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synced 2025-03-11 03:41:22 +00:00
- MBF21: added the weapon functions.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 244 additions and 8 deletions
@ -142,14 +142,20 @@ static TArray<StyleName> StyleNames;
static TArray<PClassActor *> AmmoNames;
static TArray<PClassActor *> WeaponNames;
struct MBFArgs
int64_t args[8];
int argsused;
static TMap<FState*, MBFArgs> stateargs;
// DeHackEd trickery to support MBF-style parameters
// List of states that are hacked to use a codepointer
struct MBFParamState
FState *state;
int pointer;
int64_t args[8];
int argsused;
MBFArgs args;
static TArray<MBFParamState> MBFParamStates;
// Data on how to correctly modify the codepointers
@ -1508,8 +1514,7 @@ DehBits sbits[] = {
static int PatchFrame (int frameNum)
int args[8]{};
int argsused = 0;
MBFArgs args{};
int result;
int tics, misc1, frame;
FState *info, dummy;
@ -1542,7 +1547,8 @@ static int PatchFrame (int frameNum)
while ((result = GetLine ()) == 1)
int val = atoi (Line2);
int64_t val64 = atoll(Line2);
int val = int(val64);
size_t keylen = strlen (Line1);
if (keylen == 8 && stricmp (Line1, "Duration") == 0)
@ -1600,8 +1606,8 @@ static int PatchFrame (int frameNum)
args[arg] = val;
argsused |= (1 << arg);
args.args[arg] = val64;
args.argsused |= (1 << arg);
else if (stricmp(Line1, "MBF21 Bits") == 0)
@ -1671,6 +1677,7 @@ static int PatchFrame (int frameNum)
info->Frame = frame & 0x3f;
if (frame & 0x8000) info->StateFlags |= STF_FULLBRIGHT;
else info->StateFlags &= ~STF_FULLBRIGHT;
stateargs.Insert(info, args);
return result;
@ -2905,6 +2912,7 @@ static void UnloadDehSupp ()
SetDehParams(MBFParamStates[i].state, MBFParamStates[i].pointer, disasmdump, &MBFParamStates[i]);
@ -1208,4 +1208,13 @@ Aliases
A_JumpIfTracerCloser, MBF21_JumpIfTracerCloser,
A_JumpIfTracerInSight, MBF21_JumpIfTracerInSight,
A_JumpIfTracerCloser, MBF21_JumpIfTracerCloser,
A_WeaponProjectile, MBF21_WeaponProjectile,
A_WeaponBulletAttack, MBF21_WeaponBulletAttack,
A_WeaponMeleeAttack, MBF21_WeaponMeleeAttack,
A_WeaponSound, A_PlayWeaponSound,
A_WeaponJump, MBF21_WeaponJump,
A_ConsumeAmmo, MBF21_ConsumeAmmo,
A_CheckAmmo, MBF21_CheckAmmo,
A_RefireTo, MBF21_RefireTo,
A_GunFlashTo, MBF21_GunFlashTo,
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ version "4.5"
#include "zscript/actors/actions.zs"
#include "zscript/actors/attacks.zs"
#include "zscript/actors/morph.zs"
#include "zscript/actors/mbf21.zs"
#include "zscript/actors/inventory/inventory.zs"
#include "zscript/actors/inventory/inv_misc.zs"
@ -292,3 +291,4 @@ version "4.5"
#include "zscript/compatibility.zs"
#include "zscript/scriptutil/scriptutil.zs"
#include "zscript/actors/mbf21.zs"
@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ extend class Actor
targ.TraceBleed(newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self);
// A_NoiseAlert
// Alerts nearby monsters (via sound) to the calling actor's target's presence.
void A_NoiseAlert()
if (target) SoundAlert(target);
// A_HealChase
// A parameterized version of A_VileChase.
@ -286,3 +295,213 @@ extend class Actor
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only") native void MBF21_AddFlags(int flags, int flags2);
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only") native void MBF21_RemoveFlags(int flags, int flags2);
extend class Weapon
// A_WeaponProjectile
// A parameterized player weapon projectile attack. Does not consume ammo.
// args[0]: Type of actor to spawn
// args[1]: Angle (degrees, in fixed point), relative to calling player's angle
// args[2]: Pitch (degrees, in fixed point), relative to calling player's pitch; approximated
// args[3]: X/Y spawn offset, relative to calling player's angle
// args[4]: Z spawn offset, relative to player's default projectile fire height
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
void MBF21_WeaponProjectile(class<Actor> type, double angle, double pitch, double Spawnofs_xy, double Spawnofs_z)
if (!player || !type)
FTranslatedLineTarget t;
angle += self.angle;
double x = Spawnofs_xy * cos(angle);
double y = Spawnofs_xy * sin(angle);
let pos = self.Vec3Offset(x, y, Spawnofs_z);
let mo = SpawnPlayerMissile(type, angle, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, pLineTarget: t);
if (!mo) return;
Pitch += mo.PitchFromVel();
mo.Vel3DFromAngle(mo.Speed, mo.angle, Pitch);
// set tracer to the player's autoaim target,
// so player seeker missiles prioritizing the
// baddie the player is actually aiming at. ;)
mo.tracer = t.linetarget;
// A_WeaponBulletAttack
// A parameterized player weapon bullet attack. Does not consume ammo.
// args[0]: Horizontal spread (degrees, in fixed point)
// args[1]: Vertical spread (degrees, in fixed point)
// args[2]: Number of bullets to fire; if not set, defaults to 1
// args[3]: Base damage of attack (e.g. for 5d3, customize the 5); if not set, defaults to 5
// args[4]: Attack damage modulus (e.g. for 5d3, customize the 3); if not set, defaults to 3
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
void MBF21_WeaponBulletAttack(double hspread, double vspread, int numbullets, int damagebase, int damagemod)
let bangle = angle;
let slope = BulletSlope();
for (int i = 0; i < numbullets; i++)
int damage = (random[mbf21]() % damagemod + 1) * damagebase;
let pangle = bangle + hspread * Random2[mbf21]() / 255.;
let pslope = slope + vspread * Random2[mbf21]() / 255.;
LineAttack(pangle, PLAYERMISSILERANGE, pslope, damage, "Hitscan", "Bulletpuff");
// A_WeaponMeleeAttack
// A parameterized player weapon melee attack.
// args[0]: Base damage of attack (e.g. for 2d10, customize the 2); if not set, defaults to 2
// args[1]: Attack damage modulus (e.g. for 2d10, customize the 10); if not set, defaults to 10
// args[2]: Berserk damage multiplier (fixed point); if not set, defaults to 1.0 (no change).
// args[3]: Sound to play if attack hits
// args[4]: Range (fixed point); if not set, defaults to player mobj's melee range
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
void MBF21_WeaponMeleeAttack(int damagebase, int damagemod, double zerkfactor, Sound hitsound, double range)
if (range == 0)
range = meleerange;
int damage = (Random[mbf21]() % damagemod + 1) * damagebase;
if (FindInventory("PowerStrength"))
damage = int(damage * zerkfactor);
// slight randomization; weird vanillaism here. :P
FTranslatedLineTarget t;
double ang = angle + Random2[mbf21]() * (5.625 / 256);
double pitch = AimLineAttack(ang, MeleeRange, t, 0., ALF_CHECK3D);
LineAttack(ang, range, pitch, damage, 'Melee', "BulletPuff", LAF_ISMELEEATTACK, t);
// turn to face target
if (t.linetarget)
A_StartSound(hitsound, CHAN_WEAPON);
angle = t.angleFromSource;
// A_WeaponAlert
// Alerts monsters to the player's presence. Handy when combined with WPF_SILENT.
void A_WeaponAlert()
// A_WeaponJump
// Jumps to the specified state, with variable random chance.
// Basically the same as A_RandomJump, but for weapons.
// args[0]: State number
// args[1]: Chance, out of 255, to make the jump
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
action void MBF21_WeaponJump(State tstate, int chance)
if (stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite)
let player = self.player;
if (player == null) return;
if (random[mbf21]() < chance)
player.SetPSprite(stateinfo.mPSPIndex, tstate);
// A_ConsumeAmmo
// Subtracts ammo from the player's "inventory". 'Nuff said.
// args[0]: Amount of ammo to consume. If zero, use the weapon's ammo-per-shot amount.
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
void MBF21_ConsumeAmmo(int consume)
let player = self.player;
if (!player) return;
let weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (!weap) return;
if (consume == 0) consume = -1;
weap.DepleteAmmo(weap.bAltFire, false, consume);
// A_CheckAmmo
// Jumps to a state if the player's ammo is lower than the specified amount.
// args[0]: State to jump to
// args[1]: Minimum required ammo to NOT jump. If zero, use the weapon's ammo-per-shot amount.
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
action void MBF21_CheckAmmo(State tstate, int amount)
if (stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite)
let player = self.player;
if (player == null) return;
let weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (!weap) return;
if (amount == 0) amount = -1;
if (!weap.CheckAmmo(weap.bAltFire ? AltFire : PrimaryFire, false, false, amount))
player.SetPSprite(stateinfo.mPSPIndex, tstate);
// A_RefireTo
// Jumps to a state if the player is holding down the fire button
// args[0]: State to jump to
// args[1]: If nonzero, skip the ammo check
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
action void MBF21_RefireTo(State tstate, int skipcheck)
if (stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite)
let player = self.player;
if (player == null) return;
let weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (!weap) return;
let pending = player.PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE && (player.WeaponState & WF_REFIRESWITCHOK);
if (!skipcheck && !weap.CheckAmmo(weap.bAltFire ? AltFire : PrimaryFire, false, false)) return;
if ((player.cmd.buttons & BT_ATTACK)
&& !player.ReadyWeapon.bAltFire && !pending && player.health > 0)
player.SetPSprite(stateinfo.mPSPIndex, tstate);
// A_GunFlashTo
// Sets the weapon flash layer to the specified state.
// args[0]: State number
// args[1]: If nonzero, don't change the player actor state
deprecated("2.3", "for Dehacked use only")
void MBF21_GunFlashTo(State tstate, int dontchangeplayer)
let player = self.player;
if (player == null) return;
Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (!weapon) return;
if (!dontchangeplayer) player.mo.PlayAttacking2();
player.SetPsprite(PSP_FLASH, tstate);
Reference in a new issue