mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 02:11:25 +00:00
- removed p_buildmap.cpp.
This code had been broken for years and inactive for several months. Since there is really little point fixing it it may just be removed entirely.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 856 deletions
@ -886,7 +886,6 @@ set (PCH_SOURCES
@ -1,855 +0,0 @@
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include "p_local.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "p_spec.h"
#if 0
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define SHADE2LIGHT(s) (160-2*(s))
#define SHADE2LIGHT(s) (255-2*s)
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// bit 0: 1 = parallaxing, 0 = not "P"
// bit 1: 1 = groudraw, 0 = not
// bit 2: 1 = swap x&y, 0 = not "F"
// bit 3: 1 = double smooshiness "E"
// bit 4: 1 = x-flip "F"
// bit 5: 1 = y-flip "F"
// bit 6: 1 = Align texture to first wall of sector "R"
// bits 7-8: "T"
// 00 = normal floors
// 01 = masked floors
// 10 = transluscent masked floors
// 11 = reverse transluscent masked floors
// bits 9-15: reserved
//40 bytes
struct sectortype
int16_t wallptr, wallnum;
int32_t ceilingZ, floorZ;
int16_t ceilingstat, floorstat;
int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum;
int8_t ceilingshade;
uint8_t ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning;
int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum;
int8_t floorshade;
uint8_t floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning;
uint8_t visibility, filler;
int16_t lotag, hitag, extra;
// bit 0: 1 = Blocking wall (use with clipmove, getzrange) "B"
// bit 1: 1 = bottoms of invisible walls swapped, 0 = not "2"
// bit 2: 1 = align picture on bottom (for doors), 0 = top "O"
// bit 3: 1 = x-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bit 4: 1 = masking wall, 0 = not "M"
// bit 5: 1 = 1-way wall, 0 = not "1"
// bit 6: 1 = Blocking wall (use with hitscan / cliptype 1) "H"
// bit 7: 1 = Transluscence, 0 = not "T"
// bit 8: 1 = y-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bit 9: 1 = Transluscence reversing, 0 = normal "T"
// bits 10-15: reserved
//32 bytes
struct walltype
int32_t x, y;
int16_t point2, nextwall, nextsector, cstat;
int16_t picnum, overpicnum;
int8_t shade;
uint8_t pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning;
int16_t lotag, hitag, extra;
// bit 0: 1 = Blocking sprite (use with clipmove, getzrange) "B"
// bit 1: 1 = transluscence, 0 = normal "T"
// bit 2: 1 = x-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bit 3: 1 = y-flipped, 0 = normal "F"
// bits 5-4: 00 = FACE sprite (default) "R"
// 01 = WALL sprite (like masked walls)
// 10 = FLOOR sprite (parallel to ceilings&floors)
// bit 6: 1 = 1-sided sprite, 0 = normal "1"
// bit 7: 1 = Real centered centering, 0 = foot center "C"
// bit 8: 1 = Blocking sprite (use with hitscan / cliptype 1) "H"
// bit 9: 1 = Transluscence reversing, 0 = normal "T"
// bits 10-14: reserved
// bit 15: 1 = Invisible sprite, 0 = not invisible
//44 bytes
struct spritetype
int32_t x, y, z;
int16_t cstat, picnum;
int8_t shade;
uint8_t pal, clipdist, filler;
uint8_t xrepeat, yrepeat;
int8_t xoffset, yoffset;
int16_t sectnum, statnum;
int16_t ang, owner, xvel, yvel, zvel;
int16_t lotag, hitag, extra;
// I used to have all the Xobjects mapped out. Not anymore.
// (Thanks for the great firmware, Seagate!)
struct Xsprite
uint8_t NotReallyPadding[16];
uint16_t Data1;
uint16_t Data2;
uint16_t Data3;
uint16_t ThisIsntPaddingEither;
uint32_t NorThis:2;
uint32_t Data4:16;
uint32_t WhatIsThisIDontEven:14;
uint8_t ThisNeedsToBe56Bytes[28];
struct SlopeWork
walltype *wal;
walltype *wal2;
long dx, dy, i, x[3], y[3], z[3];
long heinum;
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
void P_AdjustLine (line_t *line);
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static bool P_LoadBloodMap (uint8_t *data, size_t len, FMapThing **sprites, int *numsprites);
static void LoadSectors (sectortype *bsectors, int count);
static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsectors);
static int LoadSprites (spritetype *sprites, Xsprite *xsprites, int numsprites, sectortype *bsectors, FMapThing *mapthings);
static vertex_t *FindVertex (int32_t x, int32_t y);
static void CreateStartSpot (int32_t *pos, FMapThing *start);
static void CalcPlane (SlopeWork &slope, secplane_t &plane);
static void Decrypt (void *to, const void *from, int len, int key);
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
bool P_IsBuildMap(MapData *map)
uint32_t len = map->Size(ML_LABEL);
if (len < 4)
return false;
uint8_t *data = new uint8_t[len];
map->Read(ML_LABEL, data);
// Check for a Blood map.
if (*(uint32_t *)data == MAKE_ID('B','L','M','\x1a'))
delete[] data;
return true;
const int numsec = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(data + 20));
int numwalls;
if (len < 26 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) ||
(numwalls = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(data + 22 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype))),
len < 24 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)) ||
LittleLong(*(uint32_t *)data) != 7 ||
LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(data + 16)) >= 2048)
{ // Can't possibly be a version 7 BUILD map
delete[] data;
return false;
delete[] data;
return true;
// P_LoadBuildMap
bool P_LoadBuildMap (uint8_t *data, size_t len, FMapThing **sprites, int *numspr)
if (len < 26)
return false;
// Check for a Blood map.
if (*(uint32_t *)data == MAKE_ID('B','L','M','\x1a'))
return P_LoadBloodMap (data, len, sprites, numspr);
const int numsec = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(data + 20));
int numwalls;
int numsprites;
if (len < 26 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) ||
(numwalls = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(data + 22 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype))),
len < 24 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)) ||
LittleLong(*(uint32_t *)data) != 7 ||
LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(data + 16)) >= 2048)
{ // Can't possibly be a version 7 BUILD map
return false;
LoadSectors ((sectortype *)(data + 22), numsec);
LoadWalls ((walltype *)(data + 24 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype)), numwalls,
(sectortype *)(data + 22));
numsprites = *(uint16_t *)(data + 24 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype));
*sprites = new FMapThing[numsprites + 1];
CreateStartSpot ((int32_t *)(data + 4), *sprites);
*numspr = 1 + LoadSprites ((spritetype *)(data + 26 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)),
NULL, numsprites, (sectortype *)(data + 22), *sprites + 1);
return true;
// P_LoadBloodMap
static bool P_LoadBloodMap (uint8_t *data, size_t len, FMapThing **mapthings, int *numspr)
uint8_t infoBlock[37];
int mapver = data[5];
uint32_t matt;
int numRevisions, numWalls, numsprites, skyLen, visibility, parallaxType;
int i;
int k;
if (mapver != 6 && mapver != 7)
return false;
matt = *(uint32_t *)(data + 28);
if (matt != 0 &&
matt != MAKE_ID('M','a','t','t') &&
matt != MAKE_ID('t','t','a','M'))
Decrypt (infoBlock, data + 6, 37, 0x7474614d);
memcpy (infoBlock, data + 6, 37);
skyLen = 2 << LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(infoBlock + 16));
visibility = LittleLong(*(uint32_t *)(infoBlock + 18));
parallaxType = infoBlock[26];
numRevisions = LittleLong(*(uint32_t *)(infoBlock + 27));
int numsectors = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(infoBlock + 31));
numWalls = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(infoBlock + 33));
numsprites = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(infoBlock + 35));
Printf("Visibility: %d\n", visibility);
if (mapver == 7)
// Version 7 has some extra stuff after the info block. This
// includes a copyright, and I have no idea what the rest of
// it is.
data += 171;
data += 43;
// Skip the sky info.
data += skyLen;
sectortype *bsec = new sectortype[numsectors];
walltype *bwal = new walltype[numWalls];
spritetype *bspr = new spritetype[numsprites];
Xsprite *xspr = new Xsprite[numsprites];
// Read sectors
k = numRevisions * sizeof(sectortype);
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
if (mapver == 7)
Decrypt (&bsec[i], data, sizeof(sectortype), k);
memcpy (&bsec[i], data, sizeof(sectortype));
data += sizeof(sectortype);
if (bsec[i].extra > 0) // skip Xsector
data += 60;
// Read walls
k |= 0x7474614d;
for (i = 0; i < numWalls; ++i)
if (mapver == 7)
Decrypt (&bwal[i], data, sizeof(walltype), k);
memcpy (&bwal[i], data, sizeof(walltype));
data += sizeof(walltype);
if (bwal[i].extra > 0) // skip Xwall
data += 24;
// Read sprites
k = (numRevisions * sizeof(spritetype)) | 0x7474614d;
for (i = 0; i < numsprites; ++i)
if (mapver == 7)
Decrypt (&bspr[i], data, sizeof(spritetype), k);
memcpy (&bspr[i], data, sizeof(spritetype));
data += sizeof(spritetype);
if (bspr[i].extra > 0) // copy Xsprite
assert(sizeof(Xsprite) == 56);
memcpy(&xspr[i], data, sizeof(Xsprite));
data += sizeof(Xsprite);
memset(&xspr[i], 0, sizeof(Xsprite));
// Now convert to Doom format, since we've extracted all the standard
// BUILD info from the map we need. (Sprites are ignored.)
LoadSectors (bsec, numsectors);
LoadWalls (bwal, numWalls, bsec);
*mapthings = new FMapThing[numsprites];
*numspr = LoadSprites (bspr, xspr, numsprites, bsec, *mapthings);
delete[] bsec;
delete[] bwal;
delete[] bspr;
delete[] xspr;
return true;
// LoadSectors
static void LoadSectors (sectortype *bsec, int count)
sector_t *sec;
char tnam[9];
sec = &level.sectors[0];
memset (sec, 0, sizeof(sector_t)*count);
sec->e = new extsector_t[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++bsec, ++sec)
bsec->wallptr = uint16_t(bsec->wallptr);
bsec->wallnum = uint16_t(bsec->wallnum);
bsec->ceilingstat = uint16_t(bsec->ceilingstat);
bsec->floorstat = uint16_t(bsec->floorstat);
sec->e = &sec->e[i];
double floorheight = -LittleLong(bsec->floorZ) / 256.;
sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor, floorheight);
sec->floorplane.SetAtHeight(floorheight, sector_t::floor);
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(bsec->floorpicnum));
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build));
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, (bsec->floorstat & 8) ? 2. : 1.);
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, (bsec->floorstat & 8) ? 2. : 1.);
sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::floor, bsec->floorxpanning + 32.);
sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::floor, bsec->floorypanning + 0.);
sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor, SHADE2LIGHT (bsec->floorshade));
sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING);
double ceilingheight = -LittleLong(bsec->ceilingZ) / 256.;
sec->SetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling, ceilingheight);
sec->ceilingplane.SetAtHeight(ceilingheight, sector_t::ceiling);
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(bsec->ceilingpicnum));
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 1)
sky1texture = sky2texture = sec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, skyflatnum);
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, (bsec->ceilingstat & 8) ? 2. : 1.);
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, (bsec->ceilingstat & 8) ? 2. : 1.);
sec->SetXOffset(sector_t::ceiling, bsec->ceilingxpanning + 32.);
sec->SetYOffset(sector_t::ceiling, bsec->ceilingypanning + 0.);
sec->SetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling, SHADE2LIGHT (bsec->ceilingshade));
sec->ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING);
sec->lightlevel = (sec->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor) + sec->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling)) / 2;
sec->seqType = -1;
sec->SeqName = NAME_None;
sec->nextsec = -1;
sec->prevsec = -1;
sec->gravity = 1.f;
sec->friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
sec->movefactor = ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR;
sec->ColorMap = map;
sec->ZoneNumber = 0xFFFF;
sec->terrainnum[sector_t::ceiling] = sec->terrainnum[sector_t::floor] = -1;
if (bsec->floorstat & 4)
sec->SetAngle(sector_t::floor, DAngle(90.));
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, -sec->GetXScale(sector_t::floor));
if (bsec->floorstat & 16)
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::floor, -sec->GetXScale(sector_t::floor));
if (bsec->floorstat & 32)
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::floor, -sec->GetYScale(sector_t::floor));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 4)
sec->SetAngle(sector_t::ceiling, DAngle(90.));
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, -sec->GetYScale(sector_t::ceiling));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 16)
sec->SetXScale(sector_t::ceiling, -sec->GetXScale(sector_t::ceiling));
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 32)
sec->SetYScale(sector_t::ceiling, -sec->GetYScale(sector_t::ceiling));
// LoadWalls
static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsec)
int i, j;
// Setting numvertexes to the same as numwalls is overly conservative,
// but the extra vertices will be removed during the BSP building pass.
numsides = numvertexes = numwalls;
int numlines = 0;
sides = new side_t[numsides];
memset (sides, 0, numsides*sizeof(side_t));
vertexes = new vertex_t[numvertexes];
numvertexes = 0;
// First mark each sidedef with the sector it belongs to
for (unsigned i = 0; i < level.sectors.Size(); i++)
if (bsec[i].wallptr >= 0)
for (j = 0; j < bsec[i].wallnum; ++j)
sides[j + bsec[i].wallptr].sector = &level.sectors[i];
// Now copy wall properties to their matching sidedefs
for (i = 0; i < numwalls; ++i)
char tnam[9];
FTextureID overpic, pic;
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(walls[i].picnum));
pic = TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build);
mysnprintf (tnam, countof(tnam), "BTIL%04d", LittleShort(walls[i].overpicnum));
overpic = TexMan.GetTexture (tnam, FTexture::TEX_Build);
walls[i].x = LittleLong(walls[i].x);
walls[i].y = LittleLong(walls[i].y);
walls[i].point2 = LittleShort(walls[i].point2);
walls[i].cstat = LittleShort(walls[i].cstat);
walls[i].nextwall = LittleShort(walls[i].nextwall);
walls[i].nextsector = LittleShort(walls[i].nextsector);
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::top, pic);
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::bottom, pic);
if (walls[i].nextsector < 0 || (walls[i].cstat & 32))
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::mid, pic);
else if (walls[i].cstat & 16)
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::mid, overpic);
sides[i].SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
sides[i].TexelLength = walls[i].xrepeat * 8;
sides[i].SetTextureYScale(walls[i].yrepeat / 8.);
sides[i].Flags = WALLF_ABSLIGHTING;
sides[i].RightSide = walls[i].point2;
sides[walls[i].point2].LeftSide = i;
if (walls[i].nextwall >= 0 && walls[i].nextwall <= i)
sides[i].linedef = sides[walls[i].nextwall].linedef;
sides[i].linedef = (line_t*)(intptr_t)(numlines++);
// Set line properties that Doom doesn't store per-sidedef
memset (&level.lines[0], 0, numlines*sizeof(line_t));
for (i = 0, j = -1; i < numwalls; ++i)
if (walls[i].nextwall >= 0 && walls[i].nextwall <= i)
j = int(intptr_t(sides[i].linedef));
auto &lines = level.lines;
lines[j].sidedef[0] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)i;
lines[j].sidedef[1] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)walls[i].nextwall;
lines[j].v1 = FindVertex (walls[i].x, walls[i].y);
lines[j].v2 = FindVertex (walls[walls[i].point2].x, walls[walls[i].point2].y);
lines[j].frontsector = sides[i].sector;
lines[j].flags |= ML_WRAP_MIDTEX;
if (walls[i].nextsector >= 0)
lines[j].backsector = &level.sectors[walls[i].nextsector];
lines[j].flags |= ML_TWOSIDED;
lines[j].backsector = NULL;
P_AdjustLine (&lines[j]);
if (walls[i].cstat & 128)
if (walls[i].cstat & 512)
lines[j].alpha = 1/3.;
lines[j].alpha = 2/3.;
if (walls[i].cstat & 1)
lines[j].flags |= ML_BLOCKING;
if (walls[i].nextwall < 0)
if (walls[i].cstat & 4)
lines[j].flags |= ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM;
if (walls[i].cstat & 4)
lines[j].flags |= ML_DONTPEGTOP;
lines[j].flags |= ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM;
if (walls[i].cstat & 64)
lines[j].flags |= ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING;
// Finish setting sector properties that depend on walls
for (auto &sec : level.sectors)
SlopeWork slope;
slope.wal = &walls[bsec->wallptr];
slope.wal2 = &walls[slope.wal->point2];
slope.dx = slope.wal2->x - slope.wal->x;
slope.dy = slope.wal2->y - slope.wal->y;
slope.i = long (g_sqrt ((double)(slope.dx*slope.dx+slope.dy*slope.dy))) << 5;
if (slope.i == 0)
if ((bsec->floorstat & 2) && (bsec->floorheinum != 0))
{ // floor is sloped
slope.heinum = -LittleShort(bsec->floorheinum);
slope.z[0] = slope.z[1] = slope.z[2] = -bsec->floorZ;
CalcPlane (slope, sec.floorplane);
if ((bsec->ceilingstat & 2) && (bsec->ceilingheinum != 0))
{ // ceiling is sloped
slope.heinum = -LittleShort(bsec->ceilingheinum);
slope.z[0] = slope.z[1] = slope.z[2] = -bsec->ceilingZ;
CalcPlane (slope, sec.ceilingplane);
int linenum = sides[bsec->wallptr].linedef->Index();
int sidenum = int(intptr_t(level.lines[linenum].sidedef[1] - sides));
if (bsec->floorstat & 64)
{ // floor is aligned to first wall
P_AlignFlat (linenum, sidenum == bsec->wallptr, 0);
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 64)
{ // ceiling is aligned to first wall
P_AlignFlat (linenum, sidenum == bsec->wallptr, 0);
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
intptr_t front = intptr_t(level.lines[i].sidedef[0]-sides);
intptr_t back = intptr_t(level.lines[i].sidedef[1]-sides);
lines[i].sidedef[0] = front >= 0 ? &sides[front] : NULL;
lines[i].sidedef[1] = back >= 0 ? &sides[back] : NULL;
for (i = 0; i < numsides; i++)
assert(sides[i].sector != NULL);
sides[i].linedef = &lines[intptr_t(sides[i].linedef)];
// LoadSprites
static int LoadSprites (spritetype *sprites, Xsprite *xsprites, int numsprites,
sectortype *bsectors, FMapThing *mapthings)
int count = 0;
memset(mapthings, 0, sizeof(*mapthings)*numsprites);
for (int i = 0; i < numsprites; ++i)
mapthings[count].thingid = 0;
mapthings[count].pos.X = sprites[i].x / 16.;
mapthings[count].pos.Y = -sprites[i].y / 16.;
mapthings[count].pos.Z = (bsectors[sprites[i].sectnum].floorZ - sprites[i].z) / 256.;
mapthings[count].angle = (((2048-sprites[i].ang) & 2047) * 360) >> 11;
mapthings[count].ClassFilter = 0xffff;
mapthings[count].SkillFilter = 0xffff;
mapthings[count].special = 0;
mapthings[count].Gravity = 1.;
mapthings[count].RenderStyle = STYLE_Count;
mapthings[count].Alpha = -1;
mapthings[count].health = -1;
mapthings[count].FloatbobPhase = -1;
if (xsprites != NULL && sprites[i].lotag == 710)
{ // Blood ambient sound
mapthings[count].args[0] = xsprites[i].Data3;
// I am totally guessing about the volume level. 50 seems to be a pretty
// typical value for Blood's standard maps, so I assume it's 100-based.
mapthings[count].args[1] = xsprites[i].Data4;
mapthings[count].args[2] = xsprites[i].Data1;
mapthings[count].args[3] = xsprites[i].Data2;
mapthings[count].EdNum = 14065;
else if (xsprites != NULL && sprites[i].lotag == 1)
{ // Blood player start
if (xsprites[i].Data1 < 4)
mapthings[count].EdNum= 1 + xsprites[i].Data1;
mapthings[count].EdNum = 4001 + xsprites[i].Data1 - 4;
else if (xsprites != NULL && sprites[i].lotag == 2)
{ // Bloodbath start
mapthings[count].EdNum = 11;
if (sprites[i].cstat & 32768) continue;
if (sprites[i].xrepeat == 0 || sprites[i].yrepeat == 0) continue;
mapthings[count].EdNum = 9988;
mapthings[count].args[0] = sprites[i].picnum;
mapthings[count].args[2] = sprites[i].xrepeat;
mapthings[count].args[3] = sprites[i].yrepeat;
mapthings[count].args[4] = sprites[i].cstat;
mapthings[count].info = DoomEdMap.CheckKey(mapthings[count].EdNum);
return count;
// FindVertex
vertex_t *FindVertex (int32_t xx, int32_t yy)
int i;
double x = xx / 64.;
double y = -yy / 64.;
for (i = 0; i < numvertexes; ++i)
if (vertexes[i].fX() == x && vertexes[i].fY() == y)
return &vertexes[i];
vertexes[i].set(x, y);
return &vertexes[i];
// CreateStartSpot
static void CreateStartSpot (int32_t *pos, FMapThing *start)
short angle = LittleShort(*(uint16_t *)(&pos[3]));
FMapThing mt = { 0, };
mt.pos.X = LittleLong(pos[0]) / 16.;
mt.pos.Y = -LittleLong(pos[1]) / 16.;
mt.angle = short(Scale((2048-angle)&2047, 360, 2048));
mt.info = DoomEdMap.CheckKey(1);
mt.EdNum = 1;
mt.flags = 7|MTF_SINGLE|224;
*start = mt;
// CalcPlane
static void CalcPlane (SlopeWork &slope, secplane_t &plane)
DVector3 pt[3];
long j;
slope.x[0] = slope.wal->x; slope.y[0] = slope.wal->y;
slope.x[1] = slope.wal2->x; slope.y[1] = slope.wal2->y;
if (slope.dx == 0)
slope.x[2] = slope.x[0] + 64;
slope.y[2] = slope.y[0];
slope.x[2] = slope.x[0];
slope.y[2] = slope.y[0] + 64;
j = DMulScale3 (slope.dx, slope.y[2]-slope.wal->y, -slope.dy, slope.x[2]-slope.wal->x);
slope.z[2] += Scale (slope.heinum, j, slope.i);
pt[0] = DVector3(slope.dx, -slope.dy, 0);
pt[1] = DVector3(slope.x[2] - slope.x[0], slope.y[0] - slope.y[2], (slope.z[2] - slope.z[0]) / 16);
pt[2] = (pt[0] ^ pt[1]).Unit();
if ((pt[2][2] < 0 && plane.fC() > 0) || (pt[2][2] > 0 && plane.fC() < 0))
pt[2] = -pt[2];
double dist = -pt[2][0] * slope.x[0] * 16 + pt[2][1] * slope.y[0] * 16 - pt[2][2] * slope.z[0];
plane.set(pt[2][0], pt[2][1], pt[2][2], dist);
// Decrypt
// Note that this is different from the general RFF encryption.
static void Decrypt (void *to_, const void *from_, int len, int key)
uint8_t *to = (uint8_t *)to_;
const uint8_t *from = (const uint8_t *)from_;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++key)
to[i] = from[i] ^ key;
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