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synced 2025-03-21 18:31:10 +00:00
Also calculate wallsprite and decal texture coordinates in ProjectedWallTexcoords
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 32 additions and 65 deletions
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace swrenderer
texturemid = MIN(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling), backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling));
double rowoffset = curline->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid);
if (tex->useWorldPanning(curline->GetLevel()))
rowoffset /= fabs(ds->texcoords.yscale);
rowoffset /= fabs(tex->GetScale().Y * curline->sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid));
double textop = texturemid + rowoffset - Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z;
// [RH] Don't bother drawing segs that are completely offscreen
@ -432,6 +432,19 @@ namespace swrenderer
Project(viewport, lineseg->sidedef->TexelLength * xscale, x1, x2, WallT);
void ProjectedWallTexcoords::ProjectSprite(RenderViewport* viewport, double topZ, double scale, bool flipX, bool flipY, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals& WallT, FSoftwareTexture* pic)
yscale = 1.0 / scale;
texturemid = pic->GetTopOffset(0) + (topZ - viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z) * yscale;
if (flipY)
yscale = -yscale;
texturemid -= pic->GetHeight();
Project(viewport, pic->GetWidth(), x1, x2, WallT, flipX);
void ProjectedWallTexcoords::Project(RenderViewport *viewport, double walxrepeat, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals &WallT, bool flipx)
this->walxrepeat = walxrepeat;
@ -66,19 +66,16 @@ namespace swrenderer
void ProjectBottom(RenderViewport* viewport, sector_t* frontsector, sector_t* backsector, seg_t* lineseg, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals& WallT, FSoftwareTexture* pic);
void ProjectTranslucent(RenderViewport* viewport, sector_t* frontsector, sector_t* backsector, seg_t* lineseg, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals& WallT, FSoftwareTexture* pic);
void Project3DFloor(RenderViewport* viewport, F3DFloor* rover, seg_t* lineseg, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals& WallT, FSoftwareTexture* pic);
void Project(RenderViewport *viewport, double walxrepeat, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals &WallT, bool flipx = false);
void ProjectSprite(RenderViewport* viewport, double topZ, double scale, bool flipX, bool flipY, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals& WallT, FSoftwareTexture* pic);
float VStep(int x) const;
fixed_t UPos(int x) const;
float yscale = 1.0f;
fixed_t xoffset = 0;
double texturemid = 0.0f;
explicit operator bool() const { return valid; }
void Project(RenderViewport* viewport, double walxrepeat, int x1, int x2, const FWallTmapVals& WallT, bool flipx = false);
static fixed_t GetXOffset(seg_t* lineseg, FSoftwareTexture* tex, side_t::ETexpart texpart);
static double GetRowOffset(seg_t* lineseg, FSoftwareTexture* tex, side_t::ETexpart texpart);
static double GetXScale(side_t* sidedef, FSoftwareTexture* tex, side_t::ETexpart texpart);
@ -93,6 +90,10 @@ namespace swrenderer
FWallTmapVals WallT;
bool flipx;
float yscale = 1.0f;
fixed_t xoffset = 0;
double texturemid = 0.0f;
friend class RenderWallPart;
friend class SpriteDrawerArgs;
@ -69,8 +69,6 @@ namespace swrenderer
DVector2 decal_left, decal_right, decal_pos;
int x1, x2;
double yscale;
uint8_t flipx;
double zpos;
int needrepeat = 0;
sector_t *back;
@ -127,7 +125,6 @@ namespace swrenderer
FTexture *tex = TexMan.GetPalettedTexture(decal->PicNum, true);
flipx = (uint8_t)(decal->RenderFlags & RF_XFLIP);
if (tex == NULL || !tex->isValid())
@ -149,13 +146,11 @@ namespace swrenderer
decal_pos = { dcx, dcy };
DVector2 angvec = (curline->v2->fPos() - curline->v1->fPos()).Unit();
float maskedScaleY;
decal_left = decal_pos - edge_left * angvec - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos;
decal_right = decal_pos + edge_right * angvec - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos;
CameraLight *cameraLight;
double texturemid;
FWallCoords WallC;
if (WallC.Init(thread, decal_left, decal_right, TOO_CLOSE_Z))
@ -167,9 +162,6 @@ namespace swrenderer
if (x1 >= clipper->x2 || x2 <= clipper->x1)
FWallTmapVals WallT;
WallT.InitFromWallCoords(thread, &WallC);
if (drawsegPass)
uint32_t clipMode = decal->RenderFlags & RF_CLIPMASK;
@ -230,9 +222,6 @@ namespace swrenderer
yscale = decal->ScaleY;
texturemid = WallSpriteTile->GetTopOffset(0) + (zpos - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z) / yscale;
// Clip sprite to drawseg
x1 = MAX<int>(clipper->x1, x1);
x2 = MIN<int>(clipper->x2, x2);
@ -255,24 +244,12 @@ namespace swrenderer
cameraLight = CameraLight::Instance();
// Draw it
bool sprflipvert;
if (decal->RenderFlags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
yscale = -yscale;
texturemid -= WallSpriteTile->GetHeight();
sprflipvert = false;
maskedScaleY = float(1 / yscale);
FWallTmapVals WallT;
WallT.InitFromWallCoords(thread, &WallC);
ProjectedWallTexcoords walltexcoords;
walltexcoords.Project(thread->Viewport.get(), WallSpriteTile->GetWidth(), x1, x2, WallT, flipx);
walltexcoords.yscale = maskedScaleY;
walltexcoords.texturemid = texturemid;
walltexcoords.ProjectSprite(thread->Viewport.get(), zpos, decal->ScaleY, decal->RenderFlags & RF_XFLIP, decal->RenderFlags & RF_YFLIP, x1, x2, WallT, WallSpriteTile);
@ -288,6 +265,7 @@ namespace swrenderer
if (visible)
thread->PrepareTexture(WallSpriteTile, decal->RenderStyle);
bool sprflipvert = (decal->RenderFlags & RF_YFLIP);
while (x < x2)
if (calclighting)
@ -67,8 +67,6 @@
#include "swrenderer/r_memory.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_renderthread.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor);
namespace swrenderer
void RenderWallSprite::Project(RenderThread *thread, AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTexture *ppic, const DVector2 &scale, int renderflags, int lightlevel, bool foggy, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap)
@ -162,21 +160,11 @@ namespace swrenderer
auto spr = this;
int x1, x2;
double iyscale;
bool sprflipvert;
x1 = MAX<int>(spr->x1, spr->wallc.sx1);
x2 = MIN<int>(spr->x2, spr->wallc.sx2);
int x1 = MAX<int>(spr->x1, spr->wallc.sx1);
int x2 = MIN<int>(spr->x2, spr->wallc.sx2);
if (x1 >= x2)
FWallTmapVals WallT;
WallT.InitFromWallCoords(thread, &spr->wallc);
iyscale = 1 / spr->yscale;
double texturemid = (spr->gzt - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z) * iyscale;
// Prepare lighting
// Decals that are added to the scene must fade to black.
@ -200,30 +188,18 @@ namespace swrenderer
// Draw it
auto WallSpriteTile = spr->pic;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
iyscale = -iyscale;
texturemid -= spr->pic->GetHeight();
sprflipvert = false;
float maskedScaleY = (float)iyscale;
int x = x1;
FWallTmapVals WallT;
WallT.InitFromWallCoords(thread, &spr->wallc);
ProjectedWallTexcoords walltexcoords;
walltexcoords.Project(thread->Viewport.get(), spr->pic->GetWidth(), x1, x2, WallT, spr->renderflags & RF_XFLIP);
walltexcoords.yscale = maskedScaleY;
walltexcoords.texturemid = texturemid;
walltexcoords.ProjectSprite(thread->Viewport.get(), spr->gzt, spr->yscale, spr->renderflags & RF_XFLIP, spr->renderflags & RF_YFLIP, x1, x2, WallT, WallSpriteTile);
RenderTranslucentPass *translucentPass = thread->TranslucentPass.get();
thread->PrepareTexture(WallSpriteTile, spr->RenderStyle);
while (x < x2)
bool sprflipvert = (spr->renderflags & RF_YFLIP);
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
if (calclighting)
@ -233,7 +209,6 @@ namespace swrenderer
if (!translucentPass->ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(x, spr))
drawerargs.DrawMaskedColumn(thread, x, WallSpriteTile, walltexcoords, sprflipvert, mfloorclip, mceilingclip, spr->RenderStyle);
light += lightstep;
Reference in a new issue