mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 17:42:40 +00:00
- Make the ZCC parser compilable again. Does every rule in the grammar that needs to appear in
the AST do so now? That would sure be nice. SVN r2715 (scripting)
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 59 additions and 52 deletions
@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ opt_expr(X) ::= expr(A).
%type class_definition{ZCC_Class *}
%type class_head{ZCC_Class *}
%type class_innards{ZCC_Class *}
%type class_innards{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type class_member{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type class_body{ZCC_TreeNode *}
class_definition(X) ::= class_head(A) class_body(B).
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ class_ancestry(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
class_ancestry(X) ::= COLON dottable_id(A). { X = A; }
%type class_flags{ClassFlagsBlock}
%include {
struct ClassFlagsBlock {
ZCC_Identifier *Replaces;
@ -165,30 +166,29 @@ dottable_id(X) ::= dottable_id(A) DOT IDENTIFIER(B).
// * constants
// * defaults
class_body ::= SEMICOLON class_innards EOF.
class_body ::= LBRACE class_innards RBRACE.
class_body(X) ::= SEMICOLON class_innards(A) EOF. { X = A; }
class_body(X) ::= LBRACE class_innards(A) RBRACE. { X = A; }
class_innards ::= .
class_innards ::= class_innards class_member.
class_innards(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
class_innards(X) ::= class_innards(A) class_member(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; }
%type struct_def{ZCC_Struct *}
%type enum_def {ZCC_Enum *}
%type states_def {ZCC_States *}
%type const_def {ZCC_ConstantDef *}
class_member ::= declarator.
class_member ::= enum_def.
class_member ::= struct_def.
class_member ::= states_def.
class_member ::= default_def.
class_member ::= const_def.
class_member(X) ::= declarator(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= struct_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= states_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= default_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= const_def(A). { X = A; }
/*----- Struct Definition -----*/
/* Structs can define variables and enums. */
%type struct_body{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type struct_member{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type declarator_no_fun {ZCC_TreeNode *}
struct_def(X) ::= STRUCT IDENTIFIER(A) LBRACE struct_body(B) RBRACE opt_semicolon.
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ enum_def(X) ::= ENUM IDENTIFIER(A) enum_type(B) LBRACE enum_list(C) opt_comma RB
X = def;
enum_type(X) ::= . { X = ZCCINT_Auto; }
enum_type(X) ::= . { X = ZCC_IntAuto; }
enum_type(X) ::= COLON int_type(A). { X = A; }
enum_list(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; }
@ -255,10 +255,8 @@ enumerator(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) EQ expr(B). /* Expression must be constant. */
%type state_action {ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type state_call {ZCC_ExprFuncCall *}
struct StateOpts
%include {
struct StateOpts {
ZCC_Expression *Offset;
bool Bright;
@ -363,7 +361,8 @@ state_call(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) func_expr_list(B).
/* Definition of a default class instance. */
default_def ::= DEFAULT compound_statement.
%type default_def {ZCC_CompoundStmt *}
default_def(X) ::= DEFAULT compound_statement(A). { X = A; }
/* Type names */
%type int_type {EZCCBuiltinType}
@ -396,10 +395,10 @@ type_name(X) ::= type_name1(A).
type_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). /* User-defined type (struct, enum, or class) */
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type);
NEW_AST_NODE(ZCC_Identifier, id);
NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier, id);
type->Type = ZCC_UserType;
type->UserType = id;
id->Id = A;
id->Id = A.Name();
X = type;
type_name(X) ::= LBRACKET dottable_id(A) RBRACKET.
@ -419,7 +418,7 @@ vector_size(X) ::= LT INTCONST(A) GT.
if (A.Int >= 2 && A.Int <= 4)
X = ZCC_Vector2 + A.Int - 2;
X = EZCCBuiltinType(ZCC_Vector2 + A.Int - 2);
@ -444,7 +443,7 @@ vector_size(X) ::= LT INTCONST(A) GT.
aggregate_type(X) ::= MAP LT type_or_array(A) COMMA type_or_array(B) GT. /* Hash table */
map->KeyType = A;
map->ValueType = B;
X = map;
@ -452,14 +451,14 @@ aggregate_type(X) ::= MAP LT type_or_array(A) COMMA type_or_array(B) GT. /* Hash
aggregate_type(X) ::= ARRAY LT type_or_array(A) GT. /* TArray<type> */
map->ElementType = A;
X = map;
arr->ElementType = A;
X = arr;
aggregate_type(X) ::= CLASS class_restrictor(A). /* class<type> */
cls->Restriction = A;
X = cls;
@ -512,6 +511,7 @@ array_size(X) ::= array_size(A) LBRACKET opt_expr(B) RBRACKET.
ZCC_VarName *VarNames;
ZCC_FuncParamDecl *FuncParams;
ZCC_CompoundStmt *FuncBody;
ENamedName FuncName;
int FuncFlags;
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ declarator(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type_list_or_void(B) variables_or_function(C).
decl->Flags = A | C.FuncFlags;
X = decl;
else if (B != NULL && B->Sibling == NULL)
else if (B != NULL && B->SiblingNext == B)
{ // A variable
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl);
decl->Type = B;
@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ declarator(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type_list_or_void(B) variables_or_function(C).
{ // An invalid
if (B == NULL)
sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may not be of type void.\n");
stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may not be of type void.\n");
sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may be of only one type.\n");
stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may be of only one type.\n");
@ -587,14 +587,14 @@ variables_or_function(X) ::= variable_list(A) SEMICOLON.
var.FuncBody = NULL;
X = var;
variables_or_function ::= error SEMICOLON.
variables_or_function(X) ::= error SEMICOLON.
VarOrFun bad;
bad.VarNames = NULL;
bad.FuncParams = NULL;
bad.FuncFlags = 0;
bad.FuncName = NAME_None;
bad.Func_Body = NULL;
bad.FuncBody = NULL;
X = bad;
@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ variables_or_function ::= error SEMICOLON.
%type variable_name{ZCC_VarName *}
%type variable_list{ZCC_VarName *}
%type decl_flags{int}
%type func_const{int}
variable_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A).
@ -633,8 +634,8 @@ decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) ACTION. { X = A | ZCC_Action; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) READONLY. { X = A | ZCC_ReadOnly; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) DEPRECATED. { X = A | ZCC_Deprecated; }
func_const ::= .
func_const ::= CONST.
func_const(X) ::= . { X = 0; }
func_const(X) ::= CONST. { X = ZCC_FuncConst; }
opt_func_body(X) ::= SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; }
opt_func_body(X) ::= function_body(A). { X = A; }
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ enum
ZCC_Action = 1 << 7,
ZCC_Deprecated = 1 << 8,
ZCC_ReadOnly = 1 << 9,
ZCC_FuncConst = 1 << 10,
// Function parameter modifiers
@ -91,6 +92,9 @@ enum EZCCTreeNodeType
enum EZCCBuiltinType
@ -232,7 +236,7 @@ struct ZCC_Struct : ZCC_TreeNode
struct ZCC_Enum : ZCC_TreeNode
ENamedName EnumName;
EZCCIntType EnumType;
EZCCBuiltinType EnumType;
struct ZCC_EnumNode *Elements;
@ -324,23 +328,6 @@ struct ZCC_ClassType : ZCC_Type
ZCC_Identifier *Restriction;
// A variable in a class or struct.
struct ZCC_VarDeclarator : ZCC_TreeNode
ZCC_Type *Type;
ZCC_VarName *Names;
int Flags;
// A function in a class.
struct ZCC_FuncDeclarator : ZCC_TreeNode
ZCC_Type *Type;
ZCC_FuncParamDecl *Params;
ENamedName Name;
int Flags;
struct ZCC_ExprID : ZCC_Expression
ENamedName Identifier;
@ -481,3 +468,22 @@ struct ZCC_ConstantDef : ZCC_TreeNode
ENamedName Name;
ZCC_Expression *Value;
struct ZCC_Declarator : ZCC_TreeNode
ZCC_Type *Type;
int Flags;
// A variable in a class or struct.
struct ZCC_VarDeclarator : ZCC_Declarator
ZCC_VarName *Names;
// A function in a class.
struct ZCC_FuncDeclarator : ZCC_Declarator
ZCC_FuncParamDecl *Params;
ENamedName Name;
Reference in a new issue