diff --git a/docs/console.txt b/docs/console.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f2cb55f70c..0000000000
--- a/docs/console.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
- addbot
- addkeysection
- addmenukey
- addrocketexplosion
- addslot
- alias
- alwaysapplydmflags
- am_backcolor
- am_cdwallcolor
- am_fdwallcolor
- am_gridcolor
- am_interlevelcolor
- am_intralevelcolor
- am_lockedcolor
- am_notseencolor
- am_overlay
- am_ovotherwallscolor
- am_ovtelecolor
- am_ovthingcolor
- am_ovtrans
- am_ovunseencolor
- am_ovwallcolor
- am_ovyourcolor
- am_rotate
- am_showitems
- am_showmonsters
- am_showsecrets
- am_showtime
- am_thingcolor
- am_tswallcolor
- am_usecustomcolors
- am_wallcolor
- am_xhaircolor
- am_yourcolor
- anubis
- archivecvar
- atexit
- autoaim
- autosavenum
- bind
- binddefaults
- bot_allowspy
- bot_next_color
- bot_observer
- bumpgamma
- cd_close
- cd_drive
- cd_eject
- cd_enabled
- cd_pause
- cd_play
- cd_resume
- cd_stop
- centerview
- changemap
- changemus
- chase
- chase_dist
- chase_height
- chasedemo
- chat_substition
- chatmacro0
- chatmacro1
- chatmacro2
- chatmacro3
- chatmacro4
- chatmacro5
- chatmacro6
- chatmacro7
- chatmacro8
- chatmacro9
- cl_bbannounce
- cl_bloodsplats
- cl_bloodtype
- cl_maxdecals
- cl_missiledecals
- cl_pufftype
- cl_rockettrails
- cl_run
- cl_showmultikills
- cl_showsprees
- cl_spreaddecals
- clear
- clearwallcycles
- cmdlist
- color
- compat_limitpain
- compat_nopassover
- compat_shortTex
- compat_silentpickup
- compat_soundslots
- compat_stairs
- compatflags
- con_centernotify
- con_ctrl_d
- con_midtime
- con_notifytime
- con_scaletext
- countdecals
- countdecalsreal
- crosshair
- crosshaircolor
- crosshairgrow
- crosshairhealth
- crosshairscale
- cvarlist
- cvarlistplain
- deathmatch
- defaultbind
- demo_compress
- developer
- dimamount
- dimcolor
- dir
- disableautosave
- dmflags
- dmflags2
- doublebind
- dumpclasses
- dumpheap
- dumpmap
- dumpmapthings
- dumpspawnables
- echo
- endgame
- error
- eval
- exec
- exit
- fly
- forcewater
- fov
- fraglimit
- freelook
- freeze
- fullscreen
- gameversion
- gamma
- genblockmap
- gender
- gennodes
- get
- give
- god
- heapsize
- history
- hud_scale
- i_remapkeypad
- idclev
- iddqd
- idmus
- idmypos
- in_mouse
- invertmouse
- invnext
- invprev
- invuse
- invuseall
- joy_speedmultiplier
- joy_xsensitivity
- joy_xthreshold
- joy_ysensitivity
- joy_ythreshold
- key
- kill
- land
- language
- listbots
- logfile
- lookspring
- lookstrafe
- m_forward
- m_pitch
- m_side
- m_yaw
- map
- mdk
- mem
- menu_display
- menu_endgame
- menu_game
- menu_gameplay
- menu_help
- menu_keys
- menu_load
- menu_main
- menu_options
- menu_player
- menu_quit
- menu_save
- menu_video
- messagemode
- messagemode2
- morphme
- mouse_sensitivity
- movebob
- msg
- msg0color
- msg1color
- msg2color
- msg3color
- msg4color
- msgmidcolor
- msgmidcolor2
- name
- neverswitchonpickup
- noclip
- nofilecompression
- noise
- notarget
- pause
- pings
- playdemo
- playerinfo
- playersounds
- playlist
- playlistnext
- playlistpos
- playlistprev
- playliststatus
- playmovie
- playsound
- png_gamma
- png_level
- powerup
- print
- puke
- pullin
- queryiwad
- quickload
- quicksave
- quit
- r_columnmethod
- r_detail
- r_drawflat
- r_drawfuzz
- r_drawmirrors
- r_drawplayersprites
- r_drawtrans
- r_fogboundary
- r_particles
- r_stretchsky
- r_viewsize
- r_visibility
- rebind
- removebots
- say
- say_team
- screenblocks
- screenshot
- screenshot_quiet
- screenshot_type
- scriptstat
- select
- set
- setcolor
- setslot
- show_messages
- sizedown
- sizeup
- skill
- skin
- skins
- slot
- snd_3d
- snd_buffersize
- snd_channels
- snd_driver
- snd_flipstereo
- snd_fpumixer
- snd_listdrivers
- snd_listmididevices
- snd_matrix
- snd_mididevice
- snd_midiprecache
- snd_midivolume
- snd_movievolume
- snd_musicvolume
- snd_output
- snd_pitched
- snd_reset
- snd_samplerate
- snd_sfxvolume
- snd_status
- snd_surround
- snd_waterreverb
- soundlinks
- soundlist
- spc_8bit
- spc_amp
- spc_frequency
- spc_lowpass
- spc_oldsamples
- spc_quality
- spc_stereo
- spc_surround
- splashfactor
- spray
- spynext
- spyprev
- st_scale
- stat
- stillbob
- stop
- stopmus
- storesavepic
- summon
- sv_aircontrol
- sv_barrelrespawn
- sv_cheats
- sv_falldamage
- sv_fastmonsters
- sv_forcerespawn
- sv_gravity
- sv_infiniteammo
- sv_itemrespawn
- sv_monsterrespawn
- sv_noarmor
- sv_nobfgaim
- sv_noexit
- sv_nofov
- sv_nofreelook
- sv_nohealth
- sv_noitems
- sv_nojump
- sv_nomonsters
- sv_oldfalldamage
- sv_respawnprotect
- sv_respawnsuper
- sv_samelevel
- sv_spawnfarthest
- sv_weapondrop
- sv_weaponstay
- team
- teamdamage
- teamplay
- telezoom
- test
- testblend
- testcolor
- testfade
- ticker
- tilt
- timedemo
- timelimit
- timidity_8bit
- timidity_byteswap
- timidity_chorus
- timidity_exe
- timidity_extargs
- timidity_frequency
- timidity_pipe
- timidity_reverb
- timidity_stereo
- toggle
- toggleconsole
- togglemap
- togglemessages
- transsouls
- turbo
- turn180
- turnspeeds
- tx
- ty
- unbind
- unbindall
- undoublebind
- unset
- use
- use_joystick
- use_mouse
- var_friction
- var_pushers
- vid_attachedsurfaces (Win32 only)
- vid_currentmode
- vid_defbits
- vid_defheight
- vid_defwidth
- vid_fps
- vid_listmodes
- vid_noblitter (Win32 only)
- vid_palettehack (Win32 only)
- vid_setmode
- vid_vsync (Win32 only)
- vid_winscale
- weapnext
- weapon
- weapprev
- wi_percents
- wipetype
diff --git a/docs/console2.html b/docs/console2.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e482e9e0dd..0000000000
--- a/docs/console2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
ZDoom includes a powerful console that you can use to -manipulate or inspect various aspects of the game while you are playing.
- -The following commands and variables were present in ZDoom -1.22 but have been removed:
- -configver
This variable was used by ZDoom to determine which version -wrote the zdoom.cfg. This has been replaced by the [LastRun] section of -zdoom.ini and is no longer accessible from the console.
- -def_patch
You can now have multiple dehacked patches loaded -automatically. To do this, add a [Doom.DefaultDehacked] section to zdoom.ini -like this:
- -[Doom.DefaultDehacked]
Path=my_second_patch.deh- -
You can add as many Path= lines as -you like. Not all Dehacked patches will work well together. Changes made by -patches listed later will override any changes made by patches listed earlier -that affect the same things. If you specify any patches with -deh or -bex at -the command line, then those patches will be loaded instead of the ones listed -here.
- -impulse
Use the new slot and weapon commands instead.
- -nobfgaim
This was renamed to sv_nobfgaim and is now a part of -dmflags2.
- -vid_noptc
PTC is no longer used for video, so there is nothing for this -cvar to disable.
- -testgibs
This variable never did anything useful in 1.22.
- -There are five types of cvars:
- -boolean
This type of variable represents a yes/no or on/off value. It -can only be set to true or false. As shorthand, setting a boolean variable to 0 -will set it to false, and setting it to anything non-zero will set it to true.
- -integer
This is an ordinary number without a decimal point. For -example, 1 is an integer, but 1.2 is not.
- -float
This is an ordinary number that can have a decimal point.
- -string
This is a series of text characters enclosed in quotes: For -example, "Felix loitered lecherously on the lot" is a string. If you -removed the quotes around it, then it would not be a string.
- -\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/foo.txt b/docs/foo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a94fac70cc..0000000000 --- a/docs/foo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -