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synced 2025-03-11 03:41:22 +00:00
Sky rendering fixes
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 185 additions and 105 deletions
@ -73,9 +73,17 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::Render()
// Cull front to back
if (numnodes == 0)
PvsSectors.push_back(subsectors); // RenderSubsector(subsectors);
MaxCeilingHeight = subsectors->sector->ceilingplane.Zat0();
MinFloorHeight = subsectors->sector->floorplane.Zat0();
MaxCeilingHeight = 0.0;
MinFloorHeight = 0.0;
RenderNode(nodes + numnodes - 1); // The head node is the last node output.
// Render front to back
if (r_debug_cull)
@ -102,29 +110,6 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::RenderScreenSprites()
TriVertex RenderPolyBsp::PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, const secplane_t &plane)
TriVertex v;
v.x = (float)v1->fPos().X;
v.y = (float)v1->fPos().Y;
v.z = (float)plane.ZatPoint(v1);
v.w = 1.0f;
v.varying[0] = v.x / 64.0f;
v.varying[1] = v.y / 64.0f;
double vis = r_FloorVisibility / (plane.Zat0() - ViewPos.Z);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
R_SetDSColorMapLight(sector->ColorMap, 0, FIXEDLIGHT2SHADE(fixedlightlev));
else if (fixedcolormap)
R_SetDSColorMapLight(fixedcolormap, 0, 0);
R_SetDSColorMapLight(sector->ColorMap, (float)(vis * fabs(CenterY - y)), LIGHT2SHADE(sector->lightlevel));
return v;
void RenderPolyBsp::RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub)
sector_t *frontsector = sub->sector;
@ -139,72 +124,10 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub)
AddLine(line, frontsector, subsectorDepth);
FTextureID floorpicnum = frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor);
FTexture *floortex = TexMan(floorpicnum);
if (floortex->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null)
if (sub->sector->CenterFloor() != sub->sector->CenterCeiling())
bool isSky = floorpicnum == skyflatnum;
TriVertex *vertices = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(sub->numlines);
if (!vertices)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane);
TriUniforms uniforms;
uniforms.objectToClip = worldToClip;
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(frontsector->lightlevel / 255.0f * 256.0f);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(fixedlightlev / 255.0f * 256.0f);
else if (fixedcolormap)
uniforms.light = 256;
uniforms.flags = 0;
uniforms.subsectorDepth = isSky ? SkySubsectorDepth : subsectorDepth;
if (!isSky)
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, floortex, 0);
PolyTriangleDrawer::stencil(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 1);
PolyTriangleDrawer::fill(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 0);
FTextureID ceilpicnum = frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
FTexture *ceiltex = TexMan(ceilpicnum);
if (ceiltex->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null)
bool isSky = ceilpicnum == skyflatnum;
TriVertex *vertices = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(sub->numlines);
if (!vertices)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[sub->numlines - 1 - i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->ceilingplane);
TriUniforms uniforms;
uniforms.objectToClip = worldToClip;
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(frontsector->lightlevel / 255.0f * 256.0f);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(fixedlightlev / 255.0f * 256.0f);
else if (fixedcolormap)
uniforms.light = 256;
uniforms.flags = 0;
uniforms.subsectorDepth = isSky ? SkySubsectorDepth : subsectorDepth;
if (!isSky)
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, ceiltex, 0);
PolyTriangleDrawer::stencil(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 1);
PolyTriangleDrawer::fill(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 0);
RenderPlane(sub, subsectorDepth, true);
RenderPlane(sub, subsectorDepth, false);
SpriteRange sprites = GetSpritesForSector(sub->sector);
@ -218,6 +141,166 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub)
void RenderPolyBsp::RenderPlane(subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling)
sector_t *frontsector = sub->sector;
FTextureID picnum = frontsector->GetTexture(ceiling ? sector_t::ceiling : sector_t::floor);
FTexture *tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
bool isSky = picnum == skyflatnum;
double skyHeight = ceiling ? MaxCeilingHeight : MinFloorHeight;
TriUniforms uniforms;
uniforms.objectToClip = worldToClip;
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(frontsector->lightlevel / 255.0f * 256.0f);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(fixedlightlev / 255.0f * 256.0f);
else if (fixedcolormap)
uniforms.light = 256;
uniforms.flags = 0;
uniforms.subsectorDepth = isSky ? SkySubsectorDepth : subsectorDepth;
double vis = r_FloorVisibility / (plane.Zat0() - ViewPos.Z);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
R_SetDSColorMapLight(sector->ColorMap, 0, FIXEDLIGHT2SHADE(fixedlightlev));
else if (fixedcolormap)
R_SetDSColorMapLight(fixedcolormap, 0, 0);
R_SetDSColorMapLight(sector->ColorMap, (float)(vis * fabs(CenterY - y)), LIGHT2SHADE(sector->lightlevel));
TriVertex *vertices = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(sub->numlines);
if (!vertices)
if (ceiling)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[sub->numlines - 1 - i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, isSky ? skyHeight : frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
vertices[i] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, isSky ? skyHeight : frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
if (!isSky)
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, tex, 0);
PolyTriangleDrawer::stencil(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 1);
PolyTriangleDrawer::stencil(uniforms, vertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 255);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sub->numlines; i++)
TriVertex *wallvert = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(4);
if (!wallvert)
seg_t *line = &sub->firstline[i];
bool closedSky = false;
if (line->backsector)
sector_t *backsector = (line->backsector != line->frontsector) ? line->backsector : line->frontsector;
double frontceilz1 = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1);
double frontfloorz1 = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1);
double frontceilz2 = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v2);
double frontfloorz2 = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v2);
double backceilz1 = backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1);
double backfloorz1 = backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1);
double backceilz2 = backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v2);
double backfloorz2 = backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v2);
double topceilz1 = frontceilz1;
double topceilz2 = frontceilz2;
double topfloorz1 = MIN(backceilz1, frontceilz1);
double topfloorz2 = MIN(backceilz2, frontceilz2);
double bottomceilz1 = MAX(frontfloorz1, backfloorz1);
double bottomceilz2 = MAX(frontfloorz2, backfloorz2);
double bottomfloorz1 = frontfloorz1;
double bottomfloorz2 = frontfloorz2;
double middleceilz1 = topfloorz1;
double middleceilz2 = topfloorz2;
double middlefloorz1 = MIN(bottomceilz1, middleceilz1);
double middlefloorz2 = MIN(bottomceilz2, middleceilz2);
bool bothSkyCeiling = frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum;
bool bothSkyFloor = frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum;
bool closedSector = backceilz1 == backfloorz1 && backceilz2 == backfloorz2;
closedSky = (ceiling && bothSkyCeiling && closedSector) || (!ceiling && bothSkyFloor && closedSector);
if (!closedSky)
bool topwall = (topceilz1 > topfloorz1 || topceilz2 > topfloorz2) && line->sidedef && !bothSkyCeiling;
bool bottomwall = (bottomfloorz1 < bottomceilz1 || bottomfloorz2 < bottomceilz2) && line->sidedef && !bothSkyFloor;
if ((ceiling && !topwall) || (!ceiling && !bottomwall))
if (ceiling)
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, skyHeight);
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, skyHeight);
if (!closedSky)
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v2));
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v2));
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
if (!closedSky)
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(line->v2));
wallvert[0] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v1));
wallvert[1] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(line->v2));
wallvert[2] = PlaneVertex(line->v2, frontsector, skyHeight);
wallvert[3] = PlaneVertex(line->v1, frontsector, skyHeight);
PolyTriangleDrawer::stencil(uniforms, wallvert, 4, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 255);
TriVertex RenderPolyBsp::PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, double height)
TriVertex v;
v.x = (float)v1->fPos().X;
v.y = (float)v1->fPos().Y;
v.z = (float)height;
v.w = 1.0f;
v.varying[0] = v.x / 64.0f;
v.varying[1] = 1.0f - v.y / 64.0f;
return v;
SpriteRange RenderPolyBsp::GetSpritesForSector(sector_t *sector)
if (SectorSpriteRanges.size() < sector->sectornum || sector->sectornum < 0)
@ -294,25 +377,23 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector, uint32_t subsect
bool bothSkyCeiling = frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum;
bool bothSkyFloor = frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum;
if ((topceilz1 > topfloorz1 || topceilz2 > topfloorz2) && line->sidedef)
if ((topceilz1 > topfloorz1 || topceilz2 > topfloorz2) && line->sidedef && !bothSkyCeiling)
wall.SetCoords(line->v1->fPos(), line->v2->fPos(), topceilz1, topfloorz1, topceilz2, topfloorz2);
wall.TopZ = topceilz1;
wall.BottomZ = topfloorz1;
wall.UnpeggedCeil = topceilz1;
wall.Texpart = side_t::top;
wall.IsSky = bothSkyCeiling;
if ((bottomfloorz1 < bottomceilz1 || bottomfloorz2 < bottomceilz2) && line->sidedef)
if ((bottomfloorz1 < bottomceilz1 || bottomfloorz2 < bottomceilz2) && line->sidedef && !bothSkyFloor)
wall.SetCoords(line->v1->fPos(), line->v2->fPos(), bottomceilz1, bottomfloorz2, bottomceilz2, bottomfloorz2);
wall.TopZ = bottomceilz1;
wall.BottomZ = bottomfloorz2;
wall.UnpeggedCeil = topceilz1;
wall.Texpart = side_t::bottom;
wall.IsSky = bothSkyFloor;
@ -619,6 +700,8 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::RenderNode(void *node)
// Mark that we need to render this
subsector_t *sub = (subsector_t *)((BYTE *)node - 1);
MaxCeilingHeight = MAX(MaxCeilingHeight, sub->sector->ceilingplane.Zat0());
MinFloorHeight = MIN(MinFloorHeight, sub->sector->floorplane.Zat0());
// Update culling info for further bsp clipping
@ -1092,15 +1175,10 @@ void RenderPolyWall::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip)
uniforms.objectToClip = worldToClip;
uniforms.light = (uint32_t)(GetLightLevel() / 255.0f * 256.0f);
uniforms.flags = 0;
uniforms.subsectorDepth = IsSky ? RenderPolyBsp::SkySubsectorDepth : SubsectorDepth;
uniforms.subsectorDepth = SubsectorDepth;
if (!IsSky)
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(uniforms, vertices, 4, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, tex, 0);
PolyTriangleDrawer::stencil(uniforms, vertices, 4, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 1);
PolyTriangleDrawer::fill(uniforms, vertices, 4, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, 0, 0);
FTexture *RenderPolyWall::GetTexture()
@ -1428,7 +1506,7 @@ void PolySkyDome::CreateDome()
void PolySkyDome::RenderRow(const TriUniforms &uniforms, FTexture *skytex, int row)
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(uniforms, &mVertices[mPrimStart[row]], mPrimStart[row + 1] - mPrimStart[row], TriangleDrawMode::Strip, false, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, skytex, 0);
PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(uniforms, &mVertices[mPrimStart[row]], mPrimStart[row + 1] - mPrimStart[row], TriangleDrawMode::Strip, false, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, skytex, 255);
void PolySkyDome::RenderCapColorRow(const TriUniforms &uniforms, FTexture *skytex, int row, bool bottomCap)
@ -1436,7 +1514,7 @@ void PolySkyDome::RenderCapColorRow(const TriUniforms &uniforms, FTexture *skyte
uint32_t solid = skytex->GetSkyCapColor(bottomCap);
if (!r_swtruecolor)
solid = RGB32k.RGB[(RPART(solid) >> 3)][(GPART(solid) >> 3)][(BPART(solid) >> 3)];
PolyTriangleDrawer::fill(uniforms, &mVertices[mPrimStart[row]], mPrimStart[row + 1] - mPrimStart[row], TriangleDrawMode::Fan, bottomCap, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, solid, 0);
PolyTriangleDrawer::fill(uniforms, &mVertices[mPrimStart[row]], mPrimStart[row + 1] - mPrimStart[row], TriangleDrawMode::Fan, bottomCap, 0, viewwidth, 0, viewheight, solid, 255);
void PolySkyDome::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip)
@ -102,8 +102,9 @@ public:
void RenderNode(void *node);
void RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub);
void RenderPlane(subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, bool ceiling);
void AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector, uint32_t subsectorDepth);
TriVertex PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, const secplane_t &plane);
TriVertex PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, double height);
void AddSprite(AActor *thing, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth);
void AddWallSprite(AActor *thing, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth);
@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ private:
std::vector<subsector_t *> PvsSectors;
uint32_t NextSubsectorDepth = 0;
double MaxCeilingHeight = 0.0;
double MinFloorHeight = 0.0;
TriMatrix worldToClip;
@ -179,7 +182,6 @@ public:
double UnpeggedCeil = 0.0;
FSWColormap *Colormap = nullptr;
bool Masked = false;
bool IsSky = false;
uint32_t SubsectorDepth = 0;
Reference in a new issue