mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:32:11 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rheit/zdoom
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 889 additions and 130 deletions
@ -979,6 +979,7 @@ add_executable( zdoom WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE
@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ DEFINE_SPECIAL(Thing_SpawnFacing, 139, 2, 4, 4)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Sector_ChangeSound, 140, 2, 2, 2)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Teleport_NoStop, 154, 2, 3, 3)
// portal specials
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Line_SetVisualPortal, 155, -1, -1, 3)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Line_SetPortal, 156, -1, -1, 3)
// GZDoom/Vavoom specials
// Although ZDoom doesn't support them it's better to have them defined so that
// WADs using them somewhere can at least be started without aborting due
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
#include "actorptrselect.h"
#include "farchive.h"
#include "decallib.h"
#include "portal.h"
#include "p_terrain.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "p_effect.h"
@ -8298,6 +8299,9 @@ scriptwait:
line->args[4] = STACK(1);
DPrintf("Set special on line %d (id %d) to %d(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
linenum, STACK(7), specnum, arg0, STACK(4), STACK(3), STACK(2), STACK(1));
// [ZZ] re-link with portals (in case this was something related to portal specials)
sp -= 7;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "g_level.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "portal.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -629,6 +630,11 @@ static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsec)
// [ZZ] set initial line portal link
// (even though this is rather hard to happen... build doesn't have portals in our sense and it's walls don't get translated into anything like this)
for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
// Finish setting sector properties that depend on walls
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i, ++bsec)
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
#include "po_man.h"
#include "r_renderer.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "portal.h"
#include "fragglescript/t_fs.h"
@ -1959,6 +1960,11 @@ void P_SetLineID (int i, line_t *ld)
case Static_Init:
if (ld->args[1] == Init_SectorLink) setid = ld->args[0];
case Line_SetPortal:
case Line_SetVisualPortal:
setid = ld->args[1]; // 0 = target id, 1 = this id, 2 = plane anchor
if (setid != -1)
@ -2059,6 +2065,9 @@ void P_FinishLoadingLineDef(line_t *ld, int alpha)
ld->special = 0;
// [ZZ] check initial portal link
// killough 4/4/98: delay using sidedefs until they are loaded
void P_FinishLoadingLineDefs ()
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "p_tags.h"
#include "portal.h"
#include "p_terrain.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
#include "portal.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "r_bsp.h"
#include "r_segs.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "p_tags.h"
// simulation recurions maximum
CVAR(Int, sv_portal_recursions, 4, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SERVERINFO)
PortalDrawseg* CurrentPortal = NULL;
int CurrentPortalUniq = 0;
bool CurrentPortalInSkybox = false;
// [ZZ] lots of floats here to avoid overflowing a lot
bool R_IntersectLines(fixed_t o1x, fixed_t o1y, fixed_t p1x, fixed_t p1y,
fixed_t o2x, fixed_t o2y, fixed_t p2x, fixed_t p2y,
fixed_t& rx, fixed_t& ry)
float xx = FIXED2FLOAT(o2x) - FIXED2FLOAT(o1x);
float xy = FIXED2FLOAT(o2y) - FIXED2FLOAT(o1y);
float d1x = FIXED2FLOAT(p1x) - FIXED2FLOAT(o1x);
float d1y = FIXED2FLOAT(p1y) - FIXED2FLOAT(o1y);
if (d1x > d1y)
d1y = d1y / d1x * 32767.0f;
d1x = 32767.0;
d1x = d1x / d1y * 32767.0f;
d1y = 32767.0;
float d2x = FIXED2FLOAT(p2x) - FIXED2FLOAT(o2x);
float d2y = FIXED2FLOAT(p2y) - FIXED2FLOAT(o2y);
float cross = d1x*d2y - d1y*d2x;
if (fabs(cross) < 1e-8)
return false;
float t1 = (xx * d2y - xy * d2x)/cross;
rx = o1x + FLOAT2FIXED(d1x * t1);
ry = o1y + FLOAT2FIXED(d1y * t1);
return true;
inline int P_PointOnLineSideExplicit (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y2)
return DMulScale32 (y-y1, x2-x1, x1-x, y2-y1) > 0;
bool P_ClipLineToPortal(line_t* line, line_t* portal, fixed_t viewx, fixed_t viewy, bool partial, bool samebehind)
// check if this line is between portal and the viewer. clip away if it is.
bool behind1 = !!P_PointOnLineSide(line->v1->x, line->v1->y, portal);
bool behind2 = !!P_PointOnLineSide(line->v2->x, line->v2->y, portal);
// [ZZ] update 16.12.2014: if a vertex equals to one of portal's vertices, it's treated as being behind the portal.
// this is required in order to clip away diagonal lines around the portal (example: 1-sided triangle shape with a mirror on it's side)
if ((line->v1->x == portal->v1->x && line->v1->y == portal->v1->y) ||
(line->v1->x == portal->v2->x && line->v1->y == portal->v2->y))
behind1 = samebehind;
if ((line->v2->x == portal->v1->x && line->v2->y == portal->v1->y) ||
(line->v2->x == portal->v2->x && line->v2->y == portal->v2->y))
behind2 = samebehind;
if (behind1 && behind2)
// line is behind the portal plane. now check if it's in front of two view plane borders (i.e. if it will get in the way of rendering)
fixed_t dummyx, dummyy;
bool infront1 = R_IntersectLines(line->v1->x, line->v1->y, line->v2->x, line->v2->y, viewx, viewy, portal->v1->x, portal->v1->y, dummyx, dummyy);
bool infront2 = R_IntersectLines(line->v1->x, line->v1->y, line->v2->x, line->v2->y, viewx, viewy, portal->v2->x, portal->v2->y, dummyx, dummyy);
if (infront1 && infront2)
return true;
return false;
bool P_CheckPortal(line_t* line)
if (line->special == Line_Mirror)
line->portal = true;
line->portal_mirror = true;
line->portal_passive = true;
line->portal_dst = line;
else if (line->special == Line_SetPortal ||
line->special == Line_SetVisualPortal)
// portal destination is special argument #0
line_t* dst = NULL;
if (line->args[0] > 0)
int linenum = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
if (&lines[i] == line)
if (tagManager.LineHasID(&lines[i], line->args[0]))
dst = &lines[i];
if (dst)
line->portal = true;
line->portal_mirror = false;
line->portal_passive = (line->special == Line_SetVisualPortal);
line->portal_dst = dst;
line->portal = false;
line->portal_mirror = false;
line->portal_passive = false;
line->portal_dst = NULL;
line->portal = false;
line->portal_mirror = false;
line->portal_passive = false;
line->portal_dst = NULL;
return (line->portal);
void P_TranslatePortalXY(line_t* src, line_t* dst, fixed_t& x, fixed_t& y)
if (!src || !dst)
fixed_t nposx, nposy; // offsets from line
// Get the angle between the two linedefs, for rotating
// orientation and velocity. Rotate 180 degrees, and flip
// the position across the exit linedef, if reversed.
angle_t angle =
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, dst->dx, dst->dy) -
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, src->dx, src->dy);
angle += ANGLE_180;
// Sine, cosine of angle adjustment
fixed_t s = finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t c = finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t tx, ty;
nposx = x - src->v1->x;
nposy = y - src->v1->y;
// Rotate position along normal to match exit linedef
tx = FixedMul(nposx, c) - FixedMul(nposy, s);
ty = FixedMul(nposy, c) + FixedMul(nposx, s);
tx += dst->v2->x;
ty += dst->v2->y;
x = tx;
y = ty;
void P_TranslatePortalVXVY(line_t* src, line_t* dst, fixed_t& vx, fixed_t& vy)
angle_t angle =
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, dst->dx, dst->dy) -
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, src->dx, src->dy);
angle += ANGLE_180;
// Sine, cosine of angle adjustment
fixed_t s = finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t c = finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t orig_velx = vx;
fixed_t orig_vely = vy;
vx = FixedMul(orig_velx, c) - FixedMul(orig_vely, s);
vy = FixedMul(orig_vely, c) + FixedMul(orig_velx, s);
void P_TranslatePortalAngle(line_t* src, line_t* dst, angle_t& angle)
if (!src || !dst)
// Get the angle between the two linedefs, for rotating
// orientation and velocity. Rotate 180 degrees, and flip
// the position across the exit linedef, if reversed.
angle_t xangle =
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, dst->dx, dst->dy) -
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, src->dx, src->dy);
xangle += ANGLE_180;
angle += xangle;
void P_TranslatePortalZ(line_t* src, line_t* dst, fixed_t& z)
// args[2] = 0 - no teleport
// args[2] = 1 - adjust by floor difference
// args[2] = 2 - adjust by ceiling difference
if (src->args[2] == 1)
z = z - src->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(src->v1->x, src->v1->y) + dst->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(dst->v2->x, dst->v2->y);
else if (src->args[2] == 2)
z = z - src->frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(src->v1->x, src->v1->y) + dst->frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(dst->v2->x, dst->v2->y);
// calculate shortest distance from a point (x,y) to a linedef
fixed_t P_PointLineDistance(line_t* line, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
angle_t angle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, line->dx, line->dy);
angle += ANGLE_180;
fixed_t dx = line->v1->x - x;
fixed_t dy = line->v1->y - y;
fixed_t s = finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t c = finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t d2x = FixedMul(dx, c) - FixedMul(dy, s);
return abs(d2x);
void P_NormalizeVXVY(fixed_t& vx, fixed_t& vy)
float _vx = FIXED2FLOAT(vx);
float _vy = FIXED2FLOAT(vy);
float len = sqrt(_vx*_vx+_vy*_vy);
vx = FLOAT2FIXED(_vx/len);
vy = FLOAT2FIXED(_vy/len);
// portal tracer code
PortalTracer::PortalTracer(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t endy)
this->startx = startx;
this->starty = starty;
this->endx = endx;
this->endy = endy;
intx = endx;
inty = endy;
intxIn = intx;
intyIn = inty;
z = 0;
angle = 0;
depth = 0;
frac = 0;
in = NULL;
out = NULL;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
bool PortalTracer::TraceStep()
if (depth > sv_portal_recursions)
return false;
this->in = NULL;
this->out = NULL;
this->vx = 0;
this->vy = 0;
int oDepth = depth;
fixed_t dirx = endx-startx;
fixed_t diry = endy-starty;
P_NormalizeVXVY(dirx, diry);
dirx = 0;
diry = 0;
FPathTraverse it(startx-dirx, starty-diry, endx+dirx, endy+diry, PT_ADDLINES | PT_COMPATIBLE);
intercept_t *in;
while ((in = it.Next()))
line_t* li;
if (in->isaline)
li = in->d.line;
if (li->portal && !li->portal_passive)
if (P_PointOnLineSide(startx-dirx, starty-diry, li))
continue; // we're at the back side of this line
line_t* out = li->portal_dst;
this->in = li;
this->out = out;
// we only know that we crossed it, but we also need to know WHERE we crossed it
fixed_t vx = it.Trace().dx;
fixed_t vy = it.Trace().dy;
fixed_t x = it.Trace().x + FixedMul(vx, in->frac);
fixed_t y = it.Trace().y + FixedMul(vy, in->frac);
P_NormalizeVXVY(vx, vy);
this->vx = vx;
this->vy = vy;
// teleport our trace
if (!out->backsector)
intx = x + vx;
inty = y + vy;
intx = x - vx;
inty = y - vy;
//P_TranslateCoordinatesAndAngle(li, out, startx, starty, noangle);
//P_TranslateCoordinatesAndAngle(li, out, endx, endy, angle);
//if (hdeltaZ)
// P_TranslateZ(li, out, deltaZ);
//P_TranslateCoordinatesAndAngle(li, out, vx, vy, noangle);
P_TranslatePortalXY(li, out, startx, starty);
P_TranslatePortalVXVY(li, out, this->vx, this->vy);
intxIn = intx;
intyIn = inty;
P_TranslatePortalXY(li, out, intx, inty);
P_TranslatePortalXY(li, out, endx, endy);
P_TranslatePortalAngle(li, out, angle);
P_TranslatePortalZ(li, out, z);
frac += in->frac;
break; // breaks to outer loop
if (!(li->flags & ML_TWOSIDED) || (li->flags & ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING))
return false; // stop tracing, 2D blocking line
//Printf("returning %d; vx = %.2f; vy = %.2f\n", (oDepth != depth), FIXED2FLOAT(this->vx), FIXED2FLOAT(this->vy));
return (oDepth != depth); // if a portal has been found, return false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#ifndef _PORTALS_H_
#define _PORTALS_H_
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
/* portal structure, this is used in r_ code in order to store drawsegs with portals (and mirrors) */
struct PortalDrawseg
line_t* src; // source line (the one drawn) this doesn't change over render loops
line_t* dst; // destination line (the one that the portal is linked with, equals 'src' for mirrors)
int x1; // drawseg x1
int x2; // drawseg x2
int len;
TArray<short> ceilingclip;
TArray<short> floorclip;
bool mirror; // true if this is a mirror (src should equal dst)
extern PortalDrawseg* CurrentPortal;
extern int CurrentPortalUniq;
extern bool CurrentPortalInSkybox;
/* code ported from prototype */
bool P_ClipLineToPortal(line_t* line, line_t* portal, fixed_t viewx, fixed_t viewy, bool partial = true, bool samebehind = true);
bool P_CheckPortal(line_t* line);
void P_TranslatePortalXY(line_t* src, line_t* dst, fixed_t& x, fixed_t& y);
void P_TranslatePortalVXVY(line_t* src, line_t* dst, fixed_t& vx, fixed_t& vy);
void P_TranslatePortalAngle(line_t* src, line_t* dst, angle_t& angle);
void P_TranslatePortalZ(line_t* src, line_t* dst, fixed_t& z);
void P_NormalizeVXVY(fixed_t& vx, fixed_t& vy);
// basically, this is a teleporting tracer function,
// which can be used by itself (to calculate portal-aware offsets, say, for projectiles)
// or to teleport normal tracers (like hitscan, railgun, autoaim tracers)
class PortalTracer
PortalTracer(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t endy);
// trace to next portal
bool TraceStep();
// trace to last available portal on the path
void TraceAll() { while (TraceStep()) continue; }
int depth;
fixed_t startx;
fixed_t starty;
fixed_t intx;
fixed_t inty;
fixed_t intxIn;
fixed_t intyIn;
fixed_t endx;
fixed_t endy;
angle_t angle;
fixed_t z;
fixed_t frac;
line_t* in;
line_t* out;
fixed_t vx;
fixed_t vy;
/* new code */
fixed_t P_PointLineDistance(line_t* line, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "po_man.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "portal.h"
seg_t* curline;
side_t* sidedef;
@ -98,8 +99,8 @@ static BYTE FakeSide;
int WindowLeft, WindowRight;
WORD MirrorFlags;
seg_t *ActiveWallMirror;
TArray<size_t> WallMirrors;
TArray<PortalDrawseg> WallPortals;
static subsector_t *InSubsector;
@ -553,6 +554,11 @@ void R_AddLine (seg_t *line)
// reject lines that aren't seen from the portal (if any)
// [ZZ] 10.01.2016: lines inside a skybox shouldn't be clipped, although this imposes some limitations on portals in skyboxes.
if (!CurrentPortalInSkybox && CurrentPortal && P_ClipLineToPortal(line->linedef, CurrentPortal->dst, viewx, viewy))
vertex_t *v1, *v2;
v1 = line->linedef->v1;
@ -584,7 +590,7 @@ void R_AddLine (seg_t *line)
rw_havehigh = rw_havelow = false;
// Single sided line?
if (backsector == NULL)
if (backsector == NULL || (line->linedef->portal && line->sidedef == line->linedef->sidedef[0]))
solid = true;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "tarray.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "portal.h"
// The 3072 below is just an arbitrary value picked to avoid
// drawing lines the player is too close to that would overflow
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ struct drawseg_t
// backups
ptrdiff_t bkup; // sprtopclip backup, for mid and fake textures
FWallTmapVals tmapvals;
int CurrentPortalUniq; // [ZZ] to identify the portal that this drawseg is in. used for sprite clipping.
@ -104,9 +106,8 @@ extern size_t FirstInterestingDrawseg;
extern int WindowLeft, WindowRight;
extern WORD MirrorFlags;
extern seg_t* ActiveWallMirror;
extern TArray<size_t> WallMirrors;
extern TArray<PortalDrawseg> WallPortals;
typedef void (*drawfunc_t) (int start, int stop);
@ -988,10 +988,14 @@ struct line_t
sector_t *frontsector, *backsector;
int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked
int locknumber; // [Dusk] lock number for special
line_t *portal_dst;
bool portal;
bool portal_mirror;
bool portal_passive;
bool isLinePortal() const
return false;
return portal;
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include "v_font.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "farchive.h"
#include "portal.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -608,52 +609,133 @@ void R_SetupFreelook()
// R_EnterMirror
// R_EnterPortal
// [RH] Draw the reflection inside a mirror
// [ZZ] Merged with portal code, originally called R_EnterMirror
void R_EnterMirror (drawseg_t *ds, int depth)
CVAR(Int, r_portal_recursions, 4, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CVAR(Bool, r_highlight_portals, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
void R_HighlightPortal (PortalDrawseg* pds)
// I believe it won't break. if it does, blame me. :(
BYTE color = (BYTE)BestColor((DWORD *)GPalette.BaseColors, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255);
BYTE* pixels = RenderTarget->GetBuffer();
// top edge
for (int x = pds->x1; x < pds->x2; x++)
if (x < 0 || x >= RenderTarget->GetWidth())
int p = x - pds->x1;
int Ytop = pds->ceilingclip[p];
int Ybottom = pds->floorclip[p];
if (x == pds->x1 || x == pds->x2-1)
RenderTarget->DrawLine(x, Ytop, x, Ybottom+1, color, 0);
int YtopPrev = pds->ceilingclip[p-1];
int YbottomPrev = pds->floorclip[p-1];
if (abs(Ytop-YtopPrev) > 1)
RenderTarget->DrawLine(x, YtopPrev, x, Ytop, color, 0);
else *(pixels + Ytop * RenderTarget->GetPitch() + x) = color;
if (abs(Ybottom-YbottomPrev) > 1)
RenderTarget->DrawLine(x, YbottomPrev, x, Ybottom, color, 0);
else *(pixels + Ybottom * RenderTarget->GetPitch() + x) = color;
void R_EnterPortal (PortalDrawseg* pds, int depth)
// [ZZ] check depth. fill portal with black if it's exceeding the visual recursion limit, and continue like nothing happened.
if (depth >= r_portal_recursions)
BYTE color = (BYTE)BestColor((DWORD *)GPalette.BaseColors, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255);
int spacing = RenderTarget->GetPitch();
for (int x = pds->x1; x < pds->x2; x++)
if (x < 0 || x >= RenderTarget->GetWidth())
int Ytop = pds->ceilingclip[x-pds->x1];
int Ybottom = pds->floorclip[x-pds->x1];
BYTE *dest = RenderTarget->GetBuffer() + x + Ytop * spacing;
for (int y = Ytop; y <= Ybottom; y++)
*dest = color;
dest += spacing;
if (r_highlight_portals)
angle_t startang = viewangle;
fixed_t startx = viewx;
fixed_t starty = viewy;
fixed_t startz = viewz;
unsigned int mirrorsAtStart = WallMirrors.Size ();
unsigned int portalsAtStart = WallPortals.Size ();
vertex_t *v1 = ds->curline->v1;
if (pds->mirror)
//vertex_t *v1 = ds->curline->v1;
vertex_t *v1 = pds->src->v1;
// Reflect the current view behind the mirror.
if (pds->src->dx == 0)
{ // vertical mirror
viewx = v1->x - startx + v1->x;
else if (pds->src->dy == 0)
{ // horizontal mirror
viewy = v1->y - starty + v1->y;
{ // any mirror--use floats to avoid integer overflow
vertex_t *v2 = pds->src->v2;
float dx = FIXED2FLOAT(v2->x - v1->x);
float dy = FIXED2FLOAT(v2->y - v1->y);
float x1 = FIXED2FLOAT(v1->x);
float y1 = FIXED2FLOAT(v1->y);
float x = FIXED2FLOAT(startx);
float y = FIXED2FLOAT(starty);
// the above two cases catch len == 0
float r = ((x - x1)*dx + (y - y1)*dy) / (dx*dx + dy*dy);
viewx = FLOAT2FIXED((x1 + r * dx)*2 - x);
viewy = FLOAT2FIXED((y1 + r * dy)*2 - y);
viewangle = 2*R_PointToAngle2 (pds->src->v1->x, pds->src->v1->y,
pds->src->v2->x, pds->src->v2->y) - startang;
// Reflect the current view behind the mirror.
if (ds->curline->linedef->dx == 0)
{ // vertical mirror
viewx = v1->x - startx + v1->x;
else if (ds->curline->linedef->dy == 0)
{ // horizontal mirror
viewy = v1->y - starty + v1->y;
{ // any mirror--use floats to avoid integer overflow
vertex_t *v2 = ds->curline->v2;
float dx = FIXED2FLOAT(v2->x - v1->x);
float dy = FIXED2FLOAT(v2->y - v1->y);
float x1 = FIXED2FLOAT(v1->x);
float y1 = FIXED2FLOAT(v1->y);
float x = FIXED2FLOAT(startx);
float y = FIXED2FLOAT(starty);
// the above two cases catch len == 0
float r = ((x - x1)*dx + (y - y1)*dy) / (dx*dx + dy*dy);
viewx = FLOAT2FIXED((x1 + r * dx)*2 - x);
viewy = FLOAT2FIXED((y1 + r * dy)*2 - y);
P_TranslatePortalXY(pds->src, pds->dst, viewx, viewy);
P_TranslatePortalZ(pds->src, pds->dst, viewz);
P_TranslatePortalAngle(pds->src, pds->dst, viewangle);
viewangle = 2*R_PointToAngle2 (ds->curline->v1->x, ds->curline->v1->y,
ds->curline->v2->x, ds->curline->v2->y) - startang;
viewsin = finesine[viewangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
viewcos = finecosine[viewangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
@ -664,38 +746,73 @@ void R_EnterMirror (drawseg_t *ds, int depth)
ActiveWallMirror = ds->curline;
PortalDrawseg* prevpds = CurrentPortal;
CurrentPortal = pds;
R_ClearPlanes (false);
R_ClearClipSegs (ds->x1, ds->x2);
R_ClearClipSegs (pds->x1, pds->x2);
memcpy (ceilingclip + ds->x1, openings + ds->sprtopclip, (ds->x2 - ds->x1)*sizeof(*ceilingclip));
memcpy (floorclip + ds->x1, openings + ds->sprbottomclip, (ds->x2 - ds->x1)*sizeof(*floorclip));
WindowLeft = pds->x1;
WindowRight = pds->x2;
// RF_XFLIP should be removed before calling the root function
int prevmf = MirrorFlags;
if (pds->mirror)
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
MirrorFlags &= ~RF_XFLIP;
else MirrorFlags |= RF_XFLIP;
WindowLeft = ds->x1;
WindowRight = ds->x2;
MirrorFlags = (depth + 1) & 1;
// some portals have height differences, account for this here
R_3D_EnterSkybox(); // push 3D floor height map
CurrentPortalInSkybox = false; // first portal in a skybox should set this variable to false for proper clipping in skyboxes.
// first pass, set clipping
memcpy (ceilingclip + pds->x1, &pds->ceilingclip[0], pds->len*sizeof(*ceilingclip));
memcpy (floorclip + pds->x1, &pds->floorclip[0], pds->len*sizeof(*floorclip));
R_RenderBSPNode (nodes + numnodes - 1);
R_3D_ResetClip(); // reset clips (floor/ceiling)
R_DrawPlanes ();
R_DrawSkyBoxes ();
// Allow up to 4 recursions through a mirror
if (depth < 4)
fixed_t vzp = viewz;
int prevuniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
// depth check is in another place right now
unsigned int portalsAtEnd = WallPortals.Size ();
for (; portalsAtStart < portalsAtEnd; portalsAtStart++)
unsigned int mirrorsAtEnd = WallMirrors.Size ();
for (; mirrorsAtStart < mirrorsAtEnd; mirrorsAtStart++)
R_EnterMirror (drawsegs + WallMirrors[mirrorsAtStart], depth + 1);
R_EnterPortal (&WallPortals[portalsAtStart], depth + 1);
int prevuniq2 = CurrentPortalUniq;
CurrentPortalUniq = prevuniq;
MaskedCycles.Clock(); // [ZZ] count sprites in portals/mirrors along with normal ones.
R_DrawMasked (); // this is required since with portals there often will be cases when more than 80% of the view is inside a portal.
R_3D_LeaveSkybox(); // pop 3D floor height map
CurrentPortalUniq = prevuniq2;
// draw a red line around a portal if it's being highlighted
if (r_highlight_portals)
CurrentPortal = prevpds;
MirrorFlags = prevmf;
viewangle = startang;
viewx = startx;
viewy = starty;
viewz = startz;
@ -779,7 +896,8 @@ void R_RenderActorView (AActor *actor, bool dontmaplines)
WindowLeft = 0;
WindowRight = viewwidth;
MirrorFlags = 0;
ActiveWallMirror = NULL;
CurrentPortal = NULL;
CurrentPortalUniq = 0;
r_dontmaplines = dontmaplines;
@ -813,12 +931,16 @@ void R_RenderActorView (AActor *actor, bool dontmaplines)
// [RH] Walk through mirrors
size_t lastmirror = WallMirrors.Size ();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lastmirror; i++)
// [ZZ] Merged with portals
size_t lastportal = WallPortals.Size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lastportal; i++)
R_EnterMirror (drawsegs + WallMirrors[i], 0);
R_EnterPortal(&WallPortals[i], 0);
CurrentPortal = NULL;
CurrentPortalUniq = 0;
NetUpdate ();
@ -827,7 +949,7 @@ void R_RenderActorView (AActor *actor, bool dontmaplines)
NetUpdate ();
WallMirrors.Clear ();
WallPortals.Clear ();
interpolator.RestoreInterpolations ();
R_SetupBuffer ();
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
#include "r_3dfloors.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "portal.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
@ -686,9 +687,12 @@ visplane_t *R_FindPlane (const secplane_t &height, FTextureID picnum, int lightl
yscale == check->yscale &&
angle == check->angle &&
sky == check->sky &&
CurrentMirror == check->CurrentMirror &&
CurrentPortalUniq == check->CurrentPortalUniq &&
MirrorFlags == check->MirrorFlags &&
CurrentSkybox == check->CurrentSkybox
CurrentSkybox == check->CurrentSkybox &&
viewx == check->viewx &&
viewy == check->viewy &&
viewz == check->viewz
return check;
@ -718,7 +722,7 @@ visplane_t *R_FindPlane (const secplane_t &height, FTextureID picnum, int lightl
check->viewangle = stacked_angle;
check->Alpha = alpha;
check->Additive = additive;
check->CurrentMirror = CurrentMirror;
check->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
check->MirrorFlags = MirrorFlags;
check->CurrentSkybox = CurrentSkybox;
@ -807,7 +811,7 @@ visplane_t *R_CheckPlane (visplane_t *pl, int start, int stop)
new_pl->sky = pl->sky;
new_pl->Alpha = pl->Alpha;
new_pl->Additive = pl->Additive;
new_pl->CurrentMirror = pl->CurrentMirror;
new_pl->CurrentPortalUniq = pl->CurrentPortalUniq;
new_pl->MirrorFlags = pl->MirrorFlags;
new_pl->CurrentSkybox = pl->CurrentSkybox;
pl = new_pl;
@ -1043,7 +1047,7 @@ int R_DrawPlanes ()
for (pl = visplanes[i]; pl; pl = pl->next)
// kg3D - draw only correct planes
if(pl->CurrentMirror != CurrentMirror || pl->CurrentSkybox != CurrentSkybox)
if(pl->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq || pl->CurrentSkybox != CurrentSkybox)
// kg3D - draw only real planes now
if(pl->sky >= 0) {
@ -1063,22 +1067,31 @@ void R_DrawHeightPlanes(fixed_t height)
ds_color = 3;
fixed_t oViewX = viewx, oViewY = viewy, oViewZ = viewz;
angle_t oViewAngle = viewangle;
for (i = 0; i < MAXVISPLANES; i++)
for (pl = visplanes[i]; pl; pl = pl->next)
// kg3D - draw only correct planes
if(pl->CurrentSkybox != CurrentSkybox)
if(pl->CurrentSkybox != CurrentSkybox || pl->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
if(pl->sky < 0 && pl->height.Zat0() == height) {
viewx = pl->viewx;
viewy = pl->viewy;
viewz = pl->viewz;
viewangle = pl->viewangle;
MirrorFlags = pl->MirrorFlags;
R_DrawSinglePlane (pl, pl->sky & 0x7FFFFFFF, pl->Additive, true);
viewx = oViewX;
viewy = oViewY;
viewz = oViewZ;
viewangle = oViewAngle;
@ -1180,6 +1193,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyBoxes ()
CurrentPortalInSkybox = true;
int savedextralight = extralight;
fixed_t savedx = viewx;
@ -1270,6 +1284,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyBoxes ()
// Create a drawseg to clip sprites to the sky plane
R_CheckDrawSegs ();
ds_p->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
ds_p->siz1 = INT_MAX;
ds_p->siz2 = INT_MAX;
ds_p->sz1 = 0;
@ -1281,6 +1296,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyBoxes ()
ds_p->sprtopclip = R_NewOpening (pl->right - pl->left);
ds_p->maskedtexturecol = ds_p->swall = -1;
ds_p->bFogBoundary = false;
ds_p->curline = NULL;
ds_p->fake = 0;
memcpy (openings + ds_p->sprbottomclip, floorclip + pl->left, (pl->right - pl->left)*sizeof(short));
memcpy (openings + ds_p->sprtopclip, ceilingclip + pl->left, (pl->right - pl->left)*sizeof(short));
@ -1354,6 +1370,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyBoxes ()
viewangle = savedangle;
R_SetViewAngle ();
CurrentPortalInSkybox = false;
if(fakeActive) return;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ struct visplane_s
// kg3D - keep track of mirror and skybox owner
int CurrentSkybox;
int CurrentMirror; // mirror counter, counts all of them
int CurrentPortalUniq; // mirror counter, counts all of them
int MirrorFlags; // this is not related to CurrentMirror
unsigned short *bottom; // [RH] bottom and top arrays are dynamically
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#include "r_3dfloors.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "portal.h"
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ extern fixed_t rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2;
int rw_ceilstat, rw_floorstat;
bool rw_mustmarkfloor, rw_mustmarkceiling;
bool rw_prepped;
bool rw_markmirror;
bool rw_markportal;
bool rw_havehigh;
bool rw_havelow;
@ -1989,7 +1990,7 @@ void R_NewWall (bool needlights)
fixed_t rowoffset, yrepeat;
rw_markmirror = false;
rw_markportal = false;
sidedef = curline->sidedef;
linedef = curline->linedef;
@ -1999,65 +2000,64 @@ void R_NewWall (bool needlights)
midtexture = toptexture = bottomtexture = 0;
if (backsector == NULL)
if (sidedef == linedef->sidedef[0] &&
linedef->portal &&
(!linedef->portal_mirror || r_drawmirrors)) // [ZZ] compatibility with r_drawmirrors cvar that existed way before portals
markfloor = markceiling = true; // act like an one-sided wall here (todo: check how does this work with transparency)
rw_markportal = true;
else if (backsector == NULL)
// single sided line
// a single sided line is terminal, so it must mark ends
markfloor = markceiling = true;
// [RH] Render mirrors later, but mark them now.
if (linedef->special != Line_Mirror || !r_drawmirrors)
// [RH] Horizon lines do not need to be textured
if (linedef->special != Line_Horizon)
// [RH] Horizon lines do not need to be textured
if (linedef->special != Line_Horizon)
midtexture = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true);
rw_offset_mid = sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid);
rowoffset = sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid);
rw_midtexturescalex = sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::mid);
rw_midtexturescaley = sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid);
yrepeat = FixedMul(midtexture->yScale, rw_midtexturescaley);
if (yrepeat >= 0)
{ // normal orientation
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
{ // bottom of texture at bottom
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - viewz, yrepeat) + (midtexture->GetHeight() << FRACBITS);
{ // top of texture at top
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - viewz, yrepeat);
if (rowoffset < 0 && midtexture != NULL)
rowoffset += midtexture->GetHeight() << FRACBITS;
midtexture = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true);
rw_offset_mid = sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid);
rowoffset = sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid);
rw_midtexturescalex = sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::mid);
rw_midtexturescaley = sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid);
yrepeat = FixedMul(midtexture->yScale, rw_midtexturescaley);
if (yrepeat >= 0)
{ // normal orientation
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
{ // bottom of texture at bottom
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - viewz, yrepeat) + (midtexture->GetHeight() << FRACBITS);
{ // upside down
rowoffset = -rowoffset;
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
{ // top of texture at bottom
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - viewz, yrepeat);
{ // top of texture at top
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - viewz, yrepeat);
if (rowoffset < 0 && midtexture != NULL)
rowoffset += midtexture->GetHeight() << FRACBITS;
{ // bottom of texture at top
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - viewz, yrepeat) + (midtexture->GetHeight() << FRACBITS);
if (midtexture->bWorldPanning)
rw_midtexturemid += MulScale16(rowoffset, yrepeat);
// rowoffset is added outside the multiply so that it positions the texture
// by texels instead of world units.
rw_midtexturemid += rowoffset;
rw_markmirror = true;
{ // upside down
rowoffset = -rowoffset;
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
{ // top of texture at bottom
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - viewz, yrepeat);
{ // bottom of texture at top
rw_midtexturemid = MulScale16(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - viewz, yrepeat) + (midtexture->GetHeight() << FRACBITS);
if (midtexture->bWorldPanning)
rw_midtexturemid += MulScale16(rowoffset, yrepeat);
// rowoffset is added outside the multiply so that it positions the texture
// by texels instead of world units.
rw_midtexturemid += rowoffset;
@ -2380,6 +2380,7 @@ void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop)
rw_offset = sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid);
rw_light = rw_lightleft + rw_lightstep * (start - WallC.sx1);
ds_p->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
ds_p->sx1 = WallC.sx1;
ds_p->sx2 = WallC.sx2;
ds_p->sz1 = WallC.sz1;
@ -2403,10 +2404,8 @@ void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop)
// killough 1/6/98, 2/1/98: remove limit on openings
ds_p->sprtopclip = ds_p->sprbottomclip = ds_p->maskedtexturecol = ds_p->bkup = ds_p->swall = -1;
if (rw_markmirror)
if (rw_markportal)
size_t drawsegnum = ds_p - drawsegs;
WallMirrors.Push (drawsegnum);
ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTH;
else if (backsector == NULL)
@ -2617,9 +2616,42 @@ void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop)
// [RH] Draw any decals bound to the seg
for (DBaseDecal *decal = curline->sidedef->AttachedDecals; decal != NULL; decal = decal->WallNext)
// [ZZ] Only if not an active mirror
if (!rw_markportal)
R_RenderDecal (curline->sidedef, decal, ds_p, 0);
for (DBaseDecal *decal = curline->sidedef->AttachedDecals; decal != NULL; decal = decal->WallNext)
R_RenderDecal (curline->sidedef, decal, ds_p, 0);
if (rw_markportal)
PortalDrawseg pds;
pds.src = curline->linedef;
pds.dst = curline->linedef->portal_dst;
pds.x1 = ds_p->x1;
pds.x2 = ds_p->x2;
pds.len = pds.x2 - pds.x1;
memcpy(&pds.ceilingclip[0], openings + ds_p->sprtopclip, pds.len*sizeof(*openings));
memcpy(&pds.floorclip[0], openings + ds_p->sprbottomclip, pds.len*sizeof(*openings));
for (int i = 0; i < pds.x2-pds.x1; i++)
if (pds.ceilingclip[i] < 0)
pds.ceilingclip[i] = 0;
if (pds.ceilingclip[i] >= RenderTarget->GetHeight())
pds.ceilingclip[i] = RenderTarget->GetHeight()-1;
if (pds.floorclip[i] < 0)
pds.floorclip[i] = 0;
if (pds.floorclip[i] >= RenderTarget->GetHeight())
pds.floorclip[i] = RenderTarget->GetHeight()-1;
pds.mirror = curline->linedef->portal_mirror;
@ -319,6 +319,49 @@ nextpost:
// [ZZ]
// R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals
static inline bool R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, vissprite_t* spr)
// [ZZ] 10.01.2016: don't clip sprites from the root of a skybox.
if (CurrentPortalInSkybox)
return false;
for (drawseg_t* seg = ds_p; seg-- > firstdrawseg; ) // copied code from killough below
// ignore segs from other portals
if (seg->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
// I don't know what makes this happen (some old top-down portal code or possibly skybox code? something adds null lines...)
// crashes at the first frame of the first map of Action2.wad
if (!seg->curline) continue;
line_t* line = seg->curline->linedef;
// divline? wtf, anyway, divlines aren't supposed to be drawn. But I definitely saw NULL linedefs in drawsegs.
if (!line) continue;
// check if this line will clip sprites to itself
if (!line->portal)
// don't clip sprites with portal's back side (it's transparent)
if (seg->curline->sidedef != line->sidedef[0])
// don't clip if the sprite is in front of the portal
if (!P_PointOnLineSide(x, y, line))
// now if current column is covered by this drawseg, we clip it away
if ((dc_x >= seg->x1) && (dc_x < seg->x2))
return true;
return false;
// R_DrawVisSprite
// mfloorclip and mceilingclip should also be set.
@ -332,6 +375,7 @@ void R_DrawVisSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
int x2, stop4;
fixed_t xiscale;
ESPSResult mode;
bool ispsprite = (!vis->sector && !vis->gx && !vis->gy && !vis->gz);
if (vis->xscale == 0 || vis->yscale == 0)
{ // scaled to 0; can't see
@ -393,7 +437,8 @@ void R_DrawVisSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
while ((dc_x < stop4) && (dc_x & 3))
pixels = tex->GetColumn (frac >> FRACBITS, &spans);
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans);
if (ispsprite || !R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis->gx, vis->gy, vis))
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans);
frac += xiscale;
@ -404,7 +449,8 @@ void R_DrawVisSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
for (int zz = 4; zz; --zz)
pixels = tex->GetColumn (frac >> FRACBITS, &spans);
R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz (pixels, spans);
if (ispsprite || !R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis->gx, vis->gy, vis))
R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz (pixels, spans);
frac += xiscale;
@ -414,7 +460,8 @@ void R_DrawVisSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
while (dc_x < x2)
pixels = tex->GetColumn (frac >> FRACBITS, &spans);
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans);
if (ispsprite || !R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis->gx, vis->gy, vis))
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans);
frac += xiscale;
@ -524,7 +571,8 @@ void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
{ // calculate lighting
dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (rw_light, shade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr->gx, spr->gy, spr))
@ -537,7 +585,8 @@ void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
for (int zz = 4; zz; --zz)
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr->gx, spr->gy, spr))
rt_draw4cols(dc_x - 4);
@ -549,7 +598,8 @@ void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
{ // calculate lighting
dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (rw_light, shade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr->gx, spr->gy, spr))
@ -687,6 +737,11 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor
// [ZZ] Or less definitely not visible (hue)
// [ZZ] 10.01.2016: don't try to clip stuff inside a skybox against the current portal.
if (!CurrentPortalInSkybox && CurrentPortal && !!P_PointOnLineSide(thing->X(), thing->Y(), CurrentPortal->dst))
// [RH] Interpolate the sprite's position to make it look smooth
fixedvec3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(r_TicFrac);
fx = pos.x;
@ -912,6 +967,7 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->xscale = xscale;
vis->yscale = Scale(InvZtoScale, yscale, tz << 4);
vis->idepth = (unsigned)DivScale32(1, tz) >> 1; // tz is 20.12, so idepth ought to be 12.20, but signed math makes it 13.19
@ -939,6 +995,7 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->xscale = xscale;
vis->yscale = yscale;
vis->x1 = WindowLeft;
@ -1101,6 +1158,7 @@ static void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, fixed_t fx, fixed_t fy, fixed_t f
gzb = fz + yscale * scaled_bo;
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->x1 = wallc.sx1 < WindowLeft ? WindowLeft : wallc.sx1;
vis->x2 = wallc.sx2 >= WindowRight ? WindowRight : wallc.sx2;
vis->yscale = yscale;
@ -1801,7 +1859,6 @@ void R_SortVisSprites (bool (*compare)(vissprite_t *, vissprite_t *), size_t fir
std::stable_sort(&spritesorter[0], &spritesorter[vsprcount], compare);
// R_DrawSprite
@ -2096,8 +2153,13 @@ void R_DrawSprite (vissprite_t *spr)
for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > firstdrawseg; ) // new -- killough
// [ZZ] portal handling here
//if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq != spr->CurrentPortalUniq)
// continue;
// [ZZ] WARNING: uncommenting the two above lines, totally breaks sprite clipping
// kg3D - no clipping on fake segs
if(ds->fake) continue;
if (ds->fake) continue;
// determine if the drawseg obscures the sprite
if (ds->x1 >= x2 || ds->x2 <= x1 ||
(!(ds->silhouette & SIL_BOTH) && ds->maskedtexturecol == -1 &&
@ -2128,7 +2190,8 @@ void R_DrawSprite (vissprite_t *spr)
ds->curline->v1->x - spr->gx, ds->curline->v2->y - ds->curline->v1->y) <= 0))
// seg is behind sprite, so draw the mid texture if it has one
if (ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary)
if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq == CurrentPortalUniq && // [ZZ] instead, portal uniq check is made here
(ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary))
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, r1, r2);
@ -2232,6 +2295,8 @@ void R_DrawMaskedSingle (bool renew)
for (i = vsprcount; i > 0; i--)
if (spritesorter[i-1]->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
continue; // probably another time
R_DrawSprite (spritesorter[i-1]);
@ -2249,6 +2314,9 @@ void R_DrawMaskedSingle (bool renew)
for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > firstdrawseg; ) // new -- killough
// [ZZ] the same as above
if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
// kg3D - no fake segs
if (ds->fake) continue;
if (ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary)
@ -2328,6 +2396,10 @@ void R_ProjectParticle (particle_t *particle, const sector_t *sector, int shade,
sector_t* heightsec = NULL;
BYTE* map;
// [ZZ] Particle not visible through the portal plane
if (CurrentPortal && !!P_PointOnLineSide(particle->x, particle->y, CurrentPortal->dst))
// transform the origin point
tr_x = particle->x - viewx;
tr_y = particle->y - viewy;
@ -2431,6 +2503,7 @@ void R_ProjectParticle (particle_t *particle, const sector_t *sector, int shade,
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite ();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->heightsec = heightsec;
vis->xscale = xscale;
// vis->yscale = FixedMul (xscale, InvZtoScale);
@ -2491,7 +2564,9 @@ static void R_DrawMaskedSegsBehindParticle (const vissprite_t *vis)
if (Scale (ds->siz2 - ds->siz1, (x2 + x1)/2 - ds->sx1, ds->sx2 - ds->sx1) + ds->siz1 < vis->idepth)
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, MAX<int>(ds->x1, x1), MIN<int>(ds->x2, x2));
// [ZZ] only draw stuff that's inside the same portal as the particle, other portals will care for themselves
if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq == vis->CurrentPortalUniq)
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, MAX<int>(ds->x1, x1), MIN<int>(ds->x2, x2));
@ -2522,6 +2597,8 @@ void R_DrawParticle (vissprite_t *vis)
fg = fg2rgb[color];
spacing = RenderTarget->GetPitch() - countbase;
dest = ylookup[yl] + x1 + dc_destorg;
@ -2535,7 +2612,28 @@ void R_DrawParticle (vissprite_t *vis)
*dest++ = RGB32k.All[bg & (bg>>15)];
} while (--count);
dest += spacing;
} while (--ycount);
} while (--ycount);*/
// original was row-wise
// width = countbase
// height = ycount
spacing = RenderTarget->GetPitch();
for (int x = x1; x < (x1+countbase); x++)
dc_x = x;
if (R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis->gx, vis->gy, vis))
dest = ylookup[yl] + x + dc_destorg;
for (int y = 0; y < ycount; y++)
DWORD bg = bg2rgb[*dest];
bg = (fg+bg) | 0x1f07c1f;
*dest = RGB32k.All[bg & (bg>>15)];
dest += spacing;
extern fixed_t baseyaspectmul;
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ struct vissprite_t
short renderflags;
DWORD Translation; // [RH] for color translation
visstyle_t Style;
int CurrentPortalUniq; // [ZZ] to identify the portal that this thing is in. used for clipping.
struct particle_t;
@ -6944,6 +6944,18 @@
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