things;
sec->touching_render_things = NULL;
delete thing->touching_render_sectors;
thing->touching_render_sectors = NULL;
if (thing->Sector->touching_render_things)
if (thing->Sector->touching_render_things->empty())
delete thing->Sector->touching_render_things;
thing->Sector->touching_render_things = NULL;
// P_DelPortalnode
@ -271,15 +271,19 @@ void AActor::UnlinkFromWorld (FLinkContext *ctx)
// put it back into touching_sectorlist. It's done this way to
// avoid a lot of deleting/creating for nodes, when most of the
// time you just get back what you deleted anyway.
// If this Thing is being removed entirely, then the calling
// routine will clear out the nodes in sector_list.
if (ctx != nullptr) ctx->sector_list = touching_sectorlist;
else P_DelSeclist(touching_sectorlist);
touching_sectorlist = NULL; //to be restored by P_SetThingPosition
if (ctx != nullptr)
ctx->sector_list = touching_sectorlist;
ctx->render_list = touching_rendersectors;
P_DelSeclist(touching_sectorlist, §or_t::touching_thinglist);
P_DelSeclist(touching_rendersectors, §or_t::touching_renderthings);
touching_sectorlist = nullptr; //to be restored by P_SetThingPosition
touching_rendersectors = nullptr;
@ -456,9 +460,13 @@ void AActor::LinkToWorld(FLinkContext *ctx, bool spawningmapthing, sector_t *sec
// When a node is deleted, its sector links (the links starting
// at sector_t->touching_thinglist) are broken. When a node is
// added, new sector links are created.
touching_sectorlist = P_CreateSecNodeList(this, ctx != nullptr? ctx->sector_list : nullptr); // Attach to thing
touching_sectorlist = P_CreateSecNodeList(this, radius, ctx != nullptr? ctx->sector_list : nullptr, §or_t::touching_thinglist); // Attach to thing
if (renderradius >= 0) touching_rendersectors = P_CreateSecNodeList(this, MAX(radius, renderradius), ctx != nullptr ? ctx->render_list : nullptr, §or_t::touching_renderthings);
touching_rendersectors = nullptr;
if (ctx != nullptr) P_DelSeclist(ctx->render_list, §or_t::touching_renderthings);
@ -511,9 +511,8 @@ void AActor::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
void AActor::PostSerialize()
touching_sectorlist = NULL;
if (touching_render_sectors) delete touching_render_sectors;
touching_render_sectors = NULL;
touching_sectorlist = nullptr;
touching_rendersectors = nullptr;
LinkToWorld(nullptr, false, Sector);
@ -4549,8 +4548,8 @@ AActor *AActor::StaticSpawn (PClassActor *type, const DVector3 &pos, replace_t a
actor->sprite = st->sprite;
actor->frame = st->GetFrame();
actor->renderflags = (actor->renderflags & ~RF_FULLBRIGHT) | ActorRenderFlags::FromInt (st->GetFullbright());
actor->touching_sectorlist = NULL; // NULL head of sector list // phares 3/13/98
actor->touching_render_sectors = NULL;
actor->touching_sectorlist = nullptr; // NULL head of sector list // phares 3/13/98
actor->touching_rendersectors = nullptr;
if (G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_FastMonsters) && actor->GetClass()->FastSpeed >= 0)
actor->Speed = actor->GetClass()->FastSpeed;
@ -1509,10 +1509,10 @@ void P_LoadSectors (MapData *map, FMissingTextureTracker &missingtex)
else // [RH] Translate to new sector special
ss->special = P_TranslateSectorSpecial (LittleShort(ms->special));
tagManager.AddSectorTag(i, LittleShort(ms->tag));
ss->thinglist = NULL;
ss->touching_thinglist = NULL; // phares 3/14/98
ss->render_thinglist = NULL;
ss->touching_render_things = NULL;
ss->thinglist = nullptr;
ss->touching_thinglist = nullptr; // phares 3/14/98
ss->render_thinglist = nullptr;
ss->touching_renderthings = nullptr;
ss->seqType = defSeqType;
ss->SeqName = NAME_None;
ss->nextsec = -1; //jff 2/26/98 add fields to support locking out
@ -1294,10 +1294,10 @@ public:
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, 1.);
sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, 1.);
sec->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, 1.);
sec->thinglist = NULL;
sec->touching_thinglist = NULL; // phares 3/14/98
sec->render_thinglist = NULL;
sec->touching_render_things = NULL;
sec->thinglist = nullptr;
sec->touching_thinglist = nullptr; // phares 3/14/98
sec->render_thinglist = nullptr;
sec->touching_renderthings = nullptr;
sec->seqType = (level.flags & LEVEL_SNDSEQTOTALCTRL) ? 0 : -1;
sec->nextsec = -1; //jff 2/26/98 add fields to support locking out
sec->prevsec = -1; // stair retriggering until build completes
@ -2977,7 +2977,7 @@ void P_UnPredictPlayer ()
// Make the sector_list match the player's touching_sectorlist before it got predicted.
P_DelSeclist(ctx.sector_list, §or_t::touching_thinglist);
ctx.sector_list = NULL;
for (i = PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Size(); i-- > 0;)
@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ public:
// thinglist is a subset of touching_thinglist
struct msecnode_t *touching_thinglist; // phares 3/14/98
struct msecnode_t *render_thinglist; // for cross-portal rendering.
std::forward_list<AActor*>* touching_render_things; // this is used to allow wide things to be rendered not only from their main sector.
struct msecnode_t *touching_renderthings; // this is used to allow wide things to be rendered not only from their main sector.
double gravity; // [RH] Sector gravity (1.0 is normal)
FNameNoInit damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ void R_DrawVisVoxel(vissprite_t *spr, int minslabz, int maxslabz, short *cliptop
// R_ProjectSprite
// Generates a vissprite for a thing if it might be visible.
void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor *fakeceiling)
void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor *fakeceiling, sector_t *current_sector)
double tr_x;
double tr_y;
@ -1086,6 +1086,10 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor
FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap = basecolormap;
if (current_sector->sectornum != thing->Sector->sectornum) // compare sectornums to account for R_FakeFlat copies.
// Todo: The actor is from a different sector so we have to retrieve the proper basecolormap for that sector.
// Sprites that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && mybasecolormap->Fade != 0)
@ -1224,7 +1228,7 @@ void R_AddSprites (sector_t *sec, int lightlevel, int fakeside)
// A sector might have been split into several
// subsectors during BSP building.
// Thus we check whether it was already added.
if (sec->touching_render_things == NULL || sec->validcount == validcount)
if (sec->touching_renderthings == nullptr || sec->validcount == validcount)
// Well, now it will be done.
@ -1233,8 +1237,9 @@ void R_AddSprites (sector_t *sec, int lightlevel, int fakeside)
spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(lightlevel + r_actualextralight);
// Handle all things in sector.
for (auto thing : *sec->touching_render_things)
for(auto p = sec->touching_renderthings; p != nullptr; p = p->m_snext)
auto thing = p->m_thing;
if (thing->validcount == validcount) continue;
thing->validcount = validcount;
@ -1250,7 +1255,7 @@ void R_AddSprites (sector_t *sec, int lightlevel, int fakeside)
// find fake level
for(auto rover : frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors)
for(auto rover : thing->Sector->e->XFloor.ffloors)
if(!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS) || !(rover->flags & FF_RENDERPLANES)) continue;
if(!(rover->flags & FF_SOLID) || rover->alpha != 255) continue;
@ -1266,7 +1271,7 @@ void R_AddSprites (sector_t *sec, int lightlevel, int fakeside)
if(rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(0., 0.) >= thing->Top()) fakeceiling = rover;
R_ProjectSprite (thing, fakeside, fakefloor, fakeceiling);
R_ProjectSprite (thing, fakeside, fakefloor, fakeceiling, sec);
fakeceiling = NULL;
fakefloor = NULL;
Reference in a new issue