mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 18:02:29 +00:00
- removed all RTTI from the type table.
Using names is just as good as using types so now this is what's done.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 72 additions and 73 deletions
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PActorInfo, false, false)
void AddActorInfo(PClass *cls)
auto type = new PActorInfo;
TypeTable.AddType(type, NAME_Actor);
cls->AddField("*", type, VARF_Meta);
@ -911,4 +911,4 @@ xx(Pointer)
@ -289,27 +289,27 @@ const char *PType::DescriptiveName() const
void PType::StaticInit()
// Create types and add them type the type table.
TypeTable.AddType(TypeError = new PErrorType);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeAuto = new PErrorType(2));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeVoid = new PVoidType);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSInt8 = new PInt(1, false));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeUInt8 = new PInt(1, true));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSInt16 = new PInt(2, false));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeUInt16 = new PInt(2, true));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSInt32 = new PInt(4, false));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeUInt32 = new PInt(4, true));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeBool = new PBool);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeFloat32 = new PFloat(4));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeFloat64 = new PFloat(8));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeString = new PString);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeName = new PName);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSound = new PSound);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeColor = new PColor);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeState = new PStatePointer);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeStateLabel = new PStateLabel);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeNullPtr = new PPointer);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSpriteID = new PSpriteID);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeTextureID = new PTextureID);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeError = new PErrorType, NAME_None);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeAuto = new PErrorType(2), NAME_None);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeVoid = new PVoidType, NAME_Void);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSInt8 = new PInt(1, false), NAME_Int);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeUInt8 = new PInt(1, true), NAME_Int);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSInt16 = new PInt(2, false), NAME_Int);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeUInt16 = new PInt(2, true), NAME_Int);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSInt32 = new PInt(4, false), NAME_Int);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeUInt32 = new PInt(4, true), NAME_Int);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeBool = new PBool, NAME_Bool);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeFloat32 = new PFloat(4), NAME_Float);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeFloat64 = new PFloat(8), NAME_Float);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeString = new PString, NAME_String);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeName = new PName, NAME_Name);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSound = new PSound, NAME_Sound);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeColor = new PColor, NAME_Color);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeState = new PStatePointer, NAME_Pointer);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeStateLabel = new PStateLabel, NAME_Label);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeNullPtr = new PPointer, NAME_Pointer);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeSpriteID = new PSpriteID, NAME_SpriteID);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeTextureID = new PTextureID, NAME_TextureID);
TypeVoidPtr = NewPointer(TypeVoid, false);
TypeColorStruct = NewStruct("@ColorStruct", nullptr); //This name is intentionally obfuscated so that it cannot be used explicitly. The point of this type is to gain access to the single channels of a color value.
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ void PType::StaticInit()
TypeVector2 = new PStruct(NAME_Vector2, nullptr);
TypeVector2->AddField(NAME_X, TypeFloat64);
TypeVector2->AddField(NAME_Y, TypeFloat64);
TypeTable.AddType(TypeVector2, NAME_Struct);
TypeVector2->loadOp = OP_LV2;
TypeVector2->storeOp = OP_SV2;
TypeVector2->moveOp = OP_MOVEV2;
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ void PType::StaticInit()
TypeVector3->AddField(NAME_Z, TypeFloat64);
// allow accessing xy as a vector2. This is not supposed to be serialized so it's marked transient
TypeVector3->Symbols.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_XY, TypeVector2, VARF_Transient, 0));
TypeTable.AddType(TypeVector3, NAME_Struct);
TypeVector3->loadOp = OP_LV3;
TypeVector3->storeOp = OP_SV3;
TypeVector3->moveOp = OP_MOVEV3;
@ -1458,15 +1458,15 @@ bool PObjectPointer::ReadValue(FSerializer &ar, const char *key, void *addr) con
PPointer *NewPointer(PType *type, bool isconst)
auto cp = dyn_cast<PClassType>(type);
auto cp = PType::toClass(type);
if (cp) return NewPointer(cp->Descriptor, isconst);
size_t bucket;
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer), (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, &bucket);
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Pointer, (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, &bucket);
if (ptype == nullptr)
ptype = new PPointer(type, isconst);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer), (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, NAME_Pointer, (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, bucket);
return static_cast<PPointer *>(ptype);
@ -1477,11 +1477,11 @@ PPointer *NewPointer(PClass *cls, bool isconst)
auto type = cls->VMType;
size_t bucket;
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PObjectPointer), (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, &bucket);
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Pointer, (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, &bucket);
if (ptype == nullptr)
ptype = new PObjectPointer(cls, isconst);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PObjectPointer), (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, NAME_Pointer, (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, bucket);
return static_cast<PPointer *>(ptype);
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ bool PClassPointer::ReadValue(FSerializer &ar, const char *key, void *addr) cons
bool PClassPointer::isCompatible(PType *type)
auto other = dyn_cast<PClassPointer>(type);
auto other = PType::toClassPointer(type);
return (other != nullptr && other->ClassRestriction->IsDescendantOf(ClassRestriction));
@ -1630,11 +1630,11 @@ void PClassPointer::GetTypeIDs(intptr_t &id1, intptr_t &id2) const
PClassPointer *NewClassPointer(PClass *restrict)
size_t bucket;
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassPointer), 0, (intptr_t)restrict, &bucket);
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Class, 0, (intptr_t)restrict, &bucket);
if (ptype == nullptr)
ptype = new PClassPointer(restrict);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassPointer), 0, (intptr_t)restrict, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, NAME_Class, 0, (intptr_t)restrict, bucket);
return static_cast<PClassPointer *>(ptype);
@ -1683,11 +1683,11 @@ PEnum *NewEnum(FName name, PTypeBase *outer)
size_t bucket;
if (outer == nullptr) outer = Namespaces.GlobalNamespace;
PType *etype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PEnum), (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, &bucket);
PType *etype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Enum, (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, &bucket);
if (etype == nullptr)
etype = new PEnum(name, outer);
TypeTable.AddType(etype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PEnum), (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(etype, NAME_Enum, (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, bucket);
return static_cast<PEnum *>(etype);
@ -1843,11 +1843,11 @@ void PArray::SetPointer(void *base, unsigned offset, TArray<size_t> *special)
PArray *NewArray(PType *type, unsigned int count)
size_t bucket;
PType *atype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PArray), (intptr_t)type, count, &bucket);
PType *atype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Array, (intptr_t)type, count, &bucket);
if (atype == nullptr)
atype = new PArray(type, count);
TypeTable.AddType(atype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PArray), (intptr_t)type, count, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(atype, NAME_Array, (intptr_t)type, count, bucket);
return (PArray *)atype;
@ -1917,11 +1917,11 @@ void PStaticArray::GetTypeIDs(intptr_t &id1, intptr_t &id2) const
PStaticArray *NewStaticArray(PType *type)
size_t bucket;
PType *atype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PStaticArray), (intptr_t)type, 0, &bucket);
PType *atype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_StaticArray, (intptr_t)type, 0, &bucket);
if (atype == nullptr)
atype = new PStaticArray(type);
TypeTable.AddType(atype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PStaticArray), (intptr_t)type, 0, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(atype, NAME_StaticArray, (intptr_t)type, 0, bucket);
return (PStaticArray *)atype;
@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@ bool PDynArray::ReadValue(FSerializer &ar, const char *key, void *addr) const
PDynArray *NewDynArray(PType *type)
size_t bucket;
PType *atype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PDynArray), (intptr_t)type, 0, &bucket);
PType *atype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_DynArray, (intptr_t)type, 0, &bucket);
if (atype == nullptr)
FString backingname;
@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ PDynArray *NewDynArray(PType *type)
auto backing = NewStruct(backingname, nullptr, true);
atype = new PDynArray(type, backing);
TypeTable.AddType(atype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PDynArray), (intptr_t)type, 0, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(atype, NAME_DynArray, (intptr_t)type, 0, bucket);
return (PDynArray *)atype;
@ -2247,11 +2247,11 @@ void PMap::GetTypeIDs(intptr_t &id1, intptr_t &id2) const
PMap *NewMap(PType *keytype, PType *valuetype)
size_t bucket;
PType *maptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PMap), (intptr_t)keytype, (intptr_t)valuetype, &bucket);
PType *maptype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Map, (intptr_t)keytype, (intptr_t)valuetype, &bucket);
if (maptype == nullptr)
maptype = new PMap(keytype, valuetype);
TypeTable.AddType(maptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PMap), (intptr_t)keytype, (intptr_t)valuetype, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(maptype, NAME_Map, (intptr_t)keytype, (intptr_t)valuetype, bucket);
return (PMap *)maptype;
@ -2398,11 +2398,11 @@ PStruct *NewStruct(FName name, PTypeBase *outer, bool native)
size_t bucket;
if (outer == nullptr) outer = Namespaces.GlobalNamespace;
PType *stype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PStruct), (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, &bucket);
PType *stype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Struct, (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, &bucket);
if (stype == nullptr)
stype = new PStruct(name, outer, native);
TypeTable.AddType(stype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PStruct), (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(stype, NAME_Struct, (intptr_t)outer, (intptr_t)name, bucket);
return static_cast<PStruct *>(stype);
@ -2485,11 +2485,11 @@ size_t PPrototype::PropagateMark()
PPrototype *NewPrototype(const TArray<PType *> &rettypes, const TArray<PType *> &argtypes)
size_t bucket;
PType *proto = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPrototype), (intptr_t)&argtypes, (intptr_t)&rettypes, &bucket);
PType *proto = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Prototype, (intptr_t)&argtypes, (intptr_t)&rettypes, &bucket);
if (proto == nullptr)
proto = new PPrototype(rettypes, argtypes);
TypeTable.AddType(proto, RUNTIME_CLASS(PPrototype), (intptr_t)&argtypes, (intptr_t)&rettypes, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(proto, NAME_Prototype, (intptr_t)&argtypes, (intptr_t)&rettypes, bucket);
return static_cast<PPrototype *>(proto);
@ -2552,11 +2552,11 @@ PField *PClassType::AddNativeField(FName name, PType *type, size_t address, uint
PClassType *NewClassType(PClass *cls)
size_t bucket;
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassType), 0, (intptr_t)cls->TypeName, &bucket);
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(NAME_Object, 0, (intptr_t)cls->TypeName, &bucket);
if (ptype == nullptr)
ptype = new PClassType(cls);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassType), 0, (intptr_t)cls->TypeName, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, NAME_Object, 0, (intptr_t)cls->TypeName, bucket);
return static_cast<PClassType *>(ptype);
@ -2570,16 +2570,16 @@ PClassType *NewClassType(PClass *cls)
PType *FTypeTable::FindType(PClass *metatype, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t *bucketnum)
PType *FTypeTable::FindType(FName type_name, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t *bucketnum)
size_t bucket = Hash(metatype, parm1, parm2) % HASH_SIZE;
size_t bucket = Hash(type_name, parm1, parm2) % HASH_SIZE;
if (bucketnum != nullptr)
*bucketnum = bucket;
for (PType *type = TypeHash[bucket]; type != nullptr; type = type->HashNext)
if (type->TypeTableType == metatype && type->IsMatch(parm1, parm2))
if (type->TypeTableType == type_name && type->IsMatch(parm1, parm2))
return type;
@ -2593,14 +2593,14 @@ PType *FTypeTable::FindType(PClass *metatype, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, si
void FTypeTable::AddType(PType *type, PClass *metatype, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t bucket)
void FTypeTable::AddType(PType *type, FName type_name, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t bucket)
#ifdef _DEBUG
size_t bucketcheck;
assert(FindType(metatype, parm1, parm2, &bucketcheck) == nullptr && "Type must not be inserted more than once");
assert(FindType(type_name, parm1, parm2, &bucketcheck) == nullptr && "Type must not be inserted more than once");
assert(bucketcheck == bucket && "Passed bucket was wrong");
type->TypeTableType = metatype;
type->TypeTableType = type_name;
type->HashNext = TypeHash[bucket];
TypeHash[bucket] = type;
@ -2612,17 +2612,16 @@ void FTypeTable::AddType(PType *type, PClass *metatype, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t
void FTypeTable::AddType(PType *type)
void FTypeTable::AddType(PType *type, FName type_name)
intptr_t parm1, parm2;
size_t bucket;
// Type table stuff id only needed to let all classes hash to the same group. For all other types this is pointless.
type->TypeTableType = type->GetClass();
PClass *metatype = type->TypeTableType;
type->TypeTableType = type_name;
type->GetTypeIDs(parm1, parm2);
bucket = Hash(metatype, parm1, parm2) % HASH_SIZE;
assert(FindType(metatype, parm1, parm2, nullptr) == nullptr && "Type must not be inserted more than once");
bucket = Hash(type_name, parm1, parm2) % HASH_SIZE;
assert(FindType(type_name, parm1, parm2, nullptr) == nullptr && "Type must not be inserted more than once");
type->HashNext = TypeHash[bucket];
TypeHash[bucket] = type;
@ -2635,7 +2634,7 @@ void FTypeTable::AddType(PType *type)
size_t FTypeTable::Hash(const PClass *p1, intptr_t p2, intptr_t p3)
size_t FTypeTable::Hash(FName p1, intptr_t p2, intptr_t p3)
size_t i1 = (size_t)p1;
@ -2643,7 +2642,7 @@ size_t FTypeTable::Hash(const PClass *p1, intptr_t p2, intptr_t p3)
// to transform this into a ROR or ROL.
i1 = (i1 >> (sizeof(size_t)*4)) | (i1 << (sizeof(size_t)*4));
if (p1 != RUNTIME_CLASS(PPrototype))
if (p1 != NAME_Prototype)
size_t i2 = (size_t)p2;
size_t i3 = (size_t)p3;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ protected:
PClass *TypeTableType; // The type to use for hashing into the type table
FName TypeTableType; // The type to use for hashing into the type table
unsigned int Size; // this type's size
unsigned int Align; // this type's preferred alignment
unsigned int Flags = 0; // What is this type?
@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ public:
bool isRealPointer() const { return (Flags & (TYPE_Pointer|TYPE_ClassPointer)) == TYPE_Pointer; } // This excludes class pointers which use their PointedType differently
bool isObjectPointer() const { return !!(Flags & TYPE_ObjectPointer); }
bool isClassPointer() const { return !!(Flags & TYPE_ClassPointer); }
bool isEnum() const { return TypeTableType->TypeName == NAME_Enum; }
bool isEnum() const { return TypeTableType == NAME_Enum; }
bool isArray() const { return !!(Flags & TYPE_Array); }
bool isStaticArray() const { return TypeTableType->TypeName == NAME_StaticArray; }
bool isDynArray() const { return TypeTableType->TypeName == NAME_DynArray; }
bool isStruct() const { return TypeTableType->TypeName == NAME_Struct; }
bool isClass() const { return TypeTableType->TypeName == FName("ClassType"); }
bool isPrototype() const { return TypeTableType->TypeName == NAME_Prototype; }
bool isStaticArray() const { return TypeTableType == NAME_StaticArray; }
bool isDynArray() const { return TypeTableType == NAME_DynArray; }
bool isStruct() const { return TypeTableType == NAME_Struct; }
bool isClass() const { return TypeTableType == NAME_Object; }
bool isPrototype() const { return TypeTableType == NAME_Prototype; }
PContainerType *toContainer() { return isContainer() ? (PContainerType*)this : nullptr; }
PPointer *toPointer() { return isPointer() ? (PPointer*)this : nullptr; }
@ -676,12 +676,12 @@ struct FTypeTable
PType *TypeHash[HASH_SIZE];
PType *FindType(PClass *metatype, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t *bucketnum);
void AddType(PType *type, PClass *metatype, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t bucket);
void AddType(PType *type);
PType *FindType(FName type_name, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t *bucketnum);
void AddType(PType *type, FName type_name, intptr_t parm1, intptr_t parm2, size_t bucket);
void AddType(PType *type, FName type_name);
void Clear();
static size_t Hash(const PClass *p1, intptr_t p2, intptr_t p3);
static size_t Hash(FName p1, intptr_t p2, intptr_t p3);
Reference in a new issue